/* K3NG Arduino CW Keyer Copyright 2010 - 2020 Anthony Good, K3NG All trademarks referred to in source code and documentation are copyright their respective owners. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you offer a hardware kit using this software, show your appreciation by sending the author a complimentary kit or a bottle of bourbon ;-) Full documentation can be found at https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki . Please read it before requesting help. For help, please post on the Radio Artisan group: https://groups.io/g/radioartisan . Please do not email the developer directly for support. Thanks YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5o8UM1-heT5kJbwnJRkUYg 2020 Recipient of the Amateur Radio Software Award https://amateurradiosoftwareaward.github.io/ Wordsworth CW training method created by George Allison, K1IG English code training word lists from gen_cw_words.pl by Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ Command Line Interface ("CLI") (USB Port) (Note: turn on carriage return if using Arduino Serial Monitor program) CW Keyboard: type what you want the keyer to send (all commands are preceded with a backslash ( \ ) \? Help (requires FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) \/ Paged Help (requires FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) \# Play memory # (requires FEATURES_MEMORIES; play memories 1 - 10 (0 = memory 10) ) \a Iambic A mode \b Iambic B mode \c Single Paddle mode \d Ultimatic mode (if OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC not set) \e#### Set serial number to #### \f#### Set sidetone frequency to #### hertz \g Bug mode \h Toggle between CW and Hell sending (requires FEATURE_HELL) \i Transmit enable/disable \j### Dah to dit ratio (300 = 3.00, do \j alone to set to default) \k CW Training Module (requires FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) \l## Set weighting (50 = normal, do \l alone to set to default) \m### Set Farnsworth speed \n Toggle paddle reverse \o Toggle sidetone on/off \p#(#) Program memory # \q## Switch to QRSS mode, dit length ## seconds \r Switch to regular speed mode \s Status \t Tune mode \u Manual PTT toggle \v Toggle potentiometer active / inactive (requires FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER) \w### Set speed in WPM \x# Switch to transmitter # \y# Change wordspace to # elements (# = 1 to 9) \z Autospace on/off \+ Create prosign \!## Repeat play memory \|#### Set memory repeat (milliseconds) (backslash and pipe) \* Toggle paddle echo \` Toggle straight key echo \^ Toggle wait for carriage return to send CW / send CW immediately \& Toggle CMOS Super Keyer Timing on/off \%## Set CMOS Super Keyer Timing % \. Toggle dit buffer on/off \- Toggle dah buffer on/off \~ Reset unit \; Toggle cw send echo \{ QLF mode on/off \> Send serial number, then increment \< Send current serial number \( Send current serial number in cut numbers \) Send serial number with cut numbers, then increment \[ Set Quiet Paddle Interruption \= Toggle American Morse mode (requires FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE) \@ Mill Mode \}#### Set potentiometer range - low ## / high ## \" Hold PTT active with buffered characters \] PTT Enable / Disable \_ Beacon Mode at Boot Up Enable / Disable (requires FEATURE_BEACON_SETTING) \; CW Send Inhibit Enable / Disable \\ Immediately clear the buffer, stop memory sending, etc. \: Extended CLLI commands eepromdump - do a byte dump of EEPROM for troubleshooting saveeeprom - store EEPROM in a file loadeeprom - load into EEPROM from a file printlog - print the SD card log clearlog - clear the SD card log ls - list files in SD card directory cat - print filename on SD card pl - Set PTT lead time pt - Set PTT tail time af ### - Set autospace timing factor; 100 = 1.00 pf ### - Set paddle echo timing factor; 100 = 1.00 Buttons button 0: command mode / command mode exit button 0 + left paddle: increase cw speed button 0 + right paddle: decrease cw speed button 1 - 12 hold + left paddle: repeat memory button 1 - 6 half second hold: switch to TX # 1 - 6 Command Mode (press button0 to enter command mode and press again to exit) A Switch to Iambic A mode B Switch to Iambic B mode C Switch to Single Paddle Mode D Switch to Ultimatic mode (if OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC not set) E Announce speed F Adjust sidetone frequency G Switch to bug mode H Set weighting and dah to dit ratio to defaults I TX enable / disable J Dah to dit ratio adjust K Toggle Dit and Dah Buffers on and off (Ultimatic Mode) (if OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC is not set) L Adjust weighting M Change command mode speed N Toggle paddle reverse O Toggle sidetone on / off P#(#) Program a memory Q Adjust keying compensation (left paddle = increase, right paddle = decrease) R#### Set serial number to #### S Alphabet code practice (FEATURE_ALPHABET_SEND_PRACTICE) T Tune mode U Receive / Send Echo Practice V Toggle potentiometer active / inactive W Change speed X Exit command mode (you can also press the command button (button0) to exit) Y#### Change memory repeat delay to #### mS Z Autospace On/Off # Play a memory without transmitting = Enable / disable PTT Line (-...-) ? Status 1. Speed in WPM 2. Keyer Mode (A = Iambic A, B = Iambic B, G = Bug, S = Single Paddle, U = Ultimatic) 3. Weighting 4. Dah to Dit Ratio Memory Macros \# Jump to memory # \c Play serial number with cut numbers, then increment \d### Delay for ### seconds \e Play serial number, then increment \f#### Change sidetone to #### hertz (must be four digits - use leading zero below 1000 hz) \h Switch to Hell sending \i# Insert memory number \l Switch to CW (from Hell mode) \n Decrement serial number, do not send \q## Switch to QRSS mode, dit length ## seconds \r Switch to regular speed mode \s Insert space \t### Transmit for ### seconds (must be three digits, use leading zeros if necessary) \u Activate PTT \v Deactivate PTT \w### Set regular mode speed to ### WPM (must be three digits, use leading zeros if necessary) \x# Switch to transmitter # (1, 2, or 3) \y# Increase speed # WPM \z# Decrease speed # WPM \+ Prosign the next two characters PS2 / USB Keyboard CTRL-A Iambic A CTRL-B Iambic B CTRL-C Single Paddle CTRL-D Ultimatic (if OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC not set) CTRL-E Set Serial Number CTRL-G Bug CTRL-H Toggle Hell Mode On/Off (requires FEATURE_HELL) CTRL-I TX enable / disable CTRL-M Set Farnsworth Speed (0 = disabled) (requires FEATURE_FARNSWORTH) CTRL-N Paddle Reverse CTRL-O Toggle Sidetone On/Off CTRL-S CMOS Superkeyer Timing On/Off CTRL-T Tune CTRL-U Manual PTT Toggle CTRL-W Set WPM CTRL-F1 Switch to TX #1 CTRL-F2 Switch to TX #2 CTRL-F3 Switch to TX #3 CTRL-F4 Switch to TX #4 CTRL-F5 Switch to TX #5 CTRL-F6 Switch to TX #6 END Send serial number no increment ESC Stop sending and clear buffer F1, F2, F3.. Play memory 1, 2, 3... DOWN ARROW Decrease WPM HOME Reset timing settings INSERT Send serial number and increment LEFT ARROW Decrease Dah to Dit Ratio PGDN Decrease Sidetone Frequency PGUP Increase Sidetone Frequency RIGHT ARROW Increase Dah to Dit Ratio SCROLL LOCK Prosign Next Two Characters SHIFT-BACKSPACE Decrement serial number SHIFT-F1, F2... Program Memory 1, 2... ALT-F1, F2... Repeat Memory 1, 2... TAB Pause Sending Immediately UP ARROW Increase WPM Keypad / Dit Paddle (USB Keyboard Only) Keypad * Dah Paddle (USB Keyboard Only) Keypad ENTER Tune / Straight Key (USB Keyboard Only) USB Mouse Left Button Dit Right Button Dah Middle Button Tune / Straight Key PS2 Keyboard Notes (FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) To use FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD you need the K3NG_PS2Keyboard.h and K3NG_PS2Keyboard.cpp library files from https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/tree/master/libraries Some keyboards may require a reset sequence upon startup. This is activated with OPTION_PS2_KEYBOARD_RESET. USB Keyboard Notes (FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) To use a USB keyboard you need to download and install this library: https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 . You may use an Arduino Mega ADK board (which has a built in USB host interface, get or Circuits@Home USB shield (http://www.circuitsathome.com/products-page/arduino-shields/usb-host-shield-2-0-for-arduino), or built your own MAX3421 based USB port. If you are using an Arduino Mega ADK with Arduino IDE older than version 1.5.5, you must customize the USB Host Shield Library settings.h file! If you are using Arduino IDE older than version 1.5.5 and you experience a compiler error, you may need to add these lines to your keyer.h file: #define HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD 1 #define HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE 2 (Thanks Raimo, DL1HTB, for the two notes above.) Option Usb Computer Keyboard Emulation FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD (Arduino Due, Leonardo only) You can use your cw key as a computer keyboard. Your computer recognize the K3NG keyer as a normal keyboard. Language available English and Italian (more languages to add) Use following prosign to emulate Enter Key, Caps Lock, space and backspace: Prosign AA "Enter" Prosign DO "Caps Lock" (enable and disable) "......" or more "Backspace" "------" or more "Space" SIDETONE_SWITCH Enabling this feature and an external toggle switch adds switch control for playing cw sidetone. ST Switch status is displayed in the status command. This feature will override the software control of the sidetone (\o). Useful Stuff Reset to defaults: squeeze both paddles at power up (good to use if you dorked up the speed and don't have the CLI) Press the right paddle to enter straight key mode at power up Press the left paddle at power up to enter and stay forever in beacon mode Recent Update History 2.2.2015040402 More work on ARDUINO_SAM_DUE (documented) 2.2.2015040501 Fixed bug with O command not working when any display feature was compiled in 2.2.2015040801 FEATURE_EEPROM_E24C1024; working on FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD (documented) 2.2.2015040901 updated serial help text with recently added commands, consolidated the three paddle echo features into one subroutine 2.2.2015040902 Minor typos fixed 2.2.2015042002 Eliminated keyer.h declaration (upgrade Stino if you're still using keyer.h) 2.2.2015042301 '#define PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT &Serial' is now '#define PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT &Serial' (documented on website 2015-04-25) OPTION_SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT_WINKEY_EMULATION is now OPTION_PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT_WINKEY_EMULATION (documented on website 2015-04-25) '#define default_serial_baud_rate 115200' is now '#define PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD 115200' (documented on website 2015-04-25) #define SECONDARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD 115200 (documented on website 2015-04-25) FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT (documented on website 2015-04-25) FEATURE_LCD1602_N07DH (Thanks Xigco for code!) (documented on website 2015-04-25) 2.2.2015042302 OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_ITALIAN (Thanks Giorgio IZ2XBZ) (documented on website 2015-04-25) FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD repeating backspace, fixed caps lock sounds 2.2.2015042303 Test of GitHub - no changes 2.2.2015042501 FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD update from Giorgio IZ2XBZ Website documentation up to date! Yeahhhhhh! :-) 2.2.2015042901 HARDWARE_NANOKEYER_REV_D 2.2.2015043001 Fixed compilation bug with FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE when FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION not enabled 2.2.2015051201 OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR (website updated 2015-05-12) 2.2.2015051301 Improvements to FEATURE_CW_DECODER for better decoding and Goetzel settings for Arduino Due 2.2.2015061101 lcd_columns and lcd_rows in keyer_settings*.h files renamed to LCD_COLUMNS and LCD_ROWS OPTION_INVERT_PADDLE_PIN_LOGIC - paddle closed = HIGH, paddle open = LOW 2.2.2015082801 Added E24C1024.h and E24C1024.cpp to git Fixed compilation issue with Due involving E24C1024 library 2.2.2015082802 FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY {documented on web page 2015-09-05} 2.2.2015090501 Memories can now be programmed in commmand mode (FEATURE_BUTTONS) by pressing the memory button FEATURE_CW_DECODER now has digital input pin (cw_decoder_pin) and if OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR is enable, cw_decoder_audio_input_pin will work in parallel 2.2.2015090801 Fixed issue with FEATURE_CW_DECODER + OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR and wrong GOERTZ_SAMPLING_FREQ and GOERTZ_SAMPLES used in goertzel.h causing keyer lockups after startup 2.2.2015091301 FEATURE_DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO (code contributed by Giorgio, IZ2XBZ) #ifdef FEATURE_DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO (keyer_settings.h) #define DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_LOWER_LIMIT_WPM 30 #define DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_LOWER_LIMIT_RATIO 300 // 300 = 3:1 ratio #define DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_UPPER_LIMIT_WPM 70 #define DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_UPPER_LIMIT_RATIO 240 // 240 = 2.4:1 ratio #endif //FEATURE_DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO 2.2.2015091302 FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION - Experimental Fixed compiler error when only FEATURE_BUTTONS was enabled 2.2.2015091801 OPTION_DIT_DAH_BUFFERS_OFF_BY_DEFAULT_FOR_FEATURE_DIT_DAH_BUFFER_CONTROL OPTION_ADVANCED_SPEED_DISPLAY (code contributed by Giorgio, IZ2XBZ) 2.2.2015091802 Improved handling of spaces in LCD display 2.2.2015092101 Fixed bugs in OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_ITALIAN and OPTION_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_ERROR_TONE (courtesy of Giorgio, IZ2XBZ) 2.2.2015092301 FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION improvements 2.2.2015092401 #define compression_detection_pin 0 default potentiometer_change_threshold changed to 0.9 2.2.2015101201 Additional DEBUG_PS2_KEYBOARD code 2.2.2015101301 OPTION_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO 2.2.2015101302 OPTION_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO is now FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO CLI command: \` Toggle straight key echo #define cli_paddle_echo_on_at_boot 1 #define cli_straight_key_echo_on_at_boot 1 FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY now works with FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD Straight Key can now program memories 2.2.2015101401 Fixed compile bug with FEATURE_DISPLAY and cli_straight_key_echo 2.2.2015101402 K3NG_PS2Keyboard Library: Fixed issues with CTRL and ALT key combinations with German and French keyboards 2.2.2015101801 OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_LOWERCASE 2.2.2015111501 Fixed storage of KN prosign in memory (Thank Stefan, DL1SMF) 2.2.2015120401 Fixed compiler warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type - jump_back_to_y = 99999; 2.2.2015121901 OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT - additional prosign support for memory storage 2.2.2015122001 OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT - updated; forgot to add functionality to paddle echo 2.2.2015122801 void send_the_dits_and_dahs(char * cw_to_send) compile warning fix 2.2.2016010301 Fixed compiler error when OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER and FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE are enabled (Thanks, Gerd, DD4DA) void play_memory (byte memory_number) near line 10049 - static String serial_number_string - removed static declration to fix compiler warning (Thanks, Gerd, DD4DA) 2.2.2016010302 Winkey emulation pin config bug fix (Thanks, Gerd, DD4DA) 2.2.2016011801 New and improved FEATURE_SLEEP code contributed by Graeme, ZL2APV 2.2.2016012001 Fixed compile error involving serial_number, FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD, and HARDWARE_NANOKEYER_REV_D (Thanks, Kari, OH6FSG) 2.2.2016012002 HARDWARE_TEST Enhanced FEATURE_SLEEP to have pin that indicates sleep state: define keyer_awake 0 ; KEYER_AWAKE_PIN_AWAKE_STATE, KEYER_AWAKE_PIN_ASLEEP_STATE 2.2.2016012003 Fixed compiler warning for void play_memory() and returns; (Thanks, Gerd, DD4DA) 2.2.2016012004 Modified includes so library files can be put in \libraries\ folder rather than ino directory so Arduino 1.6.7 works (thanks Giorgio, IZ2XBZ)) 2.2.2016012101 Beta testing FEATURE_INTERRUPT_PADDLE_READS 2.2.2016012301 Fixed compilation error: 10306: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning byte (thanks Giorgio, IZ2XBZ)) 2.2.2016012302 Merge of bug fix from JG2RZF: Winkey - CTESTWIN sends 0x00 as "HSCW Speed Change" to keyer (thanks JG2RZF) 2.2.2016012501 loop_element_lengths - minor change to paddle reading that may have an effect at high speeds 2.2.2016012502 tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_active_state and tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state settings OPTION_RUSSIAN_LANGUAGE_SEND_CLI contributed by Павел Бирюков, UA1AQC 2.2.2016012601 Winkey emulation support for 0x1D HSCW overloaded command to switch transmitters (thanks JG2RZF) Moved stuff from keyer_settings*.h to keyer.h (no need to tweak these or have different entries for different hardware) 2.2.2016012801 Fixed issue with goertzel.h being required for compilation even when it wasn't needed 2.2.2016012901 Removed experimental feature 2.2.2016012902 FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_BACKPACK - support for Adafruit I2C LCD Backup using MCP23008 (courtesy Josiah Ritchie, KE0BLL) 2.2.2016020801 PROSIGN_HH (courtesy of Vincenzo, IZ0RUS) 2.2.2016020802 OPTION_DO_NOT_SEND_UNKNOWN_CHAR_QUESTION 2.2.2016030501 FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C 2.2.2016030701 Fixed FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C initialization 2.2.2016030801 Fixed FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C again 2.2.2016031801 Ethernet, web server and Internet linking functionality in beta / development (DEFINEs are in HARDWARE_TEST files only right now) #define FEATURE_WEB_SERVER #define FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK #define OPTION_INTERNET_LINK_NO_UDP_SVC_DURING_KEY_DOWN #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_IP {192,168,1,179} // default IP address #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_MAC {0xDE,0xAD,0xBE,0xEF,0xFE,0xEE} #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_GATEWAY {192,168,1,1} // default gateway #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_SUBNET_MASK {255,255,255,0} // default subnet mask #define FEATURE_ETHERNET_WEB_LISTENER_PORT 80 #define FEATURE_UDP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE 128 #define FEATURE_UDP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE 128 #define FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS 2 #define FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_DEFAULT_RCV_UDP_PORT 8888 #define FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_BUFFER_TIME_MS 500 2.2.2016040501 Fixed bug with OPTION_DO_NOT_SEND_UNKNOWN_CHAR_QUESTION and ? character not being sent with keyboard and Winkey operation Still working on web server functionality 2.2.2016042601 More web server functionality work #define FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_KEY_DOWN_TIMEOUT_SECS 8 \P command now can program memories above #10 2.2.2016053001 Additional DEBUG_WINKEY messages for Winkeyer troubleshooting #define WINKEY_DEFAULT_BAUD 1200 (added setting for UCXLog 9600 baud Winkey setting) Fixed minor Winkey emulation bug with recognizing byte 0x7C as a half dit space when OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_LOWERCASE is enabled 2.2.2016062101 New CLI commands: \> Send serial number, then increment \< Send current serial number \( Send current serial number in cut numbers \) Send serial number with cut numbers, then increment 2.2.2016070701 Corrected Nanokeyer Rev B and Rev D configurations 2.2.2016070702 Setting for speed potentiometer check interval: #define potentiometer_check_interval_ms 150 2.2.2016071001 OPTION_WINKEY_UCXLOG_9600_BAUD for UCXLog 9600 baud support (I can't get UCXlog to work at 1200 baud) 2.2.2016071801 Now have FEATURE_AUTOSPACE and FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG disabled by default for HARDWARE_NANOKEYER_REV_D 2.2.2016071802 FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS: capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin 2.2.2016072301 Added dependency check for FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT More Winkey emulation debugging; working on strange issues with UcxLog interoperability. UcxLog working with normal 1200 baud mode today. Hmmm. 2.2.2016080101 Troubleshooting some UCXLog Winkey weirdness some users are experiencing. Created OPTION_WINKEY_UCXLOG_SUPRESS_C4_STATUS_BYTE 2.2.2016080301 Disabled echoing of 7C (half space character) byte in Winkey emulation 2.2.2016080601 More messing around with UCXlog... OPTION_WINKEY_DO_NOT_ECHO_7C_BYTE // Might need for UCXlog? (7C = half space character) OPTION_WINKEY_DO_NOT_SEND_7C_BYTE_HALF_SPACE 2.2.2016081201 OPTION_WINKEY_DO_NOT_ECHO_7C_BYTE is changed to OPTION_WINKEY_ECHO_7C_BYTE and only in the test feature and options file for testing/debugging purposes OPTION_WINKEY_DO_NOT_SEND_7C_BYTE_HALF_SPACE - not placing this into production. this was to troubleshoot issues with UCXLog 2.2.2016081601 Updated paddle echo to work with bug mode 2.2.2016090701 More efficient code suggestion from Paul, K1XM, implemented in loop_element_lengths() 2.2.2016090801 Removed legacy option: OPTION_USE_ORIGINAL_VERSION_2_1_PS2KEYBOARD_LIB 2.2.2016090802 Corrected error in FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER ttable (thanks, frye.dale) 2.2.2016091401 More frequent PTT line tail time checking 2.2.2016091602 Reversing munged GitHub merge 2.2.2016091901 Manual merge of toyo pull request #22 It is no longer necessary to specify HARDWARE_ARDUINO_DUE in keyer_hardware.h. It is automatically detected now. 2.2.2016092701 Command Mode: command L - adjust weighting 2.2.2016092702 Winkey Emulation - changed paddle interrupt behavior to send 0xC2 and then 0xC0 rather than just 0xC0 2.2.2016092801 Winkey Emulation - changed paddle interrupt behavior to send 0xC6,0xC0 rather than 0x64,0xC0 2.2.2016092802 Fixed issue with configuration in eeprom colliding with memory 0 (1) (Thanks, Ivan, IX1FJG) 2.2.2016092803 Winkey Emulation - changed paddle interrupt behavior to also clear send buffer 2.2.2016092901 Improved opposite paddle dit/dah insertion in Ultimatic mode 2.2.2016100601 Improved paddle break in for memory playing and Winkey interruption Fixed various compile bugs that have crept into the code 2.2.2016102401 Updated \J (dah to dit ratio) and \L (weighting) CLI commands so that without arguments they set the parameters to defaults 2.2.2016102801 Single Paddle mode, C command 2.2.2016103101 Quiet Paddle Interruption feature - set with \[ command in CLI. Value is 0 to 20 element lengths; 0 = off 2.2.2016110801 Integrated OK1RR Tiny Keyer hardware files - HARDWARE_TINYKEYER in keyer_hardware.h file 2.2.2016110802 New command mode command H - set weighting and dah to dit ratio to defaults New command mode command ? - Status 2.2.2016111701 FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD enhancements from Giorgio IZ2XBZ 2.2.2016111702 Eliminated FEATURE_DIT_DAH_BUFFER_CONTROL code; it's compiled in with core code now. Also depricated OPTION_DIT_DAH_BUFFERS_OFF_BY_DEFAULT_FOR_FEATURE_DIT_DAH_BUFFER_CONTROL 2.2.2016112301 New command mode command K: toggle dit and dah buffer on and off 2.2.2016112302 Updated keyer_hardware.h to accomodate Leonardo, Yun, Esplora, and other boards to compile with Serial related functionality. 2.2.2016112401 Updated dit and dah buffer control to change automatically with Iambic A & B and Ultimatic 2.2.2016112501 Code comment update 2.2.2016112502 Merged in GitHub pull request 24 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/24 from Giorgio IZ2XBZ 2.2.2016112701 Improved performance when sending large macros from logging and contest programs using Winkey emulation. Thanks, Martin OK1RR for discovery and testing 2.2.2016112702 Updated command mode K command to work only when in Ultimatic mode 2.2.2016112901 Fixed bug with command mode status command reporting wrong keyer mode. Also fixed CLI status query reporting wrong keyer mode while in command mode 2.2.2016120101 Compilation of serial related functionality for TEENSYDUINO 2.2.2016120102 Comilation issue fix for ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI. Thanks, Edgar, KC2UEZ 2.2.2016120401 Added keyer_stm32duino.h with function declarations to make ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI compilation work. Thanks, Edgar, KC2UEZ 2.2.2016120901 Merged pull request STM32duino compatibilty 30. Thanks, Edgar, KC2UEZ 2.2.2016120902 Fixed bug in command mode when OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER is enabled. Thanks, disneysw. 2.2.2016121001 Support for FUNtronics FK-10 contributed by disneysw. HARDWARE_FK_10 in keyer_hardware.h; files: keyer_pin_settings_fk_10.h, keyer_features_and_options_fk_10.h, keyer_settings_fk_10.h 2.2.2016121201 Additional work on web interface 2.2.2016121202 Additional work on web interface Mainstreamed FEATURE_HI_PRECISION_LOOP_TIMING code. No longer an option. (Need to clean out of keyer_feature_and_options files) 2.2.2017010301 FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE - American Morse Code sending mode. \= command in the CLI switches to American Morse Code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Morse_code 2.2.2017011701 FEATURE_LCD1602_N07DH - added include for Wire.h (Thanks, Hjalmar, OZ1JHM) 2.2.2017011702 Pull request 32 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/32 merged which adds FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH. Also fixed up additional features and pins files. (Thanks, dfannin) 2.2.2017011703 Added OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_GERMAN (Thanks, Raimo, DL1HTB) 2.2.2017012101 New command mode command R: set serial number 2.2.2017020701 WD9DMP contributed fixes and changes Reconciled CLI Command/Memory Macro Help code with front comments and actual code so all commands now display with /? Removed unimplemented Memory Macros from CLI Help Updated descriptions of CLI Command/Memory Macro functions in help display (some missing serial number lack increment description where present in code) Fixed issue where the TX ON/TX Off LCD display state in Command Mode could get out of sync with the actual key_tx state Fixed serial numbers not displaying in LCD and CLI when playing back from Macro or CLI command (please check conditional compilations) Fixed capialization in HELP display and Status output to be consistent Changed "$" at end of non-empty memory contents in CLI status display to "_" to help determine if a trailing space is present. 2.2.2017020702 Fixed typo 2.2.2017021001 Fixed typo - 'include ' was commented out (thanks Raimo, DL1HTB) 2017.02.12.01 WD9DMP contributed addition fixes Changed version number scheme. The 2.2 really isn't significant anymore. 2017.02.12.02 loop_element_lengths sending_mode code error fixed. (Thanks, WD9DMP) 2017.02.16.01 Added note: Have a problem with Keyboard.h not found? See https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/issues/35 2017.03.12.01 WD9DMP contribution: Added checks to see that keyer is NOT in command mode before allowing keyboards or CLI to toggle key_tx flag state, otherwise key commands could key transmitter Added library.properties file to K3NG_PS2Keyboard library to support the Arduino IDE eye candy bloatware Library Manager 2017.03.12.02 Added CTRL-S keystroke to toggle CMOS Superkeyer Timing on and off in FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD and FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD 2017.03.22.01 Commented out include due to unexplained compilation error in Arduino 1.8.1 2017.03.30.01 FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD and FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD code contributed by Jack, W0XR 2017.04.19.01 Minor change in keyer.h to prevent errors with some versions of Arduino IDE when compiling USB HID features 2017.04.19.02 OPTION_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING_ON_BY_DEFAULT and two code fixes contributed by Raimo, DL1HTB, thanks! 2017.04.22.01 Webserver About screen now handles millis() uptime rollover Bug fix in loop_element_lengths and Internet Linking functionality UDP packet handling 2017.04.27.01 Added bounds checking for void speed_set() 2017.05.03.01 FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE First release of Wordsworth training functionality 2017.05.05.01 keyer_training_text_czech.h contributed by Martin, OK1RR Czech language support for Wordsworth training: OPTION_WORDSWORTH_CZECH 2017.05.06.01 Lots of new functionality in FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE keyer_training_text_norsk.h content contributed by Karl, LA3FY Norwegian language support for Wordsworth training: OPTION_WORDSWORTH_NORSK 2017.05.09.01 FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE - fixed issue with carriage returns and line feeds causing menus to reprint 2017.05.09.02 Updated FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD and FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD to allow memory stacking 2017.05.12.01 Fixed bug with \< and \> commands and carriage returns, and now handle serial number sending through the send buffer rather than direct sending Fixed issue with non-English characters in Wordsworth by implementing OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS within Wordsworth 2017.05.12.02 Added DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATIONS 2017.05.13.01 Improved reading of serial receive buffer in serial_program_memory to facilitate programming of large memories. Related parameter: serial_program_memory_buffer_size 2017.05.13.02 Added random code group practice 2017.05.14.01 Optimization of serial_program_memory() 2017.06.03.01 Fixed a bug I introduced back in version 2017.05.12.01 or so with memory serial number macros not playing in right sequence (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) 2017.06.03.02 Added OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE which changes the sidetone line to go high/low rather than output square wave, for driving an external audio amplifier 2017.06.14.02 Fixed command line interface bug with /> and /< commands and carriage returns 2017.06.28.01 Fixed bug with \T command when FEATURE_BUTTONS is not activated. (Thanks, Павел Бирюков) 2017.06.28.02 Keyer now reports rotary encoder speed changes in K1EL Winkey emulation (Thanks, Marc-Andre, VE2EVN) 2017.07.24.01 Fixed keypad asterisk and pound definitions (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) 2017.07.31.01 Fixed bug with memory macro \X not switching to transmitters 4, 5, or 6 (Thanks, Larry, DL6YY) 2018.01.05.01 When entering into program memory mode in command mode, a beep is now emitted rather than a dit Implemented CLI Receive / Transmit Echo Practice (\K E) 2018.01.06.01 Enhancements to CLI CW Training module 2018.01.13.01 O command in command mode, keyboard input, and CLI enhanced to cycle through sidetone on / off / paddle only; code provided by Marc-Andre, VE2EVN 2018.01.13.02 Improvements to LCD display in practice modes; code provided by Fred, VK2EFL Minor tweaks to handle LCD displays with lesser number of columns Bug fixes involving practice modes and garbage left in paddle_echo_buffer 2018.01.14.01 Added \/ (backslash slash) CLI command for Paged Help Added /@ CLI command for Mill Mode ESC in CLI will now dump type ahead buffer and stop memory repeat, just like \\ Added /} CLI command to set potentiometer range 2018.01.25.01 Fixed bug in FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING 2018.01.28.01 Added carriage return and newline to the beginning of several CLI command responses Add command mode command M - set command mode WPM (command mode now has a speed setting independent of regular keyer speed) 2018.01.29.01 Working on FEATURE_CLI_EXPERT_MENU and FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT CLI status now shows speed potentiometer range 2018.02.01.01 Changed Toggle cw send echo CLI command from \: to \; Deprecated FEATURE_CLI_EXPERT_MENU Working on Extended CLI Commands /: Added OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS Extended CLI Commands eepromdump saveeeprom loadeeprom printlog clearlog ls cat Added serial support for ARDUINO_AVR_LEONARDO_ETH 2018.02.01.02 Fixed bug with dit_buffer_off and dah_buffer_off not being initialized from eeprom settings at boot up (Thanks, YU7MW) 2018.02.05.01 Typo fix: ifdef defined(__AVR__) (Thanks, Glen, N1XF https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/issues/19) 2018.02.05.02 Fixed https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/issues/40 (Thanks, Glen, N1XF) 2018.02.07.01 Added support for 8 column LCD displays 2018.02.25.01 FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH switch line is now set for internal pullup so it won't cause a problem if left floating 2018.03.04.01 Changed wpm_command_mode from uint8_t to unsigned int Fixed minor bug with junk left in paddle echo buffer after exiting command mode 2018.03.04.02 Added OPTION_DFROBOT_LCD_COMMAND_BUTTONS to use this board https://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php/Arduino_LCD_KeyPad_Shield_(SKU:_DFR0009) with FEATURE_BUTTONS 2018.03.08.01 Additional OPTION_DFROBOT_LCD_COMMAND_BUTTONS code and corresponding DEBUG_BUTTONS code 2018.03.08.02 Added OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE 2018.03.11.01 New feature! FEATURE_SEQUENCER Wiki: https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki/383-Feature:-Sequencer define sequencer_1_pin 0 define sequencer_2_pin 0 define sequencer_3_pin 0 define sequencer_4_pin 0 define sequencer_5_pin 0 define ptt_input_pin 0 define sequencer_pins_active_state HIGH define sequencer_pins_inactive_state LOW define ptt_line_active_state HIGH define ptt_line_inactive_state LOW define tx_key_line_active_state HIGH define tx_key_line_inactive_state LOW define ptt_input_pin_active_state LOW define ptt_input_pin_inactive_state HIGH New commands: \:pl - set PTT lead time \:pt - set PTT tail time \:pa - PTT active to sequencer active time \:pi - PTT inactive to sequencer inactive time \:timing - show all current timing settings PTT lead and tail times are now stored in EEPROM and setable at runtime with extended commands \:pl and \:pt Additional documentation: https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki/225-Sidetone,-PTT,-and-TX-Key-Lines 2018.03.14.01 FEATURE_LCD_FABO_PCF8574 - Added support for FaBo LCD https://github.com/FaBoPlatform/FaBoLCD-PCF8574-Library 2018.03.16.01 Fixed compile error involving lcd_string (Thanks, Jeff, N0MII) 2018.03.23.01 Bug with automatic sending interruption fixed (Thanks, Larry, F6FVY) 2018.03.23.02 Fixed compilation bug with FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK when FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION was disabled 2018.03.24.01 Support for ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI contributed by Marcin SP5IOU HARDWARE_MAPLE_MINI hardware profile in keyer_hardware.h 2018.03.29.01 Support for ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C (Blue pill boards) contributed by Marcin SP5IOU HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C hardware profile in keyer_hardware.h How to deal with those boards with Arduino: https://www.techshopbd.com/uploads/product_document/STM32bluepillarduinoguide(1).pdf 2018.03.30.01 tx_inhibit and tx_pause pins implemented for use with contest station interlock controllers. Documentation: https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki/225-Sidetone,-PTT,-and-TX-Key-Lines#tx-inhibit-and-pause 2018.03.31.01 Now have OPTION_WINKEY_2_HOST_CLOSE_NO_SERIAL_PORT_RESET activated in feature files by default. 2018.04.07.01 Improved tx_pause when buffer or memory sending is paused mid-character 2018.04.15.01 Added HARDWARE_MORTTY 2018.04.16.01 Added OPTION_WINKEY_BLINK_PTT_ON_HOST_OPEN - visual cue that Winkey HOST OPEN has occurred 2018.04.20.01 FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION - Now clear manual ptt invoke upon host open, host close, and 0A commands 2018.04.22.01 Added OPTION_BLINK_HI_ON_PTT - on units that lack a sidetone speaker, this will blink HI on the PTT line on boot up Fixed issue in keyer_pin_settings_mortty.h Added TX Inhibit and TX Pause status in Command Line Interface Status \S command 2018.04.23.01 OPTION_KEEP_PTT_KEYED_WHEN_CHARS_BUFFERED - when Winkeyer Pause command is received, PTT is now de-asserted until Pause is cleared 2018.04.29.01 Deprecated OPTION_KEEP_PTT_KEYED_WHEN_CHARS_BUFFERED. Winkey PINCONFIG PTT bit now sets / unsets ptt_buffer_hold_active New CLI command \" to activate/deactivate PTT Hold Active When Characters Buffered functionality 2018.05.04.01 Winkey Emulation - minor addition to filtering of values echoed from send_char() 2018.05.05.01 Winkey Emulation - minor bug fix with handling of PTT tail time setting. Also added support in Admin Get Values command to report PTT lead and tail time 2018.05.08.01 Fixed bug in CLI with multiple backspaces / backspaces exceeding number of characters in buffer locking up the keyer (Thanks, WF3T) 2018.05.10.01 Removed OPTION_N1MM_WINKEY_TAB_BUG_WORKAROUND. The bug appears to be gone when testing a recent version of N1MM+. 2018.05.17.01 Updated to better handle STM32 board compilation (Thanks, Marcin, SP5IOU) 2018.05.28.01 Addressed potential issue with random pauses when using Winkey emulation with Writelog and Wintest: Changed check_for_dirty_configuration so it won't write to eeprom when there are characters buffered or PTT is active. Also, Winkey Pinconfig command no longer sets config_dirty. 2018.05.31.01 Fixed design flaw with ptt_input_pin and manual PTT invoke commands not working independently (Thanks, Mek, SQ3RX) 2018.07.15.01 Added FEATURE_LCD_8BIT for controlling standard LCD displays with 8 data lines 2018.08.03.01 Fixed bug FEATURE_FARNSWORTH that was inadvertently introduced with command mode speed feature (Thanks, Jim, W5LA) 2018.08.04.01 Added additional checking of serial port while sending automatic CW in order to better interrupt character sending (Thanks, Max, NG7M) Added OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW to disable this additional checking if desired or for troubleshooting 2018.08.13.01 More accurate Farnsworth timing; code contributed by Jim, W5LA 2018.08.21.01 Merged pull request https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/50 HARDWARE_YAACWK contributed by Federico Pietro Briata, IZ1GLG 2018.08.21.02 Different Farnsworth timing calculation. Introduced farnsworth_timing_calibration in settings files. 2018.08.23.01 Fixed bug with Farnsworth timing not occurring during intercharacter time, however now overall WPM timing not right... 2018.08.25.01 More work on Farnsworth timing. The timing appears correct now with PARIS testing, however using farnsworth_timing_calibration = 0.35 Now allow /M0 command to disable Farnsworth 2018.08.30.01 Think we got Farnsworth timing right now. Thanks, Jim, W5LA ! 2018.10.17.01 PTT lead and tail times, and sequencer times can now be set up to 65,535 mS Updated help text with extended commands 2018.10.17.02 Fixed bug in K1EL Winkeyer Emulation paddle echo 2018.10.17.03 Improved potentiometer noise immunity, added potentiometer_reading_threshold in settings (Thanks, Wolf, DK7OB) Fixed non-optimal potentiometer speed change comparison (Thanks, Wolf, DK7OB) 2018.10.19.01 Enabling OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW by default. There appear to be lock ups caused by the serial port checking while sending functionality. Investigating. 2018.10.21.01 Fixed Funtronics FK-10 LCD pin definitions that were broken in 2018.07.15.01 (Thanks, Jeff, N0MII ) 2018.11.09.01 Fixed bug with K1EL Winkey emulation with Admin Get Values PTT Hang Time value returned (Thanks, Dariusz, SP2MKI) Improved reporting of K1EL Winkey emulation PTT tail time and also now have tail time change dynamically with WPM changes to better follow specification Fixed bug in Beacon Mode where dit and dah paddle would interrupt beacon code Fixed bug with K1EL Winkey emulation with dead op watchdog enabling / disabling, and reporting (Thanks, Dariusz, SP2MKI) K1EL Winkey emulation PINCONFIG and Winkeyer Mode commands now write to eeprom 2018.11.09.02 CLI Status now shows paddle and straight key echo state 2018.12.25.01 Fixed potential bug in sleep functionality timing 2019.02.05.01 Fixed bug in command mode K command when in ultimatic mode (Thanks, Rich) Under Development: FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_1 and FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_3 in keyer_features_and_options_test.h 2019.02.05.02 Improvement in how K1EL Winkey emulation buffered speed command speed changing and clearing is handled 2019.04.06.01 OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW has been flipped and changed to OPTION_ENABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW_MAY_CAUSE_PROBLEMS Fixed some compiler warnings 2019.04.07.01 Fixed additional compiler warnings 2019.04.27.01 FEATURE_DISPLAY - fixed issue with cpm label and FunKeyer. (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) Fixed bug introduced in version 2019.02.05.01 with not being able to switch between CLI and Winkey at startup using command button when FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE and FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION both compiled in (Thanks, Dave, G8PGO) 2019.04.27.02 Merge of pull request 59 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/59 - HARDWARE_K5BCQ added. (Thanks, woodjrx) 2019.04.27.03 Merge of pull request 51 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/51 - Yaacwk dev (Thanks, federicobriata) 2019.04.27.04 Merge of pull request 60 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/60 - Add support for generic PCF8574 based I2C display (Thanks, W6IPA) 2019.04.27.05 Fixed bug with I2C displays and \+ memory macros with pauses in between prosigned characters (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) 2019.04.28.01 Implemented asynchronous EEPROM writes 2019.04.29.01 Fixed bug introduced in 2019.04.27.05 with display of second prosign character (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) 2019.05.03.01 Merged pull request https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/61 (Thanks, W6IPA) Merged pull request https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/62 (Thanks, W6IPA) Merged pull request https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/63 (Thanks, W6IPA) New hardware profile: HARDWARE_MEGAKEYER https://github.com/w6ipa/megakeyer (Thanks, W6IPA) {needs documented} 2019.05.03.02 Added potentiometer_enable_pin {needs documented} Merged pull request https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/64 (Thanks, W6IPA) 2019.05.15.01 Merged pull request https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/65 (Thanks, federicobriata); yaacwk FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT Merged pull request https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/67 (Thanks, OK1CDJ); New hardware profile: HARDWARE_OPENCWKEYER_MK2 https://github.com/ok1cdj/OpenCWKeyerMK2 Merged pull request https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/66 (Thanks, woodjrx); Last update for K5BCQ 2019.05.16.01 Fixed issue with factory reset functionality and asynchronous EEPROM write feature (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) Relocated sidetone_hz_limit_low and sidetone_hz_limit_high setting from ino file to settings.h files (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) {needs documented} 2019.05.17.01 service_async_eeprom_write(): Changed EEPROM.write to EEPROM.update to lessen wear and tear on EEPROM and also reduce writing time. (Each EEPROM.write = 3.3 mS) 2019.05.17.02 OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_UNO (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) {needs documented} OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER now does direct pin reads rather than digitalRead (Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL) FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT - Rolled out SD card support to main keyer_features_and_options.h files {needs documented} 2019.05.28.01 FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION - fixed prosign lock up issue with Win-Test (Thanks, Bob, N6TV) 2019.05.29.01 FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION - fixed issues with paddle echo (Thanks, Bob, N6TV) Settings - winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time_factor changed to winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_timing_factor Fixed keyer_pin_settings_nanokeyer_rev_*.h to include potentiometer_enable_pin (https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/issues/68) (Thanks, rificity) convert_cw_number_to_ascii() was returning exclamation and not comma (Thanks, W6IPA) FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE - fixed errant submitted change in send_char() (Thanks, Sverre, LA3ZA) 2019.06.18.01 Fixed bug with OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER and reading left (dit) paddle 2019.08.18.01 Fixed logic issue with W INKEY_CANCEL_BUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND that may arise in Logger32 2019.08.18.02 Fixed issue with OPTION_BLINK_HI_ON_PTT (Thanks, Bob, WO6W) 2019.08.18.03 Merged pull request 75 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/75 - New HW addition - PIC32 Pinguino (Thanks, IZ3GME) 2019.08.18.04 Merged pull request 73 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/73 - code change to allow the speed input device encoder or potentiometer to change the command mode speed when in Command Mode (Thanks VK2EFL and KG6HUM) 2019.10.23.01 Added HARDWARE_MORTTY_REGULAR, HARDWARE_MORTTY_REGULAR_WITH_POTENTIOMETER, HARDWARE_MORTTY_SO2R, HARDWARE_MORTTY_SO2R_WITH_POTENTIOMETER (Going to depricate Morrty preconfigurations directory shortly...) 2019.10.23.02 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/issues/70 Thanks, SP9RQA 2019.10.23.03 Merged Pull 71 - re-factor analog button functions to support multiple button lines https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/71 Thanks, W6IPA 2019.10.23.04 Fixed bug with contest wordspace in K1EL Winkey emulation setmode command. Thanks, Paul K1XM OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_VERSION_ON_HOST_CLOSE - Made this an option that is disabled by default. 2019.10.24.01 Fixed issue in winkey_unbuffered_speed_command Fixed some compiler warnings Fixed compiler redefine errors with Mortty hardware profiles 2019.11.07.01 Merged Pull Request 77 (https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/77) Allow for 12 buttons + command - (Thanks, W6IPA) Manually merged Pull Request 76 (https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/76) Fix case sensitive include - (Thanks, Daniele, IU5HKX) 2019.11.07.02 Manual merge of contributed S02R code in progress. Details later. No functionality added or big fixes. 2019.11.08.01 Improved LCD screen refreshes; may improve performance with I2C LCD displays 2019.11.08.02 Fixed bug with character displaying during memory playing; bug introduced with improved LCD screen refreshes 2019.11.08.03 Completed manual merge of contributed code for HARDWARE_YCCC_SO2R_MINI . Testing in progress. (Thanks, Paul, K1XM) Includes FEATURE_SO2R_BASE, FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES, FEATURE_SO2R_ANTENNA 2019.11.13.01 Various code compilation warning cleanups. (Thanks, Paul, K1XM) 2019.12.07.01 Updated version number for multiple merged pull requests https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/78 - Custom startup text - Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/80 - FK-11 Support - Thanks, Ben git1k2 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/82 - Additional display info - Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL Fixed errant text at line 7293 from merge of pull request 82 2019.12.07.02 Added OPTION_PERSONALIZED_STARTUP_SCREEN and custom_startup_field to feature and settings files of all hardware profiles (from pull request 78) 2019.12.07.03 Resolved conflict and merged pull request 83 - Paddle direction parameter change ( https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/83/) Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL Added OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION to feature and settings files of all hardware profiles (OPTION from pull request 83) 2019.12.07.04 Resolved conflict and merged pull request 84 - Code to support the correct answer and wrong answer LEDs when progressive 5 character practice is invoked from the CLI ( https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/84/) Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL 2019.12.07.05 Resolved conflict and merged pull request 85 - Command mode display memory ( https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/85/) Thanks, Fred, VK2EFL Github conflict resolution tool nuked about 2000 lines at the end on ino file. Fixed that. GRRRRRRR Added OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE from pull request 85 to all hardware profile feature files Updated all pin settings files so that correct_answer_led and wrong_answer_led are always defined 2019.12.16.01 Fixed bug with K1EL Winkeyer emulation cancel buffered speed command (Thanks, Drew, N7DA) 2019.12.17.01 Fixed bug with K1EL Winkeyer emulation with SO2R operation and errant CW being sent after switching radios 2020.02.04.01 Fixed bug with handling of K1EL Winkeyer emulation and handling of PINCONFIG bit 0 and PTT lead time (Thanks, Bill, K1GQ) 2020.02.04.02 Renabled serial port checking during CW sending specifically when automatic sending is happening OPTION_ENABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW_MAY_CAUSE_PROBLEMS has been depricated OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW added 2020.02.10.01 Added OPTION_WINKEY_PINCONFIG_PTT_CONTROLS_PTT_HOLD - Instead of normal K1EL Winkeyer PINCONFIG PTT bit 0 behavior (activating/deactivating PTT) have this bit control PTT hold when characters are buffered (Thanks, Bill, K1GQ) 2020.02.13.01 Enabling OPTION_WINKEY_PINCONFIG_PTT_CONTROLS_PTT_HOLD by default with YCCC SO2R Mini hardware profile while we continue to troubleshoot issue involving PTT line, SO2R Mini footswitch, and K1EL Winkey emulation PINCONFIG PTT bit 0 2020.02.18.01 Fix for YCCC SO2R Mini issue involving PTT line, SO2R Mini footswitch, and K1EL Winkey emulation PINCONFIG PTT bit 0 (Thanks, K1GC and JH5GHM) 2020.02.18.02 Corrected fix for YCCC SO2R Mini issue involving PTT line, SO2R Mini footswitch, and K1EL Winkey emulation PINCONFIG PTT bit 0 (Thanks, K1GC and JH5GHM) In K1EL Winkey emulation character echo is now sent after character CW is sent 2020.03.06.01 Merged pull request 92 - Fix button logic and add test https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/92 (Thanks W6IPA) 2020.03.07.01 Added OPTION_WINKEY_PINCONFIG_PTT_CONTROLS_PTT_LINE - K1EL Winkeyer PTT setting activates/deactivates PTT line rather than controls buffered character PTT hold TinyKeyer - OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW enabled by default for TinyKeyer (keyer_features_and_options_tinykeyer.h) 2020.03.07.02 Command Line Interface - Added \] to disable and enable PTT 2020.03.07.03 Fixed bug with \] and \U interaction (Thanks SV5FRI) Added \] to serial help 2020.03.08.01 Fixed another bug with \] and \U interaction (Thanks SV5FRI) 2020.03.10.01 Merged pull request 94 - HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C - Fixed error : call of overloaded 'noTone()' is ambiguous (Thanks 7m4mon) Merged pull request 93 - Option to disable ultimatic to save space (Thanks, W6IPA) 2020.04.13.01 Fixed compilation error when LCD display is enabled without FEATURE_MEMORIES (Thanks Nigel M0NDE) 2020.04.14.01 Support for FlashAsEEPROM (Thanks Phil M0VSE) 2020.04.14.02 Support for FlashAsEEPROM, take two; ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE support (Thanks Phil M0VSE) 2020.04.14.03 Support for FlashAsEEPROM, take three; ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE support (Thanks Phil M0VSE) Added DEBUG_EEPROM_READ_SETTINGS 2020.04.15.01 Support for FlashAsEEPROM, take four; ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE support (Thanks Phil M0VSE) 2020.04.21.01 FEATURE_BEACON_SETTING Command Line Interface: \_ Command - Beacon Mode at Boot Up Enable / Disable (requires FEATURE_BEACON_SETTING) {Need to update wiki} 2020.04.24.01 Added to settings files: command_mode_acknowledgement_character 'E' 2020.04.25.01 -....- now echoes as dash "-" (-...- is double dash / equals =) Added Command Mode command: - Enable / disable PTT Line 2020.04.26.01 memory_area_end is now automagically calculated at runtime and is no longer in settings files 2020.05.27.01 The Paddle Echo timing factor is now in eeprom and can be set with the \:pf ### extended CLI command ( https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki/310-Feature:-Command-Line-Interface#cli-commands ) Autospace now has a configurable timing factor which can be set with the \:af ### extended CLI command cw_echo_timing_factor setting has been deprecated and replaced with default_cw_echo_timing_factor default_autospace_timing_factor setting created memory_area_start is now automagically calculated FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT created which has customizable CW feedback messages for most command mode commands New settings in settings files for FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ( https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki/320-Feature:-Command-Mode#feedback ) 2020.06.03.01 Fixed issue (hopefully) with memory_area_start automatic cacluation Fixed issue of command_mode_acknowledgement_character not used for command acknowledgement when FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is disabled 2020.06.03.02 In FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT added setting command_t_tune_mode for T (tune) command Without FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, setting command_mode_acknowledgement_character now is used for T (tune) command Added setting FEATURE_ETHERNET_DNS {8,8,8,8} to FEATURE_WEB_SERVER and FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK (FEATURE_ETHERNET) 2020.06.03.03 Fixed issue with paddle interruption of stacked memories not being consistent (Thanks, Marcin SP5IOU) \S memory macro now prints space on CLI and LCD display 2020.06.13.01 HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C - hard code EEPROM length to account for length() method not being available on this platform 2020.06.14.01 Added [ character as prosign AS for K1EL Winkeyer / N1MM+ compatibility (Thanks, Mark WH7W) 2020.07.01.01 Pull request 98 - Support for configuring the side tone line states - merged. (https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/98) (Thanks, Costin Stroie) New settings: sidetone_line_active_state, sidetone_line_inactive_state 2020.07.04.01 Added OPTION_WINKEY_PROSIGN_COMPATIBILITY for additional character mappings to support K1EL Winkey emulation prosigns 2020.07.07.01 Merge of pull request 99 - Add support for using the NewTone library (https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/99) (Thanks, Costin Stroie) Added support for configuring the sidetone line states HIGH and LOW. Use the NewTone instead of the standard tone library (~1k smaller code). Included the NewTone library by Tim Eckel Added FEATURE_WEB_SERVER and FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK to all features and options files 2020.07.17.01 Merge of pull request 100 - Command buttons 1-3 are not working with ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C (https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/100) (Thanks, 7m4mon) 2020.07.26.01 Extended CLI commands now work with linefeed line terminations in addition to carriage return; Issue 101 (https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/issues/101), (Thanks, devcpu) 2020.08.17.01 FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION - fixed bug that adversly affected operation with Logger32 2020.08.21.01 FEATURE_COMMAND_BUTTONS is now called FEATURE_BUTTONS Command mode is now broken out into its own feature, FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE 2020.08.22.01 Minor tweak in check_buttons() 2020.08.23.01 Added FEATURE_LCD_I2C_FDEBRABANDER Added settings lcd_i2c_address_mathertel_PCF8574 0x27 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_MATHERTEL_PCF8574 lcd_i2c_address_fdebrander_lcd 0x27 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_I2C_FDEBRABANDER lcd_i2c_address_ydv1_lcd 0x27 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_YDv1 lcd_i2c_address_sainsmart_lcd 0x27 // I2C address of display for FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C 2020.08.24.01 In pin settings files clarified the function of pins for FEATURE_CW_DECODER & OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR Updated CW Decoder Wiki Page https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki/385-Feature:-CW-Decoder 2020.08.28.02 Merged pull request 103 Change personalized startup operation ( https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/103 ) (Thanks, VK2EFL) 2020.08.29.01 Implemented fix for memories not halting after a paddle press ( https://groups.io/g/radioartisan/message/13500 ) (Thanks, Gary, AF8A, for code ) 2020.11.01.01 Fixed issues with FEATURE_WEB_SERVER and FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK when compiled with main features and settings files. 2021.01.24.01 Added the \:comp extended command to change keying compensation in the CLI keying_compensation is now stored in eeprom NOTE: increasing keying compensation above 35 mS at ~24 WPM causes wonkiness. Probably need to add code to limit this value based on current WPM 2021.01.25.01 Keying compensation now displayed in \S status CLI command Added Q command to FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE: Adjust keying compensation (left paddle = increase, right paddle = decrease) FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE \:comp command now displays warning if keying compensation setting is probably too high 2021.03.10.01 Merged Pull Request 108 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/108 from VK2EFL Adds to the \S CLI listing a display of the current tx's lead and tail times, plus the hang time (in wordspace units) plus the memory repeat time. Merged Pull Request 109 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/109 from VK2EFL Adds the option of a memory repeat time between repeated playing of memory 1 when in beacon mode. Adds the option of having the PTT tail time added to the PTT at the end of each playing of memory 1 when in beacon mode. 2021.03.20.01 Updated version number for merging of Pull Request 110 https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/pull/110 from FrugalGuy (Ron, KO4RON) Adds FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM Documentation: https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki Support: https://groups.io/g/radioartisan ( Please do not email K3NG directly for support. Thanks ) YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5o8UM1-heT5kJbwnJRkUYg This code is currently maintained for and compiled with Arduino 1.8.x. Your mileage may vary with other versions. ATTENTION: LIBRARY FILES MUST BE PUT IN LIBRARIES DIRECTORIES AND NOT THE INO SKETCH DIRECTORY !!!! FOR EXAMPLE: K3NG_PS2Keyboard.h, K3NG_PS2Keyboard.cpp -----> \Arduino\Sketchbook\libraries\K3NG_PS2Keyboard\ Goertz.h, Goertz.cpp ------------------------> \Arduino\Sketchbook\libraries\Goertz\ "Make good code and share it with friends." If you offer a hardware kit using this software, show your appreciation by sending the author a complimentary kit or a bottle of bourbon ;-) */ #define CODE_VERSION "2021.03.20.01" #define eeprom_magic_number 41 // you can change this number to have the unit re-initialize EEPROM #include #include "keyer_hardware.h" #if defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) #include #include #define tone toneDUE #define noTone noToneDUE #elif defined(ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI)|| defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) || defined(__STM32F1__) #include #include #include #include "keyer_stm32duino.h" #elif defined(_BOARD_PIC32_PINGUINO_) #include #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE) #include #else #include #include #include #endif //ARDUINO_SAM_DUE #if defined(HARDWARE_OPENCWKEYER_MK2) #include "keyer_features_and_options_opencwkeyer_mk2.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_NANOKEYER_REV_B) #include "keyer_features_and_options_nanokeyer_rev_b.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_NANOKEYER_REV_D) #include "keyer_features_and_options_nanokeyer_rev_d.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_OPEN_INTERFACE) #include "keyer_features_and_options_open_interface.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_TINYKEYER) #include "keyer_features_and_options_tinykeyer.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_FK_10) #include "keyer_features_and_options_fk_10.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_FK_11) #include "keyer_features_and_options_fk_11.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MAPLE_MINI)//sp5iou 20180328 #include "keyer_features_and_options_maple_mini.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C)//sp5iou 20180329 #include "keyer_features_and_options_generic_STM32F103C.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY) #include "keyer_features_and_options_mortty.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY_REGULAR) #include "keyer_features_and_options_mortty_regular.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY_REGULAR_WITH_POTENTIOMETER) #include "keyer_features_and_options_mortty_regular_with_potentiometer.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY_SO2R) #include "keyer_features_and_options_mortty_so2r.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY_SO2R_WITH_POTENTIOMETER) #include "keyer_features_and_options_mortty_so2r_with_potentiometer.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_K5BCQ) #include "keyer_features_and_options_k5bcq.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MEGAKEYER) #include "keyer_features_and_options_megakeyer.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_TEST_EVERYTHING) #include "keyer_features_and_options_test_everything.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_YAACWK) #include "keyer_features_and_options_yaacwk.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_TEST) #include "keyer_features_and_options_test.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_IZ3GME) #include "keyer_features_and_options_iz3gme.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_YCCC_SO2R_MINI) #include "keyer_features_and_options_yccc_so2r_mini.h" #else #include "keyer_features_and_options.h" #endif #include "keyer.h" #ifdef FEATURE_EEPROM_E24C1024 #include #define EEPROM EEPROM1024 #endif #include "keyer_dependencies.h" #include "keyer_debug.h" #if defined(HARDWARE_OPENCWKEYER_MK2) #include "keyer_pin_settings_opencwkeyer_mk2.h" #include "keyer_settings_opencwkeyer_mk2.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_NANOKEYER_REV_B) #include "keyer_pin_settings_nanokeyer_rev_b.h" #include "keyer_settings_nanokeyer_rev_b.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_NANOKEYER_REV_D) #include "keyer_pin_settings_nanokeyer_rev_d.h" #include "keyer_settings_nanokeyer_rev_d.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_OPEN_INTERFACE) #include "keyer_pin_settings_open_interface.h" #include "keyer_settings_open_interface.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_TINYKEYER) #include "keyer_pin_settings_tinykeyer.h" #include "keyer_settings_tinykeyer.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_FK_10) #include "keyer_pin_settings_fk_10.h" #include "keyer_settings_fk_10.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_FK_11) #include "keyer_pin_settings_fk_11.h" #include "keyer_settings_fk_11.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MAPLE_MINI) #include "keyer_pin_settings_maple_mini.h" #include "keyer_settings_maple_mini.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C) #include "keyer_pin_settings_generic_STM32F103C.h" #include "keyer_settings_generic_STM32F103C.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY) #include "keyer_pin_settings_mortty.h" #include "keyer_settings_mortty.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY_REGULAR) #include "keyer_pin_settings_mortty_regular.h" #include "keyer_settings_mortty_regular.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY_REGULAR_WITH_POTENTIOMETER) #include "keyer_pin_settings_mortty_regular_with_potentiometer.h" #include "keyer_settings_mortty_regular_with_potentiometer.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY_SO2R) #include "keyer_pin_settings_mortty_so2r.h" #include "keyer_settings_mortty_so2r.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MORTTY_SO2R_WITH_POTENTIOMETER) #include "keyer_pin_settings_mortty_so2r_with_potentiometer.h" #include "keyer_settings_mortty_so2r_with_potentiometer.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_K5BCQ) #include "keyer_pin_settings_k5bcq.h" #include "keyer_settings_k5bcq.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_MEGAKEYER) #include "keyer_pin_settings_megakeyer.h" #include "keyer_settings_megakeyer.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_TEST_EVERYTHING) #include "keyer_pin_settings_test_everything.h" #include "keyer_settings_test_everything.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_YAACWK) #include "keyer_pin_settings_yaacwk.h" #include "keyer_settings_yaacwk.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_TEST) #include "keyer_pin_settings_test.h" #include "keyer_settings_test.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_IZ3GME) #include "keyer_pin_settings_iz3gme.h" #include "keyer_settings_iz3gme.h" #elif defined(HARDWARE_YCCC_SO2R_MINI) #include "keyer_pin_settings_yccc_so2r_mini.h" #include "keyer_settings_yccc_so2r_mini.h" #else #include "keyer_pin_settings.h" #include "keyer_settings.h" #endif #if defined(FEATURE_BUTTONS) #include "src/buttonarray/buttonarray.h" #endif #if defined(FEATURE_SIDETONE_NEWTONE) && !