#!/bin/sh clear sudo modprobe fuse rep="/home/xavier/" rep1=$rep".encrypted" rep2=$rep"decrypted" file="/media/xavier/SECURE/passphrase.bin" #Close Coffre fort numérique if [ "$1" = "close" ] && [ ! -f "$rep2" ] then fusermount -u "$rep2" echo "Closed" exit 0 fi #Installation du coffre fort numérique if [ "$1" = "install" ] && [ ! -f "$rep1" ] then mkdir "$rep1" "$rep2" sudo apt install encfs echo "Usage coffre open or close" exit 0 fi #Aide if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo "Usage: $0 |open|close|install" exit 0 fi #Open Coffre fort numérique if [ "$1" = "open" ] && [ ! -f "$rep2" ] then echo "Trying to get the key from USB keychain ..." if [ -f "$file" ] then base64 -w 0 "$file" | encfs -S $rep1 $rep2 else echo "FAILED to find suitable USB keychain ..." exit 1 fi fi exit 0