.TH LONGMYND 1 .SH NAME longmynd \- Outputs transport streams from the Minitiouner DVB-S/S2 demodulator .SH SYNOPSIS .B longmynd \fR[\fB\-u\fR \fIUSB_BUS USB_DEVICE\fR] [\fB\-i\fR \fIMAIN_IP_ADDR\fR \fIMAIN_PORT\fR | \fB\-t\fR \fIMAIN_TS_FIFO\fR] [\fB\-I\fR \fISTATUS_IP_ADDR\fR \fISTATUS_PORT\fR | \fB\-s\fR \fIMAIN_STATUS_FIFO\fR] [\fB\-w\fR] [\fB\-b\fR] [\fB\-p\fR \fIh\fR | \fB\-p\fR \fIv\fR] \fIMAIN_FREQ\fR \fIMAIN_SR\fR .IR .SH DESCRIPTION .B longmynd Interfaces to the Minitiouner hardware to search for and demodulate a DVB-S or DVB-S2 stream. This stream can be output either to a local FIFO (using the default or -t option) or to an IP address/port via UDP. The Main TS stream is the one coming out of the Primary FTDI Board. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-u " " \fIUSB_BUS\fR " " \fIUSB_DEVICE\fR Sets the USB Bus and USB Device Number of the required Minitiouner in a multi device system. Default uses the first detected Minitiouner. .TP .BR \-i " " \fIIP_ADDR\fR " " \fIPORT\fR If UDP output is required (instead of the default FIFO output), this option sets the IP Address and Port to send the Main TS Stream to. Default is to use a FIFO for Main TS Stream. .TP .BR \-I " " \fIIP_ADDR\fR " " \fIPORT\fR If UDP output is required (instead of the default FIFO output), this option sets the IP Address and Port to send the Main Status Stream to. Default is to use a FIFO for Main Status Stream. .TP .BR \-t " " \fITS_FIFO\fR Sets the name of the Main TS Stream output FIFO. Default is "./longmynd_main_ts". .TP .BR \-s " " \fISTATUS_FIFO\fR Sets the name of the Status output FIFO. Default is "./longmynd_main_status". .TP .BR \-w If selected, this option swaps over the RF input so that the Main TS Stream is fed from the BOTTOM F-Type of the NIM. Default uses the TOP RF input for the Main TS stream. .TP .BR \-b If selected, this option enables a tone audio output that will be present when DVB-S2 is being demodulated, and will increase in pitch for an increase in MER, to aid pointing. By default this option is disabled. .TP .BR \-p " " \fIh\fR " "| " "\-p " " \fIv\fR Controls and enables the LNB supply voltage output when an RT5047A LNB Voltage Regulator is fitted. "-p v" will set 13V output (Vertical Polarisation), "-p h" will set 18V output (Horizontal Polarisation). By default the RT5047A output is disabled. .TP .BR \fIMAIN_FREQ\fR specifies the starting frequency (in KHz) of the Main TS Stream search algorithm". .TP .BR \fIMAIN_SR\fR specifies the starting Symbol Rate (in KSPS) of the Main TS Stream search algorithm". .SH EXAMPLES .TP longmynd 2000 2000 will find the first available Minitiouner, search for a 2MHz TS Stream at 2MSPS on the TOP RF input, output the TS to a FIFO called "longmynd_main_ts" and the status to a FIFO called "longmynd_main_status". .TP longmynd -w 2000 2000 As above but uses the BOTTOM RF input. .TP longmynd -u 1 4 2000 2000 As above but will attempt to find a minitiouner at usb device 4 on usb bus 1. .TP longmynd -i 87 2000 2000 As above but any TS output will be to IP address on port 87