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) #include #define tone NewTone #define noTone noNewTone #endif //FEATURE_SIDETONE_NEWTONE #if defined(FEATURE_SLEEP) #include // It should be different library for ARM sp5iou #endif #if defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_4BIT) || defined(FEATURE_LCD1602_N07DH) || defined (FEATURE_LCD_8BIT) // works on 3.2V supply and logic, but do not work on every pins (SP5IOU) #include #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_I2C) || defined(FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_BACKPACK) || defined(FEATURE_LCD_YDv1) || defined(FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C) || defined(FEATURE_LCD_FABO_PCF8574) || defined(FEATURE_LCD_MATHERTEL_PCF8574) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_YDv1) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_I2C) #include #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_BACKPACK) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_FABO_PCF8574) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_MATHERTEL_PCF8574) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_I2C_FDEBRABANDER) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_HD44780) #include #include #include #define WIRECLOCK 400000L #endif #if defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) // #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_CW_DECODER) && defined(OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) #if !defined(ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI) && !defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) //sp5iou 20180329 #include // if this is not included, compilation fails even though all ethernet code is #ifdef'ed out #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) #include #endif //FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK #endif //!defined(ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI) && !defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) //sp5iou 20180329 #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #if defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) // note_usb_uncomment_lines // #include // Arduino 1.6.x (and maybe 1.5.x) has issues with these three lines, moreover we noted that Arduino 1.8.6 it's not afected by an issue during USB Shield SPI init see https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0/issues/390 // #include // Uncomment the three lines if you are using FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD or FEATURE_USB_MOUSE // #include // Note: the most updated USB Library can be downloaded at https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 #endif #if defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) #include // Have a problem with Keyboard.h not found? See https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/issues/35 // For some unknown reason this line uncommented in Arduino 1.8.1 causes compilation error (sigh) #endif //defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) #if defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD)|| defined (FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) #include #include #endif //FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT #if defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE) extern uint32_t __get_MSP(void); #define SP __get_MSP() #endif #define memory_area_start (sizeof(configuration)+5) // Variables and stuff struct config_t { // 120 bytes total uint8_t paddle_mode; uint8_t keyer_mode; uint8_t sidetone_mode; uint8_t pot_activated; uint8_t length_wordspace; uint8_t autospace_active; uint8_t current_ptt_line; uint8_t current_tx; uint8_t weighting; uint8_t dit_buffer_off; uint8_t dah_buffer_off; uint8_t cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent; uint8_t cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on; uint8_t link_receive_enabled; uint8_t paddle_interruption_quiet_time_element_lengths; uint8_t wordsworth_wordspace; uint8_t wordsworth_repetition; uint8_t cli_mode; uint8_t ptt_buffer_hold_active; uint8_t ptt_disabled; uint8_t beacon_mode_on_boot_up; uint8_t keying_compensation; // 22 bytes unsigned int wpm; unsigned int hz_sidetone; unsigned int dah_to_dit_ratio; unsigned int wpm_farnsworth; unsigned int memory_repeat_time; unsigned int wpm_command_mode; unsigned int link_receive_udp_port; unsigned int wpm_ps2_usb_keyboard; unsigned int wpm_cli; unsigned int wpm_winkey; unsigned int cw_echo_timing_factor; unsigned int autospace_timing_factor; // 24 bytes uint8_t ip[4]; uint8_t gateway[4]; uint8_t subnet[4]; uint8_t dns_server[4]; // 16 bytes uint8_t link_send_ip[4][FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS]; // FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS = 2 uint8_t link_send_enabled[FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS]; unsigned int link_send_udp_port[FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS]; // 14 bytes unsigned int ptt_lead_time[6]; unsigned int ptt_tail_time[6]; unsigned int ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[5]; unsigned int ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[5]; // 44 bytes int sidetone_volume; // 2 bytes } configuration; byte sending_mode = UNDEFINED_SENDING; byte command_mode_disable_tx = 0; byte current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_1; #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE byte current_tx_ptt_line = ptt_tx_1; #endif byte manual_ptt_invoke = 0; byte manual_ptt_invoke_ptt_input_pin = 0; byte qrss_dit_length = initial_qrss_dit_length; byte keyer_machine_mode = KEYER_NORMAL; // KEYER_NORMAL, BEACON, KEYER_COMMAND_MODE byte char_send_mode = 0; // CW, HELL, AMERICAN_MORSE byte key_tx = 0; // 0 = tx_key_line control suppressed byte dit_buffer = 0; // used for buffering paddle hits in iambic operation byte dah_buffer = 0; // used for buffering paddle hits in iambic operation byte button0_buffer = 0; byte being_sent = 0; // SENDING_NOTHING, SENDING_DIT, SENDING_DAH byte key_state = 0; // 0 = key up, 1 = key down byte config_dirty = 0; unsigned long ptt_time = 0; byte ptt_line_activated = 0; byte speed_mode = SPEED_NORMAL; #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) || defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS) || defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) || defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE) unsigned int serial_number = 1; #endif byte pause_sending_buffer = 0; byte length_letterspace = default_length_letterspace; //byte keying_compensation = default_keying_compensation; byte first_extension_time = default_first_extension_time; byte ultimatic_mode = ULTIMATIC_NORMAL; float ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units = default_ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units; byte last_sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; byte zero = 0; byte iambic_flag = 0; unsigned long last_config_write = 0; uint16_t memory_area_end = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP unsigned long last_activity_time = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM unsigned long last_active_time = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY enum lcd_statuses {LCD_CLEAR, LCD_REVERT, LCD_TIMED_MESSAGE, LCD_SCROLL_MSG}; #define default_display_msg_delay 1000 #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_I2C #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 byte lcdcolor = GREEN; // default color for RGB LCD display #endif //FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_I2C #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) byte wk2_mode = 1; #ifndef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE byte wk2_both_tx_activated = 0; #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE byte wk2_paddle_only_sidetone = 0; #endif //defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY byte lcd_status = LCD_CLEAR; unsigned long lcd_timed_message_clear_time = 0; byte lcd_previous_status = LCD_CLEAR; byte lcd_scroll_buffer_dirty = 0; String lcd_scroll_buffer[LCD_ROWS]; byte lcd_scroll_flag = 0; byte lcd_paddle_echo = 1; byte lcd_send_echo = 1; #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUMP long dit_start_time; long dit_end_time; long dah_start_time; long dah_end_time; #endif //DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUMP #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS int button_array_high_limit[analog_buttons_number_of_buttons]; int button_array_low_limit[analog_buttons_number_of_buttons]; long button_last_add_to_send_buffer_time = 0; #endif //FEATURE_BUTTONS byte pot_wpm_low_value; #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER byte pot_wpm_high_value; byte last_pot_wpm_read; int pot_full_scale_reading = default_pot_full_scale_reading; #endif //FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) #if !defined(OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW) byte loop_element_lengths_breakout_flag; byte dump_current_character_flag; #endif byte incoming_serial_byte; long primary_serial_port_baud_rate; byte cw_send_echo_inhibit = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE byte serial_backslash_command; byte cli_paddle_echo = cli_paddle_echo_on_at_boot; byte cli_prosign_flag = 0; byte cli_wait_for_cr_to_send_cw = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) byte cli_straight_key_echo = cli_straight_key_echo_on_at_boot; #endif #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL byte send_buffer_array[send_buffer_size]; byte send_buffer_bytes = 0; byte send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES byte play_memory_prempt = 0; long last_memory_button_buffer_insert = 0; byte repeat_memory = 255; unsigned long last_memory_repeat_time = 0; #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) byte primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_CLI; #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION byte winkey_serial_echo = 1; byte winkey_host_open = 0; unsigned int winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = 0; byte winkey_speed_state = WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED; byte winkey_buffer_counter = 0; byte winkey_buffer_pointer = 0; byte winkey_dit_invoke = 0; byte winkey_dah_invoke = 0; long winkey_paddle_echo_buffer = 0; byte winkey_paddle_echo_activated = 0; unsigned long winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = 0; byte winkey_sending = 0; byte winkey_interrupted = 0; byte winkey_xoff = 0; byte winkey_session_ptt_tail = 0; byte winkey_pinconfig_ptt_bit = 1; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE byte winkey_breakin_status_byte_inhibit = 0; #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION #ifdef FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD byte ps2_keyboard_mode = PS2_KEYBOARD_NORMAL; byte ps2_keyboard_command_buffer[25]; byte ps2_keyboard_command_buffer_pointer = 0; #endif //FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD #ifdef FEATURE_HELL PROGMEM const char hell_font1[] = {B00111111, B11100000, B00011001, B11000000, B01100011, B00000001, B10011100, B00111111, B11100000, // A B00110000, B00110000, B11111111, B11000011, B00110011, B00001100, B11001100, B00011100, B11100000, // B B00111111, B11110000, B11000000, B11000011, B00000011, B00001100, B00001100, B00110000, B00110000, // C B00110000, B00110000, B11111111, B11000011, B00000011, B00001100, B00001100, B00011111, B11100000, // D B00111111, B11110000, B11001100, B11000011, B00110011, B00001100, B00001100, B00110000, B00110000, B00111111, B11110000, B00001100, B11000000, B00110011, B00000000, B00001100, B00000000, B00110000, B00111111, B11110000, B11000000, B11000011, B00000011, B00001100, B11001100, B00111111, B00110000, B00111111, B11110000, B00001100, B00000000, B00110000, B00000000, B11000000, B00111111, B11110000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000011, B11111111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00111100, B00000000, B11000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00001100, B00000000, B00111111, B11110000, B00111111, B11110000, B00001100, B00000000, B01110000, B00000011, B00110000, B00111000, B11100000, B00111111, B11110000, B11000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00001100, B00000000, B00110000, B00000000, B00111111, B11110000, B00000001, B10000000, B00001100, B00000000, B00011000, B00111111, B11110000, B00111111, B11110000, B00000011, B10000000, B00111000, B00000011, B10000000, B00111111, B11110000, B00111111, B11110000, B11000000, B11000011, B00000011, B00001100, B00001100, B00111111, B11110000, B00110000, B00110000, B11111111, B11000011, B00110011, B00000000, B11001100, B00000011, B11110000, B00111111, B11110000, B11000000, B11000011, B11000011, B00001111, B11111100, B11110000, B00000000, B00111111, B11110000, B00001100, B11000000, B00110011, B00000011, B11001100, B00111001, B11100000, B00110001, B11100000, B11001100, B11000011, B00110011, B00001100, B11001100, B00011110, B00110000, B00000000, B00110000, B00000000, B11000011, B11111111, B00000000, B00001100, B00000000, B00110000, B00111111, B11110000, B11000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00001100, B00000000, B00111111, B11110000, B00111111, B11110000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00011111, B11110000, B11000000, B00000001, B11110000, B00001100, B00000000, B00011111, B11110000, B00111000, B01110000, B00110011, B00000000, B01111000, B00000011, B00110000, B00111000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00000111, B00000011, B11110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00111000, B00110000, B11111000, B11000011, B00110011, B00001100, B01111100, B00110000, B01110000}; // Z PROGMEM const char hell_font2[] = {B00011111, B11100000, B11000000, B11000011, B00000011, B00001100, B00001100, B00011111, B11100000, // 0 B00000000, B00000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00000110, B00001111, B11111100, B00000000, B00000000, B00111000, B01100000, B11110000, B11000011, B00110011, B00001100, B01111000, B00110000, B00000000, B11000000, B00000011, B00000000, B11000110, B00110011, B00001100, B11111100, B00011110, B00000000, B00000111, B11111000, B00011000, B00000000, B01100000, B00001111, B11111100, B00000110, B00000000, B00110000, B00000000, B11000000, B00000011, B00011111, B10000110, B01100110, B00001111, B00011000, B00011111, B11110000, B11001100, B01100011, B00011000, B11001100, B01100000, B00011111, B00000000, B01110000, B00110000, B01110000, B11000000, B01110011, B00000000, B01111100, B00000000, B01110000, B00111100, B11110001, B10011110, B01100110, B00110001, B10011001, B11100110, B00111100, B11110000, B00000011, B11100011, B00011000, B11000110, B01100011, B00001100, B00001100, B00011111, B11100000}; // 9 PROGMEM const char hell_font3[] = {B00000011, B00000000, B00001100, B00000001, B11111110, B00000000, B11000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00001100, B00000000, B00110000, B00000000, B11000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00000000, B00110000, B00000000, B11001110, B01110011, B00000000, B01111100, B00000000, B00000000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00000000, B01110000, B00111000, B00000000, B11100000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00001100, B00000001, B11110000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00111000, B00000011, B10000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00001100, B11000000, B00110011, B00000000, B11001100, B00000011, B00110000, B00001100, B11000000, B01110000, B00111000, B01110011, B10000000, B01111000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B01111000, B00000111, B00111000, B01110000, B00111000, B00000000, B00000000, B01110011, B10000001, B11001110, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; #endif //FEATURE_HELL #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG byte dead_op_watchdog_active = 1; byte dit_counter = 0; byte dah_counter = 0; #endif //FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS #ifdef OPTION_REVERSE_BUTTON_ORDER ButtonArray button_array(analog_buttons_pin, analog_buttons_number_of_buttons, true); #else ButtonArray button_array(analog_buttons_pin, analog_buttons_number_of_buttons, false); #endif #endif //FEATURE_BUTTONS #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER // Rotary Encoder State Tables #ifdef OPTION_ENCODER_HALF_STEP_MODE // Use the half-step state table (emits a code at 00 and 11) const unsigned char ttable[6][4] = { {0x3 , 0x2, 0x1, 0x0}, {0x23, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0}, {0x13, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x3 , 0x5, 0x4, 0x0}, {0x3 , 0x3, 0x4, 0x10}, {0x3 , 0x5, 0x3, 0x20} }; #else // Use the full-step state table (emits a code at 00 only) const unsigned char ttable[7][4] = { {0x0, 0x2, 0x4, 0x0}, {0x3, 0x0, 0x1, 0x10}, {0x3, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x3, 0x2, 0x1, 0x0}, {0x6, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0}, {0x6, 0x5, 0x0, 0x20}, {0x6, 0x5, 0x4, 0x0}, }; #endif //OPTION_ENCODER_HALF_STEP_MODE unsigned char state = 0; #define DIR_CCW 0x10 // CW Encoder Code (do not change) #define DIR_CW 0x20 // CCW Encoder Code (do not change) #endif //FEATURE_ENCODER_SUPPORT #ifdef FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD unsigned long usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time = 0; String keyboard_string; #endif //FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD #if defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) byte usb_dit = 0; byte usb_dah = 0; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) #ifdef OPTION_USE_ORIGINAL_VERSION_2_1_PS2KEYBOARD_LIB PS2Keyboard keyboard; #else //OPTION_USE_ORIGINAL_VERSION_2_1_PS2KEYBOARD_LIB K3NG_PS2Keyboard keyboard; #endif //OPTION_USE_ORIGINAL_VERSION_2_1_PS2KEYBOARD_LIB #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_4BIT) || defined(FEATURE_LCD1602_N07DH) LiquidCrystal lcd(lcd_rs, lcd_enable, lcd_d4, lcd_d5, lcd_d6, lcd_d7); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_8BIT) LiquidCrystal lcd(lcd_rs, lcd_enable, lcd_d0, lcd_d1, lcd_d2, lcd_d3, lcd_d4, lcd_d5, lcd_d6, lcd_d7); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_I2C) Adafruit_RGBLCDShield lcd = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_BACKPACK) Adafruit_LiquidCrystal lcd(0); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C) // #define I2C_ADDR 0x27 // #define BACKLIGHT_PIN 3 // #define En_pin 2 // #define Rw_pin 1 // #define Rs_pin 0 // #define D4_pin 4 // #define D5_pin 5 // #define D6_pin 6 // #define D7_pin 7 // LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(I2C_ADDR,En_pin,Rw_pin,Rs_pin,D4_pin,D5_pin,D6_pin,D7_pin, BACKLIGHT_PIN, POSITIVE); LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(lcd_i2c_address_sainsmart_lcd,LCD_COLUMNS,LCD_ROWS); #endif //FEATURE_SAINSMART_I2C_LCD #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_YDv1) //LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x38); LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(lcd_i2c_address_ydv1_lcd, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE); // for FEATURE_LCD_YDv1; set the LCD I2C address needed for LCM1602 IC V1 #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_FABO_PCF8574) FaBoLCD_PCF8574 lcd; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_MATHERTEL_PCF8574) LiquidCrystal_PCF8574 lcd(lcd_i2c_address_mathertel_PCF8574); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_I2C_FDEBRABANDER) LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(lcd_i2c_address_fdebrander_lcd, LCD_COLUMNS, LCD_ROWS, /*charsize*/ LCD_5x8DOTS); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_HD44780) hd44780_I2Cexp lcd; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) USB Usb; uint32_t next_time; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) class KbdRptParser : public KeyboardReportParser { protected: virtual void OnKeyDown (uint8_t mod, uint8_t key); virtual void OnKeyUp (uint8_t mod, uint8_t key); }; HIDBoot HidKeyboard(&Usb); KbdRptParser KeyboardPrs; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) class MouseRptParser : public MouseReportParser { protected: virtual void OnMouseMove(MOUSEINFO *mi); virtual void OnLeftButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi); virtual void OnLeftButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi); virtual void OnRightButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi); virtual void OnRightButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi); virtual void OnMiddleButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi); virtual void OnMiddleButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi); }; HIDBoot HidMouse(&Usb); MouseRptParser MousePrs; #endif //FEATURE_USB_MOUSE #if defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //BasicTerm term(&Serial); #endif PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * primary_serial_port; #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT) SECONDARY_SERIAL_CLS * secondary_serial_port; #endif PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * debug_serial_port; #ifdef FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK byte ptt_interlock_active = 0; #endif //FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK #ifdef FEATURE_QLF byte qlf_active = qlf_on_by_default; #endif //FEATURE_QLF #if defined(FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO) byte paddle_echo = 0; long paddle_echo_buffer = 0; unsigned long paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = 0; #endif //FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO #ifndef FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO long paddle_echo_buffer = 0; #endif // FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO #if defined(FEATURE_CW_DECODER) && defined(OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR) Goertzdetector cwtonedetector; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) unsigned long compression_detection_key_down_time = 0; unsigned long compression_detection_key_up_time = 0; int time_array[COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE]; byte time_array_index = 0; #endif //FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION #if defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) byte cw_keyboard_capslock_on = 0; #endif //defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) byte send_winkey_breakin_byte_flag = 0; #endif //defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) uint8_t default_ip[] = FEATURE_ETHERNET_IP; // default IP address ("") uint8_t default_gateway[] = FEATURE_ETHERNET_GATEWAY; // default gateway uint8_t default_subnet[] = FEATURE_ETHERNET_SUBNET_MASK; // default subnet mask uint8_t dns_server[] = FEATURE_ETHERNET_DNS; uint8_t mac[] = FEATURE_ETHERNET_MAC; // default physical mac address uint8_t restart_networking = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) #define MAX_WEB_REQUEST 512 String web_server_incoming_string; uint8_t valid_request = 0; EthernetServer server(FEATURE_ETHERNET_WEB_LISTENER_PORT); // default server port #define MAX_PARSE_RESULTS 32 struct parse_get_result_t{ String parameter; String value_string; long value_long; }; struct parse_get_result_t parse_get_results[MAX_PARSE_RESULTS]; int parse_get_results_index = 0; unsigned long web_control_tx_key_time = 0; #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER #if defined(FEATURE_UDP) unsigned int udp_listener_port = FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_DEFAULT_RCV_UDP_PORT; EthernetUDP Udp; #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) uint8_t udp_send_buffer[FEATURE_UDP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE]; uint8_t udp_send_buffer_bytes = 0; uint8_t udp_receive_packet_buffer[FEATURE_UDP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE]; uint8_t udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes = 0; #endif //FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK #endif #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET unsigned long automatic_sending_interruption_time = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD // Define the Keymap for 4x4 matrix keypad char keys[KEYPAD_ROWS][KEYPAD_COLS] = { {'1','2','3','A'}, {'4','5','6','B'}, {'7','8','9','C'}, {'*','0','#','D'} }; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD // Define the Keymap for 3x4 matrix keypad char keys[KEYPAD_ROWS][KEYPAD_COLS] = { {'1','2','3'}, {'4','5','6'}, {'7','8','9'}, {'*','0','#'} }; #endif // Setup for 4x4 matrix keypad #ifdef FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD byte rowPins[KEYPAD_ROWS] = {Row3,Row2,Row1,Row0}; //Arduino Mega Pins: 30,31,32,33---Keypad Pins 5,6,7,8 byte colPins[KEYPAD_COLS] = {Col3,Col2,Col1,Col0}; //Arduino Mega Pins: 34,35,36,37---Keypad Pins 1,2,3,4 #endif #ifdef FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD byte rowPins [KEYPAD_ROWS] = {Row3,Row2,Row1,Row0}; //Arduino Mega Pins: 30,31,32,33--Keypad Pins 4,6,7,2 byte colPins [KEYPAD_COLS] = {Col2,Col1,Col0}; //Arduino Mega Pins: 34,35,36-----Keypad Pins 5,1,3 #endif #if defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD) || defined(FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) Keypad kpd = Keypad(makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, KEYPAD_ROWS, KEYPAD_COLS); #endif unsigned long millis_rollover = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) byte check_serial_override = 0; #if defined(OPTION_WORDSWORTH_CZECH) #include "keyer_training_text_czech.h" #elif defined(OPTION_WORDSWORTH_DEUTCSH) #include "keyer_training_text_deutsch.h" #elif defined(OPTION_WORDSWORTH_NORSK) #include "keyer_training_text_norsk.h" #else #include "keyer_training_text_english.h" #endif #include "keyer_callsign_prefixes.h" #endif #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK unsigned long clock_years = 0; unsigned long clock_months = 0; unsigned long clock_days = 0; unsigned long clock_hours = 0; unsigned long clock_minutes = 0; unsigned long clock_seconds = 0; long local_clock_years = 0; long local_clock_months = 0; long local_clock_days = 0; long local_clock_hours = 0; long local_clock_minutes = 0; long local_clock_seconds = 0; int clock_year_set = 2017; byte clock_month_set = 1; byte clock_day_set = 1; byte clock_sec_set = 0; unsigned long clock_hour_set = 0; unsigned long clock_min_set = 0; unsigned long millis_at_last_calibration = 0; #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK #if defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) uint8_t sd_card_state = SD_CARD_UNINITIALIZED; File sdfile; File sdlogfile; uint8_t sd_card_log_state = SD_CARD_LOG_NOT_OPEN; #endif //FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER unsigned long sequencer_ptt_inactive_time = 0; byte sequencer_1_active = 0; byte sequencer_2_active = 0; byte sequencer_3_active = 0; byte sequencer_4_active = 0; byte sequencer_5_active = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE uint8_t so2r_rx = 1; uint8_t so2r_tx = 1; uint8_t so2r_pending_tx = 0; uint8_t so2r_ptt = 0; uint8_t so2r_latch = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES uint8_t so2r_open = 0; uint8_t so2r_switch_rx = 0; uint8_t so2r_debounce = 0; unsigned long so2r_debounce_time; #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_ANTENNA uint8_t so2r_antenna_1 = 0; uint8_t so2r_antenna_2 = 0; #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_ANTENNA #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE byte async_eeprom_write = 0; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” ― Albert Pike ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setup() { initialize_pins(); // initialize_serial_ports(); // Goody - this is available for testing startup issues // initialize_debug_startup(); // Goody - this is available for testing startup issues // debug_blink(); // Goody - this is available for testing startup issues initialize_keyer_state(); initialize_potentiometer(); //initialize_rotary_encoder(); initialize_default_modes(); initialize_watchdog(); //initialize_ethernet_variables(); #if defined(DEBUG_EEPROM_READ_SETTINGS) initialize_serial_ports(); #endif check_eeprom_for_initialization(); check_for_beacon_mode(); check_for_debug_modes(); initialize_analog_button_array(); #if !defined(DEBUG_EEPROM_READ_SETTINGS) initialize_serial_ports(); #endif initialize_ps2_keyboard(); initialize_usb(); initialize_cw_keyboard(); initialize_display(); //initialize_ethernet(); //initialize_udp(); //initialize_web_server(); //initialize_sd_card(); initialize_debug_startup(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void loop() { // this is where the magic happens #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER #if defined(FEATURE_BEACON) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) if (keyer_machine_mode == BEACON) { delay(201); // an odd duration delay before we enter BEACON mode #ifdef OPTION_BEACON_MODE_MEMORY_REPEAT_TIME unsigned int time_to_delay = configuration.memory_repeat_time - configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx - 1]; #endif // OPTION_BEACON_MODE_MEMORY_REPEAT_TIME while (keyer_machine_mode == BEACON) { // if we're in beacon mode, just keep playing memory 1 if (!send_buffer_bytes) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(0); } service_send_buffer(PRINTCHAR); #ifdef OPTION_BEACON_MODE_PTT_TAIL_TIME delay(configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx - 1]); // after memory 1 has played, this holds the PTT line active for the ptt tail time of the current tx check_ptt_tail(); // this resets things so that the ptt line will go high during the next playout digitalWrite (configuration.current_ptt_line, ptt_line_inactive_state); // forces the ptt line of the current tx to be inactive #endif // OPTION_BEACON_MODE_PTT_TAIL_TIME #ifdef FEATURE_SERIAL check_serial(); #endif #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif // OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER #ifdef OPTION_BEACON_MODE_MEMORY_REPEAT_TIME if (time_to_delay > 0) delay(time_to_delay); // this provdes a delay between succesive playouts of the memory contents #endif // OPTION_BEACON_MODE_MEMORY_REPEAT_TIME } // end while (keyer_machine_mode == BEACON) } // end if (keyer_machine_mode == BEACON) #endif // defined(FEATURE_BEACON) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) #if defined(FEATURE_BEACON_SETTING) service_beacon(); #endif if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS check_buttons(); #endif check_paddles(); service_dit_dah_buffers(); #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) check_serial(); check_paddles(); service_dit_dah_buffers(); #endif service_send_buffer(PRINTCHAR); check_ptt_tail(); #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER check_potentiometer(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD check_ps2_keyboard(); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) service_usb(); #endif check_for_dirty_configuration(); #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG check_for_dead_op(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES check_memory_repeat(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY check_paddles(); service_send_buffer(PRINTCHAR); service_display(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_CW_DECODER service_cw_decoder(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_LED_RING update_led_ring(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP check_sleep(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM check_backlight(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK service_ptt_interlock(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO service_paddle_echo(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY service_straight_key(); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) service_competition_compression_detection(); #endif #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) service_winkey_breakin(); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) check_for_network_restart(); #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) service_web_server(); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) service_udp_send_buffer(); service_udp_receive(); service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer(); #endif #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH check_sidetone_switch(); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD) || defined(FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) service_keypad(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT service_sd_card(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER check_sequencer_tail_time(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES so2r_switches(); #endif service_async_eeprom_write(); } service_millis_rollover(); } // Subroutines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Are you a radio artisan ? byte service_tx_inhibit_and_pause(){ byte return_code = 0; static byte pause_sending_buffer_active = 0; if (tx_inhibit_pin){ if ((digitalRead(tx_inhibit_pin) == tx_inhibit_pin_active_state)){ dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; return_code = 1; if (send_buffer_bytes){ clear_send_buffer(); send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES play_memory_prempt = 1; repeat_memory = 255; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_sending && winkey_host_open) { winkey_port_write(0xc2|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // 0xc2 - BREAKIN bit set high winkey_interrupted = 1; } #endif } } } if (tx_pause_pin){ if ((digitalRead(tx_pause_pin) == tx_pause_pin_active_state)){ dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; return_code = 1; if (!pause_sending_buffer_active){ pause_sending_buffer = 1; pause_sending_buffer_active = 1; delay(10); } } else { if (pause_sending_buffer_active){ pause_sending_buffer = 0; pause_sending_buffer_active = 0; delay(10); } } } return return_code; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_BEACON_SETTING) void service_beacon(){ if ((configuration.beacon_mode_on_boot_up) && (!send_buffer_bytes)){ serial_play_memory(0); } } #endif //FEATURE_BEACON_SETTING //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) void service_competition_compression_detection(){ static byte compression_detection_indicator_on = 0; static unsigned long last_compression_check_time = 0; if ((millis() - last_compression_check_time) > 1000){ float time_average = 0; if (time_array_index == COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE){ for (int i = 0;i < COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE;i++){ time_average = time_average + time_array[i]; } time_average = time_average / COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE; if (time_average < ((1200/configuration.wpm)*COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_AVERAGE_ALARM_THRESHOLD)){ if (!compression_detection_indicator_on){ compression_detection_indicator_on = 1; digitalWrite(compression_detection_pin,HIGH); #if defined(DEBUG_FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) debug_serial_port->print("service_competition_compression_detection: time_array: "); for (int i = 0;i < COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE;i++){ debug_serial_port->print(time_array[i]); debug_serial_port->print(" "); } debug_serial_port->print("\n\rservice_competition_compression_detection: COMPRESSION DETECTION ON average: "); debug_serial_port->println(time_average); #endif } } else { if (compression_detection_indicator_on){ compression_detection_indicator_on = 0; digitalWrite(compression_detection_pin,LOW); #if defined(DEBUG_FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) debug_serial_port->print("service_competition_compression_detection: time_array: "); for (int i = 0;i < COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE;i++){ debug_serial_port->print(time_array[i]); debug_serial_port->print(" "); } debug_serial_port->print("\n\rservice_competition_compression_detection: COMPRESSION DETECTION OFF average: "); debug_serial_port->println(time_average); #endif } } } last_compression_check_time = millis(); } } #endif //FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD) || defined(FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) void service_keypad(){ // Code contributed by Jack, W0XR char key = kpd.getKey(); if(key){ // Check for a valid key. #if defined(DEBUG_KEYPAD_SERIAL) debug_serial_port->print("service_keypad: key:"); debug_serial_port->println(key); #endif switch(key){ case '1': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem1); //play_memory(mem1); //MEMORY 1 break; case '2': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem2); //play_memory(mem2); //MEMORY 2 break; case '3': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem3); //play_memory(mem3); //MEMORY 3 break; case '4': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem4); //play_memory(mem4); //MEMORY 4 break; case '5': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem5); //play_memory(mem5); //MEMORY 5 break; case '6': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem6); //play_memory(mem6); //MEMORY 6 break; case '7': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem7); //play_memory(mem7); //MEMORY 7 break; case '8': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem8); //play_memory(mem8); //MEMORY 8 break; case '9': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem9); //play_memory(mem9); //MEMORY 9 break; case '0': add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(mem10); //play_memory(mem10); //MEMORY 10 break; case '#': beep_boop(); break; case '*': beep_boop(); break; case 'A': beep_boop(); break; case 'B': beep_boop(); break; #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE case 'C': command_mode(); break; #endif case 'D': beep_boop(); break; } } //if(key) } // service_keypad() #endif //defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD) || defined(FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY long service_straight_key(){ static byte last_straight_key_state = 0; if (digitalRead(pin_straight_key) == STRAIGHT_KEY_ACTIVE_STATE){ if (!last_straight_key_state){ sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); last_straight_key_state = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES clear_send_buffer(); repeat_memory = 255; #endif } } else { if (last_straight_key_state){ sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); last_straight_key_state = 0; } } #if defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_DECODE) static unsigned long last_transition_time = 0; static unsigned long last_decode_time = 0; static byte last_state = 0; static int decode_elements[16]; // this stores received element lengths in mS (positive = tone, minus = no tone) static byte decode_element_pointer = 0; static float decode_element_tone_average = 0; static float decode_element_no_tone_average = 0; static int no_tone_count = 0; static int tone_count = 0; byte decode_it_flag = 0; int element_duration = 0; static float decoder_wpm = configuration.wpm; long decode_character = 0; static byte space_sent = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) static byte screen_column = 0; static int last_printed_decoder_wpm = 0; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) static byte cw_keyboard_no_space = 0; char cw_keyboard_character_to_send; static byte cw_keyboard_backspace_flag = 0; #endif //defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) if (last_transition_time == 0) { if (last_straight_key_state == 1) { // is this our first tone? last_transition_time = millis(); last_state = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM } else { if ((last_decode_time > 0) && (!space_sent) && ((millis() - last_decode_time) > ((1200/decoder_wpm)*CW_DECODER_SPACE_PRINT_THRESH))) { // should we send a space? #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE primary_serial_port->write(32); screen_column++; #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(' '); #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY space_sent = 1; #if defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) if (!cw_keyboard_no_space){ Keyboard.write(' '); #ifdef DEBUG_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->println("service_straight_key: Keyboard.write: "); #endif //DEBUG_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD } cw_keyboard_no_space = 0; #endif //defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) }// should we send a space? } } else { if (last_straight_key_state != last_state) { // we have a transition element_duration = millis() - last_transition_time; if (element_duration > CW_DECODER_NOISE_FILTER) { // filter out noise if (last_straight_key_state == 1) { // we have a tone decode_elements[decode_element_pointer] = (-1 * element_duration); // the last element was a space, so make it negative no_tone_count++; if (decode_element_no_tone_average == 0) { decode_element_no_tone_average = element_duration; } else { decode_element_no_tone_average = (element_duration + decode_element_no_tone_average) / 2; } decode_element_pointer++; last_state = 1; } else { // we have no tone decode_elements[decode_element_pointer] = element_duration; // the last element was a tone, so make it positive tone_count++; if (decode_element_tone_average == 0) { decode_element_tone_average = element_duration; } else { decode_element_tone_average = (element_duration + decode_element_tone_average) / 2; } last_state = 0; decode_element_pointer++; } last_transition_time = millis(); if (decode_element_pointer == 16) { decode_it_flag = 1; } // if we've filled up the array, go ahead and decode it } } else { // no transition element_duration = millis() - last_transition_time; if (last_state == 0) { // we're still high (no tone) - have we reached character space yet? //if ((element_duration > (decode_element_no_tone_average * 2.5)) || (element_duration > (decode_element_tone_average * 2.5))) { if (element_duration > (float(1200/decoder_wpm)*CW_DECODER_SPACE_DECODE_THRESH)) { decode_it_flag = 1; } } else { // have we had tone for an outrageous amount of time? } } } if (decode_it_flag) { // are we ready to decode the element array? // adjust the decoder wpm based on what we got if ((no_tone_count > 0) && (tone_count > 1)){ // NEW if (decode_element_no_tone_average > 0) { if (abs((1200/decode_element_no_tone_average) - decoder_wpm) < 5) { decoder_wpm = (decoder_wpm + (1200/decode_element_no_tone_average))/2; } else { if (abs((1200/decode_element_no_tone_average) - decoder_wpm) < 10) { decoder_wpm = (decoder_wpm + decoder_wpm + (1200/decode_element_no_tone_average))/3; } else { if (abs((1200/decode_element_no_tone_average) - decoder_wpm) < 20) { decoder_wpm = (decoder_wpm + decoder_wpm + decoder_wpm + (1200/decode_element_no_tone_average))/4; } } } } } // NEW #ifdef DEBUG_FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO if (abs(decoder_wpm - last_printed_decoder_wpm) > 0.9) { debug_serial_port->print("<"); debug_serial_port->print(int(decoder_wpm)); debug_serial_port->print(">"); last_printed_decoder_wpm = decoder_wpm; } #endif //DEBUG_FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO for (byte x = 0;x < decode_element_pointer; x++) { if (decode_elements[x] > 0) { // is this a tone element? // we have no spaces to time from, use the current wpm if ((decode_elements[x]/(1200/decoder_wpm)) < 2.1 ) { // changed from 1.3 to 2.1 2015-05-12 decode_character = (decode_character * 10) + 1; // we have a dit } else { decode_character = (decode_character * 10) + 2; // we have a dah } } #ifdef DEBUG_FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO debug_serial_port->print(F("service_straight_key: decode_elements[")); debug_serial_port->print(x); debug_serial_port->print(F("]: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decode_elements[x]); #endif //DEBUG_FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO } #ifdef DEBUG_FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO debug_serial_port->print(F("service_straight_key: decode_element_tone_average: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decode_element_tone_average); debug_serial_port->print(F("service_straight_key: decode_element_no_tone_average: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decode_element_no_tone_average); debug_serial_port->print(F("service_straight_key: decode_element_no_tone_average wpm: ")); debug_serial_port->println(1200/decode_element_no_tone_average); debug_serial_port->print(F("service_straight_key: decoder_wpm: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decoder_wpm); debug_serial_port->print(F("service_straight_key: decode_character: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decode_character); #endif //DEBUG_FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) byte cw_ascii_temp = convert_cw_number_to_ascii(decode_character); static char * prosign_char = (char*)""; if ((cw_ascii_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (cw_ascii_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ // if we have a prosign code, convert it to chars prosign_char = convert_prosign(cw_ascii_temp); cw_ascii_temp = 0; } #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) if (cli_straight_key_echo){ if (cw_ascii_temp){ primary_serial_port->write(cw_ascii_temp); } else { primary_serial_port->write(prosign_char[0]); primary_serial_port->write(prosign_char[1]); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT if (cw_ascii_temp){ secondary_serial_port->write(cw_ascii_temp); } else { secondary_serial_port->write(prosign_char[0]); secondary_serial_port->write(prosign_char[1]); } #endif screen_column++; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) #if defined(FEATURE_DISPLAY) && defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) if (cli_straight_key_echo){ if (cw_ascii_temp){ display_scroll_print_char(cw_ascii_temp); } else { display_scroll_print_char(prosign_char[0]); display_scroll_print_char(prosign_char[1]); } } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #else //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) if (cli_straight_key_echo){ primary_serial_port->write(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(decode_character)); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(decode_character)); #endif screen_column++; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) #if defined(FEATURE_DISPLAY) && defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) if (cli_straight_key_echo){display_scroll_print_char(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(decode_character));} #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #endif //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT #if defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) switch (decode_character){ case 111111: case 1111111: case 11111111: case 111111111: Keyboard.write(KEY_BACKSPACE); // backspace cw_keyboard_no_space = 1; break; case 222222: case 2222222: case 22222222: case 222222222: Keyboard.write(32); // space no_space = 1; break; case 1212: // prosign AA Keyboard.write(KEY_RETURN); cw_keyboard_no_space = 1; break; case 211222: // prosign DO Keyboard.write(KEY_CAPS_LOCK); #ifdef OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_CAPSLOCK_BEEP if (cw_keyboard_capslock_on){ beep();delay(100); boop(); cw_keyboard_capslock_on = 0; } else { boop(); beep(); cw_keyboard_capslock_on = 1; } #endif //OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_CAPSLOCK_BEEP cw_keyboard_no_space = 1; break; #ifdef OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_ITALIAN // courtesy of Giorgio IZ2XBZ case 122121: // "@" Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_ALT); Keyboard.write(59); Keyboard.releaseAll(); break; case 112211:// "?" Keyboard.write(95); break; case 11221: // "!" Keyboard.write(33); break; case 21121: // "/" Keyboard.write(38); break; case 21112: // "=" or "BT" Keyboard.write(41); break; case 12212: //à Keyboard.write(39); break; case 11211: //è Keyboard.write(91); break; case 12221: //ì Keyboard.write(61); break; case 2221: //ò Keyboard.write(59); break; case 1122: //ù Keyboard.write(92); break; case 21221: // ( Keyboard.write(42); break; case 212212: // ) Keyboard.write(40); break; case 12111: // & Keyboard.write(94); break; case 222111: //: Keyboard.write(62); break; case 212121: //; Keyboard.write(60); break; case 12121: //+ Keyboard.write(93); break; case 211112: // - Keyboard.write(47); break; #endif //OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_ITALIAN default: cw_keyboard_character_to_send = convert_cw_number_to_ascii(decode_character); if ((cw_keyboard_character_to_send > 64) && (cw_keyboard_character_to_send < 91)) {cw_keyboard_character_to_send = cw_keyboard_character_to_send + 32;} if (cw_keyboard_character_to_send=='*'){ cw_keyboard_no_space = 1; #ifdef OPTION_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_ERROR_TONE boop(); #endif //OPTION_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_ERROR_TONE } else { if (!((cw_keyboard_backspace_flag) && ((decode_character == 1) || (decode_character == 11) || (decode_character == 111) || (decode_character == 1111) || (decode_character == 11111)))){ Keyboard.write(char(cw_keyboard_character_to_send)); } cw_keyboard_backspace_flag = 0; } break; } //switch (decode_character) #ifdef DEBUG_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->print("service_straight_key: Keyboard.write: "); debug_serial_port->write(character_to_send); debug_serial_port->println(); #endif //DEBUG_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD #endif //defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) // reinitialize everything last_transition_time = 0; last_decode_time = millis(); decode_element_pointer = 0; decode_element_tone_average = 0; decode_element_no_tone_average = 0; space_sent = 0; no_tone_count = 0; tone_count = 0; } //if (decode_it_flag) #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE if ((screen_column > CW_DECODER_SCREEN_COLUMNS) && (cli_straight_key_echo)) { #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->println(); #else primary_serial_port->println(); #endif screen_column = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL return(decode_character); #endif //FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_DECODE } #endif //FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_cw_keyboard(){ #ifdef FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD Keyboard.begin(); #endif //FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef ARDUINO_SAM_DUE /* This code from http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=136500.0 */ // timers TC0 TC1 TC2 channels 0-2 ids 0-2 3-5 6-8 AB 0 1 // use TC1 channel 0 #define TONE_TIMER TC1 #define TONE_CHNL 0 #define TONE_IRQ TC3_IRQn // TIMER_CLOCK4 84MHz/128 with 16 bit counter give 10 Hz to 656KHz static uint8_t pinEnabled[PINS_COUNT]; static uint8_t TCChanEnabled = 0; static boolean pin_state = false ; static Tc *chTC = TONE_TIMER; static uint32_t chNo = TONE_CHNL; volatile static int32_t toggle_count; static uint32_t tone_pin; void toneDUE(uint32_t ulPin, uint32_t frequency, int32_t duration = 0){ // frequency (in hertz) and duration (in milliseconds) const uint32_t rc = VARIANT_MCK / 256 / frequency; tone_pin = ulPin; toggle_count = 0; // strange wipe out previous duration if (duration > 0 ){ toggle_count = 2 * frequency * duration / 1000; } else { toggle_count = -1; } if (!TCChanEnabled) { pmc_set_writeprotect(false); pmc_enable_periph_clk((uint32_t)TONE_IRQ); TC_Configure(chTC, chNo, TC_CMR_TCCLKS_TIMER_CLOCK4 | TC_CMR_WAVE | // Waveform mode TC_CMR_WAVSEL_UP_RC ); // Counter running up and reset when equals to RC chTC->TC_CHANNEL[chNo].TC_IER=TC_IER_CPCS; // RC compare interrupt chTC->TC_CHANNEL[chNo].TC_IDR=~TC_IER_CPCS; NVIC_EnableIRQ(TONE_IRQ); TCChanEnabled = 1; } if (!pinEnabled[ulPin]) { pinMode(ulPin, OUTPUT); pinEnabled[ulPin] = 1; } TC_Stop(chTC, chNo); TC_SetRC(chTC, chNo, rc); // set frequency TC_Start(chTC, chNo); } void noToneDUE(uint32_t ulPin){ TC_Stop(chTC, chNo); // stop timer digitalWrite(ulPin,LOW); // no signal on pin } // timer ISR TC1 ch 0 void TC3_Handler ( void ) { TC_GetStatus(TC1, 0); if (toggle_count != 0){ // toggle pin TODO better digitalWrite(tone_pin,pin_state= !pin_state); if (toggle_count > 0) toggle_count--; } else { noTone(tone_pin); } } #endif /* //sp5iou 2018/0329 This is already in stm32 SDK standard library #elif defined(ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI) || defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) //HARDWARE_ARDUINO_DUE //This code from http://www.stm32duino.com/viewtopic.php?t=496 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // tone(pin,frequency[,duration]) generate a tone on a given pin // // noTone(pin) switch of the tone on the pin // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#include "Arduino.h" //#include #ifndef TONE_TIMER #define TONE_TIMER 2 #endif HardwareTimer tone_timer(TONE_TIMER); bool tone_state = true; // last pin state for toggling short tone_pin = -1; // pin for outputting sound short tone_freq = 444; // tone frequency (0=pause) unsigned tone_micros = 500000/444; // tone have wave time in usec int tone_counts = 0; // tone duration in units of half waves // timer hander for tone with no duration specified, // will keep going until noTone() is called void tone_handler_1(void) { tone_state = !tone_state; digitalWrite(tone_pin,tone_state); } // timer hander for tone with a specified duration, // will stop automatically when duration time is up. void tone_handler_2(void) { // check duration if(tone_freq>0){ tone_state = !tone_state; digitalWrite(tone_pin,tone_state); } if(!--tone_counts){ tone_timer.pause(); pinMode(tone_pin, INPUT); } } // play a tone on given pin with given frequency and optional duration in msec void tone(uint8_t pin, unsigned short freq, unsigned duration = 0) { tone_pin = pin; tone_freq = freq; tone_micros = 500000/(freq>0?freq:1000); tone_counts = 0; tone_timer.pause(); if(freq >= 0){ if(duration > 0)tone_counts = ((long)duration)*1000/tone_micros; pinMode(tone_pin, OUTPUT); // set timer to half period in microseconds tone_timer.setPeriod(tone_micros); // Set up an interrupt on channel 1 tone_timer.setChannel1Mode(TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE); tone_timer.setCompare(TIMER_CH1, 1); // Interrupt 1 count after each update tone_timer.attachCompare1Interrupt(tone_counts?tone_handler_2:tone_handler_1); // Refresh the tone timer tone_timer.refresh(); // Start the timer counting tone_timer.resume(); } else { pinMode(tone_pin, INPUT); } } // disable tone on specified pin, if any void noTone(uint8_t pin){ tone(pin,-1); } #endif //ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI / ARDUINO_SAM_DUE */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Sleep code prior to 2016-01-18 #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP void wakeup() { detachInterrupt(0); } #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP */ #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP // Code contributed by Graeme, ZL2APV 2016-01-18 void wakeup() { sleep_disable(); detachInterrupt (0); } // end of wakeup ISR (PCINT1_vect) { PCICR = 0; // cancel pin change interrupts sleep_disable(); } // end of ISR (PCINT1_vect) ISR (PCINT2_vect) { PCICR = 0; // turn off all pin change interrupt ports sleep_disable(); } // end of ISR (PCINT2_vect) #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Sleep code prior to 2016-01-18 #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP void check_sleep(){ if ((millis() - last_activity_time) > (go_to_sleep_inactivity_time*60000)){ if (config_dirty) { // force a configuration write to EEPROM if the config is dirty last_config_write = 0; check_for_dirty_configuration(); } attachInterrupt(0, wakeup, LOW); set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); sleep_enable(); #ifdef DEBUG_SLEEP debug_serial_port->println(F("check_sleep: entering sleep")); delay(1000); #endif //DEBUG_SLEEP sleep_mode(); // shhhhh! we are asleep here !! sleep_disable(); last_activity_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_SLEEP debug_serial_port->println(F("check_sleep: I'm awake!")); #endif //DEBUG_SLEEP } } #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP */ #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP // Code contributed by Graeme, ZL2APV 2016-01-18 void check_sleep(){ if ((millis() - last_activity_time) > ((unsigned long)go_to_sleep_inactivity_time*60000)){ if (config_dirty) { // force a configuration write to EEPROM if the config is dirty last_config_write = 0; check_for_dirty_configuration(); } byte old_ADCSRA = ADCSRA; // disable ADC to save power ADCSRA = 0; set_sleep_mode (SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); sleep_enable(); // Do not interrupt before we go to sleep, or the ISR will detach interrupts and we won't wake. noInterrupts (); // will be called when pin D2, D5 or A1 goes low attachInterrupt(0, wakeup, FALLING); EIFR = bit(INTF0); // clear flag for interrupt 0 PCIFR = 0; // Clear all pin change flags PCICR = 0b00000110; //Turn on ports C and D only PCMSK2 = bit(PCINT21); //Turn on pin D5 PCMSK1 = bit(PCINT9); //Turn on pin A1 // turn off brown-out enable in software // BODS must be set to one and BODSE must be set to zero within four clock cycles #if !defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) MCUCR = bit (BODS) | bit (BODSE); // The BODS bit is automatically cleared after three clock cycles MCUCR = bit (BODS); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_SLEEP debug_serial_port->println(F("check_sleep: entering sleep")); delay(1000); #endif //DEBUG_SLEEP if (keyer_awake){ digitalWrite(keyer_awake,KEYER_AWAKE_PIN_ASLEEP_STATE); } interrupts(); sleep_cpu(); // shhhhh! we are asleep here !! // An interrupt on digital 2 will call the wake() interrupt service routine // and then return us to here while a change on D5 or A1 will vector to their // interrupt handler and also return to here. detachInterrupt (0); PCICR = 0; //Turn off all ports PCMSK2 = 0; //Turn off pin D5 PCMSK1 = 0; //Turn off pin A1 ADCSRA = old_ADCSRA; // re-enable ADC conversion if (keyer_awake){ digitalWrite(keyer_awake,KEYER_AWAKE_PIN_AWAKE_STATE); } last_activity_time = millis(); #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM #ifdef DEBUG_SLEEP debug_serial_port->println(F("check_sleep: I'm awake!")); #endif //DEBUG_SLEEP } } #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM void check_backlight() { static unsigned long last_bl_check = 0 ; if (millis() - last_bl_check < 1000) return; // not time-critical last_bl_check = millis(); if ((last_bl_check - last_active_time) > ((unsigned long)dim_backlight_inactive_time*60000)){ #ifdef DEBUG_BACKLIGHT debug_serial_port->println(F("check_backlight: I'm asleep!")); #endif //DEBUG_BACKLIGHT if (keyer_power_led){ analogWrite(keyer_power_led,keyer_power_led_asleep_duty); } lcd.noBacklight(); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BACKLIGHT debug_serial_port->println(F("check_backlight: I'm awake!")); #endif //DEBUG_BACKLIGHT if (keyer_power_led){ analogWrite(keyer_power_led,keyer_power_led_awake_duty); } lcd.backlight(); } } #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY void service_display() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering service_display")); #endif #define SCREEN_REFRESH_IDLE 0 #define SCREEN_REFRESH_INIT 1 #define SCREEN_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS 2 static byte x = 0; static byte y = 0; static byte screen_refresh_status = SCREEN_REFRESH_IDLE; if (screen_refresh_status == SCREEN_REFRESH_INIT){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); y = 0; x = 0; screen_refresh_status = SCREEN_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS; return; } if (screen_refresh_status == SCREEN_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS){ if (x > lcd_scroll_buffer[y].length()){ y++; if (y >= LCD_ROWS){ screen_refresh_status = SCREEN_REFRESH_IDLE; lcd_scroll_buffer_dirty = 0; return; } else { x = 0; lcd.setCursor(0,y); } } else { if (lcd_scroll_buffer[y].charAt(x) > 0){ #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM lcd.backlight(); #endif // FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM lcd.print(lcd_scroll_buffer[y].charAt(x)); } x++; } } if (screen_refresh_status == SCREEN_REFRESH_IDLE){ if (lcd_status == LCD_REVERT) { lcd_status = lcd_previous_status; switch (lcd_status) { case LCD_CLEAR: lcd_clear(); break; case LCD_SCROLL_MSG: lcd.clear(); // for (x = 0;x < LCD_ROWS;x++){ // //clear_display_row(x); // lcd.setCursor(0,x); // lcd.print(lcd_scroll_buffer[x]); // } screen_refresh_status = SCREEN_REFRESH_INIT; lcd_scroll_flag = 0; //lcd_scroll_buffer_dirty = 0; break; } } else { switch (lcd_status) { case LCD_CLEAR : break; case LCD_TIMED_MESSAGE: if (millis() > lcd_timed_message_clear_time) { lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; } case LCD_SCROLL_MSG: if (lcd_scroll_buffer_dirty) { if (lcd_scroll_flag) { lcd.clear(); lcd_scroll_flag = 0; } // for (x = 0;x < LCD_ROWS;x++){ // //clear_display_row(x); // lcd.setCursor(0,x); // lcd.print(lcd_scroll_buffer[x]); // } //lcd_scroll_buffer_dirty = 0; screen_refresh_status = SCREEN_REFRESH_INIT; } break; } } } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY void display_scroll_print_char(char charin){ static byte column_pointer = 0; static byte row_pointer = 0; static byte holding_space = 0; byte x = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY_SCROLL_PRINT_CHAR debug_serial_port->print(F("display_scroll_print_char: ")); debug_serial_port->write(charin); debug_serial_port->print(" "); debug_serial_port->println(charin); #endif //DEBUG_DISPLAY_SCROLL_PRINT_CHAR #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS switch (byte(charin)){ case 220: charin = 0;break; // U_umlaut (D, ...) case 214: charin = 1;break; // O_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 196: charin = 2;break; // A_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 198: charin = 3;break; // AE_capital (OZ, LA) case 216: charin = 4;break; // OE_capital (OZ, LA) case 197: charin = 6;break; // AA_capital (OZ, LA, SM) case 209: charin = 7;break; // N-tilde (EA) } #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS if (lcd_status != LCD_SCROLL_MSG) { lcd_status = LCD_SCROLL_MSG; lcd.clear(); } if (charin == ' '){ holding_space = 1; return; } if (holding_space){ // ok, I admit this is a hack. Hold on to spaces and don't scroll until the next char comes in... if (column_pointer > (LCD_COLUMNS-1)) { row_pointer++; column_pointer = 0; if (row_pointer > (LCD_ROWS-1)) { for (x = 0; x < (LCD_ROWS-1); x++) { lcd_scroll_buffer[x] = lcd_scroll_buffer[x+1]; } lcd_scroll_buffer[x] = ""; row_pointer--; lcd_scroll_flag = 1; } } if (column_pointer > 0){ // don't put a space in the first column lcd_scroll_buffer[row_pointer].concat(' '); column_pointer++; } holding_space = 0; } if (column_pointer > (LCD_COLUMNS-1)) { row_pointer++; column_pointer = 0; if (row_pointer > (LCD_ROWS-1)) { for (x = 0; x < (LCD_ROWS-1); x++) { lcd_scroll_buffer[x] = lcd_scroll_buffer[x+1]; } lcd_scroll_buffer[x] = ""; row_pointer--; lcd_scroll_flag = 1; } } lcd_scroll_buffer[row_pointer].concat(charin); column_pointer++; lcd_scroll_buffer_dirty = 1; } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY void lcd_clear() { lcd.clear(); lcd.noCursor();//sp5iou 20180328 lcd_status = LCD_CLEAR; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY void lcd_center_print_timed(String lcd_print_string, byte row_number, unsigned int duration) { #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM lcd.backlight(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM lcd.noCursor();//sp5iou 20180328 if (lcd_status != LCD_TIMED_MESSAGE) { lcd_previous_status = lcd_status; lcd_status = LCD_TIMED_MESSAGE; lcd.clear(); } else { clear_display_row(row_number); } lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - lcd_print_string.length())/2),row_number); lcd.print(lcd_print_string); lcd_timed_message_clear_time = millis() + duration; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY void clear_display_row(byte row_number) { #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM lcd.backlight(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM lcd.noCursor();//sp5iou 20180328 for (byte x = 0; x < LCD_COLUMNS; x++) { lcd.setCursor(x,row_number); lcd.print(" "); } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_for_dirty_configuration() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_for_dirty_configuration")); #endif //if ((config_dirty) && ((millis()-last_config_write)>30000) && (!send_buffer_bytes) && (!ptt_line_activated)) { if ((config_dirty) && ((millis()-last_config_write)>eeprom_write_time_ms) && (!send_buffer_bytes) && (!ptt_line_activated) && (!dit_buffer) && (!dah_buffer) && (!async_eeprom_write) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == HIGH) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == HIGH) ) { write_settings_to_eeprom(0); last_config_write = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_EEPROM debug_serial_port->println(F("check_for_dirty_configuration: wrote config\n")); #endif } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES void check_memory_repeat() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_memory_repeat")); #endif if ((repeat_memory < number_of_memories) && ((millis() - last_memory_repeat_time) > configuration.memory_repeat_time)) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(repeat_memory); last_memory_repeat_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORIES debug_serial_port->print(F("check_memory_repeat: added repeat_memory to send buffer\n\r")); #endif } if (repeat_memory == 255){last_memory_repeat_time = 0;} } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG void check_for_dead_op() // if the dit or dah paddle is stuck, disable the transmitter line after 100 straight dits or dahs // go in and out of command mode to clear or just reset the unit { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_for_dead_op")); #endif if (dead_op_watchdog_active && ((dit_counter > 100) || (dah_counter > 100))) { key_tx = 0; } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD)) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) void repeat_memory_msg(byte memory_number){ #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = memory_number; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("RptMem" + String(memory_number+1), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Repeat Memory " + String(memory_number+1), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES } #endif //defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD void check_ps2_keyboard() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_ps2_keyboard")); #endif static byte keyboard_tune_on = 0; static byte ps2_prosign_flag = 0; int work_int = 0; uint8_t keystroke = 0; /* NOTE!!! This entire block of code is repeated again below the #else. This was done to fix a bug with Notepad++ not collapsing code correctly when while() statements are encapsulated in #ifdef/#endifs. */ #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES while ((keyboard.available()) && (play_memory_prempt == 0)) { // read the next key keystroke = keyboard.read(); #if defined(DEBUG_PS2_KEYBOARD) debug_serial_port->print("check_ps2_keyboard: keystroke: "); debug_serial_port->println(keystroke,DEC); #endif //DEBUG_PS2_KEYBOARD #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM if (ps2_keyboard_mode == PS2_KEYBOARD_NORMAL) { switch (keystroke) { case PS2_PAGEUP : sidetone_adj(20); break; case PS2_PAGEDOWN : sidetone_adj(-20); break; case PS2_RIGHTARROW : adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(int(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/10)); break; case PS2_LEFTARROW : adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(-1*int(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/10)); break; case PS2_UPARROW : speed_set(configuration.wpm+1); break; case PS2_DOWNARROW : speed_set(configuration.wpm-1); break; case PS2_HOME : configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = initial_dah_to_dit_ratio; key_tx = 1; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("DfltRtio", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Default ratio", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif #endif break; case PS2_TAB : if (pause_sending_buffer) { pause_sending_buffer = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS lcd_center_print_timed("Resume", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #endif } else { pause_sending_buffer = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Pause", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; // pause case PS2_SCROLL : // Prosign next two characters ps2_prosign_flag = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS lcd_center_print_timed("Prosign", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #endif break; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case PS2_F1 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(0); break; case PS2_F2 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(1); break; case PS2_F3 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(2); break; #ifndef OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_F4 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(3); break; case PS2_F5 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(4); break; case PS2_F6 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(5); break; case PS2_F7 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(6); break; case PS2_F8 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(7); break; case PS2_F9 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(8); break; case PS2_F10 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(9); break; case PS2_F11 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(10); break; case PS2_F12 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(11); break; #endif //OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_F1_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 0) {repeat_memory_msg(0);} break; case PS2_F2_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 1) {repeat_memory_msg(1);} break; case PS2_F3_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 2) {repeat_memory_msg(2);} break; #ifndef OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_F4_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 3) {repeat_memory_msg(3);} break; case PS2_F5_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 4) {repeat_memory_msg(4);} break; case PS2_F6_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 5) {repeat_memory_msg(5);} break; case PS2_F7_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 6) {repeat_memory_msg(6);} break; case PS2_F8_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 7) {repeat_memory_msg(7);} break; case PS2_F9_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 8) {repeat_memory_msg(8);} break; case PS2_F10_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 9) {repeat_memory_msg(9);} break; case PS2_F11_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 10) {repeat_memory_msg(10);} break; case PS2_F12_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 11) {repeat_memory_msg(11);} break; #endif //OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES case PS2_DELETE : if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_buffer_bytes--; } break; case PS2_ESC : // clear the serial send buffer and a bunch of other stuff if (manual_ptt_invoke) { manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); } if (keyboard_tune_on) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); keyboard_tune_on = 0; } if (pause_sending_buffer) { pause_sending_buffer = 0; } clear_send_buffer(); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES //clear_memory_button_buffer(); play_memory_prempt = 1; repeat_memory = 255; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Abort", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif break; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case PS2_F1_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(0); break; case PS2_F2_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(1); break; case PS2_F3_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(2); break; #ifndef OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_F4_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(3); break; case PS2_F5_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(4); break; case PS2_F6_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(5); break; case PS2_F7_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(6); break; case PS2_F8_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(7); break; case PS2_F9_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(8); break; case PS2_F10_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(9); break; case PS2_F11_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(10); break; case PS2_F12_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(11); break; #endif //OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES #ifndef OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_INSERT : // send serial number and increment put_serial_number_in_send_buffer(); serial_number++; break; case PS2_END : // send serial number no increment put_serial_number_in_send_buffer(); break; case PS2_BACKSPACE_SHIFT : // decrement serial number serial_number--; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("SN " + String(serial_number), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Serial: " + String(serial_number), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif break; #endif //OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_LEFT_ALT : #ifdef DEBUG_PS2_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->println("PS2_LEFT_ALT\n"); #endif break; case PS2_A_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_A; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Iambic A", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; case PS2_B_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Iambic B", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; case PS2_C_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = SINGLE_PADDLE; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("SnglePdl", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Single Paddle", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case PS2_D_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = ULTIMATIC; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Ultimatc", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Ultimatic", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #endif // OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC #ifndef OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_E_CTRL : #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("EnterSN", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Enter Serial #", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif work_int = ps2_keyboard_get_number_input(4,0,10000); if (work_int > 0) { serial_number = work_int; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif } break; #endif //OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_G_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = BUG; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Bug", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #ifdef FEATURE_HELL case PS2_H_CTRL : if (char_send_mode == CW) { char_send_mode = HELL; beep(); } else { char_send_mode = CW; beep(); } break; #endif //FEATURE_HELL case PS2_I_CTRL : if (key_tx && keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) { //Added check that keyer is NOT in command mode or keyer might be enabled for paddle commands (WD9DMP) key_tx = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } else if (!key_tx && keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) { //Added check that keyer is NOT in command mode or keyer might be enabled for paddle commands (WD9DMP) key_tx = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX on", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH case PS2_M_CTRL: #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Frnswrth", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Farnsworth WPM", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif work_int = ps2_keyboard_get_number_input(3,-1,1000); if (work_int > -1) { configuration.wpm_farnsworth = work_int; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif config_dirty = 1; } break; #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH case PS2_N_CTRL : if (configuration.paddle_mode == PADDLE_NORMAL) { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_REVERSE; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pdl Rev", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Reverse", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_NORMAL; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pdl Norm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Normal", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } config_dirty = 1; break; case PS2_O_CTRL : // CTRL-O - cycle through sidetone modes on, paddle only and off - New code Marc-Andre, VE2EVN if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_OFF; boop(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY; beep(); delay(200); beep(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST Pdl O", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_COLUMNS > 19){ lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone Paddle Only", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Only", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; beep(); } config_dirty = 1; break; #if defined(FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING) case PS2_S_CTRL : if (configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on){ configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("CMOS Superkeyer Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("CMOS Superkeyer On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on = 1; } config_dirty = 1; break; #endif //FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING case PS2_T_CTRL : #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif if (keyboard_tune_on) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); keyboard_tune_on = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Tune", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); keyboard_tune_on = 1; } break; case PS2_U_CTRL : if (ptt_line_activated) { manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("PTTInvk", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("PTT Invoke", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif manual_ptt_invoke = 1; ptt_key(); } break; case PS2_W_CTRL : #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("WPM Adj", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("WPM Adjust", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif work_int = ps2_keyboard_get_number_input(3,0,1000); if (work_int > 0) { speed_set(work_int); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif config_dirty = 1; } break; case PS2_F1_CTRL : switch_to_tx_silent(1); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 1", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif break; case PS2_F2_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_2) || (tx_key_line_2)) { switch_to_tx_silent(2); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 2", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; #ifndef OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER case PS2_F3_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_3) || (tx_key_line_3)) { switch_to_tx_silent(3); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 3", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case PS2_F4_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_4) || (tx_key_line_4)) { switch_to_tx_silent(4); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 4", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case PS2_F5_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_5) || (tx_key_line_5)) { switch_to_tx_silent(5); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 5", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case PS2_F6_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_6) || (tx_key_line_6)) { switch_to_tx_silent(6); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 6", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; #endif //OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE case PS2_Z_CTRL: if (configuration.autospace_active) { configuration.autospace_active = 0; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AutoSOff", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Autospace Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { configuration.autospace_active = 1; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AutoSpOn", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Autospace On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } break; #endif default : if ((keystroke > 31) && (keystroke < 255 /*123*/)) { if (ps2_prosign_flag) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PROSIGN); ps2_prosign_flag = 0; } keystroke = uppercase(keystroke); add_to_send_buffer(keystroke); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif } break; } } else { } } //while ((keyboard.available()) && (play_memory_prempt == 0)) #else //FEATURE_MEMORIES -------------------------------------------------------------------- while (keyboard.available()) { // read the next key keystroke = keyboard.read(); #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM if (ps2_keyboard_mode == PS2_KEYBOARD_NORMAL) { switch (keystroke) { case PS2_PAGEUP : sidetone_adj(20); break; case PS2_PAGEDOWN : sidetone_adj(-20); break; case PS2_RIGHTARROW : adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(int(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/10)); break; case PS2_LEFTARROW : adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(-1*int(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/10)); break; case PS2_UPARROW : speed_set(configuration.wpm+1); break; case PS2_DOWNARROW : speed_set(configuration.wpm-1); break; case PS2_HOME : configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = initial_dah_to_dit_ratio; key_tx = 1; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("DfltRtio", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Default ratio", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif #endif break; case PS2_TAB : if (pause_sending_buffer) { pause_sending_buffer = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS lcd_center_print_timed("Resume", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #endif } else { pause_sending_buffer = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Pause", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; // pause case PS2_SCROLL : // Prosign next two characters ps2_prosign_flag = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS lcd_center_print_timed("Prosign", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #endif break; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case PS2_F1 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(0); break; case PS2_F2 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(1); break; case PS2_F3 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(2); break; case PS2_F4 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(3); break; case PS2_F5 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(4); break; case PS2_F6 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(5); break; case PS2_F7 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(6); break; case PS2_F8 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(7); break; case PS2_F9 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(8); break; case PS2_F10 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(9); break; case PS2_F11 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(10); break; case PS2_F12 : ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(11); break; case PS2_F1_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 0) {repeat_memory_msg(0);} break; case PS2_F2_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 1) {repeat_memory_msg(1);} break; case PS2_F3_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 2) {repeat_memory_msg(2);} break; case PS2_F4_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 3) {repeat_memory_msg(3);} break; case PS2_F5_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 4) {repeat_memory_msg(4);} break; case PS2_F6_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 5) {repeat_memory_msg(5);} break; case PS2_F7_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 6) {repeat_memory_msg(6);} break; case PS2_F8_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 7) {repeat_memory_msg(7);} break; case PS2_F9_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 8) {repeat_memory_msg(8);} break; case PS2_F10_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 9) {repeat_memory_msg(9);} break; case PS2_F11_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 10) {repeat_memory_msg(10);} break; case PS2_F12_ALT : if (number_of_memories > 11) {repeat_memory_msg(11);} break; #endif case PS2_DELETE : if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_buffer_bytes--; } break; case PS2_ESC : // clear the serial send buffer and a bunch of other stuff if (manual_ptt_invoke) { manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); } if (keyboard_tune_on) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); keyboard_tune_on = 0; } if (pause_sending_buffer) { pause_sending_buffer = 0; } clear_send_buffer(); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES //clear_memory_button_buffer(); play_memory_prempt = 1; repeat_memory = 255; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Abort", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif break; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case PS2_F1_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(0); break; case PS2_F2_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(1); break; case PS2_F3_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(2); break; case PS2_F4_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(3); break; case PS2_F5_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(4); break; case PS2_F6_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(5); break; case PS2_F7_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(6); break; case PS2_F8_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(7); break; case PS2_F9_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(8); break; case PS2_F10_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(9); break; case PS2_F11_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(10); break; case PS2_F12_SHIFT : ps2_keyboard_program_memory(11); break; #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES case PS2_INSERT : // send serial number and increment put_serial_number_in_send_buffer(); serial_number++; break; case PS2_END : // send serial number no increment put_serial_number_in_send_buffer(); break; case PS2_BACKSPACE_SHIFT : // decrement serial number serial_number--; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("SN " + String(serial_number), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Serial: " + String(serial_number), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif break; case PS2_LEFT_ALT : #ifdef DEBUG_PS2_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->println("PS2_LEFT_ALT\n"); #endif break; case PS2_A_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_A; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Iambic A", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; case PS2_B_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Iambic B", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; case PS2_C_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = SINGLE_PADDLE; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Sngl Pdl", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Single Paddle", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case PS2_D_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = ULTIMATIC; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Ultimatc", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Ultimatic", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #endif // OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case PS2_E_CTRL : #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Enter SN", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Enter Serial #", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif work_int = ps2_keyboard_get_number_input(4,0,10000); if (work_int > 0) { serial_number = work_int; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif } break; case PS2_G_CTRL : configuration.keyer_mode = BUG; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Bug", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; case PS2_H_CTRL : #ifdef FEATURE_HELL if (char_send_mode == CW) { char_send_mode = HELL; beep(); } else { char_send_mode = CW; beep(); } #endif //FEATURE_HELL break; case PS2_I_CTRL : if (key_tx && keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) { //Added check that keyer is NOT in command mode or keyer might be enabled for paddle commands (WD9DMP-1) key_tx = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } else if (!key_tx && keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) { //Added check that keyer is NOT in command mode or keyer might be enabled for paddle commands (WD9DMP-1) key_tx = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case PS2_M_CTRL: #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Frnswrth", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Farnsworth WPM", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif work_int = ps2_keyboard_get_number_input(3,-1,1000); if (work_int > -1) { configuration.wpm_farnsworth = work_int; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif config_dirty = 1; } #endif break; case PS2_N_CTRL : if (configuration.paddle_mode == PADDLE_NORMAL) { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_REVERSE; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pdl Rev", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Reverse", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_NORMAL; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pdl Norm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Normal", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } config_dirty = 1; break; case PS2_O_CTRL : // CTRL-O - cycle through sidetone modes on, paddle only and off - New code Marc-Andre, VE2EVN if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_OFF; boop(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY; beep(); delay(200); beep(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST Pdl O", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_COLUMNS > 19){ lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone Paddle Only", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Only", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; beep(); } config_dirty = 1; break; case PS2_T_CTRL : #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif if (keyboard_tune_on) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); keyboard_tune_on = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Tune", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); keyboard_tune_on = 1; } break; case PS2_U_CTRL : if (ptt_line_activated) { manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("PTT Invk", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("PTT Invoke", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif manual_ptt_invoke = 1; ptt_key(); } break; case PS2_W_CTRL : #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("WPM Adj", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("WPM Adjust", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif work_int = ps2_keyboard_get_number_input(3,0,1000); if (work_int > 0) { speed_set(work_int); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif config_dirty = 1; } break; case PS2_F1_CTRL : switch_to_tx_silent(1); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 1", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif break; case PS2_F2_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_2) || (tx_key_line_2)) { switch_to_tx_silent(2); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 2", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case PS2_F3_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_3) || (tx_key_line_3)) { switch_to_tx_silent(3); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 3", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case PS2_F4_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_4) || (tx_key_line_4)) { switch_to_tx_silent(4); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 4", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case PS2_F5_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_5) || (tx_key_line_5)) { switch_to_tx_silent(5); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 5", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case PS2_F6_CTRL : if ((ptt_tx_6) || (tx_key_line_6)) { switch_to_tx_silent(6); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 6", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE case PS2_Z_CTRL: if (configuration.autospace_active) { configuration.autospace_active = 0; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AutoSOff", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Autospace Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { configuration.autospace_active = 1; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AutoS On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Autospace On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } break; #endif default : if ((keystroke > 31) && (keystroke < 255 /*123*/)) { if (ps2_prosign_flag) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PROSIGN); ps2_prosign_flag = 0; } keystroke = uppercase(keystroke); add_to_send_buffer(keystroke); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif } break; } } else { } } //while (keyboard.available()) #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES } #endif //FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD)) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) void ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(byte memory_number){ if (memory_number < number_of_memories) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(memory_number); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) void ps2_keyboard_program_memory(byte memory_number) { char keystroke; byte looping = 1; byte error = 0; int temp_memory_index = 0; byte temp_memory[(memory_end(memory_number)-memory_start(memory_number) + 1)]; int x; String keyboard_string; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY String lcd_string; if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_string = "Pgm Mem"; } else { lcd_string = "Program Memory"; } #endif if (memory_number > (number_of_memories - 1)) { boop(); return; } #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (memory_number < 9) { lcd_string.concat(' '); } lcd_string.concat(memory_number+1); lcd_center_print_timed(lcd_string, 0, default_display_msg_delay); #else boop_beep(); #endif repeat_memory = 255; while (looping) { while (keyboard.available() == 0) { if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { // might as well do something while we're waiting check_paddles(); service_dit_dah_buffers(); } } keystroke = keyboard.read(); #ifdef DEBUG_PS2_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->println(keystroke,DEC); #endif if (keystroke == 13) { // did we get a carriage return? looping = 0; } else { if (keystroke == PS2_BACKSPACE) { if (temp_memory_index) { temp_memory_index--; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string = keyboard_string.substring(0,keyboard_string.length()-1); lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string, 1, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } } else { if (keystroke == PS2_ESC) { looping = 0; error = 1; } else { keystroke = uppercase(keystroke); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string.concat(char(keystroke)); if (keyboard_string.length() > LCD_COLUMNS) { lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string.substring((keyboard_string.length()-LCD_COLUMNS)), 1, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string, 1, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif temp_memory[temp_memory_index] = keystroke; temp_memory_index++; if (temp_memory_index > (memory_end(memory_number)-memory_start(memory_number))) { looping = 0; } } } } } //while (looping) if (error) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else boop(); #endif } else { for (x = 0;x < temp_memory_index;x++) { // write to memory EEPROM.write((memory_start(memory_number)+x),temp_memory[x]); if ((memory_start(memory_number) + x) == memory_end(memory_number)) { // are we at last memory location? x = temp_memory_index; } } // write terminating 255 EEPROM.write((memory_start(memory_number)+x),255); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Done", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #else beep(); #endif } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD int ps2_keyboard_get_number_input(byte places,int lower_limit, int upper_limit) { byte looping = 1; byte error = 0; byte numberindex = 0; int numbers[6]; char keystroke; String keyboard_string; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif while (looping) { if (keyboard.available() == 0) { // wait for the next keystroke if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { // might as well do something while we're waiting check_paddles(); service_dit_dah_buffers(); service_send_buffer(PRINTCHAR); check_ptt_tail(); #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER if (configuration.pot_activated) { check_potentiometer(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH check_sidetone_switch(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER } } else { keystroke = keyboard.read(); if ((keystroke > 47) && (keystroke < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") numbers[numberindex] = keystroke; numberindex++; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string.concat(String(keystroke-48)); lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string, 1, default_display_msg_delay); #endif if (numberindex > places){ looping = 0; error = 1; } } else { if (keystroke == PS2_BACKSPACE) { if (numberindex) { numberindex--; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string = keyboard_string.substring(0,keyboard_string.length()-1); lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string, 1, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } } else { if (keystroke == PS2_ENTER) { // carriage return - get out looping = 0; } else { // bogus input - error out looping = 0; error = 1; } } } } } if (error) { boop(); return(-1); } else { int y = 1; int return_number = 0; for (int x = (numberindex - 1); x >= 0 ; x = x - 1) { return_number = return_number + ((numbers[x]-48) * y); y = y * 10; } if ((return_number > lower_limit) && (return_number < upper_limit)) { return(return_number); } else { boop(); return(-1); } } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD)) && !defined(OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER) void put_serial_number_in_send_buffer() { String serial_number_string; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif serial_number_string = String(serial_number, DEC); if ((serial_number_string.length() < 3 ) && (serial_leading_zeros)) { if (serial_cut_numbers) { add_to_send_buffer('T'); } else { add_to_send_buffer('0'); } } if ((serial_number_string.length() == 1) && (serial_leading_zeros)) { if (serial_cut_numbers) { add_to_send_buffer('T'); } else { add_to_send_buffer('0'); } } for (byte a = 0; a < serial_number_string.length(); a++) { if ((serial_number_string[a] == '0') && (serial_cut_numbers)) { add_to_send_buffer('T'); } else { if ((serial_number_string[a] == '9') && (serial_cut_numbers)) { add_to_send_buffer('N'); } else { add_to_send_buffer(serial_number_string[a]); } } } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUG_CAPTURE_COM_PORT void debug_capture () { byte serial_byte_in; int x = 1022; while (primary_serial_port->available() == 0) {} // wait for first byte serial_byte_in = primary_serial_port->read(); primary_serial_port->write(serial_byte_in); //if ((serial_byte_in > 47) or (serial_byte_in = 20)) { primary_serial_port->write(serial_byte_in); } // echo back if (serial_byte_in == '~') { debug_capture_dump(); // go into dump mode if we get a tilde } else { EEPROM.write(x,serial_byte_in); x--; while ( x > 400) { if (primary_serial_port->available() > 0) { serial_byte_in = primary_serial_port->read(); EEPROM.write(x,serial_byte_in); EEPROM.write(x-1,255); send_dit(); x--; primary_serial_port->write(serial_byte_in); //if ((serial_byte_in > 47) or (serial_byte_in = 20)) { primary_serial_port->write(serial_byte_in); } // echo back } } } while (1) {} } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUG_CAPTURE_COM_PORT void debug_capture_dump() { byte eeprom_byte_in; for ( int x = 1022; x > (1022-100); x-- ) { eeprom_byte_in = EEPROM.read(x); if (eeprom_byte_in < 255) { primary_serial_port->print(eeprom_byte_in,BYTE); } else { x = 0; } } primary_serial_port->println("\n"); for ( int x = 1022; x > (1022-100); x-- ) { eeprom_byte_in = EEPROM.read(x); if (eeprom_byte_in < 255) { primary_serial_port->print(eeprom_byte_in,HEX); primary_serial_port->write(" :"); primary_serial_port->println(eeprom_byte_in,BYTE); } else { x = 0; } } while (1) {} } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER int chk_rotary_encoder(){ static unsigned long timestamp[5]; unsigned char pinstate = (digitalRead(rotary_pin2) << 1) | digitalRead(rotary_pin1); state = ttable[state & 0xf][pinstate]; unsigned char result = (state & 0x30); if (result) { timestamp[0] = timestamp[1]; // Encoder step timer timestamp[1] = timestamp[2]; timestamp[2] = timestamp[3]; timestamp[3] = timestamp[4]; timestamp[4] = millis(); unsigned long elapsed_time = (timestamp[4] - timestamp[0]); // Encoder step time difference for 10's step if (result == DIR_CW) { if (elapsed_time < 250) {return 2;} else {return 1;}; } if (result == DIR_CCW) { if (elapsed_time < 250) {return -2;} else {return -1;}; } } return 0; } void check_rotary_encoder(){ int step = chk_rotary_encoder(); if (step != 0) { if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) speed_change_command_mode(step); else speed_change(step); #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM // Start of Winkey Speed change mod for Rotary Encoder -- VE2EVN #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if ((primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) && (winkey_host_open)) { winkey_port_write(((configuration.wpm-pot_wpm_low_value)|128),0); winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = configuration.wpm; } #endif // End of Winkey Speed change mod for Rotary Encoder -- VE2EVN } // if (step != 0) } #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH void check_sidetone_switch() { static unsigned long lastcheck = 0 ; if ( millis() - lastcheck < 250 ) return ; lastcheck = millis() ; int ss_read = sidetone_switch_value(); if ( (ss_read == HIGH) && ( (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) || (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) )){ return ; } if ( (ss_read == LOW) && configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_OFF ){ return ; } config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM if ( ss_read == HIGH ) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; return ; } if ( ss_read == LOW ){ configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_OFF; return ; } } int sidetone_switch_value() { return digitalRead(SIDETONE_SWITCH); } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER void check_potentiometer() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_potentiometer")); #endif static unsigned long last_pot_check_time = 0; if ((configuration.pot_activated || potentiometer_always_on) && ((millis() - last_pot_check_time) > potentiometer_check_interval_ms)) { last_pot_check_time = millis(); if ((potentiometer_enable_pin) && (digitalRead(potentiometer_enable_pin) == HIGH)){ return; } byte pot_value_wpm_read = pot_value_wpm(); if (((abs(pot_value_wpm_read - last_pot_wpm_read) * 10) > (potentiometer_change_threshold * 10))) { #ifdef DEBUG_POTENTIOMETER debug_serial_port->print(F("check_potentiometer: speed change: ")); debug_serial_port->print(pot_value_wpm_read); debug_serial_port->print(F(" analog read: ")); debug_serial_port->println(analogRead(potentiometer)); #endif if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) command_speed_set(pot_value_wpm_read); else speed_set(pot_value_wpm_read); last_pot_wpm_read = pot_value_wpm_read; #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if ((primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) && (winkey_host_open)) { winkey_port_write(((pot_value_wpm_read-pot_wpm_low_value)|128),0); winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = configuration.wpm; } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM } } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER byte pot_value_wpm() { // int pot_read = analogRead(potentiometer); // byte return_value = map(pot_read, 0, pot_full_scale_reading, pot_wpm_low_value, pot_wpm_high_value); // return return_value; static int last_pot_read = 0; static byte return_value = 0; int pot_read = analogRead(potentiometer); if (abs(pot_read - last_pot_read) > potentiometer_reading_threshold ) { return_value = map(pot_read, 0, pot_full_scale_reading, pot_wpm_low_value, pot_wpm_high_value); last_pot_read = pot_read; } return return_value; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_HELL void hell_test () { for (byte h = 65; h < 91; h++) { transmit_hell_char(h); } transmit_hell_char('0'); transmit_hell_char('1'); transmit_hell_char('2'); transmit_hell_char('3'); transmit_hell_char('4'); transmit_hell_char('5'); transmit_hell_char('6'); transmit_hell_char('7'); transmit_hell_char('8'); transmit_hell_char('9'); transmit_hell_char('+'); transmit_hell_char('-'); transmit_hell_char('?'); transmit_hell_char('/'); transmit_hell_char('.'); transmit_hell_char(','); transmit_hell_char('!');//sp5iou // transmit_hell_char('‘'); // this causes compiler warning; unicode character or something? transmit_hell_char('='); transmit_hell_char(')'); transmit_hell_char('('); transmit_hell_char(':'); } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_HELL void transmit_hell_char (byte hellchar) { // blank column for (byte w = 0; w < 14; w++) { transmit_hell_pixel(0); } if ((hellchar > 64) && (hellchar < 91)) { // A - Z hellchar = ((hellchar - 65) * 9); transmit_hell_pixels(hell_font1, hellchar); } else { if ((hellchar > 47) && (hellchar < 58)) { // 0 - 9 hellchar = ((hellchar - 48) * 9); transmit_hell_pixels(hell_font2, hellchar); } else { switch (hellchar) { case '+': hellchar = 0; break; case '-': hellchar = 1; break; case '?': hellchar = 2; break; case '/': hellchar = 3; break; case '.': hellchar = 4; break; case ',': hellchar = 5; break; // case '‘': hellchar = 6; break; // this causes compiler warning; unicode character or something? case '=': hellchar = 7; break; case ')': hellchar = 8; break; case '(': hellchar = 9; break; case ':': hellchar = 10; break; default : hellchar = 11; break; } hellchar = hellchar * 9; transmit_hell_pixels(hell_font3, hellchar); } } // blank column for (byte w = 0; w < 14; w++) { transmit_hell_pixel(0); } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_HELL void transmit_hell_pixels (const char* hell_pixels, byte hellchar) //void transmit_hell_pixels (prog_uchar* hell_pixels, byte hellchar) { for (byte x = 0; x < 9; x++) { for (int y = 7; y > -1; y--) { if ((x < 8) || ((x == 8) && (y > 1))) { // drop the last 2 bits in byte 9 if (bitRead(pgm_read_byte(hell_pixels + hellchar + x ),y)) { transmit_hell_pixel(1); } else { transmit_hell_pixel(0); } } } } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_HELL void transmit_hell_pixel (byte hellbit) { sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; if (hellbit) { tx_and_sidetone_key(1); } else { tx_and_sidetone_key(0); } delayMicroseconds(hell_pixel_microseconds); } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES void put_memory_button_in_buffer(byte memory_number_to_put_in_buffer) { if (memory_number_to_put_in_buffer < number_of_memories) { #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORIES debug_serial_port->print(F("put_memory_button_in_buffer: memory_number_to_put_in_buffer:")); debug_serial_port->println(memory_number_to_put_in_buffer,DEC); #endif repeat_memory = 255; if ((millis() - last_memory_button_buffer_insert) > 400) { // don't do another buffer insert if we just did one - button debounce #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_sending && winkey_host_open) { winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); winkey_interrupted = 1; } #endif add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(memory_number_to_put_in_buffer); last_memory_button_buffer_insert = millis(); } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORIES debug_serial_port->println(F("put_memory_button_in_buffer: bad memory_number_to_put_in_buffer")); #endif } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_paddles() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_paddles")); #endif #define NO_CLOSURE 0 #define DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF 1 #define DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF 2 #define DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_ON 3 #define DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_ON 4 if (keyer_machine_mode == BEACON){return;} static byte last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; check_dit_paddle(); check_dah_paddle(); #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_dit_invoke) { dit_buffer = 1; } if (winkey_dah_invoke) { dah_buffer = 1; } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC if (configuration.keyer_mode == ULTIMATIC) { if (ultimatic_mode == ULTIMATIC_NORMAL) { switch (last_closure) { case DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF: if (dah_buffer) { if (dit_buffer) { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_ON; dit_buffer = 0; } else { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF; } } else { if (!dit_buffer) { last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; } } break; case DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_ON: if (dit_buffer) { if (dah_buffer) { dah_buffer = 0; } else { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF; } } else { if (dah_buffer) { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF; } else { last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; } } break; case DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF: if (dit_buffer) { if (dah_buffer) { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_ON; dah_buffer = 0; } else { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF; } } else { if (!dah_buffer) { last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; } } break; case DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_ON: if (dah_buffer) { if (dit_buffer) { dit_buffer = 0; } else { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF; } } else { if (dit_buffer) { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF; } else { last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; } } break; case NO_CLOSURE: if ((dit_buffer) && (!dah_buffer)) { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF; } else { if ((dah_buffer) && (!dit_buffer)) { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF; } else { if ((dit_buffer) && (dah_buffer)) { // need to handle dit/dah priority here last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_ON; dah_buffer = 0; } } } break; } } else { // if (ultimatic_mode == ULTIMATIC_NORMAL) if ((dit_buffer) && (dah_buffer)) { // dit or dah priority mode if (ultimatic_mode == ULTIMATIC_DIT_PRIORITY) { dah_buffer = 0; } else { dit_buffer = 0; } } } // if (ultimatic_mode == ULTIMATIC_NORMAL) } // if (configuration.keyer_mode == ULTIMATIC) #endif // OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC if (configuration.keyer_mode == SINGLE_PADDLE){ switch (last_closure) { case DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF: if (dit_buffer) { if (dah_buffer) { dah_buffer = 0; } else { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF; } } else { if (dah_buffer) { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF; } else { last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; } } break; case DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_ON: if (dah_buffer) { if (dit_buffer) { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_ON; dit_buffer = 0; } else { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF; } } else { if (!dit_buffer) { last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; } } break; case DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF: if (dah_buffer) { if (dit_buffer) { dit_buffer = 0; } else { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF; } } else { if (dit_buffer) { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF; } else { last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; } } break; case DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_ON: if (dit_buffer) { if (dah_buffer) { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_ON; dah_buffer = 0; } else { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF; } } else { if (!dah_buffer) { last_closure = NO_CLOSURE; } } break; case NO_CLOSURE: if ((dit_buffer) && (!dah_buffer)) { last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_OFF; } else { if ((dah_buffer) && (!dit_buffer)) { last_closure = DAH_CLOSURE_DIT_OFF; } else { if ((dit_buffer) && (dah_buffer)) { // need to handle dit/dah priority here last_closure = DIT_CLOSURE_DAH_ON; dah_buffer = 0; } } } break; } } //if (configuration.keyer_mode == SINGLE_PADDLE) service_tx_inhibit_and_pause(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ptt_key(){ unsigned long ptt_activation_time = millis(); byte all_delays_satisfied = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER byte sequencer_1_ok = 0; byte sequencer_2_ok = 0; byte sequencer_3_ok = 0; byte sequencer_4_ok = 0; byte sequencer_5_ok = 0; #endif if (configuration.ptt_disabled){return;} if (ptt_line_activated == 0) { // if PTT is currently deactivated, bring it up and insert PTT lead time delay #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE if (current_tx_ptt_line && (configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active || manual_ptt_invoke_ptt_input_pin)) { #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(OPTION_WINKEY_PINCONFIG_PTT_CONTROLS_PTT_LINE) if (winkey_pinconfig_ptt_bit){ digitalWrite (configuration.current_ptt_line, ptt_line_active_state); } #else digitalWrite (configuration.current_ptt_line, ptt_line_active_state); #endif // defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_PINCONFIG_PTT_CONTROLS_PTT_HOLD) //digitalWrite (current_tx_ptt_line, ptt_line_active_state); //delay(configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1]); #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER sequencer_ptt_inactive_time = 0; #endif } #else if (configuration.current_ptt_line) { #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(OPTION_WINKEY_PINCONFIG_PTT_CONTROLS_PTT_LINE) if (winkey_pinconfig_ptt_bit){ digitalWrite (configuration.current_ptt_line, ptt_line_active_state); } #else digitalWrite (configuration.current_ptt_line, ptt_line_active_state); #endif // defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_PINCONFIG_PTT_CONTROLS_PTT_HOLD) //digitalWrite (configuration.current_ptt_line, ptt_line_active_state); #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) if ((wk2_both_tx_activated) && (ptt_tx_2)) { digitalWrite (ptt_tx_2, ptt_line_active_state); } #endif //delay(configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1]); #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER sequencer_ptt_inactive_time = 0; #endif } #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE ptt_line_activated = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE so2r_set_rx(); #endif while (!all_delays_satisfied){ #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER if (sequencer_1_pin){ if (((millis() - ptt_activation_time) >= configuration.ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[0]) || sequencer_1_active){ digitalWrite(sequencer_1_pin,sequencer_pins_active_state); sequencer_1_ok = 1; sequencer_1_active = 1; } } else { sequencer_1_ok = 1; } if (sequencer_2_pin){ if (((millis() - ptt_activation_time) >= configuration.ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[1]) || sequencer_2_active){ digitalWrite(sequencer_2_pin,sequencer_pins_active_state); sequencer_2_ok = 1; sequencer_2_active = 1; } } else { sequencer_2_ok = 1; } if (sequencer_3_pin){ if (((millis() - ptt_activation_time) >= configuration.ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[2]) || sequencer_3_active){ digitalWrite(sequencer_3_pin,sequencer_pins_active_state); sequencer_3_ok = 1; sequencer_3_active = 1; } } else { sequencer_3_ok = 1; } if (sequencer_4_pin){ if (((millis() - ptt_activation_time) >= configuration.ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[3]) || sequencer_4_active){ digitalWrite(sequencer_4_pin,sequencer_pins_active_state); sequencer_4_ok = 1; sequencer_4_active = 1; } } else { sequencer_4_ok = 1; } if (sequencer_5_pin){ if (((millis() - ptt_activation_time) >= configuration.ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[4]) || sequencer_5_active){ digitalWrite(sequencer_5_pin,sequencer_pins_active_state); sequencer_5_ok = 1; sequencer_5_active = 1; } } else { sequencer_5_ok = 1; } if (((millis() - ptt_activation_time) >= configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1]) && sequencer_1_ok && sequencer_2_ok && sequencer_3_ok && sequencer_4_ok && sequencer_5_ok){ all_delays_satisfied = 1; } #else //FEATURE_SEQUENCER #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_PINCONFIG_PTT_CONTROLS_PTT_HOLD) if (((millis() - ptt_activation_time) >= configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1]) || (winkey_host_open && !winkey_pinconfig_ptt_bit) ) { all_delays_satisfied = 1; } #else if ((millis() - ptt_activation_time) >= configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1]){ all_delays_satisfied = 1; } #endif #endif //FEATURE_SEQUENCER } //while (!all_delays_satisfied) } ptt_time = millis(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER void check_sequencer_tail_time(){ if (sequencer_ptt_inactive_time){ if (sequencer_1_pin){ if (sequencer_1_active && ((millis() - sequencer_ptt_inactive_time) >= configuration.ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[0])){ digitalWrite(sequencer_1_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); sequencer_1_active = 0; } } if (sequencer_2_pin){ if (sequencer_2_active && ((millis() - sequencer_ptt_inactive_time) >= configuration.ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[1])){ digitalWrite(sequencer_2_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); sequencer_2_active = 0; } } if (sequencer_3_pin){ if (sequencer_3_active && ((millis() - sequencer_ptt_inactive_time) >= configuration.ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[2])){ digitalWrite(sequencer_3_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); sequencer_3_active = 0; } } if (sequencer_4_pin){ if (sequencer_4_active && ((millis() - sequencer_ptt_inactive_time) >= configuration.ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[3])){ digitalWrite(sequencer_4_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); sequencer_4_active = 0; } } if (sequencer_5_pin){ if (sequencer_5_active && ((millis() - sequencer_ptt_inactive_time) >= configuration.ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[4])){ digitalWrite(sequencer_5_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); sequencer_5_active = 0; } } } if (!sequencer_1_active && !sequencer_2_active && !sequencer_3_active && !sequencer_4_active && !sequencer_5_active){ sequencer_ptt_inactive_time = 0; } } #endif //FEATURE_SEQUENCER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ptt_unkey(){ if (ptt_line_activated) { #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE if (current_tx_ptt_line) { digitalWrite (current_tx_ptt_line, ptt_line_inactive_state); #else if (configuration.current_ptt_line) { digitalWrite (configuration.current_ptt_line, ptt_line_inactive_state); #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) if ((wk2_both_tx_activated) && (ptt_tx_2)) { digitalWrite (ptt_tx_2, ptt_line_inactive_state); } #endif #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE } ptt_line_activated = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER sequencer_ptt_inactive_time = millis(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE if (so2r_pending_tx) { so2r_tx = so2r_pending_tx; so2r_pending_tx = 0; so2r_set_tx(); } so2r_set_rx(); #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_ptt_tail() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_ptt_tail")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE if (so2r_ptt) { return; } #endif //static byte manual_ptt_invoke_ptt_input_pin = 0; if (ptt_input_pin){ if ((digitalRead(ptt_input_pin) == ptt_input_pin_active_state)){ if (!manual_ptt_invoke){ manual_ptt_invoke = 1; manual_ptt_invoke_ptt_input_pin = 1; ptt_key(); return; } } else { if ((manual_ptt_invoke) && (manual_ptt_invoke_ptt_input_pin)){ manual_ptt_invoke = 0; manual_ptt_invoke_ptt_input_pin = 0; if (!key_state){ ptt_unkey(); } } } } #if !defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) if (key_state) { ptt_time = millis(); } else { if ((ptt_line_activated) && (manual_ptt_invoke == 0)) { //if ((millis() - ptt_time) > ptt_tail_time) { if (last_sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING) { #ifndef OPTION_INCLUDE_PTT_TAIL_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING // PTT Tail Time: N PTT Hang Time: Y if ((millis() - ptt_time) >= ((configuration.length_wordspace*ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units)*float(1200/configuration.wpm)) ) { ptt_unkey(); } #else //ndef OPTION_INCLUDE_PTT_TAIL_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING #ifndef OPTION_EXCLUDE_PTT_HANG_TIME_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING // PTT Tail Time: Y PTT Hang Time: Y if ((millis() - ptt_time) >= (((configuration.length_wordspace*ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units)*float(1200/configuration.wpm))+configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1])) { ptt_unkey(); } #else //OPTION_EXCLUDE_PTT_HANG_TIME_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING if ((millis() - ptt_time) >= configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1]) { // PTT Tail Time: Y PTT Hang Time: N ptt_unkey(); } #endif //OPTION_EXCLUDE_PTT_HANG_TIME_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING #endif //ndef OPTION_INCLUDE_PTT_TAIL_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING } else { // automatic sending if (((millis() - ptt_time) > configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1]) && ( !configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active || ((!send_buffer_bytes) && configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active) || (pause_sending_buffer))){ ptt_unkey(); } } } } #else //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (key_state) { ptt_time = millis(); } else { if ((ptt_line_activated) && (manual_ptt_invoke == 0)) { //if ((millis() - ptt_time) > ptt_tail_time) { if (last_sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING) { #ifndef OPTION_INCLUDE_PTT_TAIL_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING // PTT Tail Time: N PTT Hang Time: Y if ((millis() - ptt_time) >= ((configuration.length_wordspace*ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units)*float(1200/configuration.wpm)) ) { ptt_unkey(); } #else //ndef OPTION_INCLUDE_PTT_TAIL_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING #ifndef OPTION_EXCLUDE_PTT_HANG_TIME_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING // PTT Tail Time: Y PTT Hang Time: Y if (winkey_host_open){ if ((millis() - ptt_time) >= (((configuration.length_wordspace*ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units)*float(1200/configuration.wpm))+ (int(winkey_session_ptt_tail) * 10) + (3 * (1200/configuration.wpm)) )) { ptt_unkey(); } } else { if ((millis() - ptt_time) >= (((configuration.length_wordspace*ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units)*float(1200/configuration.wpm))+configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1])) { ptt_unkey(); } } #else //OPTION_EXCLUDE_PTT_HANG_TIME_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING if (winkey_host_open){ if ((millis() - ptt_time) >= ((int(winkey_session_ptt_tail) * 10) + (3 * (1200/configuration.wpm)))) { // PTT Tail Time: Y PTT Hang Time: N ptt_unkey(); } } else { if ((millis() - ptt_time) >= configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1]) { // PTT Tail Time: Y PTT Hang Time: N ptt_unkey(); } } #endif //OPTION_EXCLUDE_PTT_HANG_TIME_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING #endif //ndef OPTION_INCLUDE_PTT_TAIL_FOR_MANUAL_SENDING } else { // automatic sending if (winkey_host_open){ if (((millis() - ptt_time) > ((int(winkey_session_ptt_tail) * 10) + (3 * (1200/configuration.wpm)))) && ( !configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active || ((!send_buffer_bytes) && configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active) || (pause_sending_buffer))) { ptt_unkey(); } } else { if (((millis() - ptt_time) > configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1]) && ( !configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active || ((!send_buffer_bytes) && configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active) || (pause_sending_buffer))){ ptt_unkey(); } } } } } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void write_settings_to_eeprom(int initialize_eeprom) { #if !defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || (defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) && defined(FEATURE_EEPROM_E24C1024)) if (initialize_eeprom) { //configuration.magic_number = eeprom_magic_number; EEPROM.write(0,eeprom_magic_number); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES initialize_eeprom_memories(); #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES const byte* p = (const byte*)(const void*)&configuration; unsigned int i; int ee = 1; // starting point of configuration struct for (i = 0; i < sizeof(configuration); i++){ EEPROM.write(ee++, *p++); } } else { async_eeprom_write = 1; // initiate an asyncrhonous eeprom write } #endif //!defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || (defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) && defined(FEATURE_EEPROM_E24C1024)) config_dirty = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void service_async_eeprom_write(){ // This writes one byte out to EEPROM each time it is called static byte last_async_eeprom_write_status = 0; static int ee = 0; static unsigned int i = 0; static const byte* p; if ((async_eeprom_write) && (!send_buffer_bytes) && (!ptt_line_activated) && (!dit_buffer) && (!dah_buffer) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == HIGH) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == HIGH)) { if (last_async_eeprom_write_status){ // we have an ansynchronous write to eeprom in progress #if defined(_BOARD_PIC32_PINGUINO_) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE) if (EEPROM.read(ee) != *p) { EEPROM.write(ee, *p); } ee++; p++; #else EEPROM.update(ee++, *p++); #endif if (i < sizeof(configuration)){ #if defined(DEBUG_ASYNC_EEPROM_WRITE) debug_serial_port->print(F("service_async_eeprom_write: write: ")); debug_serial_port->println(i); #endif i++; } else { // we're done async_eeprom_write = 0; last_async_eeprom_write_status = 0; #if defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE) EEPROM.commit(); #endif #if defined(DEBUG_ASYNC_EEPROM_WRITE) debug_serial_port->println(F("service_async_eeprom_write: complete")); #endif } } else { // we don't have one in progress - initialize things p = (const byte*)(const void*)&configuration; ee = 1; // starting point of configuration struct i = 0; last_async_eeprom_write_status = 1; #if defined(DEBUG_ASYNC_EEPROM_WRITE) debug_serial_port->println(F("service_async_eeprom_write: init")); #endif } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int read_settings_from_eeprom() { // returns 0 if eeprom had valid settings, returns 1 if eeprom needs initialized #if defined(DEBUG_FORCE_RESET) return 1; #endif #if !defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || (defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) && defined(FEATURE_EEPROM_E24C1024)) #if defined(DEBUG_EEPROM_READ_SETTINGS) debug_serial_port->println(F("read_settings_from_eeprom: start")); #endif if (EEPROM.read(0) == eeprom_magic_number){ byte* p = (byte*)(void*)&configuration; unsigned int i; int ee = 1; // starting point of configuration struct for (i = 0; i < sizeof(configuration); i++){ #if defined(DEBUG_EEPROM_READ_SETTINGS) debug_serial_port->print(F("read_settings_from_eeprom: read: i:")); debug_serial_port->print(i); debug_serial_port->print(F(":")); debug_serial_port->print(EEPROM.read(ee)); debug_serial_port->println(); #endif *p++ = EEPROM.read(ee++); } #ifndef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE switch_to_tx_silent(configuration.current_tx); #endif config_dirty = 0; #if defined(DEBUG_EEPROM_READ_SETTINGS) debug_serial_port->println(F("read_settings_from_eeprom: read complete")); #endif return 0; } else { #if defined(DEBUG_EEPROM_READ_SETTINGS) debug_serial_port->println(F("read_settings_from_eeprom: eeprom needs initialized")); #endif return 1; } #endif //!defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || (defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) && defined(FEATURE_EEPROM_E24C1024)) #if defined(DEBUG_EEPROM_READ_SETTINGS) debug_serial_port->println(F("read_settings_from_eeprom: bypassed read - no eeprom")); #endif return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_dit_paddle() { byte pin_value = 0; byte dit_paddle = 0; #ifdef OPTION_DIT_PADDLE_NO_SEND_ON_MEM_RPT static byte memory_rpt_interrupt_flag = 0; #endif if (configuration.paddle_mode == PADDLE_NORMAL) { dit_paddle = paddle_left; } else { dit_paddle = paddle_right; } pin_value = paddle_pin_read(dit_paddle); #if defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) if (usb_dit) {pin_value = 0;} #endif #ifdef OPTION_DIT_PADDLE_NO_SEND_ON_MEM_RPT if (pin_value && memory_rpt_interrupt_flag) { memory_rpt_interrupt_flag = 0; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; loop_element_lengths(3,0,configuration.wpm); dit_buffer = 0; } #endif #ifdef OPTION_DIT_PADDLE_NO_SEND_ON_MEM_RPT if ((pin_value == 0) && (memory_rpt_interrupt_flag == 0)) { #else if (pin_value == 0) { #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG if (dit_buffer == 0) { dit_counter++; dah_counter = 0; } #endif dit_buffer = 1; #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) if (!winkey_interrupted && winkey_host_open && !winkey_breakin_status_byte_inhibit){ send_winkey_breakin_byte_flag = 1; // winkey_port_write(0xc2|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff); // 0xc2 - BREAKIN bit set high // winkey_interrupted = 1; // tone(sidetone_line,1000); // delay(500); // noTone(sidetone_line); dit_buffer = 0; } #endif //defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM manual_ptt_invoke = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES if (repeat_memory < 255) { repeat_memory = 255; #ifdef OPTION_DIT_PADDLE_NO_SEND_ON_MEM_RPT dit_buffer = 0; while (!paddle_pin_read(dit_paddle)) {}; memory_rpt_interrupt_flag = 1; #endif } #endif clear_send_buffer(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_dah_paddle() { byte pin_value = 0; byte dah_paddle; if (configuration.paddle_mode == PADDLE_NORMAL) { dah_paddle = paddle_right; } else { dah_paddle = paddle_left; } pin_value = paddle_pin_read(dah_paddle); #if defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) || defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) if (usb_dah) {pin_value = 0;} #endif if (pin_value == 0) { #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG if (dah_buffer == 0) { dah_counter++; dit_counter = 0; } #endif dah_buffer = 1; #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) if (!winkey_interrupted && winkey_host_open && !winkey_breakin_status_byte_inhibit){ send_winkey_breakin_byte_flag = 1; dah_buffer = 0; } #endif //defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif clear_send_buffer(); manual_ptt_invoke = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void send_dit(){ // notes: key_compensation is a straight x mS lengthening or shortening of the key down time // weighting is unsigned int character_wpm = configuration.wpm; #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH if ((sending_mode == AUTOMATIC_SENDING) && (configuration.wpm_farnsworth > configuration.wpm)) { character_wpm = configuration.wpm_farnsworth; #if defined(DEBUG_FARNSWORTH) debug_serial_port->println(F("send_dit: farns act")); #endif } #if defined(DEBUG_FARNSWORTH) else { debug_serial_port->println(F("send_dit: farns inact")); } #endif #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){ character_wpm = configuration.wpm_command_mode; } being_sent = SENDING_DIT; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUMP dit_start_time = millis(); #endif if ((tx_key_dit) && (key_tx)) {digitalWrite(tx_key_dit,tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_active_state);} #ifdef FEATURE_QLF if (qlf_active){ loop_element_lengths((1.0*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)*(random(qlf_dit_min,qlf_dit_max)/100.0)),configuration.keying_compensation,character_wpm); } else { loop_element_lengths((1.0*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)),configuration.keying_compensation,character_wpm); } #else //FEATURE_QLF loop_element_lengths((1.0*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)),configuration.keying_compensation,character_wpm); #endif //FEATURE_QLF if ((tx_key_dit) && (key_tx)) {digitalWrite(tx_key_dit,tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state);} #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUMP dit_end_time = millis(); #endif tx_and_sidetone_key(0); loop_element_lengths((2.0-(float(configuration.weighting)/50)),(-1.0*configuration.keying_compensation),character_wpm); #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE byte autospace_end_of_character_flag = 0; if ((sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING) && (configuration.autospace_active)) { check_paddles(); } if ((sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING) && (configuration.autospace_active) && (dit_buffer == 0) && (dah_buffer == 0)) { loop_element_lengths((float)configuration.autospace_timing_factor/(float)100,0,configuration.wpm); autospace_end_of_character_flag = 1; } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if ((winkey_host_open) && (winkey_paddle_echo_activated) && (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING)) { winkey_paddle_echo_buffer = (winkey_paddle_echo_buffer * 10) + 1; //winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (float(winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time_factor/float(configuration.wpm))*length_letterspace); winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (float(winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_timing_factor*1200.0/float(configuration.wpm))*length_letterspace); #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE if (autospace_end_of_character_flag){winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = 0;} #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO if (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING) { paddle_echo_buffer = (paddle_echo_buffer * 10) + 1; paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (((float)1200.0/(float)configuration.wpm) * ((float)configuration.cw_echo_timing_factor/(float)100)); #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE if (autospace_end_of_character_flag){paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = 0;} #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE } #endif //FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE autospace_end_of_character_flag = 0; #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE being_sent = SENDING_NOTHING; last_sending_mode = sending_mode; check_paddles(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void send_dah(){ unsigned int character_wpm = configuration.wpm; #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH if ((sending_mode == AUTOMATIC_SENDING) && (configuration.wpm_farnsworth > configuration.wpm)) { character_wpm = configuration.wpm_farnsworth; } #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){ character_wpm = configuration.wpm_command_mode; } being_sent = SENDING_DAH; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUMP dah_start_time = millis(); #endif if ((tx_key_dah) && (key_tx)) {digitalWrite(tx_key_dah,tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_active_state);} #ifdef FEATURE_QLF if (qlf_active){ loop_element_lengths((float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/100.0)*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)*(random(qlf_dah_min,qlf_dah_max)/100.0)),configuration.keying_compensation,character_wpm); } else { loop_element_lengths((float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/100.0)*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)),configuration.keying_compensation,character_wpm); } #else //FEATURE_QLF loop_element_lengths((float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/100.0)*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)),configuration.keying_compensation,character_wpm); #endif //FEATURE_QLF if ((tx_key_dah) && (key_tx)) {digitalWrite(tx_key_dah,tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state);} #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUMP dah_end_time = millis(); #endif tx_and_sidetone_key(0); loop_element_lengths((4.0-(3.0*(float(configuration.weighting)/50))),(-1.0*configuration.keying_compensation),character_wpm); #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE byte autospace_end_of_character_flag = 0; if ((sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING) && (configuration.autospace_active)) { check_paddles(); } if ((sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING) && (configuration.autospace_active) && (dit_buffer == 0) && (dah_buffer == 0)) { loop_element_lengths(2,0,configuration.wpm); autospace_end_of_character_flag = 1; } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if ((winkey_host_open) && (winkey_paddle_echo_activated) && (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING)) { winkey_paddle_echo_buffer = (winkey_paddle_echo_buffer * 10) + 2; //winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (float(winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time_factor/float(configuration.wpm))*length_letterspace); winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (float(winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_timing_factor*1200.0/float(configuration.wpm))*length_letterspace); #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE if (autospace_end_of_character_flag){winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = 0;} #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO if (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING) { paddle_echo_buffer = (paddle_echo_buffer * 10) + 2; paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (((float)1200.0/(float)configuration.wpm) * ((float)configuration.cw_echo_timing_factor/(float)100)); #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE if (autospace_end_of_character_flag){paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = 0;} #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE } #endif //FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE autospace_end_of_character_flag = 0; #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE check_paddles(); being_sent = SENDING_NOTHING; last_sending_mode = sending_mode; } /* The Dash by Linda Ellis I read of a man who stood to speak at a funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning...to the end. He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years. For that dash represents all the time they spent alive on earth and now only those who loved them know what that little line is worth. For it matters not, how much we own, the cars..the house...the cash. What matters is how we lived and loved and how we spend our dash. So think about this long and hard; are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left that still can be rearranged. To be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we've never loved before. If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile...remembering that this special dash might only last a little while. So when your eulogy is being read, with your life's actions to rehash, would you be proud of the things they say about how you lived your dash? */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tx_and_sidetone_key (int state) { #if defined(FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) byte i; if ((state == 0) && (key_state) && (compression_detection_key_up_time == 0) && (compression_detection_key_down_time == 0)){ compression_detection_key_up_time = millis(); //debug_serial_port->println("UP"); } if ((state) && (key_state == 0) && (compression_detection_key_up_time > 0) && (compression_detection_key_down_time == 0)) { compression_detection_key_down_time = millis(); //debug_serial_port->println("DOWN"); } unsigned long key_up_to_key_down_time = 0; if ((compression_detection_key_down_time != 0) && (compression_detection_key_up_time != 0)){ // do we have a measurement waiting for us? key_up_to_key_down_time = compression_detection_key_down_time - compression_detection_key_up_time; #if defined(DEBUG_FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) // debug_serial_port->print("service_competition_compression_detection: key_up_to_key_down_time:"); //debug_serial_port->println(key_up_to_key_down_time); #endif // is the time within the limits of what would be inter-character time? if ((key_up_to_key_down_time > ((1200/configuration.wpm)*COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_TIME_INTERCHAR_LOWER_LIMIT)) && (key_up_to_key_down_time < ((1200/configuration.wpm)*COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_TIME_INTERCHAR_UPPER_LIMIT))){ // add it to the array if (time_array_index < COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE){ #if defined(DEBUG_FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) debug_serial_port->print("tx_and_sidetone_key: service_competition_compression_detection: array entry "); debug_serial_port->print(time_array_index); debug_serial_port->print(":"); debug_serial_port->println(key_up_to_key_down_time); #endif time_array[time_array_index] = key_up_to_key_down_time; time_array_index++; } else { // if time array is completely filled up, we do a first in, first out for(i = 0;i < (COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE-1);i++){ time_array[i]=time_array[i+1]; } time_array[COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION_ARRAY_SIZE-1] = key_up_to_key_down_time; #if defined(DEBUG_FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) debug_serial_port->print("tx_and_sidetone_key: service_competition_compression_detection: FIFO array entry "); debug_serial_port->print(time_array_index); debug_serial_port->print(":"); debug_serial_port->println(key_up_to_key_down_time); #endif } } else { #if defined(DEBUG_FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) //debug_serial_port->print("tx_and_sidetone_key: service_competition_compression_detection: discarded entry: "); //debug_serial_port->println(key_up_to_key_down_time); #endif } compression_detection_key_down_time = 0; compression_detection_key_up_time = 0; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) #if !defined(FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK) if ((state) && (key_state == 0)) { if (key_tx) { byte previous_ptt_line_activated = ptt_line_activated; ptt_key(); if (current_tx_key_line) {digitalWrite (current_tx_key_line, tx_key_line_active_state);} #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(FEATURE_SO2R_BASE) if ((wk2_both_tx_activated) && (tx_key_line_2)) { digitalWrite (tx_key_line_2, HIGH); } #endif if ((first_extension_time) && (previous_ptt_line_activated == 0)) { delay(first_extension_time); } } if ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) || (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) || ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) && (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING))) { #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) tone(sidetone_line, configuration.hz_sidetone); #else if (sidetone_line) { digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_active_state); } #endif } key_state = 1; } else { if ((state == 0) && (key_state)) { if (key_tx) { if (current_tx_key_line) {digitalWrite (current_tx_key_line, tx_key_line_inactive_state);} #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(FEATURE_SO2R_BASE) if ((wk2_both_tx_activated) && (tx_key_line_2)) { digitalWrite (tx_key_line_2, LOW); } #endif ptt_key(); } if ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) || (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) || ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) && (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING))) { #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) noTone(sidetone_line); #else if (sidetone_line) { digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_inactive_state); } #endif } key_state = 0; } } #else //FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK if ((state) && (key_state == 0)) { if (key_tx) { byte previous_ptt_line_activated = ptt_line_activated; if (!ptt_interlock_active) { ptt_key(); } if (current_tx_key_line) {digitalWrite (current_tx_key_line, tx_key_line_active_state);} #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(FEATURE_SO2R_BASE) if ((wk2_both_tx_activated) && (tx_key_line_2)) { digitalWrite (tx_key_line_2, HIGH); } #endif if ((first_extension_time) && (previous_ptt_line_activated == 0)) { delay(first_extension_time); } } if ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) || (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) || ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) && (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING))) { #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) tone(sidetone_line, configuration.hz_sidetone); #else if (sidetone_line) { digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_active_state); } #endif } key_state = 1; } else { if ((state == 0) && (key_state)) { if (key_tx) { if (current_tx_key_line) {digitalWrite (current_tx_key_line, tx_key_line_inactive_state);} #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(FEATURE_SO2R_BASE) if ((wk2_both_tx_activated) && (tx_key_line_2)) { digitalWrite (tx_key_line_2, LOW); } #endif if (!ptt_interlock_active) { ptt_key(); } } if ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) || (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) || ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) && (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING))) { #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) noTone(sidetone_line); #else if (sidetone_line) { digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_inactive_state); } #endif } key_state = 0; } } #endif //FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) link_key(state); #endif check_ptt_tail(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void loop_element_lengths(float lengths, float additional_time_ms, int speed_wpm_in){ #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && !defined(OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW) loop_element_lengths_breakout_flag = 1; #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL #if defined(DEBUG_LOOP_ELEMENT_LENGTHS) debug_serial_port->println("loop_element_lengths: enter"); #endif float element_length; if (lengths <= 0) { return; } #if defined(FEATURE_FARNSWORTH) if ((lengths == 1) && (speed_wpm_in == 0)){ element_length = additional_time_ms; } else { if (speed_mode == SPEED_NORMAL) { element_length = 1200/speed_wpm_in; } else { element_length = qrss_dit_length * 1000; } } #else //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH if (speed_mode == SPEED_NORMAL) { element_length = 1200/speed_wpm_in; } else { element_length = qrss_dit_length * 1000; } #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH unsigned long ticks; if ((long(element_length*lengths*1000) + long(additional_time_ms*1000)) < 0){ return; } else { ticks = long(element_length*lengths*1000) + long(additional_time_ms*1000); // improvement from Paul, K1XM } unsigned long start = micros(); #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && !defined(OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW) while (((micros() - start) < ticks) && (service_tx_inhibit_and_pause() == 0) && loop_element_lengths_breakout_flag ){ #else while (((micros() - start) < ticks) && (service_tx_inhibit_and_pause() == 0)){ #endif check_ptt_tail(); #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && !defined(OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW) if (((ticks - (micros() - start)) > (10 * 1000)) && (sending_mode == AUTOMATIC_SENDING)){ check_serial(); if (loop_element_lengths_breakout_flag == 0){ dump_current_character_flag = 1; } } #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) /*&& !defined(OPTION_INTERNET_LINK_NO_UDP_SVC_DURING_KEY_DOWN)*/ //if ((millis() > 1000) && ((millis()-start) > FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_SVC_DURING_LOOP_TIME_MS)){ if ((ticks - (micros() - start)) > (FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_SVC_DURING_LOOP_TIME_MS * 1000)) { service_udp_send_buffer(); service_udp_receive(); service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer(); } #endif //FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK #if defined(OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER) wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER #if defined(FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER) check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER #if defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) service_usb(); #endif //FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD || FEATURE_USB_MOUSE #if defined(FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK) service_ptt_interlock(); #endif //FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK #if defined(FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD) || defined(FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) service_keypad(); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_DISPLAY) if ((ticks - (micros() - start)) > (10 * 1000)) { service_display(); } #endif if ((configuration.keyer_mode != ULTIMATIC) && (configuration.keyer_mode != SINGLE_PADDLE)) { if ((configuration.keyer_mode == IAMBIC_A) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW ) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW )) { iambic_flag = 1; } #ifndef FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING if (being_sent == SENDING_DIT) { check_dah_paddle(); } else { if (being_sent == SENDING_DAH) { check_dit_paddle(); } else { check_dah_paddle(); check_dit_paddle(); } } #else ////FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING //if (configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on){ if ((configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on) && (sending_mode == MANUAL_SENDING)) { if ((float(float(micros()-start)/float(ticks))*100) >= configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent) { //if ((float(float(millis()-starttime)/float(starttime-ticks))*100) >= configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent) { if (being_sent == SENDING_DIT) { check_dah_paddle(); } else { if (being_sent == SENDING_DAH) { check_dit_paddle(); } } } else { if (((being_sent == SENDING_DIT) || (being_sent == SENDING_DAH)) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW ) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW )) { dah_buffer = 0; dit_buffer = 0; } } } else { if (being_sent == SENDING_DIT) { check_dah_paddle(); } else { if (being_sent == SENDING_DAH) { check_dit_paddle(); } else { check_dah_paddle(); check_dit_paddle(); } } } #endif //FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING } else { //(configuration.keyer_mode != ULTIMATIC) #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC if (being_sent == SENDING_DIT) { check_dah_paddle(); } else { if (being_sent == SENDING_DAH) { check_dit_paddle(); } else { check_dah_paddle(); check_dit_paddle(); } } #endif // OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC } #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) && defined(FEATURE_BUTTONS) check_the_memory_buttons(); #endif // blow out prematurely if we're automatic sending and a paddle gets hit #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS if (sending_mode == AUTOMATIC_SENDING && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW || paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW || analogbuttonread(0) || dit_buffer || dah_buffer)) { if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING_INTERRUPTED; automatic_sending_interruption_time = millis(); return; } } #else if (sending_mode == AUTOMATIC_SENDING && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW || paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW || dit_buffer || dah_buffer)) { if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING_INTERRUPTED; automatic_sending_interruption_time = millis(); #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE so2r_set_rx(); #endif return; } } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY service_straight_key(); #endif //FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) if (speed_mode == SPEED_QRSS){ service_web_server(); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES so2r_switches(); #endif } //while ((millis() < endtime) && (millis() > 200)) if ((configuration.keyer_mode == IAMBIC_A) && (iambic_flag) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == HIGH ) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == HIGH )) { iambic_flag = 0; dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; } if ((being_sent == SENDING_DIT) || (being_sent == SENDING_DAH)){ if (configuration.dit_buffer_off) {dit_buffer = 0;} if (configuration.dah_buffer_off) {dah_buffer = 0;} } #if defined(DEBUG_LOOP_ELEMENT_LENGTHS) debug_serial_port->println("loop_element_lengths: exit"); #endif } //void loop_element_lengths //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void speed_change(int change) { if (((configuration.wpm + change) > wpm_limit_low) && ((configuration.wpm + change) < wpm_limit_high)) { speed_set(configuration.wpm + change); } #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed_wpm(); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void speed_change_command_mode(int change) { if (((configuration.wpm_command_mode + change) > wpm_limit_low) && ((configuration.wpm_command_mode + change) < wpm_limit_high)) { configuration.wpm_command_mode = configuration.wpm_command_mode + change; config_dirty = 1; } #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.wpm_command_mode) + " wpm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void speed_set(int wpm_set){ if ((wpm_set > 0) && (wpm_set < 1000)){ configuration.wpm = wpm_set; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO if ((configuration.wpm >= DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_LOWER_LIMIT_WPM) && (configuration.wpm <= DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_UPPER_LIMIT_WPM)){ int dynamicweightvalue=map(configuration.wpm,DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_LOWER_LIMIT_WPM,DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_UPPER_LIMIT_WPM,DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_LOWER_LIMIT_RATIO,DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_UPPER_LIMIT_RATIO); configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio=dynamicweightvalue; } #endif //FEATURE_DYNAMIC_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO #ifdef FEATURE_LED_RING update_led_ring(); #endif //FEATURE_LED_RING #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed_wpm(); #endif } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void command_speed_set(int wpm_set) { if ((wpm_set > 0) && (wpm_set < 1000)) { configuration.wpm_command_mode = wpm_set; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Cmd Spd " + String(configuration.wpm_command_mode) + " wpm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } // end if } // end command_speed_set //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY void lcd_center_print_timed_wpm(){ #if defined(OPTION_ADVANCED_SPEED_DISPLAY) lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.wpm) + " wpm - " + (configuration.wpm*5) + " cpm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed(String(1200/configuration.wpm) + ":" + (((1200/configuration.wpm)*configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio)/100) + "ms 1:" + (float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio)/100.00), 1, default_display_msg_delay); #else lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.wpm) + " wpm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- long get_cw_input_from_user(unsigned int exit_time_milliseconds) { byte looping = 1; byte paddle_hit = 0; long cw_char = 0; unsigned long last_element_time = 0; byte button_hit = 0; unsigned long entry_time = millis(); while (looping) { #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER if (configuration.pot_activated) { check_potentiometer(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_paddles(); if (dit_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dit(); dit_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cw_char = (cw_char * 10) + 1; last_element_time = millis(); } if (dah_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dah(); dah_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cw_char = (cw_char * 10) + 2; last_element_time = millis(); } if ((paddle_hit) && (millis() > (last_element_time + (float(600/configuration.wpm) * length_letterspace)))) { #ifdef DEBUG_GET_CW_INPUT_FROM_USER debug_serial_port->println(F("get_cw_input_from_user: hit length_letterspace")); #endif looping = 0; } if ((!paddle_hit) && (exit_time_milliseconds) && ((millis() - entry_time) > exit_time_milliseconds)) { // if we were passed an exit time and no paddle was hit, blow out of here return 0; } #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while (analogbuttonread(0)) { // hit the button to get out of command mode if no paddle was hit looping = 0; button_hit = 1; } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) check_serial(); #endif } //while (looping) if (button_hit) { #ifdef DEBUG_GET_CW_INPUT_FROM_USER debug_serial_port->println(F("get_cw_input_from_user: button_hit exit 9")); #endif return 9; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_GET_CW_INPUT_FROM_USER debug_serial_port->print(F("get_cw_input_from_user: exiting cw_char:")); debug_serial_port->println(cw_char); #endif return cw_char; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE void send_chars(char* buffer){ int x = 0; while(buffer[x] != 0){ send_char(buffer[x++],0); } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE void command_mode() { keyer_machine_mode = KEYER_COMMAND_MODE; #ifdef DEBUG_COMMAND_MODE debug_serial_port->println(F("command_mode: entering")); #endif #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_disable(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER char weight_deci[] = "00"; byte looping; byte button_that_was_pressed = 0; byte paddle_hit = 0; unsigned long last_element_time = 0; unsigned long cw_char; byte stay_in_command_mode = 1; byte speed_mode_before = speed_mode; speed_mode = SPEED_NORMAL; // put us in normal speed mode (life is too short to do command mode in QRSS) byte keyer_mode_before = configuration.keyer_mode; char c[4]; if ((configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_A) && (configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_B) && (configuration.keyer_mode != ULTIMATIC)) { //if ((configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_A) && (configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_B)) { configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; // we got to be in iambic mode (life is too short to make this work in bug mode) } // command_mode_disable_tx = 0; //Removed disable TX state every time Command Mode is entered - now set to actual key_tx status on CM entry (WD9DMP) boop_beep(); #ifdef command_mode_active_led if (command_mode_active_led) {digitalWrite(command_mode_active_led,HIGH);} #endif //command_mode_active_led #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_clear(); if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Cmd Mode", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Command Mode", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) winkey_breakin_status_byte_inhibit = 1; #endif while (stay_in_command_mode) { cw_char = 0; looping = 1; while (looping) { int8_t button_temp = button_array.Pressed(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY service_display(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER if (configuration.pot_activated) { check_potentiometer(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_paddles(); if (dit_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dit(); dit_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cw_char = (cw_char * 10) + 1; last_element_time = millis(); } if (dah_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dah(); dah_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cw_char = (cw_char * 10) + 2; last_element_time = millis(); } if ((paddle_hit) && (millis() > (last_element_time + (float(600/configuration.wpm) * length_letterspace)))) { #ifdef DEBUG_GET_CW_INPUT_FROM_USER debug_serial_port->println(F("get_cw_input_from_user: hit length_letterspace")); #endif looping = 0; } if (button_temp >=0 ){ // check for a button press looping = 0; cw_char = 9; delay(50); button_that_was_pressed = button_temp; while (button_array.Held(button_that_was_pressed)) {} } #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) configuration.keyer_mode = keyer_mode_before; check_serial(); if ((configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_A) && (configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_B) && (configuration.keyer_mode != ULTIMATIC) && (configuration.keyer_mode != SINGLE_PADDLE)) { configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; } #endif } //while (looping) // end new code #ifdef DEBUG_COMMAND_MODE debug_serial_port->print(F("command_mode: cwchar: ")); debug_serial_port->println(cw_char); #endif if (cw_char > 0) { // do the command switch (cw_char) { case 12: // A - Iambic mode configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_A; keyer_mode_before = IAMBIC_A; configuration.dit_buffer_off = 0; configuration.dah_buffer_off = 0; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Iambic A", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_a_iambic_a); #else send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif break; case 2111: // B - Iambic mode configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; keyer_mode_before = IAMBIC_B; configuration.dit_buffer_off = 0; configuration.dah_buffer_off = 0; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Iambic B", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_b_iambic_b); #else send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif break; case 2121: // C - Single paddle mode configuration.keyer_mode = SINGLE_PADDLE; keyer_mode_before = SINGLE_PADDLE; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Sngl Pdl", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Single Paddle", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_c_single_paddle); #else send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif break; case 1: // E - announce spEed #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #if defined(OPTION_ADVANCED_SPEED_DISPLAY) lcd_center_print_timed("Speed", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.wpm) + " wpm - " + (configuration.wpm*5) + " cpm ", 1, default_display_msg_delay); if (LCD_ROWS > 2) { lcd_center_print_timed(String(1200/configuration.wpm) + ":" + (((1200/configuration.wpm)*configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio)/100) + "ms 1:" + (float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio)/100.00), 2, default_display_msg_delay); } #else // OPTION_ADVANCED_SPEED_DISPLAY_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Speed " + String(configuration.wpm) + " wpm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // OPTION_ADVANCED_SPEED_DISPLAY_DISPLAY #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY delay(250); sprintf(c, "%d", configuration.wpm); send_char(c[0],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(c[1],KEYER_NORMAL); break; #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case 211: // D - Ultimatic mode configuration.keyer_mode = ULTIMATIC; keyer_mode_before = ULTIMATIC; configuration.dit_buffer_off = 1; configuration.dah_buffer_off = 1; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9) { lcd_center_print_timed("Ultimatc", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Ultimatic", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_d_ultimatic); #else send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif break; #endif //OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) case 1121: command_sidetone_freq_adj(); break; // F - adjust sidetone frequency #endif case 221: // G - switch to buG mode configuration.keyer_mode = BUG; keyer_mode_before = BUG; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Bug", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); break; case 1111: // H - set weighting and dah to dit ratio to defaults configuration.weighting = default_weighting; configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = initial_dah_to_dit_ratio; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Dflt W+R", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Dflt Wght & Ratio", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_h_weight_dit_dah_ratio_default); #else send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif break; case 11: // I - toggle TX enable / disable if (command_mode_disable_tx) { command_mode_disable_tx = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_i_tx_on); #endif } else { command_mode_disable_tx = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_i_tx_off); #endif } #if !