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2022-08-24 07:59:16 +02:00
|| @file Keypad.h
|| @version 2.0
|| @author Mark Stanley, Alexander Brevig
|| @contact mstanley@technologist.com, alexanderbrevig@gmail.com
|| @description
|| | This library provides a simple interface for using matrix
|| | keypads. It supports the use of multiple keypads with the
|| | same or different sets of keys. It also supports user
|| | selectable pins and definable keymaps.
|| #
|| @license
|| | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
|| | modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
|| | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version
|| | 2.1 of the License.
|| |
|| | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
|| | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
|| | Lesser General Public License for more details.
|| |
|| | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
|| | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
|| | Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
|| #
#ifndef KEYPAD_H
#define KEYPAD_H
// Arduino versioning.
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h" // for digitalRead, digitalWrite, etc
#include "WProgram.h"
#define OFF LOW
#define ON HIGH
#define CLOSED LOW
#define OPEN HIGH
#define makeKeymap(x) ((char*)x)
typedef char KeypadEvent;
typedef enum {IDLE, PRESSED, HOLD, RELEASED} KeyState; // KeyState was KeypadState
// Made changes according to this post http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php?topic=58337.0
// by Nick Gammon. Thanks for the input Nick. :) It actually saved 78 bytes for me.
typedef struct {
byte rows;
byte columns;
} KeypadSize;
const char NO_KEY = '\0';
class Keypad {
Keypad(char *userKeymap, byte *row, byte *col, byte numRows, byte numCols);
void begin(char *userKeymap);
char getKey();
KeyState getState();
void setDebounceTime(unsigned int);
void setHoldTime(unsigned int);
void addEventListener(void (*listener)(char));
// New methods
char waitForKey();
boolean keyStateChanged();
//added by Daniel Kern
char* getBuffer();
char* growBuffer(char key);
void clearBuffer();
void transitionTo(KeyState);
void initializePins();
char *keymap;
byte *rowPins;
byte *columnPins;
KeypadSize size;
KeyState state;
char currentKey;
unsigned int debounceTime;
unsigned int holdTime;
void (*keypadEventListener)(char);
// New methods - 2011-12-23
boolean scanKeys();
KeyState getKeyState();
// New members - 2011-12-23
boolean buttons;
boolean stateChanged;
//added by Daniel Kern
char keyBuffer[5];
|| @changelog
|| | 2.0 2011-12-29 - Mark Stanley : Added waitForKey().
|| | 2.0 2011-12-23 - Mark Stanley : Added the public function keyStateChanged().
|| | 2.0 2011-12-23 - Mark Stanley : Added the private function scanKeys().
|| | 2.0 2011-12-23 - Mark Stanley : Moved the Finite State Machine into the function getKeyState().
|| | 2.0 2011-12-23 - Mark Stanley : Removed the member variable lastUdate. Not needed after rewrite.
|| | 1.8 2011-11-21 - Mark Stanley : Added test to determine which header file to compile,
|| | WProgram.h or Arduino.h.
|| | 1.8 2009-07-08 - Alexander Brevig : No longer uses arrays
|| | 1.7 2009-06-18 - Alexander Brevig : This library is a Finite State Machine every time a state changes
|| | the keypadEventListener will trigger, if set
|| | 1.7 2009-06-18 - Alexander Brevig : Added setDebounceTime setHoldTime specifies the amount of
|| | microseconds before a HOLD state triggers
|| | 1.7 2009-06-18 - Alexander Brevig : Added transitionTo
|| | 1.6 2009-06-15 - Alexander Brevig : Added getState() and state variable
|| | 1.5 2009-05-19 - Alexander Brevig : Added setHoldTime()
|| | 1.4 2009-05-15 - Alexander Brevig : Added addEventListener
|| | 1.3 2009-05-12 - Alexander Brevig : Added lastUdate, in order to do simple debouncing
|| | 1.2 2009-05-09 - Alexander Brevig : Changed getKey()
|| | 1.1 2009-04-28 - Alexander Brevig : Modified API, and made variables private
|| | 1.0 2007-XX-XX - Mark Stanley : Initial Release
|| #