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif break; case 1222: command_dah_to_dit_ratio_adjust(); break; // J - dah to dit ratio adjust #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case 212: // K - turn dit and dah buffers on and off if (configuration.keyer_mode == ULTIMATIC){ //send_char('O',KEYER_NORMAL); if (configuration.dit_buffer_off){ configuration.dit_buffer_off = 0; configuration.dah_buffer_off = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("BffersOn", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17){ lcd_center_print_timed("Dit Dah Buffers On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Buffers On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_k_dit_dah_buffers_on); #else send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif } else { configuration.dit_buffer_off = 1; configuration.dah_buffer_off = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("BffrsOff", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_COLUMNS > 18){ lcd_center_print_timed("Dit Dah Buffers Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Buffers Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_k_dit_dah_buffers_off); #else send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif } } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Error", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_error); #else boop(); #endif } break; #endif //OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case 1211: command_weighting_adjust();break; // L - weight adjust case 22: // M - Set command mode WPM command_speed_mode(COMMAND_SPEED_MODE_COMMAND_MODE_WPM); break; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case 1221: command_program_memory(); break; // P - program a memory #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES Acknowledgement: LA3ZA fixed! case 21: // N - paddle mode toggle if (configuration.paddle_mode == PADDLE_NORMAL) { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_REVERSE; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pdl Rev", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Reverse", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_n_paddle_reverse); #endif } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pdl Norm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Normal", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_n_paddle_normal); #endif configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_NORMAL; } config_dirty = 1; #if !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif break; case 222: // O - cycle through sidetone modes on, paddle only and off - enhanced by Marc-Andre, VE2EVN if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9) { lcd_center_print_timed("ST Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_COMMAND_MODE debug_serial_port->println(F("command_mode: SIDETONE_OFF")); #endif configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_OFF; #if !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) boop(); #else send_chars((char*)command_o_sidetone_off); #endif } else if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST Pdl O", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_COLUMNS > 19) { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone Paddle Only", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Only", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_COMMAND_MODE debug_serial_port->println(F("command_mode: SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY")); #endif configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY; #if !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) beep(); delay(200); beep(); #else send_chars((char*)command_o_sidetone_paddle_only); #endif } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9) { lcd_center_print_timed("ST On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_COMMAND_MODE debug_serial_port->println(F("command_mode: SIDETONE_ON")); #endif configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; #if !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) beep(); #else send_chars((char*)command_o_sidetone_on); #endif } config_dirty = 1; break; case 2212: // Q - set keying compensation //zzzzzz command_keying_compensation_adjust(); break; case 121: command_set_serial_number(); break; // R - Set serial number case 2: command_tuning_mode(); break; // T - tuning mode #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER case 1112: // V - toggle pot active if (configuration.pot_activated) { configuration.pot_activated = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_v_potentiometer_off); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS > 14) { lcd_center_print_timed("Pot Deactivated", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Pot Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { configuration.pot_activated = 1; #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_chars((char*)command_v_potentiometer_on); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS > 13){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pot Activated", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Pot On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } config_dirty = 1; #if !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #endif break; #endif case 122: // W - change wpm command_speed_mode(COMMAND_SPEED_MODE_KEYER_WPM); break; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case 2122: command_set_mem_repeat_delay(); break; // Y - set memory repeat delay #endif case 2112: stay_in_command_mode = 0; break; // X - exit command mode #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE case 2211: // Z - Autospace if (configuration.autospace_active) { configuration.autospace_active = 0; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AutoSOff", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Autospace Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #else send_char('O',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char('F',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char('F',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif } else { configuration.autospace_active = 1; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AutoS On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Autospace On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #else send_char('O',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char('N',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif } break; #endif // #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES // case 12222: play_memory(0); break; // case 11222: play_memory(1); break; // case 11122: play_memory(2); break; // case 11112: play_memory(3); break; // case 11111: play_memory(4); break; // #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case 12222: if (number_of_memories > 0) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Memory #1", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE command_display_memory(0); #endif // OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY play_memory(0); } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid memory #1", 0, default_display_msg_delay); else if (LCD_COLUMNS > 13) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid mem #1", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY beep_boop(); } break; case 11222: if (number_of_memories > 1) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Memory #2", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE command_display_memory(1); #endif // OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY play_memory(1); } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid memory #2", 0, default_display_msg_delay); else if (LCD_COLUMNS > 13) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid mem #2", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY beep_boop(); } break; case 11122: if (number_of_memories > 2) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Memory #3", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE command_display_memory(2); #endif // OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY play_memory(2); } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid memory #3", 0, default_display_msg_delay); else if (LCD_COLUMNS > 13) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid mem #3", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY beep_boop(); } break; case 11112: if (number_of_memories > 3) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Memory #4", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE command_display_memory(3); #endif // OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY play_memory(3); } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid memory #4", 0, default_display_msg_delay); else if (LCD_COLUMNS > 13) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid mem #4", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY beep_boop(); } break; case 11111: if (number_of_memories > 4) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Memory #5", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE command_display_memory(4); #endif // OPTION_DISPLAY_MEMORY_CONTENTS_COMMAND_MODE #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY play_memory(4); } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid memory #5", 0, default_display_msg_delay); else if (LCD_COLUMNS > 13) lcd_center_print_timed("Invalid mem #5", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY beep_boop(); } break; #endif // FEATURE_MEMORIES case 21112: // - : enable / disable PTT if (configuration.ptt_disabled){ configuration.ptt_disabled = 0; } else { configuration.ptt_disabled = 1; } config_dirty = 1; send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); break; case 121212:send_char(75,KEYER_NORMAL);send_char(51,KEYER_NORMAL);send_char(78,KEYER_NORMAL);send_char(71,KEYER_NORMAL);send_char(32,KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(55,KEYER_NORMAL);send_char(51,KEYER_NORMAL);send_char(32,KEYER_NORMAL);send_char(69,KEYER_NORMAL);send_char(69,KEYER_NORMAL); break; #ifdef FEATURE_ALPHABET_SEND_PRACTICE // enhanced by Fred, VK2EFL case 111: // S - Alphabet Send Practice #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("SendPrct", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Send Practice", 0, default_display_msg_delay); if (LCD_ROWS > 1){ lcd_center_print_timed("Cmd button to exit", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } } #endif beep(); command_alphabet_send_practice(); stay_in_command_mode = 0; break; #endif //FEATURE_ALPHABET_SEND_PRACTICE #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_PROGRESSIVE_5_CHAR_ECHO_PRACTICE case 112: // U - 5 Character Echo Practice command_progressive_5_char_echo_practice(); stay_in_command_mode = 0; break; #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_PROGRESSIVE_5_CHAR_PRACTICE case 112211: // ? - status #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Status", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed("wpm " + String(configuration.wpm), 1, default_display_msg_delay); delay(250); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY sprintf(c, "%d", configuration.wpm); send_char(c[0],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(c[1],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(' ' ,KEYER_NORMAL); switch(keyer_mode_before) { case IAMBIC_A: #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("mode Iambic A", 1, default_display_msg_delay); delay(250); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY send_char('A',KEYER_NORMAL); break; case IAMBIC_B: #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("mode Iambic B", 1, default_display_msg_delay); delay(250); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY send_char('B',KEYER_NORMAL); break; case SINGLE_PADDLE: #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("mode Single Pdl", 1, default_display_msg_delay); delay(250); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY send_char('S',KEYER_NORMAL); break; #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case ULTIMATIC: #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("mode Ultimatic", 1, default_display_msg_delay); delay(250); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY send_char('U',KEYER_NORMAL); break; #endif //OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case BUG: #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("mode Bug", 1, default_display_msg_delay); delay(250); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY send_char('G',KEYER_NORMAL); break; } // switch(keyer_mode_before) send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("weighting " + String(configuration.weighting), 1, default_display_msg_delay); delay(250); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY sprintf(c, "%d", configuration.weighting); send_char(c[0],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(c[1],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY strcpy(weight_deci, "00"); // reset the two character array if ((configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio % 100) != 0) { // test if it is X.00 weight_deci[0] = ((configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio % 100) / 10) + '0'; // for cases where decimal part is 10 to 99 weight_deci[1] = (configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio % 10) + '0'; // get the single digit units part } // end if ((configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio % 100) != 0) lcd_center_print_timed("dah:dit " + String(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio / 100) + "." + weight_deci, 1, default_display_msg_delay); delay(250); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY sprintf(c, "%d", configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio); send_char(c[0],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char('.',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(c[1],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(c[2],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); break; case 9: // button was hit // Serial.print("Button - "); // Serial.println(button_that_was_pressed); #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) if (button_that_was_pressed == 0){ // button 0 was hit - exit stay_in_command_mode = 0; } else { program_memory(button_that_was_pressed - 1); // a button other than 0 was pressed - program a memory } #else stay_in_command_mode = 0; #endif break; default: // unknown command, send a ? #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("???", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Unknown command", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif send_char('?',KEYER_NORMAL); break; } } } beep_boop(); #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) winkey_breakin_status_byte_inhibit = 0; #endif #ifdef command_mode_active_led if (command_mode_active_led) {digitalWrite(command_mode_active_led,LOW);} #endif //command_mode_active_led keyer_machine_mode = KEYER_NORMAL; //configuration.wpm = speed_wpm_before; speed_mode = speed_mode_before; // go back to whatever speed mode we were in before configuration.keyer_mode = keyer_mode_before; #ifdef DEBUG_COMMAND_MODE if (command_mode_disable_tx) { debug_serial_port->print(F("command_mode: command_mode_disable_tx set")); } #endif //DEBUG_COMMAND_MODE #if defined(FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO) paddle_echo_buffer = 0; #endif #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_enable(WDTO_4S); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void command_display_memory(byte memory_number) { #if defined(FEATURE_DISPLAY) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) byte eeprom_byte_read = 0; char memory_char[LCD_COLUMNS]; // an array of char to hold the retrieved memory from EEPROM int j; int fill_char; // a flag that is set if we need to fill the char array with spaces j = 0; fill_char = 0; for(int y = (memory_start(memory_number)); y < (memory_start(memory_number)) + LCD_COLUMNS; y++) { eeprom_byte_read = EEPROM.read(y); // read memory characters from EEPROM if (eeprom_byte_read == 255) fill_char = 1; // if it is the 'end of stored memory' character set a flag if (!fill_char) memory_char[j] = eeprom_byte_read; // save the retrieved character in the character array else memory_char[j] = ' '; // else fill the rest of the array with spaces j++; // move to the next character to be stored in the array } // end for lcd_center_print_timed(memory_char, 1, default_display_msg_delay); // write the retrieved char array to line 2 of LCD display #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } // end command_display_memory //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_PROGRESSIVE_5_CHAR_ECHO_PRACTICE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE) void command_progressive_5_char_echo_practice() { byte loop1 = 1; byte loop2 = 0; byte x = 0; byte user_send_loop = 0; String cw_to_send_to_user(10); char incoming_char = ' '; String user_sent_cw = ""; byte paddle_hit = 0; unsigned long last_element_time = 0; unsigned long cw_char; byte speed_mode_before = speed_mode; byte keyer_mode_before = configuration.keyer_mode; byte progressive_step_counter; byte practice_mode; char word_buffer[10]; speed_mode = SPEED_NORMAL; // put us in normal speed mode if ((configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_A) && (configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_B)) { configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; // we got to be in iambic mode (life is too short to make this work in bug mode) } randomSeed(millis()); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY // enhanced by Fred, VK2EFL lcd_clear(); if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17){ lcd_center_print_timed("Receive / Transmit", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed("5 Char Echo Practice", 1, default_display_msg_delay); if (LCD_ROWS > 2){ lcd_center_print_timed("Cmd button to exit", 2, default_display_msg_delay); } } else { if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("RXTX 5Ch", 0, default_display_msg_delay); if (LCD_ROWS > 1){ lcd_center_print_timed("EchoPrct", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } } else { lcd_center_print_timed("RX / TX 5 Char", 0, default_display_msg_delay); if (LCD_ROWS > 1){ lcd_center_print_timed("Echo Practice", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } } } service_display(); #else send_char('E',0); send_char('C',0); send_char('H',0); send_char('O',0); send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); beep(); beep(); #endif while (loop1) { // if (practice_mode_called == ECHO_MIXED){ // practice_mode = random(ECHO_2_CHAR_WORDS,ECHO_QSO_WORDS+1); // } else { // practice_mode = practice_mode_called; // } // progressive_step_counter = 255; // switch (practice_mode){ // case CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL: // case CALLSIGN_US: // case CALLSIGN_EUROPEAN: // case CALLSIGN_CANADA: // cw_to_send_to_user = generate_callsign(practice_mode); // break; // case ECHO_PROGRESSIVE_5: cw_to_send_to_user = (char)random(65,91); cw_to_send_to_user.concat((char)random(65,91)); cw_to_send_to_user.concat((char)random(65,91)); cw_to_send_to_user.concat((char)random(65,91)); cw_to_send_to_user.concat((char)random(65,91)); progressive_step_counter = 1; // break; // case ECHO_2_CHAR_WORDS: // //word_index = random(0,s2_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive // strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s2_table[random(0,s2_size)]))); // cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; // break; // case ECHO_3_CHAR_WORDS: // //word_index = random(0,s3_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive // strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s3_table[random(0,s3_size)]))); // cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; // break; // case ECHO_4_CHAR_WORDS: // //word_index = random(0,s4_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive // strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s4_table[random(0,s4_size)]))); // cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; // break; // case ECHO_NAMES: // //word_index = random(0,name_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive // strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(name_table[random(0,name_size)]))); // cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; // break; // case ECHO_QSO_WORDS: // //word_index = random(0,qso_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive // strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(qso_table[random(0,qso_size)]))); // cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; // break; // } //switch (practice_mode) loop2 = 1; while (loop2) { user_send_loop = 1; user_sent_cw = ""; cw_char = 0; x = 0; // send the CW to the user while ((x < (cw_to_send_to_user.length())) && (x < progressive_step_counter)) { send_char(cw_to_send_to_user[x],KEYER_NORMAL); // test // port_to_use->print(cw_to_send_to_user[x]); // x++; } //port_to_use->println(); while (user_send_loop) { // get their paddle input #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY service_display(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER if (configuration.pot_activated) { check_potentiometer(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_paddles(); if (dit_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dit(); dit_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cw_char = (cw_char * 10) + 1; last_element_time = millis(); } if (dah_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dah(); dah_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cw_char = (cw_char * 10) + 2; last_element_time = millis(); } // have we hit letterspace time (end of a letter?) if ((paddle_hit) && (millis() > (last_element_time + (float(600/configuration.wpm) * length_letterspace)))) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_CMD_MODE debug_serial_port->println(F("command_progressive_5_char_echo_practice: user_send_loop: hit length_letterspace")); #endif incoming_char = convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cw_char); //port_to_use->print(incoming_char); user_sent_cw.concat(incoming_char); cw_char = 0; paddle_hit = 0; // TODO - print it to serial and lcd } // do we have all the characters from the user? - if so, get out of user_send_loop if ((user_sent_cw.length() >= cw_to_send_to_user.length()) || ((progressive_step_counter < 255) && (user_sent_cw.length() == progressive_step_counter))) { user_send_loop = 0; //port_to_use->println(); } // does the user want to exit? while (analogbuttonread(0)) { user_send_loop = 0; loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); // clear the LEDs as we exit if (wrong_answer_led) digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, LOW); } } //while (user_send_loop) if (loop1 && loop2) { if (progressive_step_counter < 255) { // we're in progressive mode if (user_sent_cw.substring(0,progressive_step_counter) == cw_to_send_to_user.substring(0,progressive_step_counter)) { // we get here if the character entered is correct if (progressive_step_counter < 6) { // if the step counter is less than 6 then we have not finished the 5 character string if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, HIGH); // set the correct answer LED high if (wrong_answer_led) digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, LOW); // clear the wrong answer LED beep(); // and beep #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17) lcd_center_print_timed("Success! " + String(progressive_step_counter) + " correct", 0, default_display_msg_delay); else lcd_center_print_timed("Success!", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); progressive_step_counter++; } // end if (progressive_step_counter < 6) if (progressive_step_counter == 6) { // we get here if the five character string is correct loop2 = 0; if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, HIGH); // set the correct answer LED high #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Success!", 0, default_display_msg_delay); if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17) lcd_center_print_timed("5 characters correct", 1, default_display_msg_delay); if (LCD_COLUMNS < 17) lcd_center_print_timed("5 char correct", 1, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY unsigned int NEWtone = 400; // the initial tone freuency for the tone sequence unsigned int TONEduration = 50; // define the duration of each tone element in the tone sequence to drive a speaker for (int k=0; k<6; k++) { // a loop to generate some increasing tones tone(sidetone_line,NEWtone); // generate a tone on the speaker pin delay(TONEduration); // hold the tone for the specified delay period noTone(sidetone_line); // turn off the tone NEWtone = NEWtone*1.25; // calculate a new value for the tone frequency } // end for send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); // clear the correct answer LED } // end if (progressive_step_counter == 6) } else { // we get here if the character entered is wrong if (wrong_answer_led) digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, HIGH); // set the wrong answer LED high if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); // clear the correct answer LED boop(); send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); } } else { // I don't think we ever get here, unless the progressive_step_counter is more than 255, but it is reset as Loop1 starts if (user_sent_cw == cw_to_send_to_user) { // correct answer beep(); send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); loop2 = 0; } else { // wrong answer boop(); send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); } } // if (progressive_step_counter < 255) } // if (loop1 && loop2) } //loop2 } //loop1 speed_mode = speed_mode_before; configuration.keyer_mode = keyer_mode_before; paddle_echo_buffer = 0; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_PROGRESSIVE_5_CHAR_ECHO_PRACTICE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE) void command_set_serial_number() { byte character_count = 0;; int cw_char = 0; byte number_sent = 0; unsigned int repeat_value = 0; byte error_flag = 0; for (character_count = 0; character_count < 4; character_count++) { cw_char = get_cw_input_from_user(0); number_sent = (convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cw_char) - 48); if ((number_sent >= 0) && (number_sent < 10)) { repeat_value = (repeat_value * 10) + number_sent; } else { // we got a bad value error_flag = 1; character_count = 5; } } if (error_flag) { boop(); } else { serial_number = repeat_value; //config_dirty = 1; beep(); } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES void command_set_mem_repeat_delay() { byte character_count = 0;; int cw_char = 0; byte number_sent = 0; unsigned int repeat_value = 0; byte error_flag = 0; for (character_count = 0; character_count < 4; character_count++) { cw_char = get_cw_input_from_user(0); number_sent = (convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cw_char) - 48); if ((number_sent >= 0) && (number_sent < 10)) { repeat_value = (repeat_value * 10) + number_sent; } else { // we got a bad value error_flag = 1; character_count = 5; } } if (error_flag) { boop(); } else { configuration.memory_repeat_time = repeat_value; config_dirty = 1; beep(); } } #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(int adjustment) { if ((configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio + adjustment) > 150 && (configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio + adjustment) < 810) { configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio + adjustment; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("DDR:" + String(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Dah/Dit: " + String(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif #endif } config_dirty = 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE void command_keying_compensation_adjust() { byte looping = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Key Comp", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Adj Keying Comp", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif while (looping) { send_dit(); send_dah(); if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) { if (configuration.keying_compensation < 255){ configuration.keying_compensation++; } } if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) { if (configuration.keying_compensation > 0){ configuration.keying_compensation--; } } while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW && paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) || (analogbuttonread(0))) { // if paddles are squeezed or button0 pressed - exit looping = 0; } #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } while (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW || paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW || analogbuttonread(0) ) {} // wait for all lines to go high dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; config_dirty = 1; } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE void command_dah_to_dit_ratio_adjust() { byte looping = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Adj DTDR", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Adj dah to dit", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif while (looping) { send_dit(); send_dah(); if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) { adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(10); } if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) { adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(-10); } while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW && paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) || (analogbuttonread(0))) { // if paddles are squeezed or button0 pressed - exit looping = 0; } #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } while (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW || paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW || analogbuttonread(0) ) {} // wait for all lines to go high dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE void command_weighting_adjust() { byte looping = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Weight", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Adj weighting", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif while (looping) { send_dit(); send_dah(); if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) { configuration.weighting = configuration.weighting + 1; if (configuration.weighting > 90){configuration.weighting = 90;} } if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) { configuration.weighting = configuration.weighting - 1; if (configuration.weighting < 10){configuration.weighting = 10;} } while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW && paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) || (analogbuttonread(0))) { // if paddles are squeezed or button0 pressed - exit looping = 0; } #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } while (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW || paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW || analogbuttonread(0) ) {} // wait for all lines to go high dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE void command_tuning_mode() { byte looping = 1; byte latched = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("TuneMode", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Tune Mode", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif #if !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE_ENHANCED_CMD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) send_char(command_mode_acknowledgement_character, 0); #else send_chars((char*)command_t_tune_mode); #endif key_tx = 1; while (looping) { #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); ptt_key(); latched = 0; } else { if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == HIGH && latched == 0) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); ptt_unkey(); } } if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW && latched == 0) { latched = 1; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); ptt_key(); while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == HIGH)) { delay(10); } } else { if ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) && (latched)) { latched = 0; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); ptt_unkey(); while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == HIGH)) { delay(10); } } } if ((analogbuttonread(0)) || ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW))) { // if paddles are squeezed or button0 pressed - exit looping = 0; } } sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); ptt_unkey(); while (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW || paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW || analogbuttonread(0) ) {} // wait for all lines to go high key_tx = 0; send_dit(); dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sidetone_adj(int hz) { if (((configuration.hz_sidetone + hz) > sidetone_hz_limit_low) && ((configuration.hz_sidetone + hz) < sidetone_hz_limit_high)) { configuration.hz_sidetone = configuration.hz_sidetone + hz; config_dirty = 1; #if defined(FEATURE_DISPLAY) && defined(OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS) if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone " + String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE) && !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) void command_sidetone_freq_adj() { byte looping = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone " + String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif while (looping) { tone(sidetone_line, configuration.hz_sidetone); if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION sidetone_adj(-5); #else sidetone_adj(5); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone " + String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION sidetone_adj(-1); #else sidetone_adj(1); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY delay(10); } if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION sidetone_adj(5); #else sidetone_adj(-5); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone " + String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION sidetone_adj(1); #else sidetone_adj(-1); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY delay(10); } while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW && paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) || (analogbuttonread(0))) { // if paddles are squeezed or button0 pressed - exit looping = 0; } #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } while (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW || paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW || analogbuttonread(0) ) {} // wait for all lines to go high noTone(sidetone_line); } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE void command_speed_mode(byte mode) { byte looping = 1; #ifndef FEATURE_DISPLAY static char c[4]; #endif //static String wpm_string; if (mode == COMMAND_SPEED_MODE_KEYER_WPM){ #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AdjSpeed", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Adjust Speed", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif keyer_machine_mode = KEYER_COMMAND_MODE_SPEED_OVERRIDE; } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("CmdSpeed", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Cmd Mode Speed", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } while (looping) { send_dit(); if ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW)) { if (mode == COMMAND_SPEED_MODE_KEYER_WPM) { #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION speed_change(-1); #else speed_change(1); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION } else { #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION speed_change_command_mode(-1); #else speed_change_command_mode(1); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION } // endif (mode == COMMAND_SPEED_MODE_KEYER_WPM) } // end while looping if ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW)) { if (mode == COMMAND_SPEED_MODE_KEYER_WPM) { #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION speed_change(1); #else speed_change(-1); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION } else { #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION speed_change_command_mode(1); #else speed_change_command_mode(-1); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION } } while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW && paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) || (analogbuttonread(0) )) // if paddles are squeezed or button0 pressed - exit { looping = 0; } #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } keyer_machine_mode = KEYER_COMMAND_MODE; dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; while (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW || paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW || analogbuttonread(0) ) {} // wait for all lines to go high #ifndef FEATURE_DISPLAY // announce speed in CW if (mode == COMMAND_SPEED_MODE_KEYER_WPM){ sprintf(c, "%d", configuration.wpm); } else { sprintf(c, "%d", configuration.wpm_command_mode); } send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(c[0],KEYER_NORMAL); send_char(c[1],KEYER_NORMAL); #endif } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef FEATURE_DISPLAY void send_tx() { send_char('T',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char('X',KEYER_NORMAL); } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ void switch_to_tx_silent(byte tx) { switch (tx) { case 1: if ((ptt_tx_1) || (tx_key_line_1)) { configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_1; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_1; configuration.current_tx = 1; config_dirty = 1; } break; case 2: if ((ptt_tx_2) || (tx_key_line_2)) { configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_2; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_2; configuration.current_tx = 2; config_dirty = 1; } break; case 3: if ((ptt_tx_3) || (tx_key_line_3)) { configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_3; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_3; configuration.current_tx = 3; config_dirty = 1; } break; case 4: if ((ptt_tx_4) || (tx_key_line_4)) { configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_4; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_4; configuration.current_tx = 4; config_dirty = 1; } break; case 5: if ((ptt_tx_5) || (tx_key_line_5)) { configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_5; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_5; configuration.current_tx = 5; config_dirty = 1; } break; case 6: if ((ptt_tx_6) || (tx_key_line_6)) { configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_6; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_6; configuration.current_tx = 6; config_dirty = 1; } break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void switch_to_tx(byte tx) { #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY switch (tx) { case 1: if ((ptt_tx_1) || (tx_key_line_1)) { switch_to_tx_silent(1); lcd_center_print_timed("TX 1", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } break; case 2: if ((ptt_tx_2) || (tx_key_line_2)) { switch_to_tx_silent(2); lcd_center_print_timed("TX 2", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } break; case 3: if ((ptt_tx_3) || (tx_key_line_3)) { switch_to_tx_silent(3); lcd_center_print_timed("TX 3", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } break; case 4: if ((ptt_tx_4) || (tx_key_line_4)) { switch_to_tx_silent(4); lcd_center_print_timed("TX 4", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } break; case 5: if ((ptt_tx_5) || (tx_key_line_5)) { switch_to_tx_silent(5); lcd_center_print_timed("TX 5", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } break; case 6: if ((ptt_tx_6) || (tx_key_line_6)) { switch_to_tx_silent(6); lcd_center_print_timed("TX 6", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } break; } #else switch (tx) { case 1: if ((ptt_tx_1) || (tx_key_line_1)) { switch_to_tx_silent(1); send_tx(); send_char('1',KEYER_NORMAL); } break; case 2: if ((ptt_tx_2) || (tx_key_line_2)) { switch_to_tx_silent(2); send_tx(); send_char('2',KEYER_NORMAL); } break; case 3: if ((ptt_tx_3) || (tx_key_line_3)) { switch_to_tx_silent(3); send_tx(); send_char('3',KEYER_NORMAL); } break; case 4: if ((ptt_tx_4) || (tx_key_line_4)) { switch_to_tx_silent(4); send_tx(); send_char('4',KEYER_NORMAL); } break; case 5: if ((ptt_tx_5) || (tx_key_line_5)) { switch_to_tx_silent(5); send_tx(); send_char('5',KEYER_NORMAL); } break; case 6: if ((ptt_tx_6) || (tx_key_line_6)) { switch_to_tx_silent(6); send_tx(); send_char('6',KEYER_NORMAL); } break; } #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) && defined(FEATURE_BUTTONS) void check_the_memory_buttons() { byte analogbuttontemp = button_array.Pressed(); if ((analogbuttontemp > 0) && (analogbuttontemp < (number_of_memories + 1)) && ((millis() - button_last_add_to_send_buffer_time) > 400)) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(analogbuttontemp - 1); button_last_add_to_send_buffer_time = millis(); } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ void initialize_analog_button_array() { #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_serial_port->print("initialize_analog_button_array: "); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_DL2SBA_BANKSWITCH) button_array.Add(0,0); button_array.Add(1,3); button_array.Add(2,2); button_array.Add(3,1); button_array.Add(4,9); button_array.Add(5,8); button_array.Add(6,7); button_array.Add(7,6); button_array.Add(8,5); button_array.Add(9,4); #elseif defined(OPTION_DFROBOT_LCD_COMMAND_BUTTONS) button_array.Add(0,dfrobot_btnSELECT, dfrobot_btnLEFT_analog, dfrobot_btnSELECT_analog); button_array.Add(1,dfrobot_btnLEFT, dfrobot_btnDOWN_analog, dfrobot_btnLEFT_analog); button_array.Add(2,dfrobot_btnDOWN, dfrobot_btnUP_analog, dfrobot_btnDOWN_analog); button_array.Add(3,dfrobot_btnUP, dfrobot_btnRIGHT_analog, dfrobot_btnUP_analog); button_array.Add(4,dfrobot_btnRIGHT, 0, dfrobot_btnRIGHT_analog); #else //FEATURE_DL2SBA_BANKSWITCH button_array.AddAll(); #endif //FEATURE_DL2SBA_BANKSWITCH #endif //FEATURE_BUTTONS } //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS byte analogbuttonread(byte button_number) { if (button_array.Pressed(button_number)) { return 1; } return 0; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS void check_buttons() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_buttons")); #endif static long last_button_action = 0; int analogbuttontemp = button_array.Pressed(); long button_depress_time; byte paddle_was_hit = 0; byte previous_sidetone_mode = 0; if (analogbuttontemp < 0 ) { // no button pressed. return; } #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif button_depress_time = button_array.last_pressed_ms; while (button_array.Held(analogbuttontemp, button_depress_time + 1000)) { if ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) || (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW)) { button_depress_time = 1001; // if button 0 is held and a paddle gets hit, assume we have a hold and shortcut out } } if ((millis() - button_depress_time) < 500) { // regular button press #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE if (analogbuttontemp == 0) { command_mode_disable_tx = !key_tx; //Added to sync the Command Mode entry state to actual key_tx state in case changed by CLI or keyboard (WD9DMP) key_tx = 0; command_mode(); if (command_mode_disable_tx) { //key_tx = !store_key_tx; //Inverting pre-command mode state seems to cause Command Mode sync issues (WD9DMP) key_tx = 0; //Added this line to explicitly disable key_tx if command_mode_disable_tx is set after exiting Command Mode (WD9DMP) } else { key_tx = 1; } } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES if ((analogbuttontemp > 0) && (analogbuttontemp < (number_of_memories + 1)) && ((millis() - button_last_add_to_send_buffer_time) > 400)) { #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION #ifndef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(analogbuttontemp - 1); #else //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT if ((winkey_host_open) && (wk2_mode == 2)) { // if winkey is open and in wk2 mode, tell it about the button press byte winkey_byte_to_send = 0xc8; switch(analogbuttontemp) { case 1: winkey_byte_to_send = winkey_byte_to_send | 1; break; case 2: winkey_byte_to_send = winkey_byte_to_send | 2; break; case 3: winkey_byte_to_send = winkey_byte_to_send | 4; break; case 4: winkey_byte_to_send = winkey_byte_to_send | 16; break; } winkey_port_write(winkey_byte_to_send,0); winkey_port_write(0xc8,0); // tell it that the button is unpressed } else { // otherwise, have the buttons act as normal add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(analogbuttontemp - 1); } #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT #else //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(analogbuttontemp - 1); #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION button_last_add_to_send_buffer_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_serial_port->print(F("\ncheck_buttons: add_to_send_buffer: ")); debug_serial_port->println(analogbuttontemp - 1); #endif //DEBUG_BUTTONS } #endif //ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES } else { //if ((millis() - button_depress_time) < 500) -- Button hold down if (analogbuttontemp == 0) { key_tx = 0; // do stuff if this is a command button hold down while (button_array.Held(analogbuttontemp)) { if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) { #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION speed_change(-1); // left paddle decrease speed #else speed_change(1); // left paddle increase speed #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION previous_sidetone_mode = configuration.sidetone_mode; configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dit(); configuration.sidetone_mode = previous_sidetone_mode; //speed_button_cmd_executed = 1; dit_buffer = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION debug_serial_port->println(F("\ncheck_buttons: speed_change(-1)")); #else debug_serial_port->println(F("\ncheck_buttons: speed_change(1)")); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER) if ((primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) && (winkey_host_open)) { winkey_port_write(((configuration.wpm-pot_wpm_low_value)|128),0); winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = configuration.wpm; } #endif } if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) { #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION speed_change(1); // right paddle increase speed #else speed_change(-1); // right paddle decrease speed #endif previous_sidetone_mode = configuration.sidetone_mode; configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dah(); configuration.sidetone_mode = previous_sidetone_mode; dah_buffer = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS #ifdef OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION debug_serial_port->println(F("\ncheck_buttons: speed_change(1)")); #else debug_serial_port->println(F("\ncheck_buttons: speed_change(-1)")); #endif // OPTION_SWAP_PADDLE_PARAMETER_CHANGE_DIRECTION #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER) if ((primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) && (winkey_host_open)) { winkey_port_write(((configuration.wpm-pot_wpm_low_value)|128),0); winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = configuration.wpm; } #endif } //if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) { } key_tx = 1; } // (analogbuttontemp == 0) if ((analogbuttontemp > 0) && (analogbuttontemp < analog_buttons_number_of_buttons)) { while (button_array.Held(analogbuttontemp)) { if (((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) || (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW)) && (analogbuttontemp < (number_of_memories + 1))){ #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = analogbuttontemp - 1; last_memory_repeat_time = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_serial_port->print(F("\ncheck_buttons: repeat_memory:")); debug_serial_port->println(repeat_memory); #endif //DEBUG_BUTTONS #endif paddle_was_hit = 1; } } //while (button_array.Held(analogbuttontemp)) { if (!paddle_was_hit) { // if no paddle was hit, this was a button hold to change transmitters key_tx = 0; previous_sidetone_mode = configuration.sidetone_mode; configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; switch_to_tx(analogbuttontemp); key_tx = 1; configuration.sidetone_mode = previous_sidetone_mode; } } //if ((analogbuttontemp > 0) && (analogbuttontemp < analog_buttons_number_of_buttons)) { //} // button hold } last_button_action = millis(); #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM } #endif // FEATURE_BUTTONS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void service_dit_dah_buffers() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering service_dit_dah_buffers")); #endif if (keyer_machine_mode == BEACON){return;} if (automatic_sending_interruption_time != 0){ if ((millis() - automatic_sending_interruption_time) > (configuration.paddle_interruption_quiet_time_element_lengths*(1200/configuration.wpm))){ automatic_sending_interruption_time = 0; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; } else { dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; return; } } static byte bug_dah_flag = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO static unsigned long bug_dah_key_down_time = 0; #endif //FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO if ((configuration.keyer_mode == IAMBIC_A) || (configuration.keyer_mode == IAMBIC_B) || (configuration.keyer_mode == ULTIMATIC) || (configuration.keyer_mode == SINGLE_PADDLE)) { if ((configuration.keyer_mode == IAMBIC_A) && (iambic_flag) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left)) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right))) { iambic_flag = 0; dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; } else { if (dit_buffer) { dit_buffer = 0; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dit(); } if (dah_buffer) { dah_buffer = 0; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dah(); } } } else { if (configuration.keyer_mode == BUG) { if (dit_buffer) { dit_buffer = 0; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dit(); } if (dah_buffer) { dah_buffer = 0; if (!bug_dah_flag) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); bug_dah_flag = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO bug_dah_key_down_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO } } else { if (bug_dah_flag){ sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); #ifdef FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO if ((millis() - bug_dah_key_down_time) > (0.5 * (1200.0/configuration.wpm))){ if ((millis() - bug_dah_key_down_time) > (2 * (1200.0/configuration.wpm))){ paddle_echo_buffer = (paddle_echo_buffer * 10) + 2; } else { paddle_echo_buffer = (paddle_echo_buffer * 10) + 1; } paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (((float)3000.0/(float)configuration.wpm) * ((float)configuration.cw_echo_timing_factor/(float)100)); } #endif //FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO bug_dah_flag = 0; } } #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG dah_counter = 0; #endif } else { if (configuration.keyer_mode == STRAIGHT) { if (dit_buffer) { dit_buffer = 0; sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); } else { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); } #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG dit_counter = 0; #endif } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void beep() { #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE) // tone(sidetone_line, hz_high_beep); // delay(200); // noTone(sidetone_line); // #else tone(sidetone_line, hz_high_beep, 200); // #endif #else if (sidetone_line) { digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_active_state); delay(200); digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_inactive_state); } #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void boop() { #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) tone(sidetone_line, hz_low_beep); delay(100); noTone(sidetone_line); #else if (sidetone_line) { digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_active_state); delay(100); digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_inactive_state); } #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void beep_boop() { #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) tone(sidetone_line, hz_high_beep); delay(100); tone(sidetone_line, hz_low_beep); delay(100); noTone(sidetone_line); #else if (sidetone_line) { digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_active_state); delay(200); digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_inactive_state); } #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void boop_beep() { #if !defined(OPTION_SIDETONE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_NO_SQUARE_WAVE) tone(sidetone_line, hz_low_beep); delay(100); tone(sidetone_line, hz_high_beep); delay(100); noTone(sidetone_line); #else if (sidetone_line) { digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_active_state); delay(200); digitalWrite(sidetone_line, sidetone_line_inactive_state); } #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void send_the_dits_and_dahs(char const * cw_to_send){ /* American Morse - Special Symbols ~ long dah (4 units) = very long dah (5 units) & an extra space (1 unit) */ //debug_serial_port->println(F("send_the_dits_and_dahs()")); sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && !defined(OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW) dump_current_character_flag = 0; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_FARNSWORTH) float additional_intercharacter_time_ms; #endif for (int x = 0;x < 12;x++){ switch(cw_to_send[x]){ case '.': send_dit(); break; case '-': send_dah(); break; #if defined(FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE) // this is a bit of a hack, but who cares! :-) case '~': being_sent = SENDING_DAH; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); if ((tx_key_dah) && (key_tx)) {digitalWrite(tx_key_dah,tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_active_state);} loop_element_lengths((float(4.0)*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)),configuration.keying_compensation,configuration.wpm); if ((tx_key_dah) && (key_tx)) {digitalWrite(tx_key_dah,tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state);} tx_and_sidetone_key(0); loop_element_lengths((4.0-(3.0*(float(configuration.weighting)/50))),(-1.0*configuration.keying_compensation),configuration.wpm); break; case '=': being_sent = SENDING_DAH; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); if ((tx_key_dah) && (key_tx)) {digitalWrite(tx_key_dah,tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_active_state);} loop_element_lengths((float(5.0)*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)),configuration.keying_compensation,configuration.wpm); if ((tx_key_dah) && (key_tx)) {digitalWrite(tx_key_dah,tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state);} tx_and_sidetone_key(0); loop_element_lengths((4.0-(3.0*(float(configuration.weighting)/50))),(-1.0*configuration.keying_compensation),configuration.wpm); break; case '&': loop_element_lengths((4.0-(3.0*(float(configuration.weighting)/50))),(-1.0*configuration.keying_compensation),configuration.wpm); break; #endif //FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE default: //return; x = 12; break; } if ((dit_buffer || dah_buffer || sending_mode == AUTOMATIC_SENDING_INTERRUPTED) && (keyer_machine_mode != BEACON)){ dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; //debug_serial_port->println(F("send_the_dits_and_dahs: AUTOMATIC_SENDING_INTERRUPTED")); //return; x = 12; } #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) check_serial(); #if !defined(OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW) if (dump_current_character_flag){ x = 12; } #endif #endif #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } // for (int x = 0;x < 12;x++) } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void send_char(byte cw_char, byte omit_letterspace) { #ifdef DEBUG_SEND_CHAR debug_serial_port->print(F("send_char: called with cw_char:")); debug_serial_port->print((byte)cw_char); if (omit_letterspace) { debug_serial_port->print(F(" OMIT_LETTERSPACE")); } debug_serial_port->println(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM if ((cw_char == 10) || (cw_char == 13)) { return; } // don't attempt to send carriage return or line feed sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; if (char_send_mode == CW) { switch (cw_char) { case 'A': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-"); break; case 'B': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..."); break; case 'C': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-."); break; case 'D': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.."); break; case 'E': send_the_dits_and_dahs("."); break; case 'F': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..-."); break; case 'G': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--."); break; case 'H': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...."); break; case 'I': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".."); break; case 'J': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".---"); break; case 'K': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-"); break; case 'L': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.."); break; case 'M': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--"); break; case 'N': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-."); break; case 'O': send_the_dits_and_dahs("---"); break; case 'P': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--."); break; case 'Q': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--.-"); break; case 'R': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-."); break; case 'S': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..."); break; case 'T': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-"); break; case 'U': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..-"); break; case 'V': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...-"); break; case 'W': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--"); break; case 'X': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..-"); break; case 'Y': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.--"); break; case 'Z': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--.."); break; case '0': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-----");break; case '1': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".----");break; case '2': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..---");break; case '3': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...--");break; case '4': send_the_dits_and_dahs("....-");break; case '5': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".....");break; case '6': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-....");break; case '7': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--...");break; case '8': send_the_dits_and_dahs("---..");break; case '9': send_the_dits_and_dahs("----.");break; case '=': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-...-"); break; case '/': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..-."); break; case '*': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-...-.-"); break; case '.': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-.-"); break; case ',': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--..--"); break; case '!': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--..--"); break; //sp5iou 20180328 //case '!': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-.--");break;//sp5iou 20180328 case '\'': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".----."); break; // apostrophe case '(': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.--."); break; case ')': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.--.-"); break; case '&': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-..."); break; //case '&': send_dit(); loop_element_lengths(3); send_dits(3); break; case '+': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-."); break; case '-': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-....-"); break; case '_': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--.-"); break; case '"': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-..-."); break; case '$': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...-..-"); break; case '@': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--.-."); break; case '<': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-."); break; // AR case '>': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...-.-"); break; // SK #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_PROSIGN_COMPATIBILITY) case 0x5C: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..-."); break; // Backslash case '[': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-..."); break; case ':': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.--."); break; case ';': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-"); break; case ']': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.--."); break; #else case ':': send_the_dits_and_dahs("---..."); break; case ';': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-.-."); break; #endif case ' ': loop_element_lengths((configuration.length_wordspace-length_letterspace-2),0,configuration.wpm); break; #ifdef OPTION_RUSSIAN_LANGUAGE_SEND_CLI // Contributed by Павел Бирюков, UA1AQC case 192: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-");break; //А case 193: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-...");break; //Б case 194: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--");break; //В case 195: send_the_dits_and_dahs("--.");break; //Г case 196: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..");break; //Д case 197: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".");break; //Е case 168: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".");break; //Ё case 184: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".");break; //ё case 198: send_the_dits_and_dahs("...-");break; //Ж case 199: send_the_dits_and_dahs("--..");break; //З case 200: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..");break; //И case 201: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".---");break; //Й case 202: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-");break; //К case 203: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-..");break; //Л case 204: send_the_dits_and_dahs("--");break; //М case 205: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.");break; //Н case 206: send_the_dits_and_dahs("---");break; //О case 207: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--.");break; //П case 208: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.");break; //Р case 209: send_the_dits_and_dahs("...");break; //С case 210: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-");break; //Т case 211: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..-");break; //У case 212: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..-.");break; //Ф case 213: send_the_dits_and_dahs("....");break; //Х case 214: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-.");break; //Ц case 215: send_the_dits_and_dahs("---.");break; //Ч case 216: send_the_dits_and_dahs("----");break; //Ш case 217: send_the_dits_and_dahs("--.-");break; //Щ case 218: send_the_dits_and_dahs("--.--");break; //Ъ case 219: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.--");break; //Ы case 220: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..-");break; //Ь case 221: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..-..");break; //Э case 222: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--");break; //Ю case 223: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-");break; //Я case 255: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-");break; //я #endif //OPTION_RUSSIAN_LANGUAGE_SEND_CLI case '\n': break; case '\r': break; #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) case PROSIGN_AA: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-");break; case PROSIGN_AS: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-...");break; case PROSIGN_BK: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-...-.-");break; case PROSIGN_CL: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-..-..");break; case PROSIGN_CT: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-.-");break; case PROSIGN_KN: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.--.");break; case PROSIGN_NJ: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..---");break; case PROSIGN_SK: send_the_dits_and_dahs("...-.-");break; case PROSIGN_SN: send_the_dits_and_dahs("...-.");break; case PROSIGN_HH: send_the_dits_and_dahs("........");break; // iz0rus #endif #ifdef OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS case 192: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--.-");break;// 'À' case 194: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-");break;// 'Â' case 197: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--.-");break;// 'Å' case 196: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-");break;// 'Ä' case 198: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-");break;// 'Æ' case 199: send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-..");break;// 'Ç' case 208: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--.");break;// 'Ð' case 138: send_the_dits_and_dahs("----");break;// 'Š' case 200: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-..-");break;// 'È' case 201: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..-..");break;// 'É' case 142: send_the_dits_and_dahs("--..-.");break;// 'Ž' case 209: send_the_dits_and_dahs("--.--");break;// 'Ñ' case 214: send_the_dits_and_dahs("---.");break;// 'Ö' case 216: send_the_dits_and_dahs("---.");break;// 'Ø' case 211: send_the_dits_and_dahs("---.");break;// 'Ó' case 220: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--");break;// 'Ü' case 223: send_the_dits_and_dahs("------");break;// 'ß' // for English/Japanese font LCD controller which has a few European characters also (HD44780UA00) (LA3ZA code) case 225: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-");break;// 'ä' LA3ZA case 239: send_the_dits_and_dahs("---.");break;// 'ö' LA3ZA case 242: send_the_dits_and_dahs("---.");break;// 'ø' LA3ZA case 245: send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--");break;// 'ü' LA3ZA case 246: send_the_dits_and_dahs("----");break;// almost 'Š' or rather sigma LA3ZA case 252: send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--.-");break;// å (sort of) LA3ZA case 238: send_the_dits_and_dahs("--.--");break;// 'ñ' LA3ZA case 226: send_the_dits_and_dahs("------");break;// 'ß' LA3ZA #endif //OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS case '|': #if !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_DO_NOT_SEND_7C_BYTE_HALF_SPACE) loop_element_lengths(0.5,0,configuration.wpm); #endif return; break; #if defined(OPTION_DO_NOT_SEND_UNKNOWN_CHAR_QUESTION) case '?': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--..");break; #endif default: #if !defined(OPTION_DO_NOT_SEND_UNKNOWN_CHAR_QUESTION) send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--.."); #endif break; } if (omit_letterspace != OMIT_LETTERSPACE) { loop_element_lengths((length_letterspace-1),0,configuration.wpm); //this is minus one because send_dit and send_dah have a trailing element space } #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH // Farnsworth Timing : http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/x9004008.pdf if (configuration.wpm_farnsworth > configuration.wpm){ float additional_intercharacter_time_ms = ((( (1.0 * farnsworth_timing_calibration) * ((60.0 * float(configuration.wpm_farnsworth) ) - (37.2 * float(configuration.wpm) ))/( float(configuration.wpm) * float(configuration.wpm_farnsworth) ))/19.0)*1000.0) - (1200.0/ float(configuration.wpm_farnsworth) ); loop_element_lengths(1,additional_intercharacter_time_ms,0);} #endif } else { if (char_send_mode == HELL){ #ifdef FEATURE_HELL transmit_hell_char(cw_char); #endif } else { if (char_send_mode == AMERICAN_MORSE){ #ifdef FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE /* ~ long dah (4 units) = very long dah (5 units) & an extra space (1 unit) */ switch (cw_char){ // THIS SECTION IS AMERICAN MORSE CODE - DO NOT TOUCH IT ! case 'A': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-");break; case 'B': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-...");break; case 'C': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..&.");break; case 'D': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..");break; case 'E': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".");break; case 'F': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.");break; case 'G': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--.");break; case 'H': send_the_dits_and_dahs("....");break; case 'I': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..");break; case 'J': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-.");break; case 'K': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-");break; case 'L': send_the_dits_and_dahs("~");break; case 'M': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--");break; case 'N': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.");break; case 'O': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".&.");break; case 'P': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".....");break; case 'Q': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..-.");break; case 'R': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".&..");break; case 'S': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...");break; case 'T': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-");break; case 'U': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..-");break; case 'V': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...-");break; case 'W': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".--");break; case 'X': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-..");break; case 'Y': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..&..");break; case 'Z': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...&.");break; // THIS SECTION IS AMERICAN MORSE CODE - DO NOT TOUCH IT ! case '&': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".&...");break; case '0': send_the_dits_and_dahs("=");break; case '1': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".---.");break; case '2': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--..");break; case '3': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...-.");break; case '4': send_the_dits_and_dahs("....-");break; case '5': send_the_dits_and_dahs("---");break; case '6': send_the_dits_and_dahs("......");break; case '7': send_the_dits_and_dahs("--..");break; case '8': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-....");break; case '9': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..-");break; // THIS SECTION IS AMERICAN MORSE CODE - DO NOT TOUCH IT ! case ',': send_the_dits_and_dahs(".-.-");break; case '.': send_the_dits_and_dahs("..--..");break; case '?': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-..-.");break; case '!': send_the_dits_and_dahs("---.");break; case ':': send_the_dits_and_dahs("-.-&.&.");break; case ';': send_the_dits_and_dahs("...&..");break; case '-': send_the_dits_and_dahs("....&.-..");break; } //switch (cw_char) #endif } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int uppercase (int charbytein) { if (((charbytein > 96) && (charbytein < 123)) || ((charbytein > 223) && (charbytein < 255))) { charbytein = charbytein - 32; } if (charbytein == 158) { charbytein = 142; } // ž -> Ž if (charbytein == 154) { charbytein = 138; } // š -> Š return charbytein; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE void serial_qrss_mode() { byte looping = 1; byte incoming_serial_byte; byte numbers[4]; byte numberindex = 0; String numberstring; byte error =0; while (looping) { if (primary_serial_port->available() == 0) { // wait for the next keystroke if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { // might as well do something while we're waiting check_paddles(); service_dit_dah_buffers(); //check_the_memory_buttons(); } } else { incoming_serial_byte = primary_serial_port->read(); if ((incoming_serial_byte > 47) && (incoming_serial_byte < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") numberstring = numberstring + incoming_serial_byte; numbers[numberindex] = incoming_serial_byte; // primary_serial_port->write("numberindex:"); // primary_serial_port->print(numberindex,DEC); // primary_serial_port->write(" numbers:"); // primary_serial_port->println(numbers[numberindex],DEC); numberindex++; if (numberindex > 2) { looping = 0; error = 1; } } else { if (incoming_serial_byte == 13) { // carriage return - get out looping = 0; } else { // bogus input - error out looping = 0; error = 1; } } } } if (error) { primary_serial_port->println(F("Error...")); while (primary_serial_port->available() > 0) { incoming_serial_byte = primary_serial_port->read(); } // clear out buffer return; } else { primary_serial_port->print(F("Setting keyer to QRSS Mode. Dit length: ")); primary_serial_port->print(numberstring); primary_serial_port->println(F(" seconds")); int y = 1; int set_dit_length = 0; for (int x = (numberindex - 1); x >= 0 ; x = x - 1) { set_dit_length = set_dit_length + ((numbers[x]-48) * y); y = y * 10; } qrss_dit_length = set_dit_length; speed_mode = SPEED_QRSS; } } #endif #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void service_send_buffer(byte no_print) { // send one character out of the send buffer #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering service_send_buffer")); #endif static unsigned long timed_command_end_time; static byte timed_command_in_progress = 0; #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) byte no_bytes_flag = 0; if (send_buffer_bytes > 0){ debug_serial_port->print("service_send_buffer: enter:"); for (int x = 0;x < send_buffer_bytes;x++){ debug_serial_port->write(send_buffer_array[x]); debug_serial_port->print("["); debug_serial_port->print(send_buffer_array[x]); debug_serial_port->print("]"); } debug_serial_port->println(); } else { no_bytes_flag = 1; } Serial.flush(); #endif if (service_tx_inhibit_and_pause() == 1){ #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: tx_inhib"); #endif return; } #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES play_memory_prempt = 0; #endif if (send_buffer_status == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL) { if ((send_buffer_bytes) && (pause_sending_buffer == 0)) { #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM if ((send_buffer_array[0] > SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_SPECIAL_START) && (send_buffer_array[0] < SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_SPECIAL_END)) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_SPECIAL"); #endif if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND"); #endif send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD; remove_from_send_buffer(); } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND_RELEASE) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND_RELEASE"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER"); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_SEND_BUFFER debug_serial_port->println(F("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_sending && winkey_host_open) { #if !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_UCXLOG_SUPRESS_C4_STATUS_BYTE) winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); #endif winkey_interrupted = 1; } #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); if (send_buffer_bytes) { if (send_buffer_array[0] < number_of_memories) { #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES play_memory(send_buffer_array[0]); #endif } remove_from_send_buffer(); } } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_WPM_CHANGE) { // two bytes for wpm //remove_from_send_buffer(); #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_WPM_CHANGE"); #endif if (send_buffer_bytes > 2) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_WPM_CHANGE: send_buffer_bytes>2"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if ((winkey_host_open) && (winkey_speed_state == WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED)){ winkey_speed_state = WINKEY_BUFFERED_SPEED; #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: winkey_speed_state = WINKEY_BUFFERED_SPEED"); #endif winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = configuration.wpm; } #endif configuration.wpm = send_buffer_array[0] * 256; remove_from_send_buffer(); configuration.wpm = configuration.wpm + send_buffer_array[0]; remove_from_send_buffer(); #ifdef FEATURE_LED_RING update_led_ring(); #endif //FEATURE_LED_RING } else { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer:SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_WPM_CHANGE < 2"); #endif } #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->print("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_WPM_CHANGE: exit send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->println(send_buffer_bytes); #endif } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TX_CHANGE) { // one byte for transmitter # #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TX_CHANGE"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); if (send_buffer_bytes > 1) { // if ((send_buffer_array[0] > 0) && (send_buffer_array[0] < 7)){ // switch_to_tx_silent(send_buffer_array[0]); // } #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE if ((send_buffer_array[0] > 0) && (send_buffer_array[0] < 3)){ if (ptt_line_activated) { so2r_pending_tx = send_buffer_array[0]; } else { so2r_tx = send_buffer_array[0]; so2r_set_tx(); } } #else if ((send_buffer_array[0] > 0) && (send_buffer_array[0] < 7)){ switch_to_tx_silent(send_buffer_array[0]); } #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE remove_from_send_buffer(); } } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NULL) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NULL"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PROSIGN) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PROSIGN"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_char(send_buffer_array[0],OMIT_LETTERSPACE); #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_host_open){ // Must echo back PROSIGN characters sent N6TV winkey_port_write(0xc4|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // N6TV winkey_port_write(send_buffer_array[0],0); // N6TV } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION remove_from_send_buffer(); } if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_char(send_buffer_array[0],KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_host_open){ // Must echo back PROSIGN characters sent N6TV winkey_port_write(0xc4|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // N6TV winkey_port_write(send_buffer_array[0],0); // N6TV } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION remove_from_send_buffer(); } } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_KEY_DOWN) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_KEY_DOWN"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_COMMAND; sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); timed_command_end_time = millis() + (send_buffer_array[0] * 1000); timed_command_in_progress = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_KEY_DOWN; remove_from_send_buffer(); } } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_WAIT) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_WAIT"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_COMMAND; timed_command_end_time = millis() + (send_buffer_array[0] * 1000); timed_command_in_progress = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_WAIT; remove_from_send_buffer(); } } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PTT_ON) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PTT_ON"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); manual_ptt_invoke = 1; ptt_key(); } if (send_buffer_array[0] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PTT_OFF) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PTT_OFF"); #endif remove_from_send_buffer(); manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); } } else { // if ((send_buffer_array[0] > SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_SPECIAL_START) && (send_buffer_array[0] < SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_SPECIAL_END)) // #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION // if ((primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) && (winkey_serial_echo) && (winkey_host_open) && (!no_print) && (!cw_send_echo_inhibit)){ // #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_ECHO_7C_BYTE) // if (send_buffer_array[0] > 30) {winkey_port_write(send_buffer_array[0],0);} // #else // if ((send_buffer_array[0]!= 0x7C) && (send_buffer_array[0] > 30)) {winkey_port_write(send_buffer_array[0],0);} // #endif // } // #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) if ((!no_print) && (!cw_send_echo_inhibit)){ if (primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_CLI) {primary_serial_port->write(send_buffer_array[0]);}; #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(send_buffer_array[0]); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT if (send_buffer_array[0] == 13) { if (primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_CLI) {primary_serial_port->write(10);} // if we got a carriage return, also send a line feed #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(10); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT } } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (lcd_send_echo) { display_scroll_print_char(send_buffer_array[0]); service_display(); } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->print("service_send_buffer: send_char:"); debug_serial_port->write(send_buffer_array[0]); debug_serial_port->println(); Serial.flush(); #endif send_char(send_buffer_array[0],KEYER_NORMAL); //**************** #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if ((primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) && (winkey_serial_echo) && (winkey_host_open) && (!no_print) && (!cw_send_echo_inhibit)){ #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_ECHO_7C_BYTE) if (send_buffer_array[0] > 30) {winkey_port_write(send_buffer_array[0],0);} #else if ((send_buffer_array[0]!= 0x7C) && (send_buffer_array[0] > 30)) {winkey_port_write(send_buffer_array[0],0);} #endif } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (!pause_sending_buffer){ #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: after send_char: remove_from_send_buffer"); if (no_bytes_flag){ debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: no_bytes_flag"); } Serial.flush(); #endif if (!((send_buffer_array[0] > SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_SPECIAL_START) && (send_buffer_array[0] < SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_SPECIAL_END))){ // this is a friggin hack to fix something I can't explain with SO2R - Goody 20191217 remove_from_send_buffer(); #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: after send_char: remove_from_send_buffer"); if (no_bytes_flag){ debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: no_bytes_flag"); } Serial.flush(); #endif } else { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: snagged errant remove_from_send_buffer"); Serial.flush(); #endif } } } } //if ((send_buffer_bytes) && (pause_sending_buffer == 0)) } else { //if (send_buffer_status == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL) if (send_buffer_status == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_COMMAND) { // we're in a timed command if ((timed_command_in_progress == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_KEY_DOWN) && (millis() > timed_command_end_time)) { sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); timed_command_in_progress = 0; send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL; #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_KEY_DOWN->SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL"); #endif } if ((timed_command_in_progress == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_WAIT) && (millis() > timed_command_end_time)) { timed_command_in_progress = 0; send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL; #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_WAIT->SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL"); #endif } } if (send_buffer_status == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD) { // we're in a send hold ; see if there's a SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND_RELEASE in the buffer if (send_buffer_bytes == 0) { send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL; // this should never happen, but what the hell, we'll catch it here if it ever does happen } else { for (int z = 0; z < send_buffer_bytes; z++) { if (send_buffer_array[z] == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND_RELEASE) { send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL; z = send_buffer_bytes; } } } } } //if (send_buffer_status == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL) //if the paddles are hit, dump the buffer check_paddles(); if (((dit_buffer || dah_buffer) && (send_buffer_bytes)) && (keyer_machine_mode != BEACON)) { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("service_send_buffer: buffer dump"); #endif clear_send_buffer(); send_buffer_status = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NORMAL; dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_sending && winkey_host_open) { winkey_port_write(0xc2|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // 0xc2 - BREAKIN bit set high winkey_interrupted = 1; } #endif } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void clear_send_buffer() { #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION winkey_xoff=0; #endif send_buffer_bytes = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void remove_from_send_buffer() { #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if ((send_buffer_bytes < winkey_xon_threshold) && winkey_xoff && winkey_host_open) { winkey_xoff=0; winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); //send status /XOFF } #endif if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_buffer_bytes--; } if (send_buffer_bytes) { for (int x = 0;x < send_buffer_bytes;x++) { send_buffer_array[x] = send_buffer_array[x+1]; } #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(OPTION_WINKEY_FREQUENT_STATUS_REPORT) winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); #endif } #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->print("remove_from_send_buffer: send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->println(send_buffer_bytes); debug_serial_port->print("send_buffer:"); for (int x = 0;x < send_buffer_bytes;x++){ debug_serial_port->write(send_buffer_array[x]); debug_serial_port->print("["); debug_serial_port->print(send_buffer_array[x]); debug_serial_port->print("]"); } debug_serial_port->println(); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void add_to_send_buffer(byte incoming_serial_byte) { if (send_buffer_bytes < send_buffer_size) { if (incoming_serial_byte != 127) { send_buffer_bytes++; send_buffer_array[send_buffer_bytes - 1] = incoming_serial_byte; #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if ((send_buffer_bytes>winkey_xoff_threshold) && winkey_host_open) { winkey_xoff=1; winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); //send XOFF status } #endif } else { // we got a backspace if (send_buffer_bytes){ send_buffer_bytes--; } } #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->print("add_to_send_buffer: "); debug_serial_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); debug_serial_port->print(" ["); debug_serial_port->print(incoming_serial_byte); debug_serial_port->println("]"); debug_serial_port->print("send_buffer:"); for (int x = 0;x < send_buffer_bytes;x++){ debug_serial_port->write(send_buffer_array[x]); debug_serial_port->print("["); debug_serial_port->print(send_buffer_array[x]); debug_serial_port->print("]"); } debug_serial_port->println(); #endif } else { #if defined(DEBUG_SERVICE_SEND_BUFFER) debug_serial_port->println("add_to_send_buffer: !send_buffer_bytes < send_buffer_size"); #endif } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* 10 CLS 20 PRINT "HELLO" 30 GOTO 20 */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_unbuffered_speed_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { if (incoming_serial_byte == 0) { #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER configuration.pot_activated = 1; #endif } else { configuration.wpm = incoming_serial_byte; winkey_speed_state = WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED; winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = configuration.wpm; //calculate_element_length(); #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_STRICT_EEPROM_WRITES_MAY_WEAR_OUT_EEPROM config_dirty = 1; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_LED_RING update_led_ring(); #endif //FEATURE_LED_RING } } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_farnsworth_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH if ((incoming_serial_byte > 9) && (incoming_serial_byte < 100)) { configuration.wpm_farnsworth = incoming_serial_byte; } #else (void)incoming_serial_byte; // to get rid of compiler warning about unused variable #endif //FEATURE_FFARNSWORTH } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_keying_compensation_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { configuration.keying_compensation = incoming_serial_byte; } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_first_extension_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { first_extension_time = incoming_serial_byte; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('X',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_dah_to_dit_ratio_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { if ((incoming_serial_byte > 32) && (incoming_serial_byte < 67)) { configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = (300*(float(incoming_serial_byte)/50)); #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_STRICT_EEPROM_WRITES_MAY_WEAR_OUT_EEPROM config_dirty = 1; #endif } } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_weighting_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { if ((incoming_serial_byte > 9) && (incoming_serial_byte < 91)) { configuration.weighting = incoming_serial_byte; } } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_ptt_times_parm1_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { #if !defined(DEBUG_WINKEY_DISABLE_LEAD_IN_TIME_SETTING) configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1] = (incoming_serial_byte*10); #else configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1] = 0; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('P',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char('1',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_ptt_times_parm2_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1] = (3*int(1200/configuration.wpm)) + (incoming_serial_byte*10); winkey_session_ptt_tail = incoming_serial_byte; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('P',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char('2',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_set_pot_parm1_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { pot_wpm_low_value = incoming_serial_byte; } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_set_pot_parm2_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER pot_wpm_high_value = (pot_wpm_low_value + incoming_serial_byte); #else (void)incoming_serial_byte; // to get rid of compiler warning about unused variable #endif } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_set_pot_parm3_command (byte incoming_serial_byte) { #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT pot_full_scale_reading = 1031; #else //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT if (incoming_serial_byte == 255) { pot_full_scale_reading = 1031; } else { if (incoming_serial_byte == 127) { pot_full_scale_reading = 515; } } #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT configuration.pot_activated = 1; #else (void)incoming_serial_byte; // to get rid of compiler warning about unused variable #endif } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_setmode_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { config_dirty = 1; if (incoming_serial_byte & 4) { //serial echo enable #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('S',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif winkey_serial_echo = 1; } else { winkey_serial_echo = 0; } if (incoming_serial_byte & 8) { //paddle_swap configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_REVERSE; } else { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_NORMAL; } switch (incoming_serial_byte & 48) { case 0: configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('B',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif break; case 16: configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_A; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('A',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif break; case 32: configuration.keyer_mode = ULTIMATIC; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('U',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif break; case 48: configuration.keyer_mode = BUG; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('G',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif break; } #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG if ((incoming_serial_byte & 128) == 128) { //1xxxxxxx = paddle watchdog (1 = disable) dead_op_watchdog_active = 0; } else { dead_op_watchdog_active = 1; } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE if ((incoming_serial_byte & 2) == 2) { //xxxxxx1x = autospace configuration.autospace_active = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('T',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif } else { configuration.autospace_active = 0; } #endif if ((incoming_serial_byte & 1) == 1) { //xxxxxxx1 = contest wordspace configuration.length_wordspace = 6; } else { configuration.length_wordspace = 7; } if ((incoming_serial_byte & 64) == 64) { //x1xxxxxx = paddle echo winkey_paddle_echo_activated = 1; } else { winkey_paddle_echo_activated = 0; } } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_sidetone_freq_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT if (incoming_serial_byte & 128) { if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) {configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY;} wk2_paddle_only_sidetone = 1; } else { if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) {configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON;} wk2_paddle_only_sidetone = 0; } #endif switch (incoming_serial_byte & 15) { case 1: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_1; break; case 2: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_2; break; case 3: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_3; break; case 4: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_4; break; case 5: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_5; break; case 6: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_6; break; case 7: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_7; break; case 8: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_8; break; case 9: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_9; break; case 10: configuration.hz_sidetone = WINKEY_SIDETONE_10; break; } #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_STRICT_EEPROM_WRITES_MAY_WEAR_OUT_EEPROM config_dirty = 1; #endif } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_set_pinconfig_command(byte incoming_serial_byte) { if (incoming_serial_byte & 1) { configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active = 1; winkey_pinconfig_ptt_bit = 1; } else { configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active = 0; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT winkey_pinconfig_ptt_bit = 0; #endif } if (incoming_serial_byte & 2) { #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT if (wk2_paddle_only_sidetone) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY; } else { #endif configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT } #endif } else { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_OFF; } #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC switch (incoming_serial_byte & 192) { case 0: ultimatic_mode = ULTIMATIC_NORMAL; break; case 64: ultimatic_mode = ULTIMATIC_DAH_PRIORITY; break; case 128: ultimatic_mode = ULTIMATIC_DIT_PRIORITY; break; } #endif switch(incoming_serial_byte & 48) { case 0: ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units = WINKEY_HANG_TIME_1_0; break; case 16: ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units = WINKEY_HANG_TIME_1_33; break; case 32: ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units = WINKEY_HANG_TIME_1_66; break; case 48: ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units = WINKEY_HANG_TIME_2_0; break; } #ifndef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE switch(incoming_serial_byte & 12) { case 0: key_tx = 0; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT wk2_both_tx_activated = 0; #endif break; case 4: key_tx = 1; configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_1; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_1; configuration.current_tx = 1; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT wk2_both_tx_activated = 0; #endif break; case 8: key_tx = 1; if (ptt_tx_2) { configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_2; } else { configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_1; } if (tx_key_line_2) { current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_2; } else { current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_1; } #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT wk2_both_tx_activated = 0; #endif break; case 12: key_tx = 1; configuration.current_ptt_line = ptt_tx_1; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_1; configuration.current_tx = 1; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT wk2_both_tx_activated = 1; #endif break; } config_dirty = 1; #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_load_settings_command(byte winkey_status,byte incoming_serial_byte) { switch(winkey_status) { case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_1_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_1_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_setmode_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_2_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_2_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_unbuffered_speed_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_3_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_3_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_sidetone_freq_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_4_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_4_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_weighting_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_5_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_5_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_ptt_times_parm1_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_6_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_6_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_ptt_times_parm2_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_7_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_7_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_set_pot_parm1_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_8_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_8_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_set_pot_parm2_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_9_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_9_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_first_extension_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_10_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_10_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_keying_compensation_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_11_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_11_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_farnsworth_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_12_COMMAND: // paddle switchpoint - don't need to support #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_12_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_13_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_13_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_dah_to_dit_ratio_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_14_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_14_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_set_pinconfig_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; case WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_15_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("winkey_load_settings_command: WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_15_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_set_pot_parm3_command(incoming_serial_byte); break; } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_admin_get_values_command() { byte byte_to_send; // 1 - mode register byte_to_send = 0; if (configuration.length_wordspace != default_length_wordspace) { byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 1; } #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE if (configuration.autospace_active) { byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 2; } #endif if (winkey_serial_echo) { byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 4; } if (configuration.paddle_mode == PADDLE_REVERSE) { byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 8; } switch (configuration.keyer_mode) { case IAMBIC_A: byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 16; break; case ULTIMATIC: byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 32; break; case BUG: byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 48; break; } if (winkey_paddle_echo_activated) { byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 64; } #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG if (!dead_op_watchdog_active) { byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 128; } #endif //FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG winkey_port_write(byte_to_send,1); // 2 - speed if (configuration.wpm > 99) { winkey_port_write(99,1); } else { byte_to_send = configuration.wpm; winkey_port_write(byte_to_send,1); } // 3 - sidetone switch(configuration.hz_sidetone) { case WINKEY_SIDETONE_1 : winkey_port_write(1,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_2 : winkey_port_write(2,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_3 : winkey_port_write(3,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_4 : winkey_port_write(4,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_5 : winkey_port_write(5,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_6 : winkey_port_write(6,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_7 : winkey_port_write(7,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_8 : winkey_port_write(8,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_9 : winkey_port_write(9,1); break; case WINKEY_SIDETONE_10 : winkey_port_write(10,1); break; default: winkey_port_write(5,1); break; } // 4 - weight winkey_port_write(configuration.weighting,1); // 5 - ptt lead if (configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1] < 256){ winkey_port_write(configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx-1]/10,1); } else { winkey_port_write(255,1); } // 6 - ptt tail //if (configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1] < 256){ //winkey_port_write((configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx-1] - (3*int(1200/configuration.wpm)))/10,1); winkey_port_write(winkey_session_ptt_tail,1); // } else { // winkey_port_write(winkey_port_write(255,1); // } // 7 - pot min wpm #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER winkey_port_write(pot_wpm_low_value,1); #else winkey_port_write(15,1); #endif // 8 - pot wpm range #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER winkey_port_write(pot_wpm_high_value - pot_wpm_low_value,1); #else winkey_port_write(20,1); #endif // 9 - 1st extension winkey_port_write(first_extension_time,1); // 10 - compensation winkey_port_write(configuration.keying_compensation,1); // 11 - farnsworth wpm #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH winkey_port_write(configuration.wpm_farnsworth,1); #else winkey_port_write(zero,1); #endif // 12 - paddle setpoint winkey_port_write(50,1); // default value // 13 - dah to dit ratio winkey_port_write(50,1); // TODO -backwards calculate // 14 - pin config #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT byte_to_send = 0; if (configuration.current_ptt_line != 0) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 1;} if ((configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) || (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY)) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 2;} if (current_tx_key_line == tx_key_line_1) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 4;} if (current_tx_key_line == tx_key_line_2) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 8;} #ifndef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE if (wk2_both_tx_activated) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 12;} #endif #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC if (ultimatic_mode == ULTIMATIC_DIT_PRIORITY) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 128;} if (ultimatic_mode == ULTIMATIC_DAH_PRIORITY) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 64;} #endif if (ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units == 1.33) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 16;} if (ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units == 1.66) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 32;} if (ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units == 2.0) {byte_to_send = byte_to_send | 48;} winkey_port_write(byte_to_send,1); #else winkey_port_write(5,1); // default value #endif // 15 - pot range #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT winkey_port_write(zero,1); #else winkey_port_write(0xFF,1); #endif } #endif /* Chapter One It was late on a rainy Sunday evening. Static crashes on the direct conversion receiver signaled a distant thunderstorm, due to arrive in an hour or so. Colin knew he would have to disconnect the little microcontroller circuit from the receiver and all the station antennas soon, but it was getting late and he had to get his sleep for work the next day. The contraption was a tangled mess on his desk, something only a radio amateur or mad scientist could appreciate. Alligator clips connected the I and Q audio from the simple receiver to the microcontroller. Colin had been learning about fast Fourier analysis. This was his first attempt at actually running the code in an effort to decode RTTY signals. The microcontroller probably lacked the horsepower to do it, and Colin knew expecting any sort of performance from his creation was a long shot. Colin tuned to some RTTY signals but couldn't copy anything, despite carefully and slowly tuning the receiver in hopes of hitting that sweet spot where perhaps the microcontroller would blurt out some intelligence, some discernable word or text. Just one recognizable snippet would give him the feeling of accomplishment or even victory, even if his design never proved to be usable in his nightly hobby. The static crashes grew stronger and more frequent. Colin had resigned himself to the fact that success would not be achieved this evening. The approaching storm along with his growing fatigue convinced him to shut things down and head upstairs to bed. Just then a burst of noise, different from the thunderstorm static crashes, but a type that you normally hear on 80 meters each night blurted out. The microcontroller sent out its serial port a string of random characters, in a vain attempt to decode the sounds: GEHZCVFNOVTZBEBA Colin went about the process of disconnecting the power to everything and disconnecting antennas and went to bed. The next evening after supper with his family, Colin went to his basement radio room again, determined to work again on his project but perhaps less eager than before due to the increasing futility of his efforts. The microcontroller sat connected to the receiver, and the controller to the computer. He listened to the receiver in the background while responding to emails. There was a QSO in progress, an old man talking about his dog itching a lot. The two old men in the conversation droned on forever, with Colin chuckling to himself, but too caught up in his email to reach over and tune the rig to another frequency in hopes of finding a more interesting conversation. A burst of noise came through the rig again, much like the night before, though much stronger. The simple receiver lacked automatic gain control and the strong signal produced a rather loud, annoying noise emanating from the rig, prompting Colin to reach over and turn the volume down. Colin noticed on his serial terminal program another random string of characters which the microcontroller dutifully decoded: GEHZCVFNOVTZBEBA The string looked familiar to Colin. He copied and pasted the string into search on his computer. The search produced one hit, the terminal program log from the previous evening. Colin opened the file and saw the matching string, 16 characters. "What are the chances of that happening?", he thought. He looked through his code again, looking for some sort of mistake, pattern in the code algorithm, or some plausible explanation. The receiver belched again: GEHZCVFNOVTZBEBA At this point Colin had no plausible explanation why the same random string of characters would be decoded last night and this evening, from mere noise bursts. Frustrated, he decided to post a message on an Internet group describing the strange behavior and the random characters, and then walked away from his radios to watch TV with the family. After almost an hour of watching mindless sitcoms, it was time for the kids to go to bed. After they were tucked into bed, Colin came back to his desk to catch up on email. The receiver, still powered up with the random noise of the universe coming out of the speaker at a low level, and the connected microcontroller circuit sat idle, waiting for some signal to decode. An AM roundtable comes up on frequency and he listens awhile, while he continues to web surf, looking for something to occupy his mind. A static crash comes through the speaks and the microcontroller terminal comes alive again, spewing characters: COLINMEETME@40-10-45.5&75-10-52.6@SAT1200Z "Wow" Colin exclaims, almost involuntarily. He pauses for a moment, hoping his wife in the next room hasn't heard him. She doesn't respond, continuing to watch TV.  "That's my name....coordinates, and a day and time.  That can't be a coincidence.  What in the world have I stumbled upon?" he thinks. Nervously he brings up Google Earth and enters the coordinates.  It's a coffee shop, about an hour and twenty minutes south. " Whoever sent this wants to meet me?" Chapter Two Colin barely slept the rest of the nights that week thinking about the message. He stays out of his radio room which is very unlike him. His wife is out of town this weekend, and Colin rationalizes that there's no excuse to not go to the coffee shop. Early Saturday morning he quickly gets up, and nervously gets dressed. He worries if he's given himself enough time to get there. It's near the city and the surrounding suburban area where the coffee shop is located is notorious for bad traffic. He decides to take a toll road and exit where he can take back roads to avoid the main thoroughfares. He arrived at the coffee with a few minutes to spare, takes an out of the way parking spot towards the rear of the restaurant, backing in so he can see anyone pulling in or out, and the side entrance of the coffee shop. He sits in the vehicle and surveys the parking lot. Opening the glove compartment he pulls out a pistol in a holster. Although licensed for carrying a sidearm, Colin rarely, if ever actual wore it in public. He strapped it on to his belt and double-checked that his jacket concealed it. His hands shook nervously, but he reassured himself he was somewhat prepared in case the proverbial "men in black" attempted to swoop down and throw him into a black van and drive off. Looking up, Colin sees an old man in the parking lot looking his way. They make eye contact. Colin looks away but it's clear the old man is has somehow identified him. Colin sighs. "Perhaps he saw all the antennas on my vehicle, or my callsign plate." He gets out of the vehicle, locks it, and walks over to the old man. "Hello" he says in a somewhat frail voice.  "You Colin?" "Yes" replies Colin, nervously. The old man nods and his face lightens up. "Come inside, let's talk." They go inside and get in line.  The old man orders a coffee, and Colin, never acquiring a taste for coffee, get a hot chocolate.  They grab a table towards the back, away from everyone else.  The old man looks around to make sure they're out of earshot of others. The old man leans inward, "So you copied my transmission the other day?" "Yes."  Colin tells him the story of how he came upon the transmission. "Well, congratulations.  You've stumbled upon something I think you're going to be very happy about.  You're in amateur radio?"  Colin nods.  "You've come upon a secret society.  We've been around a long time, since World War II.  Some of us are hams, others aren't.  We're everywhere.  You've heard us anytime you've turned on a radio, you just didn't know it. We're the people you don't normally find on the air....the academics, scientists, progressives, politicians, famous people...activists...introverts...geniuses...people close to world leaders.  We communicate via encrypted messaging.  Those noise bursts you heard were transmissions from me.  Some of our communications are noise bursts.  Sometime we communicate with pure noise, indistinguishable from the normal noise you hear on your receiver everyday.  We hide out in the open." "But how do you do this?"  Colin's technical curiosity emerges.  "How do you communicate with noise?" The old man takes a sip from his coffee.  "We use a pseudo-random bit stream and quadrature modulate a digital signal taken from a special alphabet, somewhat like ASCII.  It's amazingly simple but nearly impossible to break without the bit stream.  You were just lucky to receive it.  Apparently the buggy code in your microcontroller digital signal processing generates part of the pseudo random stream under the right conditions.  Everyone thinks 80 meters is noisy.  It's really not, there's just a lot of us talking on it.  You ever turn on your radio and it's S9 noise everywhere?" "Yes" replies Colin. "Sometimes that's us.  We sometimes modulate wideband noise when we have a particularly large message to send out, something important.  The technology is really interesting.  It pushes the limits of Shannon's Equation." he pauses.  "You ever hear of long delay echos?" "I've never experienced one, but I've read about them and heard they're somewhat common." Colin says. He smiles.  "That's us.  Sometime we communicate by receiving someone's signal on the air, we delay it, modulate the noise on it, and re-transmit it.  We do that for fun.  People seem to get a kick out of it." "Why does this society exist?" asks Colin. "We serve a higher purpose." pointing above, he says.  "It came out of the Resistance in World War II and was originally intended to prevent atrocities like the Holocaust from happening again, but since then it's grown to encompass other things.  Many of us started off as radio amateurs and got bored with it.  We dropped out.  We're the radio guys you don't see at hamfests or on the Internet.  Those of us who are licensed amateurs usually lay low and don't get on the air, at least in a way you can hear us.  Amateur radio is to us as CB is to amateur radio.  Few of us fit in with them. Members communicate about important stuff, like scientific discoveries or secret information from governments that could save lives or change the world.  We've provided information that has ended wars, and started some.  Some say we provided the information that started the fall of the USSR.  We operate without borders or recognition of nationality.   I'm not sure how many of us there are, but it's perhaps in the thousands, worldwide." Colin asks "Are you spies?" "We're not spies, we're communicators." he replies. "Does the government know of this network?" "Perhaps, but not at a high level or in any official capacity that we know of.  We definitely have members close to people high up, advisers of sorts.  Undoubtedly there are members in intelligence agencies in various governments.  But they don't dare divulge knowledge of the network.  It's too valuable.  To them it's a tool, and they know they would be denied that tool, purged from the network, should they let others know of it.  But they are free to use the information they receive, as they see fit.  But they know they have a responsibility to use it for the greater good." The old man clears his throat and takes another gulp of coffee.  "Communications is a weapon, more powerful than any weapon you can carry.  That phone," he said, pointing to my iPhone lying on the table, " is just as powerful as the weapon you have on your belt, just in a different way." Colin tries to hide a puzzled look, wondering how the old man knew of his weapon.  Changing the subject, he asks "How do people get into this?" "Membership is by invitation only.  We have 16 character identity strings.  You received mine.  An identity string is what you would call a callsign in amateur radio.  You're the first person I've ever heard of receiving the signal without knowledge of the code.  There's no process for someone like you to join.  But I'm getting old and I need to hand off my encryption stream to someone before I die, to keep it going.  You seem to be a nice enough guy, qualified to join, from what I have seen and heard about you." "But.... this sounds like a network of rather smart and powerful people.  I'm just an ordinary guy who likes to play with radios and occasionally build something.  I'm not a scientist or someone powerful.  Is there some role I will have, something I need to do?" Colin asks. "Some members just have fun with this, somewhat like a hobby.  They don't have roles, for now.  You will have a role, you just don't know what it is yet.  Do not seek out a role.  Do not try to make yourself important or identify some great thing to do.  Those who invent things to do, create crises, or give themselves power get purged from the network.  Your role will become known in due time and you will know it when you encounter it.  Trust me."  He goes on, "You're going to receive more information.  It will explain the encryption algorithm.  You know how to program, so with a little bit of work you should be able to write the software for a transceiver that will work reliably.  I'll also give you an identity string.  It's derived from mine and you'll eventually be able to trace it back mathematically to previous identity strings and others in the hierarchy.  The more you communicate, your identity string will establish a trust relationship with other identity strings, other operators.  The more operators you gain trust with, you will get more of the algorithm and more of the bit stream.  With more of the algorithm and bit stream, the more signals you will be able to receive and you will be able to communicate with more people in the network hierarchy.  With perseverance and patience you'll get to know some high level members, perhaps even people you see on the news." "I said before that there are thousands of operators.  The truth is I don't know how many operators there are.  No one does.  As more of the bit stream is revealed, more members appear.  For all we know there could be millions of members.  There could be extra-terrestrials in the network."  He chuckles.  "Some have theorized that some of the noise we receive from outer space could be actually intelligence encrypted in the noise, like we do.  We just don't have the information or computing power yet to decode it." The smile leaves old man's face.  "You have to keep this a secret.  If you reveal this to the wrong people, the results would be disastrous.  Those who reveal the code of the noise are purged from the network, sometimes not seen again." Before Colin could ask his next question, the old man got up, handed him a card with characters written in bold black marker: 8^fGwq9(:lLDPu6$ "Congratulations.  This is your identity string.  Memorize it.  Guard it with your life."  He offers his right hand and they shake hands. Colin follows the old man out the door, wanting to ask more questions. "Where will I would get the information on the algorithm, how do I build a transceiver?"  he frantically asks. "You have to listen to the noise."  he said as he walked to his car, got in, and drove off. Colin drove home in somewhat of a daze, not sure what to make of all this.  Was the old man crazy, or was all this real?  Colin went about my business for a few days, thinking about the old man and wondering what would be next.  "Would I get something in the mail?  Perhaps an email?  Would he contact me again?" A few days later while watching the local news, a story came on about the death of a prominent researcher.  Colin was shocked to see a grainy photo of the old man he had met at the coffee shop, the photo perhaps from the 60s as he looked younger, more Colin's age today.  Walter was his name.  He had worked at Bell Labs in New Jersey as a physicist and had made many discoveries in communications which were patented in the 60s and 70s.  Walter was a quiet man but was known for his community work.  He fled Germany with his family as a young boy prior to World War II breaking out.  His father was a poor potato farmer who later helped the allies in cryptography after he devised a code based on the patterns of eyes on potatoes.  His wife had passed before him several years earlier.  Walter died alone at his home, of unknown causes and his death was under investigation.  Investigators doubted there was foul play, but there was a rather odd paper he was writing with codes on it found next to him.  He was survived by two children and some grandchildren residing in Florida.  Colin thought perhaps he could contact his family, but he knew he couldn't risk revealing what he had heard from the man if what he said was true.  Colin sat dumbfounded, wondering if he had lost his one connection to the secret network. Later that night Colin once again turned on his receiver to 80 meters.  The little circuit sat idle with alligator clips connecting the rig audio to it.  His original goal of copying a RTTY signal now seemed pointless and insignificant in the grand scheme of things with the new knowledge he had.  He wanted to write more code and figure out the algorithm, all of it.  But Colin had no idea what next step to take, no clue what the algorithm was that would grant him access to a whole new world.  He pulled the card out of his wallet with his identity string and stared at the seemingly random 16 characters.  It contained uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols, just about everything.  Perhaps it was a base 64 character set?  What secrets were in it?  His thoughts were a disorganized jumble, and feeling a headache coming on he stopped himself from thinking further about it. He was no longer interested in listening to Morse code signals or voice conversations.  That was merely just meaningless noise, a distraction from what he was really looking for.  Every little pop and crackle on the receiver caught his attention.  Was it just random atmospheric noise leftover from the Big Bang or some noisy electrical appliance, or was there intelligence in each seemingly random sounds?  For hours he scanned through the band, hoping to catch the right signal in hopes that his little contraption might pick up some clue that would lead him to the next step, perhaps someone else in the network since his contact had passed away.  BZZZZZT bursts from the receiver and the microcontroller terminal screen came alive:  8^fGwq9(:lLDPu6$ : KEEP LISTENING TO THE NOISE AND AWAIT FURTHER INFO. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) void winkey_eeprom_download() { byte zero = 0; unsigned int x = 0; unsigned int bytes_sent = 0; winkey_port_write(0xA5,1); // 01 magic byte winkey_admin_get_values_command(); // 02-16 winkey_port_write(byte(configuration.wpm),1); // 17 cmdwpm bytes_sent = 17; //pad the rest with zeros for (x = 0;x < (256-bytes_sent); x++) { winkey_port_write(zero,1); } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void winkey_port_write(byte byte_to_send,byte override_filter){ #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PORT_WRITE if ((byte_to_send > 4) && (byte_to_send < 31)){ boop(); delay(500); boop(); delay(500); boop(); //return; } #endif if (((byte_to_send > 4) && (byte_to_send < 31)) && (!override_filter)){ #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("Winkey Port TX: FILTERED: "); if ((byte_to_send > 31) && (byte_to_send < 127)){ debug_serial_port->write(byte_to_send); } else { debug_serial_port->print("."); } debug_serial_port->print(" ["); debug_serial_port->print(byte_to_send); debug_serial_port->print("] [0x"); debug_serial_port->print(byte_to_send,HEX); debug_serial_port->println("]"); #endif return; } primary_serial_port->write(byte_to_send); #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("Winkey Port TX: "); if ((byte_to_send > 31) && (byte_to_send < 127)){ debug_serial_port->write(byte_to_send); } else { debug_serial_port->print("."); } debug_serial_port->print(" ["); debug_serial_port->print(byte_to_send); debug_serial_port->print("] [0x"); debug_serial_port->print(byte_to_send,HEX); debug_serial_port->println("]"); #endif } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION void service_winkey(byte action) { static byte winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; static int winkey_parmcount = 0; static unsigned long winkey_last_activity; byte status_byte_to_send; static byte winkey_paddle_echo_space_sent = 1; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_DISCARD_BYTES_AT_STARTUP static byte winkey_discard_bytes_init_done = 0; if (!winkey_discard_bytes_init_done) { if (primary_serial_port->available()) { for (int z = winkey_discard_bytes_startup;z > 0;z--) { while (primary_serial_port->available() == 0) {} primary_serial_port->read(); } winkey_discard_bytes_init_done = 1; } } #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_DISCARD_BYTES_AT_STARTUP #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_SEND_ERRANT_BYTE byte i_sent_it = 0; if ((millis() > 30000) && (!i_sent_it)){ winkey_port_write(30,1); i_sent_it = 1; } #endif #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_FIRST_STATUS_REQUEST static byte ignored_first_status_request = 0; #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_FIRST_STATUS_REQUEST if (action == WINKEY_HOUSEKEEPING) { if (winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm == 0) { winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = configuration.wpm; } // Winkey interface emulation housekeeping items // check to see if we were sending stuff and the buffer is clear if (winkey_interrupted) { // if Winkey sending was interrupted by the paddle, look at PTT line rather than timing out to send 0xc0 if (ptt_line_activated == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("\r\nservice_winkey:sending unsolicited status byte due to paddle interrupt"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_sending = 0; clear_send_buffer(); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES //clear_memory_button_buffer(); play_memory_prempt = 1; repeat_memory = 255; #endif winkey_interrupted = 0; //winkey_port_write(0xc2|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff); winkey_port_write(0xc6,0); //<- this alone makes N1MM logger get borked (0xC2 = paddle interrupt) winkey_port_write(0xc0,0); // so let's send a 0xC0 to keep N1MM logger happy winkey_buffer_counter = 0; winkey_buffer_pointer = 0; } } else { //if (winkey_interrupted) //if ((winkey_host_open) && (winkey_sending) && (send_buffer_bytes < 1) && ((millis() - winkey_last_activity) > winkey_c0_wait_time)) { if ((primary_serial_port->available() == 0) && (winkey_host_open) && (winkey_sending) && (send_buffer_bytes < 1) && ((millis() - winkey_last_activity) > winkey_c0_wait_time)) { #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_WORDSPACE_AT_END_OF_BUFFER send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif //add_to_send_buffer(' '); // this causes a 0x20 to get echoed back to host - doesn't seem to effect N1MM program #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("\r\nservice_winkey:sending unsolicited status byte"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_sending = 0; winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // tell the host we've sent everything winkey_buffer_counter = 0; winkey_buffer_pointer = 0; } } // if (winkey_interrupted) // failsafe check - if we've been in some command status for awhile waiting for something, clear things out if ((winkey_status != WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS) && ((millis() - winkey_last_activity) > winkey_command_timeout_ms)) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("\r\nservice_winkey:cmd tout!->WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS cmd was:"); debug_serial_port->println(winkey_status); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; winkey_buffer_counter = 0; winkey_buffer_pointer = 0; winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); //send a status byte back for giggles } if ((winkey_host_open) && (winkey_paddle_echo_buffer) && (winkey_paddle_echo_activated) && (millis() > winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time)) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("\r\nservice_winkey:sending paddle echo char"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_port_write(byte(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(winkey_paddle_echo_buffer)),0); winkey_paddle_echo_buffer = 0; winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (float(600/configuration.wpm)*length_letterspace); winkey_paddle_echo_space_sent = 0; } if ((winkey_host_open) && (winkey_paddle_echo_buffer == 0) && (winkey_paddle_echo_activated) && (millis() > (winkey_paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time + (float(1200/configuration.wpm)*(configuration.length_wordspace-length_letterspace)))) && (!winkey_paddle_echo_space_sent)) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("\r\nservice_winkey:sending paddle echo space"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_port_write(' ',0); winkey_paddle_echo_space_sent = 1; } } // if (action == WINKEY_HOUSEKEEPING) if (action == SERVICE_SERIAL_BYTE){ #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("Winkey Port RX: "); if ((incoming_serial_byte > 31) && (incoming_serial_byte < 127)){ debug_serial_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); } else { debug_serial_port->print("."); } debug_serial_port->print(" ["); debug_serial_port->print(incoming_serial_byte); debug_serial_port->print("]"); debug_serial_port->print(" [0x"); if (incoming_serial_byte < 16){debug_serial_port->print("0");} debug_serial_port->print(incoming_serial_byte,HEX); debug_serial_port->println("]"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_last_activity = millis(); if (winkey_status == WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS){ #if defined(FEATURE_SO2R_BASE) if (incoming_serial_byte >= 128) { so2r_command(); } #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_EXTENDED_COMMANDS_WITH_DOLLAR_SIGNS) #if !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_LOWERCASE) if ((incoming_serial_byte > 31) && (incoming_serial_byte != 36)) { // ascii 36 = '$' #else if ((((incoming_serial_byte > 31) && (incoming_serial_byte < 97)) || (incoming_serial_byte == 124)) && (incoming_serial_byte != 36)) { // 124 = ascii | = half dit #endif #else #if !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_LOWERCASE) if (incoming_serial_byte > 31) { #else if (((incoming_serial_byte > 31) && (incoming_serial_byte < 97)) || (incoming_serial_byte == 124)) { // 124 = ascii | = half dit #endif #endif #if !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_LOWERCASE) if ((incoming_serial_byte > 96) && (incoming_serial_byte < 123)){incoming_serial_byte = incoming_serial_byte - 32;} #endif //!defined(OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_LOWERCASE) byte serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite; if (winkey_buffer_pointer > 0) { serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite = send_buffer_bytes - (winkey_buffer_counter - winkey_buffer_pointer) - 1; if ((send_buffer_bytes) && (serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite < send_buffer_bytes )) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite:"); debug_serial_port->print(serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite); debug_serial_port->print(":"); debug_serial_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); debug_serial_port->println(); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY send_buffer_array[serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite] = incoming_serial_byte; } winkey_buffer_pointer++; } else { add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte); #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:add_to_send_buffer:"); debug_serial_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); debug_serial_port->print(" send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->println(send_buffer_bytes); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_INTERRUPTS_MEMORY_REPEAT) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) play_memory_prempt = 1; repeat_memory = 255; #endif winkey_buffer_counter++; } if (!winkey_sending) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:status byte:starting to send"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_sending=0x04; #if !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_UCXLOG_SUPRESS_C4_STATUS_BYTE) winkey_port_write(0xc4|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // tell the client we're starting to send #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_UCXLOG_SUPRESS_C4_STATUS_BYTE #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif } } else { #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_STRICT_HOST_OPEN if ((winkey_host_open) || (incoming_serial_byte == 0)) { #endif switch (incoming_serial_byte) { case 0x00: winkey_status = WINKEY_ADMIN_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x01: winkey_status = WINKEY_SIDETONE_FREQ_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_SIDETONE_FREQ_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x02: // speed command - unbuffered winkey_status = WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x03: // weighting winkey_status = WINKEY_WEIGHTING_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_WEIGHTING_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x04: // PTT lead and tail time winkey_status = WINKEY_PTT_TIMES_PARM1_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_PTT_TIMES_PARM1_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x05: // speed pot set #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_SET_POT_PARM1_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_status = WINKEY_SET_POT_PARM1_COMMAND; break; case 0x06: winkey_status = WINKEY_PAUSE_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_PAUSE_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x07: #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER winkey_port_write(((pot_value_wpm()-pot_wpm_low_value)|128),0); #else winkey_port_write((byte(configuration.wpm-pot_wpm_low_value)|128),0); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:report pot"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x08: // backspace command if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_buffer_bytes--; } #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:backspace"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x09: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_SET_PINCONFIG_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_status = WINKEY_SET_PINCONFIG_COMMAND; break; case 0x0a: // 0A - clear buffer - no parms // #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY // debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:0A clear buff"); // #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY clear_send_buffer(); if (winkey_sending) { //clear_send_buffer(); winkey_sending = 0; winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); } pause_sending_buffer = 0; winkey_buffer_counter = 0; winkey_buffer_pointer = 0; #if !defined(OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW) loop_element_lengths_breakout_flag = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; manual_ptt_invoke = 0; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); winkey_speed_state = WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED; configuration.wpm = winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:0A clearbuff send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->println(send_buffer_bytes); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x0b: winkey_status = WINKEY_KEY_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_KEY_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x0c: winkey_status = WINKEY_HSCW_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_HSCW_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x0d: winkey_status = WINKEY_FARNSWORTH_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_FARNSWORTH_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x0e: winkey_status = WINKEY_SETMODE_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_SETMODE_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x0f: // bulk load of defaults winkey_status = WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_1_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_1_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x10: winkey_status = WINKEY_FIRST_EXTENSION_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_FIRST_EXTENSION_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x11: winkey_status = WINKEY_KEYING_COMPENSATION_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_KEYING_COMPENSATION_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x12: winkey_status = WINKEY_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:0x12unsupport"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_parmcount = 1; break; case 0x13: // NULL command #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:0x13null"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x14: winkey_status = WINKEY_SOFTWARE_PADDLE_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_SOFTWARE_PADDLE_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x15: // report status #ifndef OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_FIRST_STATUS_REQUEST //-------------------- status_byte_to_send = 0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff; if (send_buffer_status == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_COMMAND) { status_byte_to_send = status_byte_to_send | 16; } winkey_port_write(status_byte_to_send,0); #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:0x15 rpt status:"); debug_serial_port->println(status_byte_to_send); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY #else //OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_FIRST_STATUS_REQUEST ------------------------ if (ignored_first_status_request){ status_byte_to_send = 0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff; if (send_buffer_status == SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_COMMAND) { status_byte_to_send = status_byte_to_send | 16; } winkey_port_write(status_byte_to_send,0); #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:0x15 rpt status:"); debug_serial_port->println(status_byte_to_send); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } else { ignored_first_status_request = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ignored first 0x15 status request"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_IGNORE_FIRST_STATUS_REQUEST -------------------- break; case 0x16: // Pointer operation winkey_status = WINKEY_POINTER_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_POINTER_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x17: // dit to dah ratio winkey_status = WINKEY_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; // start of buffered commands ------------------------------ case 0x18: //buffer PTT on/off winkey_status = WINKEY_BUFFFERED_PTT_COMMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_BUFFFERED_PTT_COMMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x19: winkey_status = WINKEY_KEY_BUFFERED_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_KEY_BUFFERED_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x1a: winkey_status = WINKEY_WAIT_BUFFERED_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_WAIT_BUFFERED_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x1b: winkey_status = WINKEY_MERGE_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_MERGE_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x1c: // speed command - buffered winkey_status = WINKEY_BUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_BUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x1d: winkey_status = WINKEY_BUFFERED_HSCW_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_BUFFERED_HSCW_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x1e: // cancel buffered speed command - buffered #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_CANCEL_BUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY if (winkey_speed_state == WINKEY_BUFFERED_SPEED){ add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_WPM_CHANGE); add_to_send_buffer(0); add_to_send_buffer((byte)winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm); winkey_speed_state = WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:winkey_speed_state = WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } else { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_CANCEL_BUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND: no action"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; case 0x1f: // buffered NOP - no need to do anything #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:1F NOP"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_EXTENDED_COMMANDS_WITH_DOLLAR_SIGNS case 36: winkey_status = WINKEY_EXTENDED_COMMAND; beep(); #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_EXTENDED_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_EXTENDED_COMMANDS_WITH_DOLLAR_SIGNS } //switch (incoming_serial_byte) #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_STRICT_HOST_OPEN } //if ((winkey_host_open) || (incoming_serial_byte == 0)) #endif } } else { //if (winkey_status == WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS) if (winkey_status == WINKEY_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND) { winkey_parmcount--; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:WINKEY_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND winkey_parmcount:"); debug_serial_port->println(winkey_parmcount); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY if (winkey_parmcount == 0) { winkey_port_write(0xc0|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:WINKEY_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND:WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS"); debug_serial_port->println(winkey_parmcount); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } } //WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_1_COMMAND IS 101 if ((winkey_status > 100) && (winkey_status < 116)) { // Load Settings Command - this has 15 parameters, so we handle it a bit differently winkey_load_settings_command(winkey_status,incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status++; if (winkey_status > 115) { winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_LOAD_SETTINGS_PARM_15->NOCMD"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } } #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_EXTENDED_COMMANDS_WITH_DOLLAR_SIGNS if (winkey_status == WINKEY_EXTENDED_COMMAND) { //if (incoming_serial_byte != 36){ //beep(); //} else { boop(); beep(); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; //} } #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_EXTENDED_COMMANDS_WITH_DOLLAR_SIGNS if (winkey_status == WINKEY_SET_PINCONFIG_COMMAND) { winkey_set_pinconfig_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_MERGE_COMMAND) { #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PROSIGN); add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_MERGE_PARM_2_COMMAND; } else { if (winkey_status == WINKEY_MERGE_PARM_2_COMMAND) { add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_UNBUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND) { winkey_unbuffered_speed_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_FARNSWORTH_COMMAND) { winkey_farnsworth_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_HSCW_COMMAND) { if (incoming_serial_byte == 0) { #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER configuration.pot_activated = 1; #endif } else { configuration.wpm = ((incoming_serial_byte*100)/5); winkey_last_unbuffered_speed_wpm = configuration.wpm; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_STRICT_EEPROM_WRITES_MAY_WEAR_OUT_EEPROM config_dirty = 1; #endif } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_BUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:BUFFERED_SPEED_CMD:send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->println(send_buffer_bytes); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_WPM_CHANGE); add_to_send_buffer(0); add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte); #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:BUFFERED_SPEED_CMD:send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->println(send_buffer_bytes); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_BUFFERED_SPEED_COMMAND->NOCMD"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_BUFFERED_HSCW_COMMAND) { if (incoming_serial_byte > 1){ // the HSCW command is overloaded; 0 = buffered TX 1, 1 = buffered TX 2, > 1 = HSCW WPM unsigned int send_buffer_wpm = ((incoming_serial_byte*100)/5); add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_WPM_CHANGE); add_to_send_buffer(highByte(send_buffer_wpm)); add_to_send_buffer(lowByte(send_buffer_wpm)); } else { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TX_CHANGE); add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte+1); } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_KEY_BUFFERED_COMMAND) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_KEY_DOWN); add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_WAIT_BUFFERED_COMMAND) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_TIMED_WAIT); add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_BUFFFERED_PTT_COMMMAND) { if (incoming_serial_byte) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PTT_ON); } else { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PTT_OFF); } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_POINTER_01_COMMAND) { // move input pointer to new positon in overwrite mode winkey_buffer_pointer = incoming_serial_byte; winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:PTR1_CMD->NOCMD winkey_buffer_pointer:"); debug_serial_port->print(winkey_buffer_pointer); debug_serial_port->print("send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->println(send_buffer_bytes); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_POINTER_02_COMMAND) { // move input pointer to new position in append mode winkey_buffer_pointer = 0; winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:PTR2_CMD->NOCMD send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->print(send_buffer_bytes); debug_serial_port->print(" winkey_buffer_counter:"); debug_serial_port->print(winkey_buffer_counter); debug_serial_port->print(" winkey_buffer_pointer:"); debug_serial_port->println(winkey_buffer_pointer); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_POINTER_03_COMMAND) { // add multiple nulls to buffer #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:PTR3_CMD send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->print(send_buffer_bytes); debug_serial_port->print(" winkey_buffer_counter:"); debug_serial_port->print(winkey_buffer_counter); debug_serial_port->print(" winkey_buffer_pointer:"); debug_serial_port->println(winkey_buffer_pointer); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY byte serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite; for (byte x = incoming_serial_byte; x > 0; x--) { if (winkey_buffer_pointer > 0) { serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite = send_buffer_bytes - (winkey_buffer_counter - winkey_buffer_pointer) - 1; if ((send_buffer_bytes) && (serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite < send_buffer_bytes )) { send_buffer_array[serial_buffer_position_to_overwrite] = SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NULL; } winkey_buffer_pointer++; } else { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_NULL); winkey_buffer_counter++; } } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:PTR3_CMD->NO_CMD send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->print(send_buffer_bytes); debug_serial_port->print(" winkey_buffer_counter:"); debug_serial_port->print(winkey_buffer_counter); debug_serial_port->print(" winkey_buffer_pointer:"); debug_serial_port->println(winkey_buffer_pointer); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_POINTER_COMMAND) { switch (incoming_serial_byte) { case 0x00: winkey_buffer_counter = 0; winkey_buffer_pointer = 0; winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->print("service_winkey:PTR_CMD->NOCMD send_buffer_bytes:"); debug_serial_port->print(send_buffer_bytes); debug_serial_port->print(" winkey_buffer_counter:"); debug_serial_port->print(winkey_buffer_counter); debug_serial_port->print(" winkey_buffer_pointer:"); debug_serial_port->println(winkey_buffer_pointer); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x01: winkey_status = WINKEY_POINTER_01_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:PTR1_CMD"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x02: winkey_status = WINKEY_POINTER_02_COMMAND; // move to new position in append mode #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:PTR2_CMD"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x03: winkey_status = WINKEY_POINTER_03_COMMAND; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:PTR3_CMD"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; default: winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:PTR_CMD->NOCMD"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; } } #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT if (winkey_status == WINKEY_SEND_MSG) { if ((incoming_serial_byte > 0) && (incoming_serial_byte < 7)) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte - 1); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT if (winkey_status == WINKEY_ADMIN_COMMAND) { switch (incoming_serial_byte) { case 0x00: winkey_status = WINKEY_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND; winkey_parmcount = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:calib cmd UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND await 1 parm"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; // calibrate command case 0x01: #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:WINKEY_ADMIN_COMMAND 0x01"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY #if defined(__AVR__) //#ifndef ARDUINO_SAM_DUE asm volatile ("jmp 0"); /*wdt_enable(WDTO_30MS); while(1) {};*/ #else setup(); #endif //__AVR__ break; // reset command case 0x02: // host open command - send version back to host #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT winkey_port_write(WINKEY_2_REPORT_VERSION_NUMBER,1); #else //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT winkey_port_write(WINKEY_1_REPORT_VERSION_NUMBER,1); #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; manual_ptt_invoke = 0; winkey_host_open = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD hostopen"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_BLINK_PTT_ON_HOST_OPEN) blink_ptt_dits_and_dahs(".."); #else boop_beep(); #endif break; case 0x03: // host close command winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; manual_ptt_invoke = 0; winkey_host_open = 0; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_VERSION_ON_HOST_CLOSE #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT winkey_port_write(WINKEY_2_REPORT_VERSION_NUMBER,1); #else //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT winkey_port_write(WINKEY_1_REPORT_VERSION_NUMBER,1); #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_VERSION_ON_HOST_CLOSE #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD hostclose"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY beep_boop(); config_dirty = 1; #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT) && !defined(OPTION_WINKEY_2_HOST_CLOSE_NO_SERIAL_PORT_RESET) primary_serial_port->end(); primary_serial_port->begin(1200); #endif break; case 0x04: // echo command winkey_status = WINKEY_ADMIN_COMMAND_ECHO; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD_ECHO"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x05: // paddle A2D winkey_port_write(WINKEY_RETURN_THIS_FOR_ADMIN_PADDLE_A2D,0); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD paddleA2D"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x06: // speed A2D winkey_port_write(WINKEY_RETURN_THIS_FOR_ADMIN_SPEED_A2D,0); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD speedA2D"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x07: // Get values #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD winkey_admin_get_values"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_admin_get_values_command(); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; case 0x08: // reserved #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD0x08reserved-WTF"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; case 0x09: // get cal #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMDgetcal"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_port_write(WINKEY_RETURN_THIS_FOR_ADMIN_GET_CAL,0); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT case 0x0a: // set wk1 mode (10) wk2_mode = 1; winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD wk2_mode1"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x0b: // set wk2 mode (11) #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD wk2_mode2"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY beep(); beep(); wk2_mode = 2; winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; case 0x0c: // download EEPPROM 256 bytes (12) #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD winkey_eeprom_download"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_eeprom_download(); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; case 0x0d: // upload EEPROM 256 bytes (13) #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD uploadEEPROM"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_status = WINKEY_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND; // upload EEPROM 256 bytes winkey_parmcount = 256; break; case 0x0e: //(14) #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD WINKEY_SEND_MSG"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_status = WINKEY_SEND_MSG; break; case 0x0f: // load xmode (15) winkey_status = WINKEY_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND; winkey_parmcount = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD loadxmode"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; case 0x10: // reserved (16) winkey_port_write(zero,0); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; case 0x11: // set high baud rate (17) #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD sethighbaudrate"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY primary_serial_port->end(); primary_serial_port->begin(9600); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; case 0x12: // set low baud rate (18) #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD setlowbaudrate"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY primary_serial_port->end(); primary_serial_port->begin(1200); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; #endif //OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE case 0xF0: // Send SO2R device information #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD getSO2Rdeviceinfo"); #endif static const uint8_t device_info[] = { 0xAA, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x33, // Header 1, 0, 0, // SO2R Major, minor, patch 1, 0, // Protocol major, minor 0, // capabilities - bit 0 is stereo reverse, others undefined }; for (uint8_t i=0; iprintln("service_winkey:NO-OP"); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; break; #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE default: winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD->NOCMD"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY break; } } else { if (winkey_status == WINKEY_ADMIN_COMMAND_ECHO) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD echoabyte."); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY winkey_port_write(incoming_serial_byte,1); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_KEYING_COMPENSATION_COMMAND) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD WINKEY_KEYING_COMPENSATION_COMMAND byte"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY configuration.keying_compensation = incoming_serial_byte; winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_FIRST_EXTENSION_COMMAND) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_COMMAND WINKEY_FIRST_EXTENSION_COMMAND byte"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY first_extension_time = incoming_serial_byte; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY_PROTOCOL_USING_CW send_char('X',KEYER_NORMAL); #endif winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_PAUSE_COMMAND) { if (incoming_serial_byte) { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD WINKEY_PAUSE_COMMANDpause"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY pause_sending_buffer = 1; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey:ADMIN_CMD WINKEY_PAUSE_COMMANDunpause"); #endif //DEBUG_WINKEY pause_sending_buffer = 0; } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_KEY_COMMAND) { #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; if (incoming_serial_byte) { tx_and_sidetone_key(1); } else { tx_and_sidetone_key(0); } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_DAH_TO_DIT_RATIO_COMMAND) { winkey_dah_to_dit_ratio_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_WEIGHTING_COMMAND) { winkey_weighting_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_PTT_TIMES_PARM1_COMMAND) { winkey_ptt_times_parm1_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_PTT_TIMES_PARM2_COMMAND; } else { if (winkey_status == WINKEY_PTT_TIMES_PARM2_COMMAND) { winkey_ptt_times_parm2_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_SET_POT_PARM1_COMMAND) { winkey_set_pot_parm1_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_SET_POT_PARM2_COMMAND; } else { if (winkey_status == WINKEY_SET_POT_PARM2_COMMAND) { winkey_set_pot_parm2_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_SET_POT_PARM3_COMMAND; } else { if (winkey_status == WINKEY_SET_POT_PARM3_COMMAND) { // third parm is max read value from pot, depending on wiring winkey_set_pot_parm3_command(incoming_serial_byte); // WK2 protocol just ignores this third parm winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; // this is taken care of in winkey_set_pot_parm3() } } } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_SETMODE_COMMAND) { winkey_setmode_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_SOFTWARE_PADDLE_COMMAND) { #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif switch (incoming_serial_byte) { case 0: winkey_dit_invoke = 0; winkey_dah_invoke = 0; break; case 1: winkey_dit_invoke = 0; winkey_dah_invoke = 1; break; case 2: winkey_dit_invoke = 1; winkey_dah_invoke = 0; break; case 3: winkey_dah_invoke = 1; winkey_dit_invoke = 1; break; } winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (winkey_status == WINKEY_SIDETONE_FREQ_COMMAND) { winkey_sidetone_freq_command(incoming_serial_byte); winkey_status = WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } } // else (winkey_status == WINKEY_NO_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS) } // if (action == SERVICE_SERIAL_BYTE } #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE void service_command_line_interface(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { static byte cli_wait_for_cr_flag = 0; if (serial_backslash_command == 0) { incoming_serial_byte = uppercase(incoming_serial_byte); if ((incoming_serial_byte != 92) && (incoming_serial_byte != 27)) { // we do not have a backslash or ESC #if !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE) if (configuration.cli_mode == CLI_NORMAL_MODE){ if (cli_prosign_flag) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PROSIGN); cli_prosign_flag = 0; } if (cli_wait_for_cr_to_send_cw) { if (cli_wait_for_cr_flag == 0) { if (incoming_serial_byte > 31) { #ifdef DEBUG_CHECK_SERIAL port_to_use->println(F("check_serial: add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND)")); #endif add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND); cli_wait_for_cr_flag = 1; } } else { if (incoming_serial_byte == 13) { #ifdef DEBUG_CHECK_SERIAL port_to_use->println(F("check_serial: add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND_RELEASE)")); #endif add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND_RELEASE); cli_wait_for_cr_flag = 0; } } } add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte); } else { // configuration.cli_mode != CLI_NORMAL_MODE if (configuration.cli_mode == CLI_MILL_MODE_KEYBOARD_RECEIVE){ port_to_use->write(incoming_serial_byte); if (incoming_serial_byte == 13){port_to_use->println();} #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT sd_card_log("",incoming_serial_byte); #endif } else { // configuration.cli_mode == CLI_MILL_MODE_PADDLE_SEND port_to_use->println(); port_to_use->println(); if (incoming_serial_byte == 13){port_to_use->println();} port_to_use->write(incoming_serial_byte); configuration.cli_mode = CLI_MILL_MODE_KEYBOARD_RECEIVE; #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT sd_card_log("\r\nRX:",0); sd_card_log("",incoming_serial_byte); #endif } } //if (configuration.cli_mode == CLI_NORMAL_MODE) #else //!defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE) if (cli_prosign_flag) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PROSIGN); cli_prosign_flag = 0; } if (cli_wait_for_cr_to_send_cw) { if (cli_wait_for_cr_flag == 0) { if (incoming_serial_byte > 31) { #ifdef DEBUG_CHECK_SERIAL port_to_use->println(F("check_serial: add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND)")); #endif add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND); cli_wait_for_cr_flag = 1; } } else { if (incoming_serial_byte == 13) { #ifdef DEBUG_CHECK_SERIAL port_to_use->println(F("check_serial: add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND_RELEASE)")); #endif add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_HOLD_SEND_RELEASE); cli_wait_for_cr_flag = 0; } } } add_to_send_buffer(incoming_serial_byte); #endif // !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE) #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES if ((incoming_serial_byte != 13) && (incoming_serial_byte != 10)) {repeat_memory = 255;} #endif } else { //if ((incoming_serial_byte != 92) && (incoming_serial_byte != 27)) -- we got a backslash or ESC if (incoming_serial_byte == 92){ // backslash serial_backslash_command = 1; port_to_use->write(incoming_serial_byte); } else { // escape clear_send_buffer(); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES play_memory_prempt = 1; repeat_memory = 255; #endif } } } else { // (serial_backslash_command == 0) -- we already got a backslash incoming_serial_byte = uppercase(incoming_serial_byte); port_to_use->write(incoming_serial_byte); process_serial_command(port_to_use); serial_backslash_command = 0; port_to_use->println(); } } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) void check_serial(){ #if defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) if (check_serial_override){return;} #endif #ifdef DEBUG_SERIAL_SEND_CW_CALLOUT byte debug_serial_send_cw[2]; byte previous_tx = 0; byte previous_sidetone = 0; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering check_serial")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) { service_winkey(WINKEY_HOUSEKEEPING); } #endif while (primary_serial_port->available() > 0) { incoming_serial_byte = primary_serial_port->read(); #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM #ifdef DEBUG_SERIAL_SEND_CW_CALLOUT debug_serial_send_cw[0] = (incoming_serial_byte & 0xf0)>>4; debug_serial_send_cw[1] = incoming_serial_byte & 0x0f; for (byte x = 0;x < 2;x++) { if (debug_serial_send_cw[x] < 10) { debug_serial_send_cw[x] = debug_serial_send_cw[x] + 48; } else { debug_serial_send_cw[x] = debug_serial_send_cw[x] + 55; } } previous_tx = key_tx; key_tx = 0; previous_sidetone = configuration.sidetone_mode; configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; send_char(debug_serial_send_cw[0],0); send_char(debug_serial_send_cw[1],0); key_tx = previous_tx; configuration.sidetone_mode = previous_sidetone; #endif #if !defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) primary_serial_port->println(F("No serial features enabled...")); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) if (primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) { service_winkey(SERVICE_SERIAL_BYTE); } else { service_command_line_interface(primary_serial_port); } #else //defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE service_command_line_interface(primary_serial_port); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION service_winkey(SERVICE_SERIAL_BYTE); #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION #endif //defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) } //while (primary_serial_port->available() > 0) #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT while (secondary_serial_port->available() > 0) { incoming_serial_byte = secondary_serial_port->read(); #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM #ifdef DEBUG_SERIAL_SEND_CW_CALLOUT debug_serial_send_cw[0] = (incoming_serial_byte & 0xf0)>>4; debug_serial_send_cw[1] = incoming_serial_byte & 0x0f; for (byte x = 0;x < 2;x++) { if (debug_serial_send_cw[x] < 10) { debug_serial_send_cw[x] = debug_serial_send_cw[x] + 48; } else { debug_serial_send_cw[x] = debug_serial_send_cw[x] + 55; } } previous_tx = key_tx; key_tx = 0; previous_sidetone = configuration.sidetone_mode; configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; send_char(debug_serial_send_cw[0],0); send_char(debug_serial_send_cw[1],0); key_tx = previous_tx; configuration.sidetone_mode = previous_sidetone; #endif //DEBUG_SERIAL_SEND_CW_CALLOUT service_command_line_interface(secondary_serial_port); } // while (secondary_serial_port->available() > 0) #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) && defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_page_pause(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,byte seconds_timeout){ unsigned long pause_start_time = millis(); port_to_use->println("\r\nPress enter..."); while ((!port_to_use->available()) && (((millis()-pause_start_time)/1000) < seconds_timeout)){} while (port_to_use->available()){port_to_use->read();} } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) && defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) && defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void print_serial_help(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,byte paged_help){ port_to_use->println(F("\n\rK3NG Keyer Help\n\r")); port_to_use->println(F("CLI commands:")); port_to_use->println(F("\\#\t\t: Play memory # x")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\A\t\t: Iambic A")); port_to_use->println(F("\\B\t\t: Iambic B")); port_to_use->println(F("\\C\t\t: Single paddle")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC port_to_use->println(F("\\D\t\t: Ultimatic")); #endif port_to_use->println(F("\\E####\t\t: Set serial number to ####")); port_to_use->println(F("\\F####\t\t: Set sidetone to #### hz")); port_to_use->println(F("\\G\t\t: Switch to bug mode")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) #ifdef FEATURE_HELL port_to_use->println(F("\\H\t\t: Toggle CW / Hell mode")); #endif port_to_use->println(F("\\I\t\t: TX line disable/enable")); port_to_use->println(F("\\J###\t\t: Set dah to dit ratio")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) #ifdef FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE port_to_use->println(F("\\K\t\t: Training")); #endif port_to_use->println(F("\\L##\t\t: Set weighting (50 = normal)")); #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH port_to_use->println(F("\\M###\t\t: Set Farnsworth speed")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) #endif if (paged_help) {serial_page_pause(port_to_use,10);} port_to_use->println(F("\\N\t\t: Toggle paddle reverse")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\O\t\t: Toggle sidetone on/off")); //Added missing command (WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\Px\t: Program memory #x with ")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\Q#[#]\t\t: Switch to QRSS mode with ## second dit length")); port_to_use->println(F("\\R\t\t: Switch to regular speed (wpm) mode")); port_to_use->println(F("\\S\t\t: Status report")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\T\t\t: Tune mode")); port_to_use->println(F("\\U\t\t: PTT toggle")); #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER port_to_use->println(F("\\V\t\t: Potentiometer activate/deactivate")); #endif //FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER port_to_use->println(F("\\W#[#][#]\t: Change WPM to ###")); port_to_use->println(F("\\X#\t\t: Switch to transmitter #")); port_to_use->println(F("\\Y#\t\t: Change wordspace to #")); #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE port_to_use->println(F("\\Z\t\t: Autospace on/off")); #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE port_to_use->println(F("\\+\t\t: Create prosign")); //Changed description to match change log at top (WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\!##\t\t: Repeat play memory")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\|####\t\t: Set memory repeat (milliseconds)")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\*\t\t: Toggle paddle echo")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\`\t\t: Toggle straight key echo")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\^\t\t: Toggle wait for carriage return to send CW / send CW immediately")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) #ifdef FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING port_to_use->println(F("\\&\t\t: Toggle CMOS Super Keyer timing on/off")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\%##\t\t: Set CMOS Super Keyer timing %")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) #endif //FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING port_to_use->println(F("\\.\t\t: Toggle dit buffer on/off")); port_to_use->println(F("\\-\t\t: Toggle dah buffer on/off")); port_to_use->println(F("\\~\t\t: Reset unit")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\:\t\t: Toggle cw send echo")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\{\t\t: QLF mode on/off")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\>\t\t: Send serial number, then increment")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\<\t\t: Send current serial number")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\(\t\t: Send current serial number in cut numbers")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\)\t\t: Send serial number with cut numbers, then increment")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\[\t\t: Set quiet paddle interruption - 0 to 20 element lengths; 0 = off")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\]\t\t: PTT disable/enable")); #ifdef FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE port_to_use->println(F("\\=\t\t: Toggle American Morse mode")); //Added missing command(WD9DMP) #endif #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER port_to_use->println(F("\\}####\t\t: Set Potentiometer range")); #endif //FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER #if !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE) port_to_use->println(F("\\@\t\t: Mill Mode")); #endif port_to_use->println(F("\\\\\t\t: Empty keyboard send buffer")); //Moved to end of command list (WD9DMP) if (paged_help) {serial_page_pause(port_to_use,10);} //Memory Macros below (WD9DMP) #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS port_to_use->println(F("\nMemory Macros:")); port_to_use->println(F("\\#\t\t: Jump to memory #")); port_to_use->println(F("\\C\t\t: Send serial number with cut numbers, then increment"));//Added "then increment" (WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\D###\t\t: Delay for ### seconds")); port_to_use->println(F("\\E\t\t: Send serial number, then increment"));//Added "then increment" (WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\F####\t\t: Set sidetone to #### hz")); #ifdef FEATURE_HELL port_to_use->println(F("\\H\t\t: Switch to Hell mode")); #endif //FEATURE_HELL port_to_use->println(F("\\I\t\t: Insert memory #"));//Added missing macro (WD9DMP) #ifdef FEATURE_HELL port_to_use->println(F("\\L\t\t: Switch to CW (from Hell mode)")); #endif //FEATURE_HELL port_to_use->println(F("\\N\t\t: Decrement serial number - do not send"));//Added "do not send" (WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\Q##\t\t: Switch to QRSS with ## second dit length")); port_to_use->println(F("\\R\t\t: Switch to regular speed mode")); port_to_use->println(F("\\S\t\t: Insert space"));//Added missing macro (WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\T###\t\t: Transmit for ### seconds")); port_to_use->println(F("\\U\t\t: Key PTT")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\V\t\t: Unkey PTT")); //Upper case to first letter only(WD9DMP) port_to_use->println(F("\\W###\t\t: Change WPM to ###")); port_to_use->println(F("\\X#\t\t: Switch to transmitter #")); port_to_use->println(F("\\Y#\t\t: Increase speed # WPM")); port_to_use->println(F("\\Z#\t\t: Decrease speed # WPM")); port_to_use->println(F("\\+\t\t: Prosign the next two characters"));//Added "the next two characters" (WD9DMP) #endif //FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS #if !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) if (paged_help) {serial_page_pause(port_to_use,10);} port_to_use->println(F("\r\n\\:\tExtended CLLI commands")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\teepromdump\t\t- do a byte dump of EEPROM for troubleshooting")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tsaveeeprom \t- store EEPROM in a file")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tloadeeprom \t- load into EEPROM from a file")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tprintlog\t\t- print the SD card log")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tclearlog\t\t- clear the SD card log")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tls \t\t- list files in SD card directory")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tcat \t\t- print filename on SD card")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tpl \t- Set PTT lead time")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tpt \t- Set PTT tail time")); port_to_use->println(F("\t\tcomp \t- Set keying compensation time")); #endif //OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS port_to_use->println(F("\r\n\\/\t\t: Paginated help")); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void process_serial_command(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int user_input_temp = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE static int previous_dah_to_dit_ratio = 300; #endif //FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE //port_to_use->println(); switch (incoming_serial_byte) { case '~': #if defined(__AVR__) asm volatile ("jmp 0"); /*wdt_enable(WDTO_30MS); while(1) {} ;*/ #else //__AVR__ setup(); #endif //__AVR__ break; // ~ - reset unit case '*': // * - paddle echo on / off if (cli_paddle_echo) { cli_paddle_echo = 0; } else { cli_paddle_echo = 1; } break; #if defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) case '`': if (cli_straight_key_echo) { cli_straight_key_echo = 0; } else { cli_straight_key_echo = 1; } break; #endif //FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO case '+': cli_prosign_flag = 1; break; #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) case '?': print_serial_help(port_to_use,0); break; // ? = print help case '/': print_serial_help(port_to_use,1); break; // / = paged help #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP case 'A': // A - Iambic A mode configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_A; configuration.dit_buffer_off = 0; configuration.dah_buffer_off = 0; config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nIambic A")); break; case 'B': // B - Iambic B mode configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; configuration.dit_buffer_off = 0; configuration.dah_buffer_off = 0; config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nIambic B")); break; case 'C': // C - single paddle mode configuration.keyer_mode = SINGLE_PADDLE; config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nSingle Paddle")); break; #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case 'D': // D - Ultimatic mode configuration.keyer_mode = ULTIMATIC; configuration.dit_buffer_off = 1; configuration.dah_buffer_off = 1; config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nUltimatic")); break; #endif case 'E': serial_set_serial_number(port_to_use); break; // E - set serial number case 'F': serial_set_sidetone_freq(port_to_use); break; // F - set sidetone frequency case 'G': configuration.keyer_mode = BUG; config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nBug")); break; // G - Bug mode #ifdef FEATURE_HELL case 'H': // H - Hell mode if ((char_send_mode == CW) || (char_send_mode == AMERICAN_MORSE)){ char_send_mode = HELL; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nHell Mode")); } else { char_send_mode = CW; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nCW Mode")); } break; #endif //FEATURE_HELL #ifdef FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE case '=': // = - American Morse if ((char_send_mode == CW) || (char_send_mode == HELL)){ char_send_mode = AMERICAN_MORSE; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nAmerican Morse Mode")); previous_dah_to_dit_ratio = configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio; configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = 200; } else { char_send_mode = CW; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nInternational CW Mode")); configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = previous_dah_to_dit_ratio; } break; #endif //FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE case 'I': // I - transmit line on/off //port_to_use->print(F("\r\nTX o")); //WD9DMP-1 if (key_tx && keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) { //Added check that keyer is NOT in command mode or keyer might be enabled for paddle commands (WD9DMP-1) key_tx = 0; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nTX off")); //WD9DMP-1 } else if (!key_tx && keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) { //Added check that keyer is NOT in command mode or keyer might be enabled for paddle commands (WD9DMP-1) key_tx = 1; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nTX on")); //WD9DMP-1 } else {port_to_use->print(F("\r\nERROR: Keyer in Command Mode\r\n"));} //Print error message if keyer in Command Mode and user tries to change tx line(s) on/off. (WD9DMP-1) break; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case 33: repeat_play_memory(port_to_use); break; // ! - repeat play case 124: serial_set_memory_repeat(port_to_use); break; // | - set memory repeat time case 48: serial_play_memory(9); break; // 0 - play memory 10 case 49: // 1-9 - play memory # case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: serial_play_memory(incoming_serial_byte-49); break; case 80: repeat_memory = 255; serial_program_memory(port_to_use); break; // P - program memory #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES case 'Q': serial_qrss_mode(); break; // Q - activate QRSS mode case 'R': speed_mode = SPEED_NORMAL; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nQRSS Off")); break; // R - activate regular timing mode case 'S': serial_status(port_to_use); break; // S - Status command case 'J': serial_set_dit_to_dah_ratio(port_to_use); break; // J - dit to dah ratio #ifdef FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE case 'K': serial_cw_practice(port_to_use); break; // K - CW practice #endif //FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE case 'L': serial_set_weighting(port_to_use); break; #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH case 'M': serial_set_farnsworth(port_to_use); break; // M - set Farnsworth speed #endif case 'N': // N - paddle reverse port_to_use->print(F("\r\nPaddles ")); if (configuration.paddle_mode == PADDLE_NORMAL) { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_REVERSE; port_to_use->println(F("Reversed")); } else { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_NORMAL; port_to_use->println(F("Normal")); } config_dirty = 1; break; case 'O': // O - cycle through sidetone modes on, paddle only and off - enhanced by Marc-Andre, VE2EVN port_to_use->print(F("\r\nSidetone ")); if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_OFF; boop(); port_to_use->println(F("Off")); } else if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY; beep(); delay(200); beep(); port_to_use->println(F("Paddle Only")); } else { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; beep(); port_to_use->println(F("On")); } config_dirty = 1; break; case 'T': // T - tune #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif serial_tune_command(port_to_use); break; case 'U': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nPTT O")); if (ptt_line_activated) { manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } else { manual_ptt_invoke = 1; configuration.ptt_disabled = 0; config_dirty = 1; ptt_key(); port_to_use->println(F("n")); } break; #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER case 'V': // V - toggle pot activation port_to_use->print(F("\r\nPotentiometer ")); configuration.pot_activated = !configuration.pot_activated; if (configuration.pot_activated) { port_to_use->print(F("A")); } else { port_to_use->print(F("Dea")); } port_to_use->println(F("ctivated")); config_dirty = 1; break; case '}': serial_set_pot_low_high(port_to_use); break; #endif case 'W': serial_wpm_set(port_to_use);break; // W - set WPM case 'X': serial_switch_tx(port_to_use);break; // X - switch transmitter case 'Y': serial_change_wordspace(port_to_use); break; #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE case 'Z': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nAutospace O")); if (configuration.autospace_active) { configuration.autospace_active = 0; config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } else { configuration.autospace_active = 1; config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->println(F("n")); } break; #endif case 92: // \ - double backslash - clear serial send buffer clear_send_buffer(); #if !defined(OPTION_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT_CHECKING_WHILE_SENDING_CW) loop_element_lengths_breakout_flag = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES play_memory_prempt = 1; repeat_memory = 255; #endif break; case '^': // ^ - toggle send CW send immediately if (cli_wait_for_cr_to_send_cw) { cli_wait_for_cr_to_send_cw = 0; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nSend CW immediately")); } else { cli_wait_for_cr_to_send_cw = 1; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nWait for CR to send CW")); } break; #ifdef FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING case '&': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nCMOS Super Keyer Timing O")); if (configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on) { configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on = 0; port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } else { configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on = 1; port_to_use->println(F("n")); configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; } config_dirty = 1; break; case '%': user_input_temp = serial_get_number_input(2,-1,100,port_to_use, RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if ((user_input_temp >= 0) && (user_input_temp < 100)) { configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent = user_input_temp; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nCMOS Super Keyer Timing Set.")); } config_dirty = 1; break; #endif //FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING case '.': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nDit Buffer O")); if (configuration.dit_buffer_off) { configuration.dit_buffer_off = 0; port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { configuration.dit_buffer_off = 1; port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } config_dirty = 1; break; case '-': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nDah Buffer O")); if (configuration.dah_buffer_off) { configuration.dah_buffer_off = 0; port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { configuration.dah_buffer_off = 1; port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } config_dirty = 1; break; case ';': if (cw_send_echo_inhibit){ cw_send_echo_inhibit = 0; } else { cw_send_echo_inhibit = 1; } break; #ifdef FEATURE_QLF case '{': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nQLF: O")); if (qlf_active){ qlf_active = 0; port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } else { qlf_active = 1; port_to_use->println(F("n")); } break; #endif //FEATURE_QLF case '>': send_serial_number(0,1,1); break; case '<': send_serial_number(0,0,1); break; case '(': send_serial_number(1,0,1); break; case ')': send_serial_number(1,1,1); break; case '[': user_input_temp = serial_get_number_input(2,-1,21,port_to_use,RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if ((user_input_temp >= 0) && (user_input_temp < 21)) { configuration.paddle_interruption_quiet_time_element_lengths = user_input_temp; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nPaddle Interruption Quiet Time set.")); } config_dirty = 1; break; #if !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE) case '@': switch(configuration.cli_mode){ case CLI_NORMAL_MODE: configuration.cli_mode = CLI_MILL_MODE_KEYBOARD_RECEIVE; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nMill Mode On")); break; case CLI_MILL_MODE_PADDLE_SEND: case CLI_MILL_MODE_KEYBOARD_RECEIVE: configuration.cli_mode = CLI_NORMAL_MODE; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nMill Mode Off")); break; } config_dirty = 1; break; #endif // !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE) case '"': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nPTT Buffered Character Hold O")); if (configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active){ configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active = 0; port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } else { configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active = 1; port_to_use->println(F("n")); } config_dirty = 1; break; case ']': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nPTT ")); if (configuration.ptt_disabled){ configuration.ptt_disabled = 0; port_to_use->print(F("En")); } else { configuration.ptt_disabled = 1; ptt_unkey(); port_to_use->print(F("Dis")); } port_to_use->println(F("abled")); config_dirty = 1; break; #if defined(FEATURE_BEACON_SETTING) case '_': port_to_use->print(F("\r\nBeacon Mode At Boot Up ")); if (!configuration.beacon_mode_on_boot_up){ configuration.beacon_mode_on_boot_up = 1; port_to_use->print(F("En")); } else { configuration.beacon_mode_on_boot_up = 0; port_to_use->print(F("Dis")); } port_to_use->println(F("abled")); config_dirty = 1; break; #endif #if !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) case ':': cli_extended_commands(port_to_use); break; #endif default: port_to_use->println(F("\r\nUnknown command")); break; } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) void cli_extended_commands(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { byte incoming_serial_byte = 0; byte looping = 1; String userinput = ""; while (looping) { if (port_to_use->available() == 0) { // wait for the next keystroke if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { // might as well do something while we're waiting check_paddles(); service_dit_dah_buffers(); service_send_buffer(PRINTCHAR); check_ptt_tail(); #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER if (configuration.pot_activated) { check_potentiometer(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER } } else { incoming_serial_byte = port_to_use->read(); port_to_use->write(incoming_serial_byte); if ((incoming_serial_byte == 8) || (incoming_serial_byte == 127)){ // backspace / DEL userinput.remove(userinput.length()-1,1); } incoming_serial_byte = uppercase(incoming_serial_byte); if ((incoming_serial_byte > 31) && (incoming_serial_byte < 127)) { userinput.concat((char)incoming_serial_byte); } if (incoming_serial_byte == 13 || incoming_serial_byte == 10) { // carriage return - get out looping = 0; } } } //while (looping) if (userinput.startsWith("EEPROMDUMP")){cli_eeprom_dump(port_to_use);return;} if (userinput.startsWith("TIMING")){cli_timing_print(port_to_use);return;} if (userinput.startsWith("PL ")){cli_timing_command(port_to_use,userinput.substring(3),COMMAND_PL);return;} if (userinput.startsWith("PT ")){cli_timing_command(port_to_use,userinput.substring(3),COMMAND_PT);return;} #if defined(FEATURE_SEQUENCER) if (userinput.startsWith("PA ")){cli_timing_command(port_to_use,userinput.substring(3),COMMAND_PA);return;} if (userinput.startsWith("PI ")){cli_timing_command(port_to_use,userinput.substring(3),COMMAND_PI);return;} #endif //FEATURE_SEQUENCER #if defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) if (userinput.startsWith("SAVEEEPROM ")){sd_card_save_eeprom_to_file(port_to_use,userinput.substring(11));return;} if (userinput.startsWith("LOADEEPROM ")){sd_card_load_eeprom_from_file(port_to_use,userinput.substring(11));return;} if (userinput.startsWith("PRINTLOG")){sd_card_print_file(port_to_use,"/keyer/keyer.log");return;} if (userinput.startsWith("CLEARLOG")){sd_card_clear_log_file(port_to_use,"/keyer/keyer.log");return;} if (userinput.startsWith("LS ")){cli_sd_ls_command(port_to_use,userinput.substring(3));return;} if (userinput.startsWith("CAT ")){sd_card_print_file(port_to_use,userinput.substring(4));return;} #endif // defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) #if defined(FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO) if (userinput.startsWith("PF ")){cli_paddle_echo_factor(port_to_use,userinput.substring(3));return;} #endif // defined(FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO) #if defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) if (userinput.startsWith("AF ")){cli_autospace_timing_factor(port_to_use,userinput.substring(3));return;} #endif // defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) if (userinput.startsWith("COMP ")){cli_keying_compensation(port_to_use,userinput.substring(5));return;} port_to_use->println(F("\r\nError")); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) void cli_keying_compensation(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String command_arguments){ configuration.keying_compensation = command_arguments.toInt(); config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->print(F("\r\nKeying Compensation Set To: ")); port_to_use->print(configuration.keying_compensation); port_to_use->println(F(" mS")); if (configuration.keying_compensation > (0.90 * (1200.0/(float)configuration.wpm))) { port_to_use->println(F("WARNING: This is setting is probably too high for your current speed setting.")); } config_dirty = 1; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) void cli_autospace_timing_factor(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String command_arguments){ configuration.autospace_timing_factor = command_arguments.toInt(); config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->print(F("\r\nAutospace Timing Factor Set To: ")); port_to_use->println((float)configuration.autospace_timing_factor/(float)100); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) void cli_paddle_echo_factor(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String command_arguments){ configuration.cw_echo_timing_factor = command_arguments.toInt(); config_dirty = 1; port_to_use->print(F("\r\nPaddle Echo Factor Set To: ")); port_to_use->println((float)configuration.cw_echo_timing_factor/(float)100); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) void cli_timing_command(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String command_arguments,byte command_called){ byte valid_command = 0; unsigned int parm1 = 0; unsigned int parm2 = 0; String temp_string; temp_string = command_arguments.substring(0,1); parm1 = temp_string.toInt(); temp_string = command_arguments.substring(2); parm2 = temp_string.toInt(); if ((command_called == COMMAND_PL) || (command_called == COMMAND_PT)){ if ((parm1 > 0) && (parm1 < 7)){ if (command_called == COMMAND_PL){ configuration.ptt_lead_time[parm1 - 1] = parm2; } else { configuration.ptt_tail_time[parm1 - 1] = parm2; } valid_command = 1; } } #if defined(FEATURE_SEQUENCER) if ((command_called == COMMAND_PA) || (command_called == COMMAND_PI)){ if ((parm1 > 0) && (parm1 < 6)){ if (command_called == COMMAND_PA){ configuration.ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[parm1 - 1] = parm2; } else { configuration.ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[parm1 - 1] = parm2; } valid_command = 1; } } #endif //FEATURE_SEQUENCER if (!valid_command){ port_to_use->println(F("\r\nError.")); } else { config_dirty = 1; } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) void cli_timing_print(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use){ port_to_use->println(F("\r\nTimings (mS)")); port_to_use->println(F("\r\nPTT")); port_to_use->println(F("TX\tLead\tTail")); port_to_use->println(F("--\t----\t----")); for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++){ port_to_use->print(x+1); port_to_use->print("\t"); port_to_use->print(configuration.ptt_lead_time[x]); port_to_use->print("\t"); port_to_use->println(configuration.ptt_tail_time[x]); } #if defined(FEATURE_SEQUENCER) port_to_use->println(F("\r\nSequencer")); port_to_use->println(F("#\tPTT Active to Sequencer Active\tPTT Inactive to Sequencer Inactive")); port_to_use->println(F("-\t------------------------------\t----------------------------------")); for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++){ port_to_use->print(x+1); port_to_use->print("\t\t\t"); port_to_use->print(configuration.ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[x]); port_to_use->print("\t\t\t\t"); port_to_use->println(configuration.ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[x]); } #endif //FEATURE_SEQUENCER port_to_use->println(F("\r\nCommand Hints\r\n")); port_to_use->println(F("pl \tSet PTT lead time")); port_to_use->println(F("pt \tSet PTT tail time")); #if defined(FEATURE_SEQUENCER) port_to_use->println(F("pa <#> \t\tSet PTT active to Sequencer active time")); port_to_use->println(F("pi <#> \t\tSet PTT inactive to Sequencer inactive time")); #endif //FEATURE_SEQUENCER } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) void cli_sd_ls_command(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String directory){ port_to_use->println(); File dir = SD.open(directory); while (true) { File entry = dir.openNextFile(); if (! entry) { // no more files break; } if (entry.isDirectory()) { port_to_use->print("/"); port_to_use->println(entry.name()); } else { // files have sizes, directories do not port_to_use->print(entry.name()); port_to_use->print("\t\t"); port_to_use->println(entry.size(), DEC); } entry.close(); } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) void sd_card_clear_log_file(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String filename) { if(sd_card_log_state == SD_CARD_LOG_OPEN){ sdlogfile.close(); } SD.remove(filename); sdlogfile = SD.open(filename,FILE_WRITE); sd_card_log_state = SD_CARD_LOG_NOT_OPEN; if (!sdfile){ port_to_use->println(F("Unable to open file ")); sd_card_state = SD_CARD_ERROR; sd_card_log_state = SD_CARD_LOG_ERROR; } sdlogfile.close(); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) void sd_card_print_file(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String filename) { sdfile = SD.open(filename); if (!sdfile){ port_to_use->print(F("Unable to open file ")); port_to_use->println(filename); } else { port_to_use->println(F("\r\nSTART")); while(sdfile.available()){ port_to_use->write(sdfile.read()); } port_to_use->println(F("\r\nEND")); } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) void sd_card_load_eeprom_from_file(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String filename) { uint8_t eeprom_byte_; unsigned int x; sdfile = SD.open(filename, FILE_READ); if (sdfile) { port_to_use->print(F("Loading eeprom from ")); port_to_use->print(filename); } else { port_to_use->println(F("Error opening file. Exiting.")); return; } for (x = 0; x < memory_area_end; x++) { if (sdfile.available()){ EEPROM.write(x,sdfile.read()); if ((x % 16) == 0){port_to_use->print("#");} } else { x = memory_area_end; port_to_use->println(F("\r\nHit end of file before end of eeprom")); } } sdfile.close(); port_to_use->println(F("\r\nReading settings from eeprom.")); read_settings_from_eeprom(); port_to_use->println(F("Done.")); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) && defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) void sd_card_save_eeprom_to_file(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,String filename) { uint8_t eeprom_byte_in; unsigned int x; SD.remove(filename); sdfile = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE); if (sdfile) { port_to_use->print(F("Writing to ")); port_to_use->print(filename); } else { port_to_use->println(F("Error opening file. Exiting.")); return; } for (x = 0; x < memory_area_end; x++) { eeprom_byte_in = EEPROM.read(x); sdfile.write(eeprom_byte_in); if ((x % 16) == 0){port_to_use->print(".");} } sdfile.close(); port_to_use->println(F("Done.")); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && d!defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) void cli_eeprom_dump(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use){ byte eeprom_byte_in; byte y = 0; int w = 0; int x = 0; #define EEPROM_DUMP_COLUMNS 32 #define EEPROM_DUMP_LINES 30 for (x = 0; x < memory_area_end; x++) { if (y == 0){ port_to_use->print("\r\n"); if (x < 0x1000){port_to_use->print("0");} if (x < 0x100){port_to_use->print("0");} if (x < 0x10){port_to_use->print("0");} port_to_use->print(x,HEX); port_to_use->print("\t"); } eeprom_byte_in = EEPROM.read(x); if (eeprom_byte_in < 0x10){port_to_use->print("0");} port_to_use->print(eeprom_byte_in,HEX); port_to_use->write(" "); y++; if (y > (EEPROM_DUMP_COLUMNS - 1)){ port_to_use->print("\t"); for (int z = x - y; z < x; z++) { eeprom_byte_in = EEPROM.read(z); if ((eeprom_byte_in > 31) && (eeprom_byte_in < 127)){ port_to_use->write(eeprom_byte_in); } else { port_to_use->print("."); } } y = 0; w++; if (w > EEPROM_DUMP_LINES){ port_to_use->println(F("\r\nPress enter...")); while(!port_to_use->available()){} while(port_to_use->available()){port_to_use->read();} w = 0; } } } if (y > 0){ for (int z = (EEPROM_DUMP_COLUMNS - y); z > 0; z--){ port_to_use->write(" "); } port_to_use->print("\t"); for (int z = x - y; z < x; z++) { eeprom_byte_in = EEPROM.read(z); if ((eeprom_byte_in > 31) && (eeprom_byte_in < 127)){ port_to_use->write(eeprom_byte_in); } else { port_to_use->print("."); } } } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_CLI_COMMANDS) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO void service_paddle_echo() { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOP debug_serial_port->println(F("loop: entering service_paddle_echo")); #endif static byte paddle_echo_space_sent = 1; byte character_to_send = 0; static byte no_space = 0; #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) byte byte_temp = 0; static char * prosign_temp = (char*)""; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_DISPLAY) && defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS) byte ascii_temp = 0; #endif //defined(FEATURE_DISPLAY) && defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS) #if defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) static byte backspace_flag = 0; if (paddle_echo_buffer == 111111) {paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = 0; backspace_flag = 1;} //this is a special hack to make repeating backspace work #endif //defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT char temp_string[2]; #endif if ((paddle_echo_buffer) && (millis() > paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time)) { #if defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) switch (paddle_echo_buffer){ case 111111: case 1111111: case 11111111: case 111111111: Keyboard.write(KEY_BACKSPACE); // backspace no_space = 1; break; #ifdef OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_GERMAN // DL1HTB changed sign AA for return to BK case 2111212: // return prosign BK #else case 1212: // prosign AA #endif //OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_GERMAN // #end DL1HTB changed sign AA for return to BK Keyboard.write(KEY_RETURN); no_space = 1; break; case 211222: // prosign DO Keyboard.write(KEY_CAPS_LOCK); #ifdef OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_CAPSLOCK_BEEP if (cw_keyboard_capslock_on){ beep();delay(100); boop(); cw_keyboard_capslock_on = 0; } else { boop(); beep(); cw_keyboard_capslock_on = 1; } #endif //OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_CAPSLOCK_BEEP no_space = 1; break; #ifdef OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_ITALIAN // courtesy of Giorgio IZ2XBZ case 122121: // "@" Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_ALT); Keyboard.write(59); Keyboard.releaseAll(); break; case 112211:// "?" Keyboard.write(95); break; case 11221: // "!" Keyboard.write(33); break; case 21121: // "/" Keyboard.write(38); break; case 21112: // "=" or "BT" Keyboard.write(41); break; case 12212: //à Keyboard.write(39); break; case 11211: //è Keyboard.write(91); break; case 12221: //ì Keyboard.write(61); break; case 2221: //ò Keyboard.write(59); break; case 1122: //ù Keyboard.write(92); break; case 21221: // ( Keyboard.write(42); break; case 212212: // ) Keyboard.write(40); break; case 12111: // & Keyboard.write(94); break; case 222111: //: Keyboard.write(62); break; case 212121: //; Keyboard.write(60); break; case 12121: //+ Keyboard.write(93); break; case 211112: // - Keyboard.write(47); break; #endif //OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_ITALIAN #ifdef OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_GERMAN // DL1HTB added german keyboard mapping case 122121: // "@" Keyboard.press(KEY_RIGHT_ALT); Keyboard.write('q'); Keyboard.releaseAll(); break; case 112211: // "?" Keyboard.write(95); break; case 11221: // "!" Keyboard.write(33); break; case 21121: // "/" Keyboard.write(38); break; case 222222: // "\" Keyboard.press(KEY_RIGHT_ALT); Keyboard.write('-'); Keyboard.releaseAll(); // Keyboard.write(92); break; case 21112: // "=" or "BT" Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT); Keyboard.write('0'); Keyboard.releaseAll(); break; case 1212: // "ä" Keyboard.write(39); break; case 2221: // "ö" Keyboard.write(59); break; case 1122: // "ü" Keyboard.write(91); break; case 2222: // "ch" Keyboard.write(99); Keyboard.write(104); break; case 2122: // "y" Keyboard.write(122); break; case 2211: // "z" Keyboard.write(121); break; case 21221: // "(" Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT); Keyboard.write('8'); Keyboard.releaseAll(); break; case 212212: // ")" Keyboard.write(40); break; case 12111: // "&" "AS" Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT); Keyboard.write('6'); Keyboard.releaseAll(); break; case 222111: // ":" Keyboard.write(62); break; case 212121: // ";" Keyboard.write(60); break; case 12121: // "+" Keyboard.write(93); break; case 211112: // "-" Keyboard.write(47); break; #endif //OPTION_CW_KEYBOARD_GERMAN // #end DL1HTB added german keyboard mapping default: character_to_send = convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer); // if ((character_to_send > 64) && (character_to_send < 91)) {character_to_send = character_to_send + 32;} if ((cw_keyboard_capslock_on == 0) && (character_to_send > 64) && (character_to_send < 91)) {character_to_send = character_to_send + 32;} if (character_to_send=='*'){ no_space = 1; #ifdef OPTION_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_ERROR_TONE boop(); #endif //OPTION_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_ERROR_TONE } else { if (!((backspace_flag) && ((paddle_echo_buffer == 1) || (paddle_echo_buffer == 11) || (paddle_echo_buffer == 111) || (paddle_echo_buffer == 1111) || (paddle_echo_buffer == 11111)))){ Keyboard.write(char(character_to_send)); } backspace_flag = 0; } break; } #ifdef DEBUG_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->print("service_paddle_echo: Keyboard.write: "); debug_serial_port->write(character_to_send); debug_serial_port->println(); #endif //DEBUG_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD #endif //defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (lcd_paddle_echo){ #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) #ifndef OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS byte_temp = convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer); if ((byte_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (byte_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ prosign_temp = convert_prosign(byte_temp); display_scroll_print_char(prosign_temp[0]); display_scroll_print_char(prosign_temp[1]); } else { display_scroll_print_char(byte(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer))); } #else //OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS ascii_temp = byte(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer)); if ((ascii_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (ascii_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ prosign_temp = convert_prosign(ascii_temp); display_scroll_print_char(prosign_temp[0]); display_scroll_print_char(prosign_temp[1]); } else { switch (ascii_temp){ case 220: ascii_temp = 0;break; // U_umlaut (D, ...) case 214: ascii_temp = 1;break; // O_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 196: ascii_temp = 2;break; // A_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 198: ascii_temp = 3;break; // AE_capital (OZ, LA) case 216: ascii_temp = 4;break; // OE_capital (OZ, LA) case 197: ascii_temp = 6;break; // AA_capital (OZ, LA, SM) case 209: ascii_temp = 7;break; // N-tilde (EA) } display_scroll_print_char(ascii_temp); } #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS #else // ! OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT #ifndef OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS display_scroll_print_char(byte(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer))); #else //OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS ascii_temp = byte(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer)); switch (ascii_temp){ case 220: ascii_temp = 0;break; // U_umlaut (D, ...) case 214: ascii_temp = 1;break; // O_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 196: ascii_temp = 2;break; // A_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 198: ascii_temp = 3;break; // AE_capital (OZ, LA) case 216: ascii_temp = 4;break; // OE_capital (OZ, LA) case 197: ascii_temp = 6;break; // AA_capital (OZ, LA, SM) case 209: ascii_temp = 7;break; // N-tilde (EA) } display_scroll_print_char(ascii_temp); #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS #endif //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) byte_temp = convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer); if (cli_paddle_echo){ if ((byte_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (byte_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ primary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[0]); primary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[1]); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[0]); secondary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[1]); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT } else { if (configuration.cli_mode == CLI_MILL_MODE_KEYBOARD_RECEIVE){ primary_serial_port->println(); primary_serial_port->println(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->println(); secondary_serial_port->println(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT sd_card_log("\r\nTX:",0); #endif configuration.cli_mode = CLI_MILL_MODE_PADDLE_SEND; } primary_serial_port->write(byte_temp); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(byte_temp); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT sd_card_log("",incoming_serial_byte); #endif } } #else // ! OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT if (cli_paddle_echo){ if (configuration.cli_mode == CLI_MILL_MODE_KEYBOARD_RECEIVE){ primary_serial_port->println(); primary_serial_port->println(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->println(); secondary_serial_port->println(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT sd_card_log("\r\nTX:",0); #endif configuration.cli_mode = CLI_MILL_MODE_PADDLE_SEND; } primary_serial_port->write(byte(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer))); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(byte(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer))); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT sd_card_log("",convert_cw_number_to_ascii(paddle_echo_buffer)); #endif } #endif //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) paddle_echo_buffer = 0; paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time = millis() + (float(600/configuration.wpm)*length_letterspace); paddle_echo_space_sent = 0; } // is it time to echo a space? if ((paddle_echo_buffer == 0) && (millis() > (paddle_echo_buffer_decode_time + (float(1200/configuration.wpm)*(configuration.length_wordspace-length_letterspace)))) && (!paddle_echo_space_sent)) { #if defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) if (!no_space){ Keyboard.write(' '); #ifdef DEBUG_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->println("service_paddle_echo: Keyboard.write: "); #endif //DEBUG_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD } no_space = 0; #endif //defined(FEATURE_CW_COMPUTER_KEYBOARD) #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (lcd_paddle_echo){ display_scroll_print_char(' '); } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) if (cli_paddle_echo){ primary_serial_port->write(" "); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(" "); #endif } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) #ifdef FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT sd_card_log(" ",0); #endif paddle_echo_space_sent = 1; } } #endif //FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) void serial_set_memory_repeat(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int temp_int = serial_get_number_input(5, -1, 32000, port_to_use, RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if (temp_int > -1) { configuration.memory_repeat_time = temp_int; config_dirty = 1; } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) void repeat_play_memory(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { byte memory_number = serial_get_number_input(2,0, (number_of_memories+1), port_to_use, RAISE_ERROR_MSG); #ifdef DEBUG_CHECK_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print(F("repeat_play_memory: memory_number:")); debug_serial_port->println(memory_number); #endif //DEBUG_SERIAL if (memory_number > -1) { repeat_memory = memory_number - 1; } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) void serial_play_memory(byte memory_number) { if (memory_number < number_of_memories) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(memory_number); repeat_memory = 255; } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) int serial_get_number_input(byte places,int lower_limit, int upper_limit,PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,int raise_error_message) { byte incoming_serial_byte = 0; byte looping = 1; byte error = 0; String numberstring = ""; byte numberindex = 0; int numbers[6]; while (looping) { if (port_to_use->available() == 0) { // wait for the next keystroke if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { // might as well do something while we're waiting check_paddles(); service_dit_dah_buffers(); service_send_buffer(PRINTCHAR); check_ptt_tail(); #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER if (configuration.pot_activated) { check_potentiometer(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER } } else { incoming_serial_byte = port_to_use->read(); port_to_use->write(incoming_serial_byte); if ((incoming_serial_byte > 47) && (incoming_serial_byte < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") numberstring = numberstring + incoming_serial_byte; numbers[numberindex] = incoming_serial_byte; numberindex++; if (numberindex > places){ looping = 0; error = 1; } } else { if (incoming_serial_byte == 13) { // carriage return - get out looping = 0; } else { // bogus input - error out looping = 0; error = 1; } } } } if (error) { if (raise_error_message == RAISE_ERROR_MSG){ port_to_use->println(F("Error...")); } while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { incoming_serial_byte = port_to_use->read(); } // clear out buffer return(-1); } else { int y = 1; int return_number = 0; for (int x = (numberindex - 1); x >= 0 ; x = x - 1) { return_number = return_number + ((numbers[x]-48) * y); y = y * 10; } if ((return_number > lower_limit) && (return_number < upper_limit)) { return(return_number); } else { if (raise_error_message == RAISE_ERROR_MSG){ port_to_use->println(F("Error...")); } return(-1); } } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_change_wordspace(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int set_wordspace_to = serial_get_number_input(2,0,100,port_to_use, RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if (set_wordspace_to > 0) { config_dirty = 1; configuration.length_wordspace = set_wordspace_to; port_to_use->write("\r\nWordspace set to "); port_to_use->println(set_wordspace_to,DEC); } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_switch_tx(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int set_tx_to = serial_get_number_input(1,0,7,port_to_use,RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if (set_tx_to > 0) { switch (set_tx_to){ case 1: switch_to_tx_silent(1); port_to_use->print(F("\r\nSwitching to TX #")); port_to_use->println(F("1")); break; case 2: if ((ptt_tx_2) || (tx_key_line_2)) {switch_to_tx_silent(2); port_to_use->print(F("\r\nSwitching to TX #"));} port_to_use->println(F("2")); break; case 3: if ((ptt_tx_3) || (tx_key_line_3)) {switch_to_tx_silent(3); port_to_use->print(F("\r\nSwitching to TX #"));} port_to_use->println(F("3")); break; case 4: if ((ptt_tx_4) || (tx_key_line_4)) {switch_to_tx_silent(4); port_to_use->print(F("\r\nSwitching to TX #"));} port_to_use->println(F("4")); break; case 5: if ((ptt_tx_5) || (tx_key_line_5)) {switch_to_tx_silent(5); port_to_use->print(F("\r\nSwitching to TX #"));} port_to_use->println(F("5")); break; case 6: if ((ptt_tx_6) || (tx_key_line_6)) {switch_to_tx_silent(6); port_to_use->print(F("\r\nSwitching to TX #"));} port_to_use->println(F("6")); break; } } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_set_dit_to_dah_ratio(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int set_ratio_to = serial_get_number_input(4, 99, 1000, port_to_use, DONT_RAISE_ERROR_MSG); // if ((set_ratio_to > 99) && (set_ratio_to < 1000)) { // configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = set_ratio_to; // port_to_use->print(F("Setting dah to dit ratio to ")); // port_to_use->println((float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio)/100)); // config_dirty = 1; // } if ((set_ratio_to < 100) || (set_ratio_to > 999)) { set_ratio_to = 300; } configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = set_ratio_to; port_to_use->write("\r\nDah to dit ratio set to "); port_to_use->println((float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio)/100)); config_dirty = 1; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_set_serial_number(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int set_serial_number_to = serial_get_number_input(4,0,10000, port_to_use,RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if (set_serial_number_to > 0) { serial_number = set_serial_number_to; port_to_use->write("\r\nSetting serial number to "); port_to_use->println(serial_number); } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER) void serial_set_pot_low_high(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int serial_get_number = serial_get_number_input(4,500,10000, port_to_use,RAISE_ERROR_MSG); int low_number = (serial_get_number / 100); int high_number = serial_get_number % (int(serial_get_number / 100)*100); if ((low_number < high_number) && (low_number >= wpm_limit_low) && (high_number <= wpm_limit_high)){ port_to_use->print(F("\r\nSetting potentiometer range to ")); port_to_use->print(low_number); port_to_use->print(F(" - ")); port_to_use->print(high_number); port_to_use->println(F(" WPM")); pot_wpm_low_value = low_number; pot_wpm_high_value = high_number; } else { port_to_use->println(F("\nError")); } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_set_sidetone_freq(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int set_sidetone_hz = serial_get_number_input(4,(sidetone_hz_limit_low-1),(sidetone_hz_limit_high+1), port_to_use, RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if ((set_sidetone_hz > sidetone_hz_limit_low) && (set_sidetone_hz < sidetone_hz_limit_high)) { port_to_use->write("\r\nSetting sidetone to "); port_to_use->print(set_sidetone_hz,DEC); port_to_use->println(F(" hz")); configuration.hz_sidetone = set_sidetone_hz; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9) lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); else lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone " + String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_wpm_set(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int set_wpm = serial_get_number_input(3,0,1000, port_to_use, RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if (set_wpm > 0) { speed_set(set_wpm); port_to_use->write("\r\nSetting WPM to "); port_to_use->println(set_wpm,DEC); config_dirty = 1; } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_FARNSWORTH) void serial_set_farnsworth(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int set_farnsworth_wpm = serial_get_number_input(3,-1,1000, port_to_use, RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if ((set_farnsworth_wpm > 0) || (set_farnsworth_wpm == 0)) { configuration.wpm_farnsworth = set_farnsworth_wpm; port_to_use->write("\r\nSetting Farnsworth WPM to "); port_to_use->println(set_farnsworth_wpm,DEC); config_dirty = 1; } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_set_weighting(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int set_weighting = serial_get_number_input(2,9,91,port_to_use, DONT_RAISE_ERROR_MSG); if (set_weighting < 1) { set_weighting = 50; } configuration.weighting = set_weighting; port_to_use->write("\r\nSetting weighting to "); port_to_use->println(set_weighting,DEC); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_tune_command (PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { byte incoming; delay(100); while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there incoming = port_to_use->read(); } sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); port_to_use->println(F("\r\nKeying tx - press a key to unkey")); #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while ((port_to_use->available() == 0) && (!analogbuttonread(0))) {} // keystroke or button0 hit gets us out of here #else while (port_to_use->available() == 0) {} #endif while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there incoming = port_to_use->read(); } tx_and_sidetone_key(0); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE String generate_callsign(byte callsign_mode) { static String callsign(10); char nextchar; char word_buffer[10]; callsign = ""; if (callsign_mode == CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL){ if (random(1,101) < 96) { // start with a letter 96% of the time nextchar = random(65,91); callsign = callsign + nextchar; if (random(1,101) < 20) { // randomly add second prefix letter 20% of the time nextchar = random(65,91); callsign = callsign + nextchar; } } else { // start with a number nextchar = random(49,58); // generate the number callsign = callsign + nextchar; nextchar = random(65,91); // must add a letter next callsign = callsign + nextchar; } } //CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL if (callsign_mode == CALLSIGN_US){ switch (random(1,5)) { case 1: callsign = "K"; break; case 2: callsign = "W"; break; case 3: callsign = "N"; break; case 4: callsign = "A"; break; } if (callsign == "A") { // if the first letter is A, we definitely need a second letter before the number nextchar = random(65,91); callsign = callsign + nextchar; } else { // randomly add a second letter for K, W, N prefixes if (random(1,101) < 51) { nextchar = random(65,91); callsign = callsign + nextchar; } } } //CALLSIGN_US if (callsign_mode == CALLSIGN_CANADA){ strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(canadian_prefix_table[random(0,canadian_prefix_size)]))); callsign = word_buffer; } if (callsign_mode == CALLSIGN_EUROPEAN){ strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(eu_prefix_table[random(0,eu_prefix_size)]))); callsign = word_buffer; } if (callsign_mode != CALLSIGN_CANADA){ nextchar = random(48,58); // generate the number callsign = callsign + nextchar; } nextchar = random(65,91); // generate first letter after number callsign = callsign + nextchar; if ((random(1,101) < 40) || (callsign_mode == CALLSIGN_CANADA)) { // randomly put a second character after the number nextchar = random(65,91); callsign = callsign + nextchar; if ((random(1,101) < 96) || (callsign_mode == CALLSIGN_CANADA)) { // randomly put a third character after the number nextchar = random(65,91); callsign = callsign + nextchar; } } if (random(1,101) < 10) { // randomly put a slash something on the end like /QRP or /# if (random(1,101) < 25) { callsign = callsign + "/QRP"; } else { nextchar = random(48,58); callsign = callsign + "/" + nextchar; } } return callsign; } #endif //FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) // void paqso_practice(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use){ // // VT100 emulation in Linux: screen /dev/ttyACM1 115200 term vt100 // #define CONTEST_PRACTICE_IDLE 0 // #define CONTEST_PRACTICE_CQ_SENT 1 // #define CONTEST_PRACTICE_REPORT_SENT 2 // #define FIELD_CALLSIGN 0 // #define FIELD_NR 1 // #define FIELD_SECTION 2 // byte overall_state = CONTEST_PRACTICE_IDLE; // byte loop1 = 1; // byte user_input_buffer[10]; // byte user_input_buffer_characters = 0; // byte incoming_char = 0; // byte process_user_input_buffer = 0; // unsigned long escape_flag_time = 0; // String callsign; // String nr; // String section; // byte cq_answered = 0; // unsigned long transition_time = 0; // byte current_field = FIELD_CALLSIGN; // int previous_sidetone = configuration.hz_sidetone; // int previous_wpm = configuration.wpm; // int caller_sidetone = 0; // int caller_wpm_delta = 0; // while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there // port_to_use->read(); // } // term.init(); // term.cls(); // term.position(0,0); // term.println(F("\nPA QSO Party Practice\n")); // term.println(F("This requires VT100 emulation!\n")); // term.println(F("F1 - Call CQ")); // term.println(F("F2 - Exchange")); // term.println(F("F3 - TU")); // term.println(F("Insert - Callsign + Exchange")); // term.println(F("\\ - Exit\n")); // term.println(F("Callsign NR Section")); // term.println(F("-------- ---- -------\n\n")); // while (loop1){ // // get user keyboard input // if (port_to_use->available()){ // user_input_buffer[user_input_buffer_characters] = toupper(port_to_use->read()); // switch(user_input_buffer[user_input_buffer_characters]){ // case 27: //escape // escape_flag_time = millis(); // user_input_buffer_characters++; // case 13: //return // case 32: //space // process_user_input_buffer = 1; // break; // case 127: // case 8: //backspace // if (user_input_buffer_characters > 0){user_input_buffer_characters--;} // port_to_use->write(27); // port_to_use->write(91); // port_to_use->write(49); // port_to_use->write(68); // break; // default: // if (!(((user_input_buffer[user_input_buffer_characters-1] == 27) && (user_input_buffer[user_input_buffer_characters] == 79) && (user_input_buffer_characters>0)) || // ((user_input_buffer[user_input_buffer_characters-2] == 27) && (user_input_buffer[user_input_buffer_characters-1] == 79) && (user_input_buffer_characters>1)))){ // port_to_use->write(user_input_buffer[user_input_buffer_characters]); // } // user_input_buffer_characters++; // break; // } //switch(user_input_buffer[user_input_buffer_characters]) // if (user_input_buffer_characters == 10){process_user_input_buffer = 1;} // }//(port_to_use->available()) // // process user keyboard input // if ((process_user_input_buffer) && ((escape_flag_time == 0) || ((millis()-escape_flag_time) > 100))){ // #ifdef DEBUG_CW_PRACTICE // debug_serial_port->print(F("escape_flag_time: process_user_input_buffer user_input_buffer_characters:")); // debug_serial_port->println(user_input_buffer_characters); // #endif // if (user_input_buffer_characters > 0){ // if (user_input_buffer[0] == '\\'){ // does user want to exit? // loop1 = 0; // } else { // if (user_input_buffer[0] == 27){ // if (user_input_buffer_characters == 3){ // if ((user_input_buffer[1] == 79) && (user_input_buffer[2] == 80)) { //VT100 F1 key // configuration.hz_sidetone = previous_sidetone; // configuration.wpm = previous_wpm; // add_to_send_buffer('C'); // add_to_send_buffer('Q'); // add_to_send_buffer(' '); // add_to_send_buffer('T'); // add_to_send_buffer('E'); // add_to_send_buffer('S'); // add_to_send_buffer('T'); // add_to_send_buffer(' '); // add_to_send_buffer('D'); // add_to_send_buffer('E'); // add_to_send_buffer(' '); // add_to_send_buffer('K'); // add_to_send_buffer('3'); // add_to_send_buffer('N'); // add_to_send_buffer('G'); // overall_state = CONTEST_PRACTICE_CQ_SENT; // transition_time = millis(); // } //((user_input_buffer[1] == 79) && (user_input_buffer[2] == 80)) VT100 F1 key // } //(user_input_buffer_characters == 3) // if (user_input_buffer_characters == 4){ // if ((user_input_buffer[1] == 91) && (user_input_buffer[2] == 50) && (user_input_buffer[3] == 126)) { //VT100 INS key // for (byte x = 0; x < user_input_buffer_characters; x++) { // add_to_send_buffer(user_input_buffer[x]); // } // add_to_send_buffer(' '); // add_to_send_buffer('0'); // add_to_send_buffer('0'); // add_to_send_buffer('1'); // add_to_send_buffer(' '); // add_to_send_buffer('C'); // add_to_send_buffer('A'); // add_to_send_buffer('R'); // configuration.hz_sidetone = previous_sidetone; // configuration.wpm = previous_wpm; // overall_state = CONTEST_PRACTICE_REPORT_SENT; // } // } //(user_input_buffer_characters == 4) // } else { //(user_input_buffer[0] == 27) // // we have a callsign, nr, or section // switch(current_field){ // case FIELD_CALLSIGN: // callsign = ""; // for (byte x = 0; x < user_input_buffer_characters; x++) { // callsign.concat(char(user_input_buffer[x])); // } // current_field = FIELD_NR; // break; // case FIELD_NR: // nr = ""; // for (byte x = 0; x < user_input_buffer_characters; x++) { // nr.concat(char(user_input_buffer[x])); // } // current_field = FIELD_SECTION; // break; // case FIELD_SECTION: // section = ""; // for (byte x = 0; x < user_input_buffer_characters; x++) { // section.concat(char(user_input_buffer[x])); // } // current_field = FIELD_CALLSIGN; // break; // } // term.position(13,0); // term.print(callsign); // term.position(13,9); // term.print(nr); // term.position(13,14); // term.println(section); // term.position(15,0); // term.print(F(" ")); // term.position(15,0); // } // } //(user_input_buffer[0] == '\\') // } //(user_input_buffer_characters > 0) // process_user_input_buffer = 0; // user_input_buffer_characters = 0; // escape_flag_time = 0; // } //((process_user_input_buffer) && ((escape_flag_time == 0) || ((millis() -escape_flag_time) > 100))) // //do autonomous events // service_send_buffer(NOPRINT); // switch(overall_state){ // case CONTEST_PRACTICE_CQ_SENT: // if (send_buffer_bytes == 0){ // if (!cq_answered){ // if (((millis() - transition_time) > random(250,1500))){ // add some random delay // callsign = generate_callsign(); // caller_sidetone = random(500,1000); // configuration.hz_sidetone = caller_sidetone; // caller_wpm_delta = random(-5,5); // configuration.wpm = configuration.wpm + caller_wpm_delta; // for (byte x = 0; x < (callsign.length()); x++) { // add_to_send_buffer(callsign[x]); // } // cq_answered = 1; // transition_time = millis(); // } // } else { //send it again // if ((cq_answered) && ((millis() - transition_time) > random(2000,4000))){ // configuration.hz_sidetone = caller_sidetone; // configuration.wpm = configuration.wpm + caller_wpm_delta; // for (byte x = 0; x < (callsign.length()); x++) { // add_to_send_buffer(callsign[x]); // } // cq_answered++; // transition_time = millis(); // } // } // } else { // transition_time = millis(); // } //send_buffer_bytes == 0 // break; //CONTEST_PRACTICE_CQ_SENT // } //switch(overall_state) // } //while (loop1) // configuration.hz_sidetone = previous_sidetone; // configuration.wpm = previous_wpm; // send_buffer_bytes = 0; // } // #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_cw_practice(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { byte menu_loop = 1; byte menu_loop2 = 1; char incoming_char = ' '; check_serial_override = 1; byte previous_key_tx_state = key_tx; key_tx = 0; while(menu_loop){ while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there port_to_use->read(); } port_to_use->println(F("\r\n\nCW Training Menu\n")); port_to_use->println(F("C - Receive Practice")); port_to_use->println(F("I - Keyboard Interactive Receive Practice")); port_to_use->println(F("R - Random Groups Receive Practice")); port_to_use->println(F("W - Wordsworth Receive Practice")); port_to_use->println(F("E - Receive / Transmit Echo Practice")); //port_to_use->println("2 - PA QSO Party"); // Don't think this is working right / wasn't finished - Goody 2017-05-01 port_to_use->println(F("\nX - Exit\n")); menu_loop2 = 1; while (menu_loop2) { if (port_to_use->available()){ incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); if ((incoming_char != 10) && (incoming_char != 13)){ menu_loop2 = 0; } } } incoming_char = toUpperCase(incoming_char); switch(incoming_char){ case 'X': menu_loop = 0; break; case 'C': serial_receive_practice_menu(port_to_use,PRACTICE_NON_INTERACTIVE); break; case 'I': serial_receive_practice_menu(port_to_use,PRACTICE_INTERACTIVE); break; case 'R': serial_random_menu(port_to_use); break; case 'W': serial_wordsworth_menu(port_to_use); break; case 'E': serial_receive_transmit_echo_menu(port_to_use); break; //case '2': paqso_practice(port_to_use); break; } //switch(incoming_char) } //while(menu_loop) port_to_use->println(F("Exited Training module...")); check_serial_override = 0; key_tx = previous_key_tx_state; paddle_echo_buffer = 0; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_receive_transmit_echo_menu(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { byte menu_loop = 1; byte menu_loop2 = 1; char incoming_char = ' '; while(menu_loop) { while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there port_to_use->read(); } port_to_use->println(F("\r\n\nReceive / Transmit Echo Practice Menu\n")); port_to_use->println(F("I - International Callsigns")); port_to_use->println(F("U - US Callsigns")); port_to_use->println(F("E - European Callsigns")); port_to_use->println(F("C - Canadian Callsigns")); port_to_use->println(F("P - Progressive 5 Character Groups")); port_to_use->println(F("2 - Two Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("3 - Three Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("4 - Four Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("N - Names")); port_to_use->println(F("Q - QSO Words")); port_to_use->println(F("M - Mixed\n")); port_to_use->println(F("\nX - Exit\n")); menu_loop2 = 1; while (menu_loop2) { if (port_to_use->available()){ incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); if ((incoming_char != 10) && (incoming_char != 13)) { menu_loop2 = 0; } } } incoming_char = toUpperCase(incoming_char); switch(incoming_char) { case 'X': menu_loop = 0; break; case 'I': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL); break; case 'U': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_US); break; case 'E': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_EUROPEAN); break; case 'C': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_CANADA); break; case 'P': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,ECHO_PROGRESSIVE_5); break; case '2': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,ECHO_2_CHAR_WORDS); break; case '3': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,ECHO_3_CHAR_WORDS); break; case '4': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,ECHO_4_CHAR_WORDS); break; case 'N': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,ECHO_NAMES); break; case 'M': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,ECHO_MIXED); break; case 'Q': receive_transmit_echo_practice(port_to_use,ECHO_QSO_WORDS); break; } //switch(incoming_char) } // while(menu_loop) port_to_use->println(F("Exiting receive / transmit echo practice...")); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void receive_transmit_echo_practice(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use, byte practice_mode_called) { byte loop1 = 1; byte loop2 = 0; byte x = 0; byte user_send_loop = 0; String cw_to_send_to_user(10); char incoming_char = ' '; String user_sent_cw = ""; byte paddle_hit = 0; unsigned long last_element_time = 0; unsigned long cw_char; byte speed_mode_before = speed_mode; byte keyer_mode_before = configuration.keyer_mode; byte progressive_step_counter; byte practice_mode; char word_buffer[10]; speed_mode = SPEED_NORMAL; // put us in normal speed mode if ((configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_A) && (configuration.keyer_mode != IAMBIC_B)) { configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; // we got to be in iambic mode (life is too short to make this work in bug mode) } randomSeed(millis()); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_clear(); if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17) { lcd_center_print_timed("Receive / Transmit", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed("Echo Practice", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("RX / TX", 0, default_display_msg_delay); if (LCD_ROWS > 1) { if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9) { lcd_center_print_timed("EchoPrct", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Echo Practice", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } } } service_display(); #endif port_to_use->println(F("Receive / Transmit Echo Practice\r\n\r\nCopy the code and send it back using the paddle.")); port_to_use->println(F("Enter a blackslash \\ to exit.\r\n")); while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); } port_to_use->print(F("Press enter to start...\r\n")); while (port_to_use->available() == 0) { } while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); } while (loop1) { if (practice_mode_called == ECHO_MIXED){ practice_mode = random(ECHO_2_CHAR_WORDS,ECHO_QSO_WORDS+1); } else { practice_mode = practice_mode_called; } progressive_step_counter = 255; switch (practice_mode) { case CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL: case CALLSIGN_US: case CALLSIGN_EUROPEAN: case CALLSIGN_CANADA: cw_to_send_to_user = generate_callsign(practice_mode); break; case ECHO_PROGRESSIVE_5: cw_to_send_to_user = (char)random(65,91); cw_to_send_to_user.concat((char)random(65,91)); cw_to_send_to_user.concat((char)random(65,91)); cw_to_send_to_user.concat((char)random(65,91)); cw_to_send_to_user.concat((char)random(65,91)); progressive_step_counter = 1; break; case ECHO_2_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s2_table[random(0,s2_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; break; case ECHO_3_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s3_table[random(0,s3_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; break; case ECHO_4_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s4_table[random(0,s4_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; break; case ECHO_NAMES: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(name_table[random(0,name_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; break; case ECHO_QSO_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(qso_table[random(0,qso_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; break; } // switch (practice_mode) loop2 = 1; while (loop2){ user_send_loop = 1; user_sent_cw = ""; cw_char = 0; x = 0; // send the CW to the user while ((x < (cw_to_send_to_user.length())) && (x < progressive_step_counter)) { send_char(cw_to_send_to_user[x],KEYER_NORMAL); // test port_to_use->print(cw_to_send_to_user[x]); // x++; } port_to_use->println(); while (user_send_loop) { // get their paddle input #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY service_display(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER if (configuration.pot_activated) { check_potentiometer(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_paddles(); if (dit_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dit(); dit_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cw_char = (cw_char * 10) + 1; last_element_time = millis(); } if (dah_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dah(); dah_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cw_char = (cw_char * 10) + 2; last_element_time = millis(); } // have we hit letterspace time (end of a letter?) if ((paddle_hit) && (millis() > (last_element_time + (float(600/configuration.wpm) * length_letterspace)))) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->println(F("receive_transmit_echo_practice: user_send_loop: hit length_letterspace")); #endif // DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL incoming_char = convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cw_char); port_to_use->print(incoming_char); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(incoming_char); service_display(); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY user_sent_cw.concat(incoming_char); cw_char = 0; paddle_hit = 0; // TODO - print it to serial and lcd } // do we have all the characters from the user? - if so, get out of user_send_loop if ((user_sent_cw.length() >= cw_to_send_to_user.length()) || ((progressive_step_counter < 255) && (user_sent_cw.length() == progressive_step_counter))) { user_send_loop = 0; port_to_use->println(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(' '); service_display(); #endif } // does the user want to exit? while(port_to_use->available() > 0) { incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); user_send_loop = 0; loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); // clear the LEDs as we exit if (wrong_answer_led) digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, LOW); } #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while (analogbuttonread(0)) { // can exit by pressing the Command Mode button user_send_loop = 0; loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); // clear the LEDs as we exit if (wrong_answer_led) digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, LOW); } #endif // FEATURE_BUTTONS } //while (user_send_loop) if (loop1 && loop2) { if (progressive_step_counter < 255) { // we're in progressive mode if (user_sent_cw.substring(0,progressive_step_counter) == cw_to_send_to_user.substring(0,progressive_step_counter)) { // characters are correct if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, HIGH); // set the correct answer LED high if (wrong_answer_led) digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, LOW); // clear the wrong answer LED beep(); send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); progressive_step_counter++; if (progressive_step_counter == 6) { // all five characters are correct loop2 = 0; unsigned int NEWtone = 400; // the initial tone freuency for the tone sequence unsigned int TONEduration = 50; // define the duration of each tone element in the tone sequence to drive a speaker for (int k=0; k<6; k++) { // a loop to generate some increasing tones tone(sidetone_line,NEWtone); // generate a tone on the speaker pin delay(TONEduration); // hold the tone for the specified delay period noTone(sidetone_line); // turn off the tone NEWtone = NEWtone*1.25; // calculate a new value for the tone frequency } // end for send_char(' ', 0); send_char(' ', 0); } } else { // characters are wrong if (wrong_answer_led) digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, HIGH); // set the wrong answer LED high if (correct_answer_led) digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); // clear the correct answer LED boop(); send_char(' ', 0); send_char(' ', 0); } } else { if (user_sent_cw == cw_to_send_to_user) { // we only get here if progressive_step_counter is equal to 255 beep(); send_char(' ', 0); send_char(' ',0); loop2 = 0; } else { boop(); send_char(' ',0); send_char(' ',0); } } } } // loop2 } // loop1 speed_mode = speed_mode_before; configuration.keyer_mode = keyer_mode_before; paddle_echo_buffer = 0; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_receive_practice_menu(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,byte practice_mode){ byte menu_loop = 1; byte menu_loop2 = 1; char incoming_char = ' '; while(menu_loop) { while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there port_to_use->read(); } if (practice_mode == PRACTICE_INTERACTIVE){ port_to_use->println(F("\r\n\nInteractive Receive Practice Menu\n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("\r\n\nReceive Practice Menu\n")); } port_to_use->println(F("I - International Callsigns")); port_to_use->println(F("U - US Callsigns")); port_to_use->println(F("E - European Callsigns")); port_to_use->println(F("C - Canadian Callsigns")); port_to_use->println(F("2 - Two Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("3 - Three Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("4 - Four Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("N - Names")); port_to_use->println(F("Q - QSO Words")); port_to_use->println(F("M - Mixed Words\n")); port_to_use->println(F("\nX - Exit\n")); menu_loop2 = 1; while (menu_loop2){ if (port_to_use->available()){ incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); if ((incoming_char != 10) && (incoming_char != 13)){ menu_loop2 = 0; } } } incoming_char = toUpperCase(incoming_char); if (practice_mode == PRACTICE_INTERACTIVE){ switch(incoming_char){ case 'X': menu_loop = 0; break; case 'I': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL); break; case 'U': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_US); break; case 'E': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_EUROPEAN); break; case 'C': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_CANADA); break; case '2': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_2_CHAR_WORDS); break; case '3': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_3_CHAR_WORDS); break; case '4': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_4_CHAR_WORDS); break; case 'N': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_NAMES); break; case 'M': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_MIXED); break; case 'Q': serial_practice_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_QSO_WORDS); break; } //switch(incoming_char) } else { switch(incoming_char){ case 'X': menu_loop = 0; break; case 'I': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL); break; case 'U': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_US); break; case 'E': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_EUROPEAN); break; case 'C': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,CALLSIGN_CANADA); break; case '2': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_2_CHAR_WORDS); break; case '3': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_3_CHAR_WORDS); break; case '4': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_4_CHAR_WORDS); break; case 'N': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_NAMES); break; case 'M': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_MIXED); break; case 'Q': serial_practice_non_interactive(port_to_use,PRACTICE_QSO_WORDS); break; } // switch(incoming_char) } } // while(menu_loop) port_to_use->println(F("Exiting callsign training...")); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_set_wordspace_parameters(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,byte mode_select) { byte menu_loop = 1; byte menu_loop2 = 1; char incoming_char = ' '; unsigned int temp_value; while(menu_loop){ while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there port_to_use->read(); } switch(mode_select){ case WORDSWORTH_WORDSPACE: port_to_use->print(F("\r\nEnter Wordspace >")); break; case WORDSWORTH_WPM: port_to_use->print(F("\r\nEnter WPM >")); break; case WORDSWORTH_REPETITION: port_to_use->print(F("\r\nEnter Repetition >")); break; } menu_loop2 = 1; temp_value = 0; while (menu_loop2){ if (port_to_use->available()){ incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); if ((incoming_char > 47) && (incoming_char < 58)){ port_to_use->print(incoming_char); temp_value = (temp_value * 10) + (incoming_char - 48); } if (incoming_char == 13){ // Enter Key menu_loop2 = 0; } } } // validate value if (temp_value == 0){ menu_loop = 0; // just blow out if nothing was entered } else { if ((temp_value > 0) && (temp_value < 101) && (mode_select == WORDSWORTH_WPM)){ configuration.wpm = temp_value; config_dirty = 1; menu_loop = 0; } else { if ((temp_value > 1) && (temp_value < 13) && (mode_select == WORDSWORTH_WORDSPACE)){ configuration.wordsworth_wordspace = temp_value; config_dirty = 1; menu_loop = 0; } else { if ((temp_value > 0) && (temp_value < 11) && (mode_select == WORDSWORTH_REPETITION)){ configuration.wordsworth_repetition = temp_value; config_dirty = 1; menu_loop = 0; } else { port_to_use->println(F("\r\nOMG that's an invalid value. Try again, OM...")); } } } } } //while(menu_loop) } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_random_menu(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use){ byte menu_loop = 1; byte menu_loop2 = 1; char incoming_char = ' '; while(menu_loop){ while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there port_to_use->read(); } port_to_use->println(F("\r\n\nRandom Code Receive Practice Menu\n")); port_to_use->println(F("A - Letter Groups")); port_to_use->println(F("1 - Number Groups")); port_to_use->println(F("M - Mixed Groups")); port_to_use->println(F("\nX - Exit\n")); menu_loop2 = 1; while (menu_loop2){ if (port_to_use->available()){ incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); if ((incoming_char != 10) && (incoming_char != 13)){ menu_loop2 = 0; } } } incoming_char = toUpperCase(incoming_char); switch(incoming_char){ case 'A': random_practice(port_to_use,RANDOM_LETTER_GROUPS,5); break; case '1': random_practice(port_to_use,RANDOM_NUMBER_GROUPS,5); break; case 'M': random_practice(port_to_use,RANDOM_MIXED_GROUPS,5); break; case 'X': menu_loop = 0; break; } //switch(incoming_char) } //while(menu_loop) port_to_use->println(F("Exiting Random code module...")); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void random_practice(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,byte random_mode,byte group_size) { byte loop1 = 1; byte x = 0; byte y = 0; char incoming_char = ' '; char random_character = 0; randomSeed(millis()); port_to_use->println(F("Random group practice\r\n")); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_clear(); if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("RndGroup", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Random Group", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_ROWS > 1){ lcd_center_print_timed("Practice", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); } while (loop1){ switch(random_mode){ case RANDOM_LETTER_GROUPS: random_character = random(65,91); break; case RANDOM_NUMBER_GROUPS: random_character = random(48,58); break; case RANDOM_MIXED_GROUPS: random_character = random(65,101); if (random_character > 90) {random_character = random_character - 43;}; break; } send_char(random_character,KEYER_NORMAL); port_to_use->print(random_character); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(random_character); service_display(); #endif x++; if (x == group_size){ send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); port_to_use->print(" "); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(' '); service_display(); #endif x = 0; y++; } if (y > 4){ port_to_use->println(""); y = 0; } if (port_to_use->available()){ port_to_use->read(); loop1 = 0; } #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) || (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) || (analogbuttonread(0))) { loop1 = 0; } #else while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) || (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW)) { loop1 = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_BUTTONS } //loop1 } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_wordsworth_menu(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use){ byte menu_loop = 1; byte menu_loop2 = 1; char incoming_char = ' '; byte effective_wpm_factor[] = {100,93,86,81,76,71,68,64,61,58,56,53}; while(menu_loop){ while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there port_to_use->read(); } port_to_use->println(F("\r\n\nWordsworth Menu\n")); port_to_use->println(F("2 - Two Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("3 - Three Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("4 - Four Letter Words")); port_to_use->println(F("N - Names")); port_to_use->println(F("Q - QSO Words")); port_to_use->println(F("M - Mixed\n")); port_to_use->println(F("O - Set Wordspace")); port_to_use->println(F("W - Set WPM")); port_to_use->println(F("R - Set Repetition")); port_to_use->println(F("\nX - Exit\n")); port_to_use->print(F("WPM:")); port_to_use->print(configuration.wpm); port_to_use->print(F(" Wordspace:")); port_to_use->print(configuration.wordsworth_wordspace); port_to_use->print(F(" Effective WPM:")); port_to_use->print(configuration.wpm * (effective_wpm_factor[configuration.wordsworth_wordspace-1]/100.0),0); port_to_use->print(F(" Repetition:")); port_to_use->println(configuration.wordsworth_repetition); port_to_use->println("\r\n\nEnter choice >"); menu_loop2 = 1; while (menu_loop2){ if (port_to_use->available()){ incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); if ((incoming_char != 10) && (incoming_char != 13)){ menu_loop2 = 0; } } } incoming_char = toUpperCase(incoming_char); switch(incoming_char){ case '2': wordsworth_practice(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_2_CHAR_WORDS); break; case '3': wordsworth_practice(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_3_CHAR_WORDS); break; case '4': wordsworth_practice(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_4_CHAR_WORDS); break; case 'N': wordsworth_practice(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_NAMES); break; case 'M': wordsworth_practice(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_MIXED); break; case 'Q': wordsworth_practice(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_QSO_WORDS); break; case 'W': serial_set_wordspace_parameters(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_WPM); break; case 'O': serial_set_wordspace_parameters(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_WORDSPACE); break; case 'R': serial_set_wordspace_parameters(port_to_use,WORDSWORTH_REPETITION); break; case 'X': menu_loop = 0; break; } //switch(incoming_char) } //while(menu_loop) port_to_use->println(F("Exiting Wordsworth module...")); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void wordsworth_practice(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,byte practice_type) { byte loop1 = 1; byte loop2; byte loop3; unsigned int word_index; char word_buffer[10]; byte x; byte not_printed; byte practice_type_called = practice_type; byte repetitions; randomSeed(millis()); port_to_use->println(F("Wordsworth practice...\n")); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_clear(); if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Wrdswrth", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Wordsworth", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_ROWS > 1){ lcd_center_print_timed("Practice", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there port_to_use->read(); } while (loop1){ if (practice_type_called == WORDSWORTH_MIXED){ practice_type = random(WORDSWORTH_2_CHAR_WORDS,WORDSWORTH_QSO_WORDS+1); } else { practice_type = practice_type_called; } switch(practice_type){ case WORDSWORTH_2_CHAR_WORDS: word_index = random(0,s2_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s2_table[word_index]))); break; case WORDSWORTH_3_CHAR_WORDS: word_index = random(0,s3_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s3_table[word_index]))); break; case WORDSWORTH_4_CHAR_WORDS: word_index = random(0,s4_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s4_table[word_index]))); break; case WORDSWORTH_NAMES: word_index = random(0,name_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(name_table[word_index]))); break; case WORDSWORTH_QSO_WORDS: word_index = random(0,qso_size); // min parm is inclusive, max parm is exclusive strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(qso_table[word_index]))); break; } #if defined(DEBUG_WORDSWORTH) debug_serial_port->print("wordsworth_practice: word_index:"); debug_serial_port->println(word_index); debug_serial_port->print("wordsworth_practice: word_buffer:"); debug_serial_port->println(word_buffer); #endif loop3 = 1; repetitions = 0; while ((loop3) && (repetitions < configuration.wordsworth_repetition)){ // word sending loop loop2 = 1; x = 0; while (loop2){ //character sending loop #if defined(DEBUG_WORDSWORTH) debug_serial_port->print("wordsworth_practice: send_char:"); debug_serial_port->print(word_buffer[x]); debug_serial_port->print(" "); debug_serial_port->println((byte)word_buffer[x]); #endif //word_buffer[x] = toUpperCase(word_buffer[x]); // word files should be in CAPS #if defined(OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS) if (((byte)word_buffer[x] == 195) || ((byte)word_buffer[x] == 197)){ // do we have a unicode character? x++; if ((word_buffer[x] != 0) && (x < 10)){ send_char(convert_unicode_to_send_char_code((byte)word_buffer[x-1],(byte)word_buffer[x]),KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(convert_unicode_to_send_char_code((byte)word_buffer[x-1],(byte)word_buffer[x])); service_display(); #endif x++; } } else { send_char(word_buffer[x],KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(word_buffer[x]); service_display(); #endif x++; } #else //OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS send_char(word_buffer[x],KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(word_buffer[x]); service_display(); #endif x++; #endif //OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS not_printed = 1; if ((word_buffer[x] == 0) || (x > 9)){ // are we at the end of the word? loop2 = 0; for (int y = 0;y < (configuration.wordsworth_wordspace-1);y++){ // send extra word spaces send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(' '); service_display(); #endif if (((y > ((configuration.wordsworth_wordspace-1)/2)) || (configuration.wordsworth_wordspace < 4)) && (not_printed)){ port_to_use->println(word_buffer); not_printed = 0; } if (port_to_use->available()){ port_to_use->read(); y = 99; loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; loop3 = 0; } } } if (port_to_use->available()){ port_to_use->read(); loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; loop3 = 0; } } //loop2 repetitions++; } //loop3 } //loop1 } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_practice_interactive(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,byte practice_type_called) { byte loop1 = 1; byte loop2 = 0; byte x = 0; byte serialwaitloop = 0; String cw_to_send_to_user(10); char incoming_char = ' '; String user_entered_cw = ""; byte practice_type = 0; char word_buffer[10]; randomSeed(millis()); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_clear(); if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("IntrctRX", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Interactive RX", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_ROWS > 1){ lcd_center_print_timed("Practice", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif port_to_use->println(F("Interactive receive practice\r\n\r\nCopy the code, type it in, and hit ENTER.")); port_to_use->println(F("If you are using the Arduino serial monitor, select \"Carriage Return\" line ending.")); port_to_use->println(F("Enter a blackslash \\ to exit.\r\n")); while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); } port_to_use->print(F("Press enter to start...\r\n")); while (port_to_use->available() == 0) { } while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); } while (loop1){ if (practice_type_called == PRACTICE_MIXED){ practice_type = random(PRACTICE_2_CHAR_WORDS,PRACTICE_QSO_WORDS+1); } else { practice_type = practice_type_called; } switch(practice_type){ case CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL: case CALLSIGN_US: case CALLSIGN_EUROPEAN: case CALLSIGN_CANADA: cw_to_send_to_user = generate_callsign(practice_type); break; case PRACTICE_2_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s2_table[random(0,s2_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_interactive: PRACTICE_2_CHAR_WORDS:"); #endif break; case PRACTICE_3_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s3_table[random(0,s3_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_interactive: PRACTICE_3_CHAR_WORDS:"); #endif break; case PRACTICE_4_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s4_table[random(0,s4_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_interactive: PRACTICE_4_CHAR_WORDS:"); #endif break; case PRACTICE_NAMES: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(name_table[random(0,name_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_interactive: PRACTICE_NAMES:"); #endif break; case PRACTICE_QSO_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(qso_table[random(0,qso_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_interactive: PRACTICE_QSO_WORDS:"); #endif break; } //switch(practice_type) loop2 = 1; while (loop2){ #if defined(DEBUG_CALLSIGN_PRACTICE_SHOW_CALLSIGN) port_to_use->println(callsign); #endif serialwaitloop = 1; user_entered_cw = ""; x = 0; while (serialwaitloop) { if(x < (cw_to_send_to_user.length())){ send_char(cw_to_send_to_user[x],KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(cw_to_send_to_user[x]); service_display(); #endif x++; } while(port_to_use->available() > 0) { incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); incoming_char = toUpperCase(incoming_char); port_to_use->print(incoming_char); if (incoming_char == 13) { serialwaitloop = 0; } else { if (incoming_char != 10) { user_entered_cw = user_entered_cw + incoming_char; } } } } if (user_entered_cw[0] != '?') { if ((user_entered_cw[0] == '\\')){ port_to_use->println(F("Exiting...\n")); loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; } else { user_entered_cw.toUpperCase(); // the toUpperCase function was modified in 1.0; now it changes string in place if (cw_to_send_to_user.compareTo(user_entered_cw) == 0) { port_to_use->println(F("\nCorrect!")); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_clear(); lcd_center_print_timed("Correct!", 0, default_display_msg_delay); service_display(); #endif loop2 = 0; } else { port_to_use->println(F("\nWrong!")); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_clear(); lcd_center_print_timed("Wrong!", 0, default_display_msg_delay); service_display(); #endif } } } delay(100); #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) || (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) || (analogbuttonread(0))) { loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; } #else while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) || (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW)) { loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_BUTTONS delay(10); } //loop2 } //loop1 } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_practice_non_interactive(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use,byte practice_type_called) { byte loop1 = 1; byte loop2; byte x; String cw_to_send_to_user(10); char incoming_char = ' '; byte practice_type; char word_buffer[10]; key_tx = 0; randomSeed(millis()); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_clear(); if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Call RX", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Callsign RX", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_ROWS > 1){ lcd_center_print_timed("Practice", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif port_to_use->println(F("Callsign receive practice\r\n")); while (port_to_use->available() > 0) { // clear out the buffer if anything is there incoming_char = port_to_use->read(); } while (loop1){ if (practice_type_called == PRACTICE_MIXED){ practice_type = random(PRACTICE_2_CHAR_WORDS,PRACTICE_QSO_WORDS+1); } else { practice_type = practice_type_called; } switch(practice_type){ case CALLSIGN_INTERNATIONAL: case CALLSIGN_US: case CALLSIGN_EUROPEAN: case CALLSIGN_CANADA: cw_to_send_to_user = generate_callsign(practice_type); break; case PRACTICE_2_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s2_table[random(0,s2_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_non_interactive: PRACTICE_2_CHAR_WORDS:"); #endif break; case PRACTICE_3_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s3_table[random(0,s3_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_non_interactive: PRACTICE_3_CHAR_WORDS:"); #endif break; case PRACTICE_4_CHAR_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(s4_table[random(0,s4_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_non_interactive: PRACTICE_4_CHAR_WORDS:"); #endif break; case PRACTICE_NAMES: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(name_table[random(0,name_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_non_interactive: PRACTICE_NAMES:"); #endif break; case PRACTICE_QSO_WORDS: strcpy_P(word_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(qso_table[random(0,qso_size)]))); cw_to_send_to_user = word_buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_PRACTICE_SERIAL debug_serial_port->print("serial_practice_non_interactive: PRACTICE_QSO_WORDS:"); #endif break; } //switch(practice_type) cw_to_send_to_user = cw_to_send_to_user + " "; loop2 = 1; x = 0; while ((loop2) && (x < (cw_to_send_to_user.length()))) { send_char(cw_to_send_to_user[x],KEYER_NORMAL); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(cw_to_send_to_user[x]); service_display(); #endif x++; if (port_to_use->available()){ port_to_use->read(); loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; x = 99; } #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) || (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) || (analogbuttonread(0))) { loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; x = 99; } #else while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) || (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW)) { loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; x = 99; } #endif //FEATURE_BUTTONS } //loop2 port_to_use->println(cw_to_send_to_user); } //loop1 } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_status(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { port_to_use->println(); #if defined(FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE) if (char_send_mode == AMERICAN_MORSE){port_to_use->println(F("American Morse"));} #endif #if defined(FEATURE_HELL) if (char_send_mode == HELL){port_to_use->println(F("Hellschreiber"));} #endif switch (configuration.keyer_mode) { case IAMBIC_A: port_to_use->print(F("Iambic A")); break; case IAMBIC_B: port_to_use->print(F("Iambic B")); #ifdef FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING port_to_use->print(F(" / CMOS Super Keyer Timing: O")); if (configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on) { port_to_use->print("n "); port_to_use->print(configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent); port_to_use->print("%"); } else { port_to_use->print(F("ff")); } #endif //FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING break; case BUG: port_to_use->print(F("Bug")); break; case STRAIGHT: port_to_use->print(F("Straight Key")); break; #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case ULTIMATIC: port_to_use->print(F("Ultimatic ")); switch(ultimatic_mode){ // case ULTIMATIC_NORMAL: // port_to_use->print(F("Normal")); // break; case ULTIMATIC_DIT_PRIORITY: port_to_use->print(F("Dit Priority")); break; case ULTIMATIC_DAH_PRIORITY: port_to_use->print(F("Dah Priority")); break; } break; #endif // OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case SINGLE_PADDLE: port_to_use->print(F("Single Paddle")); break; break; } port_to_use->println(); port_to_use->print(F("Buffers: Dit O")); if (configuration.dit_buffer_off){ port_to_use->print(F("ff")); } else { port_to_use->print(F("n")); } port_to_use->print(F(" Dah O")); if (configuration.dah_buffer_off){ port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("n")); } if (speed_mode == SPEED_NORMAL) { port_to_use->print(F("WPM: ")); port_to_use->println(configuration.wpm,DEC); port_to_use->print(F("Command Mode WPM: ")); port_to_use->println(configuration.wpm_command_mode,DEC); #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH port_to_use->print(F("Farnsworth WPM: ")); if (configuration.wpm_farnsworth < configuration.wpm) { port_to_use->println(F("Disabled")); //(WD9DMP) } else { port_to_use->println(configuration.wpm_farnsworth,DEC); } #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH } else { port_to_use->print(F("QRSS Mode Activated - Dit Length: ")); port_to_use->print(qrss_dit_length,DEC); port_to_use->println(F(" seconds")); } port_to_use->print(F("Sidetone: ")); switch (configuration.sidetone_mode) { case SIDETONE_ON: port_to_use->print(F("On")); break; //(WD9DMP) case SIDETONE_OFF: port_to_use->print(F("Off")); break; //(WD9DMP) case SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY: port_to_use->print(F("Paddle Only")); break; } port_to_use->print(" "); port_to_use->print(configuration.hz_sidetone,DEC); port_to_use->println(" hz"); // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE) // port_to_use->print(F("Sidetone Volume: ")); // port_to_use->print(map(configuration.sidetone_volume,sidetone_volume_low_limit,sidetone_volume_high_limit,0,100)); // port_to_use->println(F("%")); // port_to_use->println(configuration.sidetone_volume); // #endif //FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE #ifdef FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH port_to_use->print(F("Sidetone Switch: ")); port_to_use->println(sidetone_switch_value() ? F("On") : F("Off")); //(WD9DMP) #endif // FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH port_to_use->print(F("Dah to dit: ")); port_to_use->println((float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio)/100)); port_to_use->print(F("Weighting: ")); port_to_use->println(configuration.weighting,DEC); port_to_use->print(F("Keying Compensation: ")); port_to_use->print(configuration.keying_compensation,DEC); port_to_use->println(F(" mS")); port_to_use->print(F("Serial Number: ")); port_to_use->println(serial_number,DEC); #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER port_to_use->print(F("Potentiometer WPM: ")); port_to_use->print(pot_value_wpm(),DEC); port_to_use->print(F(" (")); if (configuration.pot_activated != 1) { port_to_use->print(F("Not ")); } port_to_use->print(F("Activated) Range: ")); port_to_use->print(pot_wpm_low_value); port_to_use->print(" - "); port_to_use->print(pot_wpm_high_value); port_to_use->println(F(" WPM")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE port_to_use->print(F("Autospace O")); if (configuration.autospace_active) { port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } port_to_use->print(F("Autospace Timing Factor: ")); port_to_use->println((float)configuration.autospace_timing_factor/(float)100); #endif port_to_use->print(F("Wordspace: ")); port_to_use->println(configuration.length_wordspace,DEC); port_to_use->print(F("TX: ")); port_to_use->println(configuration.current_tx); #ifdef FEATURE_QLF port_to_use->print(F("QLF: O")); if (qlf_active){ port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } #endif //FEATURE_QLF port_to_use->print(F("Quiet Paddle Interrupt: ")); if (configuration.paddle_interruption_quiet_time_element_lengths > 0){ port_to_use->println(configuration.paddle_interruption_quiet_time_element_lengths); } else { port_to_use->println(F("Off")); } #if !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE) port_to_use->print(F("Mill Mode: O")); if (configuration.cli_mode == CLI_NORMAL_MODE){ port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("n")); } #endif // !defined(OPTION_EXCLUDE_MILL_MODE) port_to_use->print(F("PTT Buffered Character Hold: O")); if (configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active){ port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } if (configuration.ptt_disabled){ port_to_use->println(F("PTT: Disabled")); } port_to_use->print(F("TX Inhibit: O")); if ((digitalRead(tx_inhibit_pin) == tx_inhibit_pin_active_state)){ port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } port_to_use->print(F("TX Pause: O")); if ((digitalRead(tx_pause_pin) == tx_pause_pin_active_state)){ port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } #if defined(FEATURE_BEACON_SETTING) port_to_use->print(F("Beacon Mode At Boot Up: O")); if (configuration.beacon_mode_on_boot_up){ port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_PADDLE_ECHO) port_to_use->print(F("Paddle Echo: O")); if (cli_paddle_echo){ port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } port_to_use->print(F("Paddle Echo Timing Factor: ")); port_to_use->println((float)configuration.cw_echo_timing_factor/(float)100); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY_ECHO) port_to_use->print(F("Straight Key Echo: O")); if (cli_straight_key_echo){ port_to_use->println(F("n")); } else { port_to_use->println(F("ff")); } #endif port_to_use->print(F("Tx")); // show the ptt lead time for the current tx port_to_use->print(configuration.current_tx); port_to_use->print(F(" lead time: ")); port_to_use->println(configuration.ptt_lead_time[configuration.current_tx - 1]); port_to_use->print(F("Tx")); // show the ptt tail time for the current tx port_to_use->print(configuration.current_tx); port_to_use->print(F(" tail time: ")); port_to_use->println(configuration.ptt_tail_time[configuration.current_tx - 1]); port_to_use->print(F("PTT hang time: ")); // show the hang time port_to_use->print(ptt_hang_time_wordspace_units); port_to_use->println(F(" wordspace units")); port_to_use->print(F("Memory repeat time: ")); // show the memory repeat time port_to_use->println(configuration.memory_repeat_time); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES serial_status_memories(port_to_use); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORYCHECK memorycheck(); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUMP port_to_use->println(configuration.wpm); #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH port_to_use->println(configuration.wpm_farnsworth); #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH port_to_use->println(1.0*(float(configuration.weighting)/50)); port_to_use->println(configuration.keying_compensation,DEC); port_to_use->println(2.0-(float(configuration.weighting)/50)); port_to_use->println(-1.0*configuration.keying_compensation); port_to_use->println((dit_end_time-dit_start_time),DEC); port_to_use->println((dah_end_time-dah_start_time),DEC); port_to_use->println(millis(),DEC); #endif //DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUMP #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS for (int x = 0;x < analog_buttons_number_of_buttons;x++) { port_to_use->print(F("analog_button_array: ")); port_to_use->print(x); port_to_use->print(F(" button_array_low_limit: ")); port_to_use->print(button_array_low_limit[x]); port_to_use->print(F(" button_array_high_limit: ")); port_to_use->println(button_array_high_limit[x]); } #endif //aaaaaaa #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) port_to_use->print(F("Ethernet: ")); port_to_use->print(configuration.ip[0]); port_to_use->print(F(".")); port_to_use->print(configuration.ip[1]); port_to_use->print(F(".")); port_to_use->print(configuration.ip[2]); port_to_use->print(F(".")); port_to_use->println(configuration.ip[3]); #endif port_to_use->println(F(">")); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) char * convert_prosign(byte prosign_code) { switch(prosign_code){ case PROSIGN_AA: return((char*)"AA"); break; case PROSIGN_AS: return((char*)"AS"); break; case PROSIGN_BK: return((char*)"BK"); break; case PROSIGN_CL: return((char*)"CL"); break; case PROSIGN_CT: return((char*)"CT"); break; case PROSIGN_KN: return((char*)"KN"); break; case PROSIGN_NJ: return((char*)"NJ"); break; case PROSIGN_SK: return((char*)"SK"); break; case PROSIGN_SN: return((char*)"SN"); break; case PROSIGN_HH: return((char*)"HH"); break; // iz0rus default: return((char*)""); break; } } #endif //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT //--------------------------------------------------------------------- int convert_cw_number_to_ascii (long number_in) { // number_in: 1 = dit, 2 = dah, 9 = a space switch (number_in) { case 12: return 65; break; // A case 2111: return 66; break; case 2121: return 67; break; case 211: return 68; break; case 1: return 69; break; case 1121: return 70; break; case 221: return 71; break; case 1111: return 72; break; case 11: return 73; break; case 1222: return 74; break; case 212: return 75; break; case 1211: return 76; break; case 22: return 77; break; case 21: return 78; break; case 222: return 79; break; case 1221: return 80; break; case 2212: return 81; break; case 121: return 82; break; case 111: return 83; break; case 2: return 84; break; case 112: return 85; break; case 1112: return 86; break; case 122: return 87; break; case 2112: return 88; break; case 2122: return 89; break; case 2211: return 90; break; // Z case 22222: return 48; break; // 0 case 12222: return 49; break; case 11222: return 50; break; case 11122: return 51; break; case 11112: return 52; break; case 11111: return 53; break; case 21111: return 54; break; case 22111: return 55; break; case 22211: return 56; break; case 22221: return 57; break; case 112211: return '?'; break; // ? case 21121: return 47; break; // / #if !defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) case 2111212: return '*'; break; // BK #endif // case 221122: return '!'; break; // ! sp5iou 20180328 case 221122: return ','; break; case 121212: return '.'; break; case 122121: return '@'; break; case 222222: return 92; break; // special hack; six dahs = \ (backslash) case 21112: return '='; break; // BT case 211112: return '-'; break; //case 2222222: return '+'; break; case 9: return 32; break; // special 9 = space #ifndef OPTION_PS2_NON_ENGLISH_CHAR_LCD_DISPLAY_SUPPORT case 12121: return '+'; break; #else case 212122: return 33; break; // ! //sp5iou case 1112112: return 36; break; // $ //sp5iou #if !defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) case 12111: return 38; break; // & // sp5iou #endif case 122221: return 39; break; // ' // sp5iou case 121121: return 34; break; // " // sp5iou case 112212: return 95; break; // _ // sp5iou case 212121: return 59; break; // ; // sp5iou case 222111: return 58; break; // : // sp5iou case 212212: return 41; break; // KK (stored as ascii ) ) // sp5iou #if !defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) case 111212: return 62; break; // SK (stored as ascii > ) // sp5iou #endif case 12121: return 60; break; // AR (store as ascii < ) // sp5iou #endif //OPTION_PS2_NON_ENGLISH_CHAR_LCD_DISPLAY_SUPPORT #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) #if !defined(OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS) case 1212: return PROSIGN_AA; break; #endif case 12111: return PROSIGN_AS; break; case 2111212: return PROSIGN_BK; break; case 21211211: return PROSIGN_CL; break; case 21212: return PROSIGN_CT; break; case 21221: return PROSIGN_KN; break; case 211222: return PROSIGN_NJ; break; case 111212: return PROSIGN_SK; break; case 11121: return PROSIGN_SN; break; case 11111111: return PROSIGN_HH; break; // iz0rus #else //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT case 21221: return 40; break; // (KN store as ascii ( ) //sp5iou //aaaaaaa #endif //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT #ifdef OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS // for English/Cyrillic/Western European font LCD controller (HD44780UA02): case 12212: return 197; break; // 'Å' - AA_capital (OZ, LA, SM) //case 12212: return 192; break; // 'À' - A accent case 1212: return 198; break; // 'Æ' - AE_capital (OZ, LA) //case 1212: return 196; break; // 'Ä' - A_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 2222: return 138; break; // CH - (Russian letter symbol) case 22122: return 209; break; // 'Ñ' - (EA) //case 2221: return 214; break; // 'Ö' – O_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) //case 2221: return 211; break; // 'Ò' - O accent case 2221: return 216; break; // 'Ø' - OE_capital (OZ, LA) case 1122: return 220; break; // 'Ü' - U_umlaut (D, ...) case 111111: return 223; break; // beta - double S (D?, ...) case 21211: return 199; break; // Ç case 11221: return 208; break; // Ð case 12112: return 200; break; // È case 11211: return 201; break; // É case 221121: return 142; break; // Ž #endif //OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS default: #ifdef OPTION_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_ERROR_TONE boop(); #endif //OPTION_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_ERROR_TONE return unknown_cw_character; break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORYCHECK void memorycheck() { void* HP = malloc(4); if (HP) free (HP); unsigned long free = (unsigned long)SP - (unsigned long)HP; // port_to_use->print("Heap="); // port_to_use->println((unsigned long)HP,HEX); // port_to_use->print("Stack="); // port_to_use->println((unsigned long)SP,HEX); // port_to_use->print("Free Memory = "); // port_to_use->print((unsigned long)free,HEX); // port_to_use->print(" "); // if (free > 2048) { // free = 0; // } if (primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_CLI) { port_to_use->print((unsigned long)free,DEC); port_to_use->println(F(" bytes free")); } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES void initialize_eeprom_memories() { for (int x = 0; x < number_of_memories; x++) { EEPROM.write(memory_start(x),255); } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_status_memories(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { int last_memory_location; #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) byte eeprom_temp = 0; static char * prosign_temp = 0; #endif for (int x = 0; x < number_of_memories; x++) { last_memory_location = memory_end(x) + 1 ; port_to_use->write("Memory "); port_to_use->print(x+1); port_to_use->write(":"); if ( EEPROM.read(memory_start(x)) == 255) { port_to_use->write("{empty}"); } else { for (int y = (memory_start(x)); (y < last_memory_location); y++) { if (EEPROM.read(y) < 255) { #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) eeprom_temp = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (eeprom_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ prosign_temp = convert_prosign(eeprom_temp); port_to_use->print(prosign_temp[0]); port_to_use->print(prosign_temp[1]); } else { port_to_use->write(eeprom_temp); } #else if ((EEPROM.read(y) == 32) && ((EEPROM.read(y+1) == 255) || ((y+1) >= last_memory_location))){ port_to_use->write("_"); } else { port_to_use->write(EEPROM.read(y)); } #endif //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT } else { //port_to_use->write("$"); y = last_memory_location; } } } #if defined(DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATIONS) port_to_use->print(F(" start: ")); port_to_use->print(memory_start(x)); port_to_use->print(F(" end: ")); port_to_use->print(memory_end(x)); port_to_use->print(F(" size: ")); port_to_use->print(memory_end(x)-memory_start(x)); #endif port_to_use->println(); } #if defined(DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATIONS) port_to_use->print(F("Config Area end: ")); port_to_use->println(sizeof(configuration)); #endif } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void serial_program_memory(PRIMARY_SERIAL_CLS * port_to_use) { /* CLI memory programming test string WE LOVE RADIO AND SMALL COMPUTING DEVICES AND WE COMBINE THE TWO TO AUTOMATE EXPERIMENT OR JUST SEE IF SOMETHING CAN BE DONE WE BELIEVE ITS BETTER TO BUILD SOMETHING WITH OUR OWN HANDS HOWEVER SMALL OR IMPERFECT AND IMPROVE AND EXPAND IT OVER TIME WE SUPPORT EXPERIMENTERS OF ALL LEVELS AND EXCHANGE IDEAS ABOUT AMATEUR RADIO HARDWARE HOMEBREWING AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT */ uint8_t incoming_serial_byte = 0; uint8_t memory_number = 0; uint8_t looping = 1; int memory_index = 0; uint8_t memory_number_entered = 0; uint8_t memory_data_entered = 0; uint8_t error_flag = 0; uint8_t memory_1_or_1x_flag = 0; uint8_t incoming_serial_byte_buffer[serial_program_memory_buffer_size]; unsigned int incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size = 0; while (looping){ if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { // might as well do something while we're waiting check_paddles(); service_dit_dah_buffers(); } while ((port_to_use->available()) && (incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size < serial_program_memory_buffer_size)){ // get serial data if available incoming_serial_byte_buffer[incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size] = uppercase(port_to_use->read()); incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size++; } if (incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size){ incoming_serial_byte = incoming_serial_byte_buffer[0]; port_to_use->write(incoming_serial_byte); for (unsigned int x = 0;x < (incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size - 1);x++){ incoming_serial_byte_buffer[x] = incoming_serial_byte_buffer[x+1]; } incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size--; if ((memory_1_or_1x_flag) && ((incoming_serial_byte < 48) || (incoming_serial_byte > 57))){ // do we have something other than a number? memory_1_or_1x_flag = 0; memory_number_entered = 1; } if (!memory_number_entered) { if ((incoming_serial_byte > 47) && (incoming_serial_byte < 58)) { // do we have a number? if (memory_1_or_1x_flag){ memory_number = incoming_serial_byte - 48 + 10; memory_1_or_1x_flag = 0; memory_number_entered = 1; } else { memory_number = incoming_serial_byte - 48; if ((memory_number == 1) && (number_of_memories > 9)) { memory_1_or_1x_flag = 1; } else { memory_number_entered = 1; } } // memory number out of range check if (memory_number > number_of_memories){ looping = 0; error_flag = 1; } } else { looping = 0; error_flag = 1; } } else { if (incoming_serial_byte == 13){ // we got a carriage return looping = 0; EEPROM.write((memory_start(memory_number-1)+memory_index),255); } else { // looking for memory data memory_data_entered = 1; #if !defined(OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER) while ((port_to_use->available()) && (incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size < serial_program_memory_buffer_size)){ // get serial data if available incoming_serial_byte_buffer[incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size] = uppercase(port_to_use->read()); incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size++; } #endif EEPROM.write((memory_start(memory_number-1)+memory_index),incoming_serial_byte); #if !defined(OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER) while ((port_to_use->available()) && (incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size < serial_program_memory_buffer_size)){ // get serial data if available incoming_serial_byte_buffer[incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size] = uppercase(port_to_use->read()); incoming_serial_byte_buffer_size++; } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_EEPROM debug_serial_port->print(F("serial_program_memory: wrote ")); debug_serial_port->print(incoming_serial_byte); debug_serial_port->print(F(" to location ")); debug_serial_port->println((memory_start(memory_number-1)+memory_index)); #endif memory_index++; if ((memory_start(memory_number-1) + memory_index) > (memory_end(memory_number-1)-2)) { // are we at last memory location? looping = 0; EEPROM.write((memory_start(memory_number-1)+memory_index),255); port_to_use->println(F("Memory full, truncating.")); } } } // } } if ((memory_number_entered) && (memory_data_entered) && (!error_flag)){ port_to_use->print(F("\n\rWrote memory ")); port_to_use->println(memory_number); } else { port_to_use->println(F("\n\rError")); } #if defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE) EEPROM.commit(); #endif } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE) void command_program_memory() { int cw_char; cw_char = get_cw_input_from_user(0); // get another cw character from the user to find out which memory number #ifdef DEBUG_COMMAND_MODE debug_serial_port->print(F("command_program_memory: cw_char: ")); debug_serial_port->println(cw_char); #endif if (cw_char > 0) { if ((cw_char == 12222) && (number_of_memories > 9)) { // we have a 1, this could be 1 or 1x cw_char = get_cw_input_from_user((1200/configuration.wpm)*14); // give the user some time to enter a second digit switch (cw_char) { case 0: program_memory(0); break; // we didn't get anything, it's a 1 case 22222: program_memory(9); break; case 12222: program_memory(10); break; case 11222: program_memory(11); break; case 11122: program_memory(12); break; case 11112: program_memory(13); break; case 11111: program_memory(14); break; case 21111: program_memory(15); break; default: send_char('?',KEYER_NORMAL); break; } } else { switch (cw_char) { case 12222: program_memory(0); break; // 1 = memory 0 case 11222: program_memory(1); break; case 11122: program_memory(2); break; case 11112: program_memory(3); break; case 11111: program_memory(4); break; case 21111: program_memory(5); break; case 22111: program_memory(6); break; case 22211: program_memory(7); break; case 22221: program_memory(8); break; //case 22222: program_memory(9); break; default: send_char('?',KEYER_NORMAL); break; } } } } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES byte memory_nonblocking_delay(unsigned long delaytime) { // 2012-04-20 was long starttime = millis(); unsigned long starttime = millis(); while ((millis() - starttime) < delaytime) { check_paddles(); #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS if (((dit_buffer) || (dah_buffer) || (analogbuttonread(0))) && (keyer_machine_mode != BEACON)) { // exit if the paddle or button0 was hit #else if (((dit_buffer) || (dah_buffer)) && (keyer_machine_mode != BEACON)) { // exit if the paddle or button0 was hit #endif dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while (analogbuttonread(0)) {} #endif return 1; } } return 0; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_button0() { #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS if (analogbuttonread(0)) {button0_buffer = 1;} #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /* program HelloWorld; { HelloWorld version 2019.12.27.02 by K3NG } VAR Callsign:string; BEGIN Write('What is your callsign: '); Readln(Callsign); WriteLn('Hello ', Callsign); END. */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) || defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void send_serial_number(byte cut_numbers,int increment_serial_number,byte buffered_sending){ String serial_number_string; serial_number_string = String(serial_number, DEC); if (serial_number_string.length() < 3 ) { if (cut_numbers){ if (buffered_sending){ add_to_send_buffer('T'); } else { if (keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){display_serial_number_character('T');} //Display the SN as well as play it unless playing back after programming for verification(WD9DMP) send_char('T',KEYER_NORMAL); } } else { if (buffered_sending){ add_to_send_buffer('0'); } else { if (keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){display_serial_number_character('0');} //Display the SN as well as play it unless playing back after programming for verification(WD9DMP) send_char('0',KEYER_NORMAL); } } } if (serial_number_string.length() == 1) { if (cut_numbers){ if (buffered_sending){ add_to_send_buffer('T'); } else { if (keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){display_serial_number_character('T');} //Display the SN as well as play it unless playing back after programming for verification(WD9DMP) send_char('T',KEYER_NORMAL); } } else { if (buffered_sending){ add_to_send_buffer('0'); } else { if (keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){display_serial_number_character('0');} //Display the SN as well as play it unless playing back after programming for verification(WD9DMP) send_char('0',KEYER_NORMAL); } } } for (unsigned int a = 0; a < serial_number_string.length(); a++) { if ((serial_number_string[a] == '0') && (cut_numbers)){ if (buffered_sending){ add_to_send_buffer('T'); } else { if (keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){display_serial_number_character('T');} //Display the SN as well as play it unless playing back after programming for verification(WD9DMP) send_char('T',KEYER_NORMAL); } } else { if ((serial_number_string[a] == '9') && (cut_numbers)) { if (buffered_sending){ add_to_send_buffer('N'); } else { if (keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){display_serial_number_character('N');} //Display the SN as well as play it unless playing back after programming for verification(WD9DMP) send_char('N',KEYER_NORMAL); } } else { if (buffered_sending){ add_to_send_buffer(serial_number_string[a]); } else { if (keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE){display_serial_number_character(serial_number_string[a]);} //Display the SN as well as play it unless playing back after programming for verification(WD9DMP) send_char(serial_number_string[a],KEYER_NORMAL); } } } } serial_number = serial_number + increment_serial_number; } #endif //New function below to send serial number character to CLI as well as LCD (WD9DMP) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) || defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) void display_serial_number_character(char snumchar){ #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE primary_serial_port->write(snumchar); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(snumchar); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE #endif // (FEATURE_SERIAL) #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (lcd_send_echo) { display_scroll_print_char(snumchar); service_display(); } #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES byte play_memory(byte memory_number) { unsigned int jump_back_to_y = 9999; byte jump_back_to_memory_number = 255; static byte prosign_flag = 0; static byte prosign_before_flag = 0; byte eeprom_byte_read = 0; byte pause_sending_buffer_backspace = 0; play_memory_prempt = 0; #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) byte eeprom_temp = 0; static char * prosign_temp = 0; #endif if (memory_number > (number_of_memories - 1)) { boop(); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_PLAY_MEMORY debug_serial_port->print(F("play_memory: called with memory_number:")); debug_serial_port->println(memory_number); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS byte eeprom_byte_read2; int z; byte input_error; byte delay_result = 0; int int_from_macro; #endif //FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS button0_buffer = 0; if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (primary_serial_port_mode != SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) { primary_serial_port->println(); } #else primary_serial_port->println(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->println(); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #endif } for (int y = (memory_start(memory_number)); (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)); y++) { service_tx_inhibit_and_pause(); if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER check_potentiometer(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER check_rotary_encoder(); #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD check_ps2_keyboard(); #endif check_button0(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY service_display(); #endif } #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) check_serial(); #endif if ((play_memory_prempt == 0) && (pause_sending_buffer == 0)) { pause_sending_buffer_backspace = 0; eeprom_byte_read = EEPROM.read(y); if (eeprom_byte_read < 255) { #ifdef DEBUG_PLAY_MEMORY debug_serial_port->println(F("\n\nplay_memory:\r")); debug_serial_port->print(F(" Memory number:")); debug_serial_port->println(memory_number); debug_serial_port->print(F(" EEPROM location:")); debug_serial_port->println(y); debug_serial_port->print(F(" eeprom_byte_read:")); debug_serial_port->println(eeprom_byte_read); #endif if (eeprom_byte_read != 92) { // do we have a backslash? if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) eeprom_temp = eeprom_byte_read; if ((eeprom_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (eeprom_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ prosign_temp = convert_prosign(eeprom_temp); } #endif //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) #ifndef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (!cw_send_echo_inhibit) { #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) if ((eeprom_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (eeprom_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ primary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[0]); primary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[1]); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[0]); secondary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[1]); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT } else { primary_serial_port->write(eeprom_byte_read); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(eeprom_byte_read); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT } #else primary_serial_port->write(eeprom_byte_read); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(eeprom_byte_read); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #endif // OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT } #else //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (((primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION) && (winkey_paddle_echo_activated) && (winkey_host_open)) || (primary_serial_port_mode != SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION)) { #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) if ((eeprom_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (eeprom_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ winkey_port_write(prosign_temp[0],0); winkey_port_write(prosign_temp[1],0); } else { winkey_port_write(eeprom_byte_read,0); } #else winkey_port_write(eeprom_byte_read,0); #endif // OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT } #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) if ((eeprom_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (eeprom_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ secondary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[0]); secondary_serial_port->print(prosign_temp[1]); } else { secondary_serial_port->write(eeprom_byte_read); } #else secondary_serial_port->write(eeprom_byte_read); #endif // OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #endif //FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (lcd_send_echo) { #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) if ((eeprom_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (eeprom_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ display_scroll_print_char(prosign_temp[0]); display_scroll_print_char(prosign_temp[1]); } else { if (prosign_flag){ display_scroll_print_char(eeprom_byte_read); display_scroll_print_char(EEPROM.read(y+1)); prosign_before_flag = 1; } else { if (prosign_before_flag){ prosign_before_flag = 0; } else { display_scroll_print_char(eeprom_byte_read); } } } #else if (prosign_flag){ display_scroll_print_char(eeprom_byte_read); display_scroll_print_char(EEPROM.read(y+1)); prosign_before_flag = 1; } else { if (prosign_before_flag){ prosign_before_flag = 0; } else { display_scroll_print_char(eeprom_byte_read); } } #endif service_display(); } #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } if (prosign_flag) { send_char(eeprom_byte_read,OMIT_LETTERSPACE); prosign_flag = 0; } else { send_char(eeprom_byte_read,KEYER_NORMAL); // no - play the character } } else { // yes - we have a backslash command ("macro") y++; // get the next memory byte #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS if (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) { eeprom_byte_read = EEPROM.read(y); // memory macros (backslash commands) switch (eeprom_byte_read) { case 48: // 0 - jump to memory 10 eeprom_byte_read = 58; case 49: // 1 - jump to memory 1 case 50: // 2 - jump to memory 2 case 51: // 3 - jump to memory 3 case 52: // 4 - jump to memory 4 case 53: // 5 - jump to memory 5 case 54: // 6 - jump to memory 6 case 55: // 7 - jump to memory 7 case 56: // 8 - jump to memory 8 case 57: // 9 - jump to memory 9 if (number_of_memories > (eeprom_byte_read-49)) { memory_number = (eeprom_byte_read-49); y = ((memory_start(memory_number)) - 1); if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { primary_serial_port->println(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->println(); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT } } break; case 'I': // insert memory # y++; if (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) { // get the next byte eeprom_byte_read = EEPROM.read(y); if (number_of_memories > (eeprom_byte_read-49)) { jump_back_to_y = y; jump_back_to_memory_number = memory_number; memory_number = (eeprom_byte_read-49); y = ((memory_start(memory_number)) - 1); if (keyer_machine_mode == KEYER_NORMAL) { primary_serial_port->println(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->println(); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT } } } break; case 'S': // insert space send_char(' ',KEYER_NORMAL); primary_serial_port->print(' '); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->print(' '); #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (lcd_send_echo) { display_scroll_print_char(' '); } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY break; case 'X': // X - switch transmitter y++; if (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) { eeprom_byte_read2 = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_byte_read2 > 48) && (eeprom_byte_read2 < 55)) { switch (eeprom_byte_read2) { case 49: switch_to_tx_silent(1); break; case 50: if ((ptt_tx_2) || (tx_key_line_2)) {switch_to_tx_silent(2); } break; case 51: if ((ptt_tx_3) || (tx_key_line_3)) {switch_to_tx_silent(3); } break; case 52: if ((ptt_tx_4) || (tx_key_line_4)) {switch_to_tx_silent(4); } break; case 53: if ((ptt_tx_5) || (tx_key_line_5)) {switch_to_tx_silent(5); } break; case 54: if ((ptt_tx_6) || (tx_key_line_6)) {switch_to_tx_silent(6); } break; } } } break; // case X case 'C': // C - play serial number with cut numbers T and N, then increment send_serial_number(1,1,0); break; case 'D': // D - delay for ### seconds int_from_macro = 0; z = 100; input_error = 0; for (int x = 1; x < 4; x ++) { y++; if (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) { eeprom_byte_read2 = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_byte_read2 > 47) && (eeprom_byte_read2 < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") int_from_macro = int_from_macro + ((eeprom_byte_read2 - 48) * z); z = z / 10; } else { x = 4; // error - exit input_error = 1; y--; // go back one so we can at least play the errant character } } else { x = 4; input_error = 1; } } if (input_error != 1) { // do the delay delay_result = memory_nonblocking_delay(int_from_macro*1000); } if (delay_result) { // if a paddle or button0 was hit during the delay, exit return 0; } break; // case D case 'E': // E - play serial number, then increment send_serial_number(0,1,0); break; case 'F': // F - change sidetone frequency int_from_macro = 0; z = 1000; input_error = 0; for (int x = 1; x < 5; x ++) { y++; if (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) { eeprom_byte_read2 = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_byte_read2 > 47) && (eeprom_byte_read2 < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") int_from_macro = int_from_macro + ((eeprom_byte_read2 - 48) * z); z = z / 10; } else { x = 5; // error - exit input_error = 1; y--; // go back one so we can at least play the errant character } } else { x = 4; input_error = 1; } } if ((input_error != 1) && (int_from_macro > sidetone_hz_limit_low) && (int_from_macro < sidetone_hz_limit_high)) { configuration.hz_sidetone = int_from_macro; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9) lcd_center_print_timed(String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); else lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone " + String(configuration.hz_sidetone) + " Hz", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } break; if ((input_error != 1) && (int_from_macro > sidetone_hz_limit_low) && (int_from_macro < sidetone_hz_limit_high)) { configuration.hz_sidetone = int_from_macro; } break; case 'H': // H - Switch to Hell char_send_mode = HELL; break; case 'L': // L - Switch to CW char_send_mode = CW; break; case 'N': // N - decrement serial number (do not play) serial_number--; break; case '+': // + - Prosign prosign_flag = 1; break; case 'Q': // Q - QRSS mode and set dit length to ## int_from_macro = 0; z = 10; input_error = 0; for (int x = 1; x < 3; x ++) { y++; if (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) { eeprom_byte_read2 = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_byte_read2 > 47) && (eeprom_byte_read2 < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") int_from_macro = int_from_macro + ((eeprom_byte_read2 - 48) * z); z = z / 10; } else { x = 4; // error - exit input_error = 1; y--; // go back one so we can at least play the errant character } } else { x = 4; input_error = 1; } } if (input_error == 0) { speed_mode = SPEED_QRSS; qrss_dit_length = int_from_macro; //calculate_element_length(); } break; //case Q case 'R': // R - regular speed mode speed_mode = SPEED_NORMAL; //calculate_element_length(); break; case 'T': // T - transmit for ### seconds int_from_macro = 0; z = 100; input_error = 0; for (int x = 1; x < 4; x ++) { y++; if (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) { eeprom_byte_read2 = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_byte_read2 > 47) && (eeprom_byte_read2 < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") int_from_macro = int_from_macro + ((eeprom_byte_read2 - 48) * z); z = z / 10; } else { x = 4; // error - exit input_error = 1; y--; // go back one so we can at least play the errant character } } else { x = 4; input_error = 1; } } sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; if (input_error != 1) { // go ahead and transmit tx_and_sidetone_key(1); delay_result = memory_nonblocking_delay(int_from_macro*1000); tx_and_sidetone_key(0); } if (delay_result) { // if a paddle or button0 was hit during the delay, exit return 0; } break; // case T case 'U': // U - turn on PTT manual_ptt_invoke = 1; ptt_key(); break; case 'V': // V - turn off PTT manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); break; case 'W': // W - change speed to ### WPM int_from_macro = 0; z = 100; input_error = 0; for (int x = 1; x < 4; x ++) { y++; if (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) { eeprom_byte_read2 = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_byte_read2 > 47) && (eeprom_byte_read2 < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") int_from_macro = int_from_macro + ((eeprom_byte_read2 - 48) * z); z = z / 10; } else { x = 4; // error - exit input_error = 1; y--; // go back one so we can at least play the errant character } } else { x = 4; input_error = 1; } } if (input_error != 1) { speed_mode = SPEED_NORMAL; speed_set(int_from_macro); } break; // case W case 'Y': // Y - Relative WPM change (positive) y++; if ((y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) && (speed_mode == SPEED_NORMAL)) { eeprom_byte_read2 = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_byte_read2 > 47) && (eeprom_byte_read2 < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") speed_set(configuration.wpm + eeprom_byte_read2 - 48); } else { y--; // go back one so we can at least play the errant character } } else { } break; // case Y case 'Z': // Z - Relative WPM change (positive) y++; if ((y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) && (speed_mode == SPEED_NORMAL)) { eeprom_byte_read2 = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_byte_read2 > 47) && (eeprom_byte_read2 < 58)) { // ascii 48-57 = "0" - "9") speed_set(configuration.wpm - (eeprom_byte_read2 - 48)); } else { y--; // go back one so we can at least play the errant character } } else { } break; // case Z } } #endif //FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS } if (keyer_machine_mode != BEACON) { #ifdef FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY if ((dit_buffer) || (dah_buffer) || (button0_buffer) || (digitalRead(pin_straight_key) == STRAIGHT_KEY_ACTIVE_STATE)) { // exit if the paddle or button0 was hit dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; button0_buffer = 0; repeat_memory = 255; #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while (analogbuttonread(0)) {} #endif return 0; } #else //FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY if ((dit_buffer) || (dah_buffer) || (button0_buffer)) { // exit if the paddle or button0 was hit dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; button0_buffer = 0; repeat_memory = 255; #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while (analogbuttonread(0)) {} #endif return 0; } #endif //FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY } } else { if (y == (memory_start(memory_number))) { // memory is totally empty - do a boop repeat_memory = 255; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("MemEmpty", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Memory empty", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop(); #endif } // if we had an inserted memory, jump back to the original one if (/*(y== (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) &&*/ (jump_back_to_y < 9999) && (jump_back_to_memory_number < 255)) { #ifdef DEBUG_PLAY_MEMORY debug_serial_port->print(F("\nplay_memory: jump back to original memory:")); debug_serial_port->println(jump_back_to_memory_number); #endif y = jump_back_to_y; memory_number = jump_back_to_memory_number; jump_back_to_y = 9999; jump_back_to_memory_number = 255; } else { return 0; } } } else { if (pause_sending_buffer == 0) { y = (memory_end(memory_number)+1); // we got a play_memory_prempt flag, exit out } else { y--; // we're in a pause mode, so sit and spin awhile if ((y > (memory_start(memory_number)) && (!pause_sending_buffer_backspace))){ y--; pause_sending_buffer_backspace = 1; } check_ptt_tail(); #if defined(FEATURE_SEQUENCER) check_sequencer_tail_time(); #endif } } last_memory_repeat_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_PLAY_MEMORY debug_serial_port->println(F("\nplay_memory: reset last_memory_repeat_time")); debug_serial_port->print("y: "); debug_serial_port->print(y); debug_serial_port->print("\tmemory_number: "); debug_serial_port->print(memory_number); debug_serial_port->print("\tmemory_end: "); debug_serial_port->print(memory_end(memory_number)); debug_serial_port->print("\tjump_back_to_y: "); debug_serial_port->print(jump_back_to_y); debug_serial_port->print("\tjump_back_to_memory_number: "); debug_serial_port->println(jump_back_to_memory_number); #endif // if we had an inserted memory, jump back to the original one /* if ((y== (memory_end(memory_number)+1)) && (jump_back_to_y < 99999) && (jump_back_to_memory_number < 255)) { primary_serial_port->print(F("\nplay_memory: jump back to original memory:")); primary_serial_port->println(jump_back_to_memory_number); y = jump_back_to_y; memory_number = jump_back_to_memory_number; jump_back_to_y = 99999; jump_back_to_memory_number = 255; } */ } //for (int y = (memory_start(memory_number)); (y < (memory_end(memory_number)+1)); y++) } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES void program_memory(int memory_number) { if (memory_number > (number_of_memories-1)) { boop(); return; } #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY String lcd_print_string; if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_print_string.concat("PgmMem"); } else { lcd_print_string.concat("Pgm Memory "); } lcd_print_string.concat(memory_number+1); lcd_center_print_timed(lcd_print_string, 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif //send_dit(); beep(); byte paddle_hit = 0; byte loop1 = 1; byte loop2 = 1; unsigned long last_element_time = 0; int memory_location_index = 0; long cwchar = 0; byte space_count = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS byte macro_flag = 0; #endif //FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS #if defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY) long straight_key_decoded_character = 0; #endif dit_buffer = 0; dah_buffer = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_BUTTONS) && !defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY) while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == HIGH) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == HIGH) && (!analogbuttonread(0))) { } // loop until user starts sending or hits the button #endif #if defined(FEATURE_BUTTONS) && defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY) while ((paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == HIGH) && (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == HIGH) && (!analogbuttonread(0)) && (digitalRead(pin_straight_key) == HIGH)) { } // loop until user starts sending or hits the button #endif while (loop2) { #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY_WRITE debug_serial_port->println(F("program_memory: entering loop2\r")); #endif cwchar = 0; paddle_hit = 0; loop1 = 1; while (loop1) { check_paddles(); if (dit_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dit(); dit_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cwchar = (cwchar * 10) + 1; last_element_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY_WRITE debug_serial_port->write("."); #endif } if (dah_buffer) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; send_dah(); dah_buffer = 0; paddle_hit = 1; cwchar = (cwchar * 10) + 2; last_element_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY_WRITE debug_serial_port->write("_"); #endif } #if defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY) straight_key_decoded_character = service_straight_key(); if (straight_key_decoded_character != 0){ cwchar = straight_key_decoded_character; paddle_hit = 1; } #endif #if !defined(FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY) if ((paddle_hit) && (millis() > (last_element_time + (float(600/configuration.wpm) * length_letterspace)))) { // this character is over loop1 = 0; } #else if (((paddle_hit) && (millis() > (last_element_time + (float(600/configuration.wpm) * length_letterspace)))) || (straight_key_decoded_character != 0)) { // this character is over loop1 = 0; } #endif // TODO - need to add something here to handle straight key leading space #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS if ((!macro_flag) && (paddle_hit == 0) && (millis() > (last_element_time + ((float(1200/configuration.wpm) * configuration.length_wordspace)))) && (space_count < program_memory_limit_consec_spaces)) { // we have a space loop1 = 0; cwchar = 9; space_count++; } #else if ((paddle_hit == 0) && (millis() > (last_element_time + ((float(1200/configuration.wpm) * configuration.length_wordspace)))) && (space_count < program_memory_limit_consec_spaces)) { // we have a space loop1 = 0; cwchar = 9; space_count++; } #endif //FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS while (analogbuttonread(0)) { // hit the button to get out of command mode if no paddle was hit loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; } #endif } //loop1 if (cwchar != 9) { space_count = 0; } // write the character to memory if (cwchar > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY_WRITE debug_serial_port->print(F("program_memory: write_character_to_memory")); debug_serial_port->print(F(" mem number:")); debug_serial_port->print(memory_number); debug_serial_port->print(F(" memory_location_index:")); debug_serial_port->print(memory_location_index); debug_serial_port->print(F(" EEPROM location:")); debug_serial_port->print(memory_start(memory_number)+memory_location_index); debug_serial_port->print(F(" cwchar:")); debug_serial_port->print(cwchar); debug_serial_port->print(F(" ascii to write:")); debug_serial_port->println(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cwchar)); #endif EEPROM.write((memory_start(memory_number)+memory_location_index),convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cwchar)); memory_location_index++; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS if (!macro_flag) { if (convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cwchar) == '\\') {macro_flag = 1;} // if we got the \ macro character, supress spaces } else { if (convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cwchar) == '+') { // if we're building a prosign, supress the next two spaces macro_flag = 2; } else { macro_flag--; } } #endif //FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS } // are we out of memory locations? if ((memory_start(memory_number) + memory_location_index) == memory_end(memory_number)) { loop1 = 0; loop2 = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY_WRITE debug_serial_port->println(F("program_memory: out of memory location")); #endif } } //write terminating 255 at end #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY_WRITE debug_serial_port->println(F("program_memory: writing memory termination")); #endif EEPROM.write((memory_start(memory_number) + memory_location_index),255); #ifdef OPTION_PROG_MEM_TRIM_TRAILING_SPACES for (int x = (memory_location_index-1); x > 0; x--) { if (EEPROM.read((memory_start(memory_number) + x)) == 32) { EEPROM.write((memory_start(memory_number) + x),255); } else { x = 0; } } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Done", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif play_memory(memory_number); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES int memory_start(byte memory_number) { return (memory_area_start + (memory_number * ((memory_area_end - memory_area_start) / number_of_memories))); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES int memory_end(byte memory_number) { return (memory_start(memory_number) - 1 + ((memory_area_end - memory_area_start)/number_of_memories)); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_pins() { #if defined (ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI)||defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) //sp5iou 20180329 pinMode (paddle_left, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode (paddle_right, INPUT_PULLUP); #else pinMode (paddle_left, INPUT); digitalWrite (paddle_left, HIGH); pinMode (paddle_right, INPUT); digitalWrite (paddle_right, HIGH); #endif //defined (ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI)||defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) sp5iou 20180329 #if defined(FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS) if (capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin){ pinMode (capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin, INPUT); digitalWrite (capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin, LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS if (tx_key_line_1) { pinMode (tx_key_line_1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (tx_key_line_1, tx_key_line_inactive_state); } if (tx_key_line_2) { pinMode (tx_key_line_2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (tx_key_line_2, tx_key_line_inactive_state); } if (tx_key_line_3) { pinMode (tx_key_line_3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (tx_key_line_3, tx_key_line_inactive_state); } if (tx_key_line_4) { pinMode (tx_key_line_4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (tx_key_line_4, tx_key_line_inactive_state); } if (tx_key_line_5) { pinMode (tx_key_line_5, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (tx_key_line_5, tx_key_line_inactive_state); } if (tx_key_line_6) { pinMode (tx_key_line_6, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (tx_key_line_6, tx_key_line_inactive_state); } if (ptt_tx_1) { pinMode (ptt_tx_1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (ptt_tx_1, ptt_line_inactive_state); } if (ptt_tx_2) { pinMode (ptt_tx_2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (ptt_tx_2, ptt_line_inactive_state); } if (ptt_tx_3) { pinMode (ptt_tx_3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (ptt_tx_3, ptt_line_inactive_state); } if (ptt_tx_4) { pinMode (ptt_tx_4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (ptt_tx_4, ptt_line_inactive_state); } if (ptt_tx_5) { pinMode (ptt_tx_5, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (ptt_tx_5, ptt_line_inactive_state); } if (ptt_tx_6) { pinMode (ptt_tx_6, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (ptt_tx_6, ptt_line_inactive_state); } if (sidetone_line) { pinMode (sidetone_line, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (sidetone_line, sidetone_line_inactive_state); } if (tx_key_dit) { pinMode (tx_key_dit, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (tx_key_dit, tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state); } if (tx_key_dah) { pinMode (tx_key_dah, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (tx_key_dah, tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state); } #ifdef FEATURE_CW_DECODER pinMode (cw_decoder_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // pinMode (cw_decoder_pin, INPUT); // digitalWrite (cw_decoder_pin, HIGH); #if defined(OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR) digitalWrite (cw_decoder_audio_input_pin, LOW); cwtonedetector.init(cw_decoder_audio_input_pin); #endif //OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR if (cw_decoder_indicator){ pinMode(cw_decoder_indicator,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(cw_decoder_indicator, LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_CW_DECODER #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE) && defined(command_mode_active_led) if(command_mode_active_led) { pinMode (command_mode_active_led, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (command_mode_active_led,LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE && command_mode_active_led #ifdef FEATURE_LED_RING pinMode(led_ring_sdi,OUTPUT); pinMode(led_ring_clk,OUTPUT); pinMode(led_ring_le,OUTPUT); #endif //FEATURE_LED_RING #ifdef FEATURE_ALPHABET_SEND_PRACTICE if (correct_answer_led) { pinMode(correct_answer_led, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); } if (wrong_answer_led) { pinMode(wrong_answer_led, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_ALPHABET_SEND_PRACTICE #ifdef FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK pinMode(ptt_interlock,INPUT_PULLUP); // pinMode(ptt_interlock,INPUT); // if (ptt_interlock_active_state == HIGH){ // digitalWrite(ptt_interlock,LOW); // } else { // digitalWrite(ptt_interlock,HIGH); // } #endif //FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK #ifdef FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY pinMode(pin_straight_key,INPUT); if (STRAIGHT_KEY_ACTIVE_STATE == HIGH){ digitalWrite (pin_straight_key, LOW); } else { digitalWrite (pin_straight_key, HIGH); } #endif //FEATURE_STRAIGHT_KEY #if defined(FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION) pinMode(compression_detection_pin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(compression_detection_pin,LOW); #endif //FEATURE_COMPETITION_COMPRESSION_DETECTION #if defined(FEATURE_SLEEP) if (keyer_awake){ pinMode(keyer_awake,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(keyer_awake,KEYER_AWAKE_PIN_AWAKE_STATE); } #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM) if (keyer_power_led){ pinMode(keyer_power_led,OUTPUT); analogWrite(keyer_power_led,keyer_power_led_awake_duty); } #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM #ifdef FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH pinMode(SIDETONE_SWITCH,INPUT_PULLUP); #endif //FEATURE_SIDETONE_SWITCH #if defined (FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD)||defined(FEATURE_3x4_KEYPAD) pinMode(Row3,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Row2,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Row1,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Row0,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Col2,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Col1,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Col0,INPUT_PULLUP); #endif #if defined (FEATURE_4x4_KEYPAD) pinMode(Col3,INPUT_PULLUP); //Col3 not used if 3x4 keypad is defined. #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SEQUENCER if (sequencer_1_pin){ pinMode(sequencer_1_pin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(sequencer_1_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); } if (sequencer_2_pin){ pinMode(sequencer_2_pin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(sequencer_2_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); } if (sequencer_3_pin){ pinMode(sequencer_3_pin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(sequencer_3_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); } if (sequencer_4_pin){ pinMode(sequencer_4_pin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(sequencer_4_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); } if (sequencer_5_pin){ pinMode(sequencer_5_pin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(sequencer_5_pin,sequencer_pins_inactive_state); } #endif //FEATURE_SEQUENCER #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE if (so2r_tx_1) { pinMode(so2r_tx_1, OUTPUT); } if (so2r_tx_2) { pinMode(so2r_tx_2, OUTPUT); } if (so2r_rx_1) { pinMode(so2r_rx_1, OUTPUT); } if (so2r_rx_1s) { pinMode(so2r_rx_1s, OUTPUT); } if (so2r_rx_2) { pinMode(so2r_rx_2, OUTPUT); } if (so2r_rx_2s) { pinMode(so2r_rx_2s, OUTPUT); } if (so2r_rx_s) { pinMode(so2r_rx_s, OUTPUT); } so2r_set_tx(); so2r_set_rx(); #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES if (so2r_tx_switch) { pinMode(so2r_tx_switch, INPUT_PULLUP); } if (so2r_rx1_switch) { pinMode(so2r_rx1_switch, INPUT_PULLUP); } if (so2r_rx2_switch) { pinMode(so2r_rx2_switch, INPUT_PULLUP); } #endif // FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES #endif // FEATURE_SO2R_BASE if (ptt_input_pin){ pinMode(ptt_input_pin,INPUT_PULLUP); } if (tx_inhibit_pin){ pinMode(tx_inhibit_pin,INPUT_PULLUP); } if (tx_pause_pin){ pinMode(tx_pause_pin,INPUT_PULLUP); } if (potentiometer_enable_pin){ pinMode(potentiometer_enable_pin,INPUT_PULLUP); } } //initialize_pins() //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_debug_startup(){ #ifdef DEBUG_STARTUP serial_status(debug_serial_port); #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_SERIAL")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE")); #endif #ifndef OPTION_DO_NOT_SAY_HI debug_serial_port->println(F("OPTION_DO_NOT_SAY_HI")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_MEMORIES")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_MEMORY_MACROS")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION")); #endif #ifdef OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT debug_serial_port->println(F("OPTION_WINKEY_2_SUPPORT")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_BEACON debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_BEACON")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_TRAINING_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER")); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_HELL debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_HELL")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_AMERICAN_MORSE")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_DEAD_OP_WATCHDOG")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_AUTOSPACE")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_FARNSWORTH")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DL2SBA_BANKSWITCH debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_DL2SBA_BANKSWITCH")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_BUTTONS")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_4BIT debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_LCD_4BIT")); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_8BIT debug_serial_port->println(F("FEATURE_LCD_8BIT")); #endif debug_serial_port->println(F("setup: exiting, going into loop")); #endif //DEBUG_STARTUP } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_CW_DECODER void service_cw_decoder() { static unsigned long last_transition_time = 0; static unsigned long last_decode_time = 0; static byte last_state = HIGH; static int decode_elements[16]; // this stores received element lengths in mS (positive = tone, minus = no tone) static byte decode_element_pointer = 0; static float decode_element_tone_average = 0; static float decode_element_no_tone_average = 0; static int no_tone_count = 0; static int tone_count = 0; byte decode_it_flag = 0; byte cd_decoder_pin_state = HIGH; int element_duration = 0; static float decoder_wpm = configuration.wpm; long decode_character = 0; static byte space_sent = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE static byte screen_column = 0; static int last_printed_decoder_wpm = 0; #endif cd_decoder_pin_state = digitalRead(cw_decoder_pin); #if defined(OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR) if (cwtonedetector.detecttone() == HIGH){ // invert states cd_decoder_pin_state = LOW; } else { cd_decoder_pin_state = HIGH; } #endif #if defined(DEBUG_CW_DECODER_WITH_TONE) if (cd_decoder_pin_state == LOW){ #if defined(GOERTZ_TARGET_FREQ) tone(sidetone_line, GOERTZ_TARGET_FREQ); #else tone(sidetone_line, hz_sidetone); #endif //defined(GOERTZ_TARGET_FREQ) } else { noTone(sidetone_line); } #endif //DEBUG_CW_DECODER if ((cw_decoder_indicator) && (cd_decoder_pin_state == LOW)){ digitalWrite(cw_decoder_indicator,HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(cw_decoder_indicator,LOW); } #ifdef DEBUG_OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR static unsigned long last_magnitude_debug_print = 0; if ((millis() - last_magnitude_debug_print) > 250){ //debug_serial_port->print("service_cw_decoder: cwtonedetector magnitude: "); //debug_serial_port->print(cwtonedetector.magnitudelimit_low); //debug_serial_port->print("\t"); debug_serial_port->print(cwtonedetector.magnitudelimit); debug_serial_port->print("\t"); debug_serial_port->println(cwtonedetector.magnitude); last_magnitude_debug_print = millis(); } #endif if (last_transition_time == 0) { if (cd_decoder_pin_state == LOW) { // is this our first tone? last_transition_time = millis(); last_state = LOW; #ifdef FEATURE_SLEEP last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_SLEEP #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM last_active_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_BACKLIGHT_AUTO_DIM } else { if ((last_decode_time > 0) && (!space_sent) && ((millis() - last_decode_time) > ((1200/decoder_wpm)*CW_DECODER_SPACE_PRINT_THRESH))) { // should we send a space? #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE primary_serial_port->write(32); screen_column++; #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(' '); #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY space_sent = 1; } } } else { if (cd_decoder_pin_state != last_state) { // we have a transition element_duration = millis() - last_transition_time; if (element_duration > CW_DECODER_NOISE_FILTER) { // filter out noise if (cd_decoder_pin_state == LOW) { // we have a tone decode_elements[decode_element_pointer] = (-1 * element_duration); // the last element was a space, so make it negative no_tone_count++; if (decode_element_no_tone_average == 0) { decode_element_no_tone_average = element_duration; } else { decode_element_no_tone_average = (element_duration + decode_element_no_tone_average) / 2; } decode_element_pointer++; last_state = LOW; } else { // we have no tone decode_elements[decode_element_pointer] = element_duration; // the last element was a tone, so make it positive tone_count++; if (decode_element_tone_average == 0) { decode_element_tone_average = element_duration; } else { decode_element_tone_average = (element_duration + decode_element_tone_average) / 2; } last_state = HIGH; decode_element_pointer++; } last_transition_time = millis(); if (decode_element_pointer == 16) { decode_it_flag = 1; } // if we've filled up the array, go ahead and decode it } } else { // no transition element_duration = millis() - last_transition_time; if (last_state == HIGH) { // we're still high (no tone) - have we reached character space yet? //if ((element_duration > (decode_element_no_tone_average * 2.5)) || (element_duration > (decode_element_tone_average * 2.5))) { if (element_duration > (float(1200/decoder_wpm)*CW_DECODER_SPACE_DECODE_THRESH)) { decode_it_flag = 1; } } else { // have we had tone for an outrageous amount of time? } } } if (decode_it_flag) { // are we ready to decode the element array? // adjust the decoder wpm based on what we got if ((no_tone_count > 0) && (tone_count > 1)){ // NEW if (decode_element_no_tone_average > 0) { if (abs((1200/decode_element_no_tone_average) - decoder_wpm) < 5) { decoder_wpm = (decoder_wpm + (1200/decode_element_no_tone_average))/2; } else { if (abs((1200/decode_element_no_tone_average) - decoder_wpm) < 10) { decoder_wpm = (decoder_wpm + decoder_wpm + (1200/decode_element_no_tone_average))/3; } else { if (abs((1200/decode_element_no_tone_average) - decoder_wpm) < 20) { decoder_wpm = (decoder_wpm + decoder_wpm + decoder_wpm + (1200/decode_element_no_tone_average))/4; } } } } } // NEW #ifdef DEBUG_CW_DECODER_WPM if (abs(decoder_wpm - last_printed_decoder_wpm) > 0.9) { debug_serial_port->print("<"); debug_serial_port->print(int(decoder_wpm)); debug_serial_port->print(">"); last_printed_decoder_wpm = decoder_wpm; } #endif //DEBUG_CW_DECODER_WPM for (byte x = 0;x < decode_element_pointer; x++) { if (decode_elements[x] > 0) { // is this a tone element? // we have no spaces to time from, use the current wpm if ((decode_elements[x]/(1200/decoder_wpm)) < 2.1 /*1.3*/) { // changed from 1.3 to 2.1 2015-05-12 decode_character = (decode_character * 10) + 1; // we have a dit } else { decode_character = (decode_character * 10) + 2; // we have a dah } } #ifdef DEBUG_CW_DECODER debug_serial_port->print(F("service_cw_decoder: decode_elements[")); debug_serial_port->print(x); debug_serial_port->print(F("]: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decode_elements[x]); #endif //DEBUG_CW_DECODER } #ifdef DEBUG_CW_DECODER debug_serial_port->print(F("service_cw_decoder: decode_element_tone_average: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decode_element_tone_average); debug_serial_port->print(F("service_cw_decoder: decode_element_no_tone_average: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decode_element_no_tone_average); debug_serial_port->print(F("service_cw_decoder: decode_element_no_tone_average wpm: ")); debug_serial_port->println(1200/decode_element_no_tone_average); debug_serial_port->print(F("service_cw_decoder: decoder_wpm: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decoder_wpm); debug_serial_port->print(F("service_cw_decoder: decode_character: ")); debug_serial_port->println(decode_character); #endif //DEBUG_CW_DECODER #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) primary_serial_port->write(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(decode_character)); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->write(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(decode_character)); #endif screen_column++; #endif //defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY display_scroll_print_char(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(decode_character)); #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY // reinitialize everything last_transition_time = 0; last_decode_time = millis(); decode_element_pointer = 0; decode_element_tone_average = 0; decode_element_no_tone_average = 0; space_sent = 0; no_tone_count = 0; tone_count = 0; } //if (decode_it_flag) #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE if (screen_column > CW_DECODER_SCREEN_COLUMNS) { primary_serial_port->println(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port->println(); #endif screen_column = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL } #endif //FEATURE_CW_DECODER //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_keyer_state(){ key_state = 0; key_tx = 1; configuration.wpm = initial_speed_wpm; pot_wpm_low_value = initial_pot_wpm_low_value; configuration.paddle_interruption_quiet_time_element_lengths = default_paddle_interruption_quiet_time_element_lengths; configuration.hz_sidetone = initial_sidetone_freq; configuration.memory_repeat_time = default_memory_repeat_time; configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent = default_cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent; configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = initial_dah_to_dit_ratio; configuration.length_wordspace = default_length_wordspace; configuration.weighting = default_weighting; configuration.wordsworth_wordspace = default_wordsworth_wordspace; configuration.wordsworth_repetition = default_wordsworth_repetition; configuration.wpm_farnsworth = initial_speed_wpm; configuration.cli_mode = CLI_NORMAL_MODE; configuration.wpm_command_mode = initial_command_mode_speed_wpm; configuration.ptt_buffer_hold_active = 0; configuration.sidetone_volume = sidetone_volume_low_limit + ((sidetone_volume_high_limit - sidetone_volume_low_limit) / 2); configuration.ptt_disabled = 0; configuration.beacon_mode_on_boot_up = 0; configuration.cw_echo_timing_factor = 100 * default_cw_echo_timing_factor; configuration.autospace_timing_factor = 100 * default_autospace_timing_factor; configuration.keying_compensation = default_keying_compensation; configuration.ptt_lead_time[0] = initial_ptt_lead_time_tx1; configuration.ptt_tail_time[0] = initial_ptt_tail_time_tx1; configuration.ptt_lead_time[1] = initial_ptt_lead_time_tx2; configuration.ptt_tail_time[1] = initial_ptt_tail_time_tx2; #if !defined(OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER) configuration.ptt_lead_time[2] = initial_ptt_lead_time_tx3; configuration.ptt_tail_time[2] = initial_ptt_tail_time_tx3; configuration.ptt_lead_time[3] = initial_ptt_lead_time_tx4; configuration.ptt_tail_time[3] = initial_ptt_tail_time_tx4; configuration.ptt_lead_time[4] = initial_ptt_lead_time_tx5; configuration.ptt_tail_time[4] = initial_ptt_tail_time_tx5; configuration.ptt_lead_time[5] = initial_ptt_lead_time_tx6; configuration.ptt_tail_time[5] = initial_ptt_tail_time_tx6; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++){ configuration.ptt_active_to_sequencer_active_time[x] = 0; configuration.ptt_inactive_to_sequencer_inactive_time[x] = 0; } #endif //OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER #ifndef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE switch_to_tx_silent(1); #endif #if (!defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || (defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) && defined(FEATURE_EEPROM_E24C1024))) && !defined(HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C) memory_area_end = EEPROM.length() - 1; #else #if defined(HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C) memory_area_end = 254; #else memory_area_end = 1024; // not sure if this is a valid assumption #endif #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_potentiometer(){ #ifdef FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER pinMode(potentiometer,INPUT); pot_wpm_high_value = initial_pot_wpm_high_value; last_pot_wpm_read = pot_value_wpm(); configuration.pot_activated = 1; #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_rotary_encoder(){ #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER #ifdef OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS #if defined (ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI)||defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) //sp5iou 20180329 pinMode(rotary_pin1, INPUT_PULLUP);//sp5iou 20180329 pinMode(rotary_pin2, INPUT_PULLUP);//sp5iou 20180329 #else // (ARDUINO_MAPLE_MINI)||defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103C) //sp5iou 20180329 pinMode(rotary_pin1, INPUT); pinMode(rotary_pin2, INPUT); digitalWrite(rotary_pin1, HIGH); digitalWrite(rotary_pin2, HIGH); #endif #endif //OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS #endif //FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_default_modes(){ // setup default modes keyer_machine_mode = KEYER_NORMAL; configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_NORMAL; configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; #ifdef initial_sidetone_mode configuration.sidetone_mode = initial_sidetone_mode; #endif char_send_mode = CW; #if defined(FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING) && defined(OPTION_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING_ON_BY_DEFAULT) // DL1HTB initialize CMOS Super Keyer if feature is enabled configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on = 1; #endif //FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING // #end DL1HTB initialize CMOS Super Keyer if feature is enabled delay(250); // wait a little bit for the caps to charge up on the paddle lines } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_watchdog(){ #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_enable(WDTO_4S); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_eeprom_for_initialization(){ // do an eeprom reset to defaults if paddles are squeezed if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW && paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) { while (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW && paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) {} initialize_eeprom(); } // read settings from eeprom and initialize eeprom if it has never been written to if (read_settings_from_eeprom()) { #if defined(HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C) EEPROM.init(); //sp5iou 20180328 to reinitialize / initialize EEPROM EEPROM.format();//sp5iou 20180328 to reinitialize / format EEPROM #endif initialize_eeprom(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_eeprom(){ write_settings_to_eeprom(1); // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE) // initialize_tonsin(); // #endif beep_boop(); beep_boop(); beep_boop(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_for_beacon_mode(){ #ifndef OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER // check for beacon mode (paddle_left == low) or straight key mode (paddle_right == low) if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_left) == LOW) { #ifdef FEATURE_BEACON keyer_machine_mode = BEACON; #endif } else { if (paddle_pin_read(paddle_right) == LOW) { configuration.keyer_mode = STRAIGHT; } } #endif //OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_for_debug_modes(){ #ifdef DEBUG_CAPTURE_COM_PORT primary_serial_port->begin(primary_serial_port_baud_rate); debug_capture(); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_HELL_TEST hell_test(); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_serial_ports(){ // initialize serial port #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL) #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) //-------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_BUTTONS if (analogbuttonread(0)) { #ifdef OPTION_PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT_WINKEY_EMULATION primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_CLI; primary_serial_port_baud_rate = PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD; #else primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION; primary_serial_port_baud_rate = WINKEY_DEFAULT_BAUD; #endif //ifndef OPTION_PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT_WINKEY_EMULATION } else { #ifdef OPTION_PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT_WINKEY_EMULATION primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION; primary_serial_port_baud_rate = WINKEY_DEFAULT_BAUD; #else primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_CLI; primary_serial_port_baud_rate = PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD; #endif //ifndef OPTION_PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT_WINKEY_EMULATION } while (analogbuttonread(0)) {} #else //FEATURE_BUTTONS #ifdef OPTION_PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT_WINKEY_EMULATION primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION; primary_serial_port_baud_rate = WINKEY_DEFAULT_BAUD; #else primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_CLI; primary_serial_port_baud_rate = PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD; #endif //ifndef OPTION_PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_DEFAULT_WINKEY_EMULATION #endif //FEATURE_BUTTONS #endif //defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE)--------------------------------- #if !defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_CLI; primary_serial_port_baud_rate = PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD; #endif //!defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) #if defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) primary_serial_port_mode = SERIAL_WINKEY_EMULATION; primary_serial_port_baud_rate = WINKEY_DEFAULT_BAUD; #endif //defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) && !defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) primary_serial_port = PRIMARY_SERIAL_PORT; primary_serial_port->begin(primary_serial_port_baud_rate); #ifdef DEBUG_STARTUP debug_serial_port->println(F("setup: serial port opened")); #endif //DEBUG_STARTUP #if !defined(OPTION_SUPPRESS_SERIAL_BOOT_MSG) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) if (primary_serial_port_mode == SERIAL_CLI) { primary_serial_port->print(F("\n\rK3NG Keyer Version ")); primary_serial_port->write(CODE_VERSION); primary_serial_port->println(); #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) primary_serial_port->println(F("\n\rEnter \\? for help\n")); #endif while(primary_serial_port->available()){primary_serial_port->read();} //clear out buffer at boot } #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORYCHECK memorycheck(); #endif //DEBUG_MEMORYCHECK #endif //!defined(OPTION_SUPPRESS_SERIAL_BOOT_MSG) && defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE) #ifdef DEBUG_AUX_SERIAL_PORT debug_port = DEBUG_AUX_SERIAL_PORT; debug_serial_port->begin(DEBUG_AUX_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD); debug_serial_port->print("debug port open "); debug_serial_port->println(CODE_VERSION); #endif //DEBUG_AUX_SERIAL_PORT #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT secondary_serial_port = SECONDARY_SERIAL_PORT; secondary_serial_port->begin(SECONDARY_SERIAL_PORT_BAUD); #if !defined(OPTION_SUPPRESS_SERIAL_BOOT_MSG) secondary_serial_port->print(F("\n\rK3NG Keyer Version ")); secondary_serial_port->write(CODE_VERSION); secondary_serial_port->println(); #if defined(FEATURE_SERIAL_HELP) secondary_serial_port->println(F("\n\rEnter \\? for help\n")); #endif while(secondary_serial_port->available()){secondary_serial_port->read();} //clear out buffer at boot #endif #endif //FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_ON_SECONDARY_PORT debug_serial_port = secondary_serial_port; #else debug_serial_port = primary_serial_port; #endif #endif //FEATURE_SERIAL } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_ps2_keyboard(){ #ifdef FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD #ifdef OPTION_PS2_KEYBOARD_RESET // code contributed by Bill, W9BEL attachInterrupt(1, ps2int_write, FALLING); digitalWrite(ps2_keyboard_data, LOW); // pullup off pinMode(ps2_keyboard_data, OUTPUT); // pull clock low delay(200); #endif //OPTION_PS2_KEYBOARD_RESET keyboard.begin(ps2_keyboard_data, ps2_keyboard_clock); #endif //FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_PS2_KEYBOARD) && defined(OPTION_PS2_KEYBOARD_RESET) void ps2int_write() { // code contributed by Bill, W9BEL //----- Called from initialize_ps2_keyboard to reset Mini KBD --------- // The ISR for the external interrupt in read mode uint8_t buffer[45]; uint8_t head, tail, writeByte = 255; uint8_t curbit = 0, parity = 0, ack =0; if(curbit < 8) { if(writeByte & 1) { parity ^= 1; digitalWrite(ps2_keyboard_data, HIGH); } else digitalWrite(ps2_keyboard_data, LOW); writeByte >>= 1; } else if(curbit == 8) { // parity if(parity) digitalWrite(ps2_keyboard_data, LOW); else digitalWrite(ps2_keyboard_data, HIGH); } else if(curbit == 9) { // time to let go pinMode(ps2_keyboard_data, INPUT); // release line digitalWrite(ps2_keyboard_data, HIGH); // pullup on } else { // time to check device ACK and hold clock again //holdClock(); digitalWrite(ps2_keyboard_clock, LOW); // pullup off pinMode(ps2_keyboard_clock, OUTPUT); // pull clock low ack = !digitalRead(ps2_keyboard_data); } curbit++; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_display(){ #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_SAINSMART_I2C) || defined(FEATURE_LCD_I2C_FDEBRABANDER) lcd.begin(); lcd.home(); #else lcd.begin(LCD_COLUMNS, LCD_ROWS); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_I2C lcd.setBacklight(lcdcolor); #endif //FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_I2C #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_ADAFRUIT_BACKPACK lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_MATHERTEL_PCF8574 lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); #endif #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS // OZ1JHM provided code, cleaned up by LA3ZA // Store bit maps, designed using editor at http://omerk.github.io/lcdchargen/ byte U_umlaut[8] = {B01010,B00000,B10001,B10001,B10001,B10001,B01110,B00000}; // 'Ü' byte O_umlaut[8] = {B01010,B00000,B01110,B10001,B10001,B10001,B01110,B00000}; // 'Ö' byte A_umlaut[8] = {B01010,B00000,B01110,B10001,B11111,B10001,B10001,B00000}; // 'Ä' byte AE_capital[8] = {B01111,B10100,B10100,B11110,B10100,B10100,B10111,B00000}; // 'Æ' byte OE_capital[8] = {B00001,B01110,B10011,B10101,B11001,B01110,B10000,B00000}; // 'Ø' byte empty[8] = {B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000}; // empty byte AA_capital[8] = {B00100,B00000,B01110,B10001,B11111,B10001,B10001,B00000}; // 'Å' byte Ntilde[8] = {B01101,B10010,B00000,B11001,B10101,B10011,B10001,B00000}; // 'Ñ' // upload 8 charaters to the lcd lcd.createChar(0, U_umlaut); // German lcd.createChar(1, O_umlaut); // German, Swedish lcd.createChar(2, A_umlaut); // German, Swedish lcd.createChar(3, AE_capital); // Danish, Norwegian lcd.createChar(4, OE_capital); // Danish, Norwegian lcd.createChar(5, empty); // For some reason this one needs to display nothing - otherwise it will display in pauses on serial interface lcd.createChar(6, AA_capital); // Danish, Norwegian, Swedish lcd.createChar(7, Ntilde); // Spanish lcd.clear(); // you have to ;o) #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9) { lcd_center_print_timed("K3NGKeyr", 0, 4000); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("K3NG Keyer", 0, 4000); #ifdef OPTION_PERSONALIZED_STARTUP_SCREEN if (LCD_ROWS == 2) { lcd_center_print_timed(custom_startup_field, 1, 4000); // display the custom field on the second line of the display, maximum field length is the number of columns } else if (LCD_ROWS > 2) { lcd_center_print_timed("hi", 1, 4000); // display 'hi' on the 2nd line anyway lcd_center_print_timed(custom_startup_field, 2, 4000); // display the custom field on the third line of the display, maximum field length is the number of columns } #else lcd_center_print_timed("hi", 1, 4000); #endif // OPTION_PERSONALIZED_STARTUP_SCREEN if (LCD_ROWS > 3) lcd_center_print_timed("V: " + String(CODE_VERSION), 3, 4000); // display the code version on the fourth line of the display } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY if (keyer_machine_mode != BEACON) { #ifndef OPTION_DO_NOT_SAY_HI // sound out HI // store current setting (compliments of DL2SBA - http://dl2sba.com/ ) byte oldKey = key_tx; byte oldSideTone = configuration.sidetone_mode; key_tx = 0; configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; send_char('H',KEYER_NORMAL); send_char('I',KEYER_NORMAL); configuration.sidetone_mode = oldSideTone; key_tx = oldKey; #endif //OPTION_DO_NOT_SAY_HI #ifdef OPTION_BLINK_HI_ON_PTT blink_ptt_dits_and_dahs(".... .."); #endif } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_BLINK_HI_ON_PTT) || (defined(OPTION_WINKEY_BLINK_PTT_ON_HOST_OPEN) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION)) void blink_ptt_dits_and_dahs(char const * cw_to_send){ sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; for (int x = 0;x < strlen(cw_to_send);x++){ switch(cw_to_send[x]){ case '.': ptt_key(); delay(100); ptt_unkey(); delay(100); break; case '-': ptt_key(); delay(300); ptt_unkey(); delay(100); break; case ' ': delay(400); break; } #ifdef OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER wdt_reset(); #endif //OPTION_WATCHDOG_TIMER } } #endif //defined(OPTION_BLINK_HI_ON_PTT) || (defined(OPTION_WINKEY_BLINK_PTT_ON_HOST_OPEN) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION)) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD void KbdRptParser::OnKeyDown(uint8_t mod, uint8_t key) { #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES enum usb_kbd_states {USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL, USB_KEYBOARD_WPM_ADJUST, USB_KEYBOARD_FARNS_WPM_ADJUST, USB_KEYBOARD_SN_ENTRY, USB_KEYBOARD_PROGRAM_MEM}; #else enum usb_kbd_states {USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL, USB_KEYBOARD_WPM_ADJUST, USB_KEYBOARD_FARNS_WPM_ADJUST, USB_KEYBOARD_SN_ENTRY}; #endif #define USB_KEYBOARD_SPECIAL_MODE_TIMEOUT 5000 static byte usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL; static byte user_num_input_places = 0; static int user_num_input_lower_limit = 0; static int user_num_input_upper_limit = 0; static byte user_input_index = 0; static byte user_input_array[255]; static int user_num_input_number_entered = 0; byte user_input_process_it = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES static byte usb_keyboard_program_memory = 0; #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES int x = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY String lcd_string; #endif MODIFIERKEYS modifier; *((uint8_t*)&modifier) = mod; #ifdef DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->print(F("KbdRptParser::OnKeyDown: mod:")); debug_serial_port->print(mod); debug_serial_port->print(" key:"); debug_serial_port->print(key); debug_serial_port->print("\t"); debug_serial_port->print((modifier.bmLeftCtrl == 1) ? "LeftCtrl" : " "); debug_serial_port->print((modifier.bmLeftShift == 1) ? "LeftShift" : " "); debug_serial_port->print((modifier.bmLeftAlt == 1) ? "LeftAlt" : " "); debug_serial_port->print((modifier.bmLeftGUI == 1) ? "LeftGUI" : " "); debug_serial_port->print((modifier.bmRightCtrl == 1) ? "RightCtrl" : " "); debug_serial_port->print((modifier.bmRightShift == 1) ? "RightShift" : " "); debug_serial_port->print((modifier.bmRightAlt == 1) ? "RightAlt" : " "); debug_serial_port->print((modifier.bmRightGUI == 1) ? "RightGUI" : " "); debug_serial_port->print("\t"); PrintHex(key, 0x80); debug_serial_port->println(); #endif //DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD byte usb_keyboard_prosign_flag = 0; uint8_t keystroke = OemToAscii(mod, key); byte keyboard_tune_on = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES if (usb_keyboard_mode == USB_KEYBOARD_PROGRAM_MEM){ if ((key == 0x2a) && (user_input_index)){ // BACKSPACE user_input_index--; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string = keyboard_string.substring(0,keyboard_string.length()-1); lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string, 1, 0 /*default_display_msg_delay)*/); #endif usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time = millis(); return; } if ((key == 0x28) || (key == 0x58)) {user_input_process_it = 1;} // ENTER if (key == 0x29) { // ESCAPE #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else boop(); #endif user_input_index = 0; usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL; return; } if ((keystroke > 31) && (keystroke < 123)) { usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time = millis(); keystroke = uppercase(keystroke); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string.concat(char(keystroke)); if (keyboard_string.length() > LCD_COLUMNS) { lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string.substring((keyboard_string.length()-LCD_COLUMNS)), 1, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string, 1, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif user_input_array[user_input_index] = keystroke; user_input_index++; if (user_input_index > (memory_end(usb_keyboard_program_memory)-memory_start(usb_keyboard_program_memory))) { user_input_process_it = 1; } #ifdef DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->print(F("KbdRptParser::OnKeyDown: user_input_index: ")); debug_serial_port->println(user_input_index); #endif //DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD } // if ((keystroke > 31) && (keystroke < 123)) if (user_input_process_it){ #ifdef DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->println(F("KbdRptParser::OnKeyDown: user_input_process_it")); #endif //DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD for (x = 0;x < user_input_index;x++) { // write to memory EEPROM.write((memory_start(usb_keyboard_program_memory)+x),user_input_array[x]); if ((memory_start(usb_keyboard_program_memory) + x) == memory_end(usb_keyboard_program_memory)) { // are we at last memory location? x = user_input_index; } } // write terminating 255 EEPROM.write((memory_start(usb_keyboard_program_memory)+x),255); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Done", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #else beep(); #endif user_input_process_it = 0; user_input_index = 0; usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL; } //if (user_input_process_it) return; } // if (usb_keyboard_mode == USB_KEYBOARD_PROGRAM_MEM) #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES if ((usb_keyboard_mode == USB_KEYBOARD_WPM_ADJUST) || (usb_keyboard_mode == USB_KEYBOARD_WPM_ADJUST) || (usb_keyboard_mode == USB_KEYBOARD_FARNS_WPM_ADJUST) || (usb_keyboard_mode == USB_KEYBOARD_SN_ENTRY)) { if ((key > 29) && (key < 40)) { // convert keyboard code to number if (key == 39) { user_input_array[user_input_index] = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string.concat(String(0)); #endif } else { user_input_array[user_input_index] = key - 29; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string.concat(String(key-29)); #endif } #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string, 1, default_display_msg_delay); #endif user_input_index++; usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time = millis(); } else { // not a number key, is it a special key? if ((key == 0x2a) && (user_input_index)){ //BACKSPACE user_input_index--; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY keyboard_string = keyboard_string.substring(0,keyboard_string.length()-1); lcd_center_print_timed(keyboard_string, 1, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } if ((key == 0x28) || (key == 0x58)) {user_input_process_it = 1;} // ENTER if (key == 0x29) { // ESCAPE user_input_index = 0; usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL; } } if ((user_input_index >= user_num_input_places) || (user_input_process_it)){ // is the user input ready to be processed? user_num_input_number_entered = 0; int y = 1; for (x = (user_input_index-1); x >= 0; x--){ user_num_input_number_entered = user_num_input_number_entered + (user_input_array[x] * y); y = y * 10; } if ((user_num_input_number_entered > user_num_input_lower_limit) && (user_num_input_number_entered < user_num_input_upper_limit)){ switch(usb_keyboard_mode){ case USB_KEYBOARD_WPM_ADJUST: speed_set(user_num_input_number_entered); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH case USB_KEYBOARD_FARNS_WPM_ADJUST: configuration.wpm_farnsworth = user_num_input_number_entered; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH case USB_KEYBOARD_SN_ENTRY: serial_number = user_num_input_number_entered; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #else beep(); #endif break; default: boop(); break; } } else { boop(); // bad user input! } // reinitialize everything for the next go around user_input_index = 0; usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL; } return; } // grab the keypad / and * for dit and dah paddling if (key == 0x54) {usb_dit = 1; return;} if (key == 0x55) {usb_dah = 1; return;} if (key == 0x58) {sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING;tx_and_sidetone_key(1);return;} if ((modifier.bmLeftShift) || (modifier.bmRightShift)) { switch(key){ case 0x2a: // BACKSPACE - decrement serial number serial_number--; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("SN " + String(serial_number), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Serial: " + String(serial_number), 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif return; break; } // switch(key) #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES if ((key >= 0x3a) && (key <= 0x45)){ // SHIFT F1-F12 : program memories usb_keyboard_program_memory = key - 0x3a; // convert key scan code to memory number; F1 = 0 if (usb_keyboard_program_memory > (number_of_memories - 1)) { boop(); return; } usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time = millis(); usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_PROGRAM_MEM; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_string = "PgmMem"; } else { lcd_string = "Program Memory"; } if (usb_keyboard_program_memory < 9) { lcd_string.concat(' '); } keyboard_string = ""; lcd_string.concat(usb_keyboard_program_memory+1); lcd_center_print_timed(lcd_string, 0, default_display_msg_delay); #else boop_beep(); #endif repeat_memory = 255; return; } #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES } // if ((modifier.bmLeftShift) || (modifier.bmRightShift)) if ((modifier.bmLeftAlt) || (modifier.bmRightAlt)) { switch(key){ #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case 0x3a: if (number_of_memories > 0) {repeat_memory_msg(0);} return; break; // F1 case 0x3b: if (number_of_memories > 1) {repeat_memory_msg(1);} return; break; case 0x3c: if (number_of_memories > 2) {repeat_memory_msg(2);} return; break; case 0x3d: if (number_of_memories > 3) {repeat_memory_msg(3);} return; break; case 0x3e: if (number_of_memories > 4) {repeat_memory_msg(4);} return; break; case 0x3f: if (number_of_memories > 5) {repeat_memory_msg(5);} return; break; case 0x40: if (number_of_memories > 6) {repeat_memory_msg(6);} return; break; case 0x41: if (number_of_memories > 7) {repeat_memory_msg(7);} return; break; case 0x42: if (number_of_memories > 8) {repeat_memory_msg(8);} return; break; case 0x43: if (number_of_memories > 9) {repeat_memory_msg(9);} return; break; case 0x44: if (number_of_memories > 10) {repeat_memory_msg(10);} return; break; case 0x45: if (number_of_memories > 11) {repeat_memory_msg(11);} return; break; #endif } //switch(key) } // if ((modifier.bmLeftAlt) || (modifier.bmRightAlt)) if ((modifier.bmLeftCtrl) || (modifier.bmRightCtrl)) { #ifdef DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->print(F("KbdRptParser::OnKeyDown: CTRL-")); debug_serial_port->println(keystroke); #endif //DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD switch(key){ case 0x04 : // CTRL-A configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_A; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Iambic A", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; case 0x05 : // CTRL-B configuration.keyer_mode = IAMBIC_B; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Iambic B", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; case 0x06 : // CTRL-C configuration.keyer_mode = SINGLE_PADDLE; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("SnglePdl", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Single Paddle", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC case 0x07 : // CTRL-D configuration.keyer_mode = ULTIMATIC; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Ultimatc", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Ultimatic", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif config_dirty = 1; break; #endif case 0x08 : // CTRL-E #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Entr SN", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Enter Serial #", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_SN_ENTRY; user_num_input_places = 4; user_num_input_lower_limit = 0; user_num_input_upper_limit = 10000; usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time = millis(); break; case 0x0a : // CTRL-G configuration.keyer_mode = BUG; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Bug", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif config_dirty = 1; break; case 0x0b : // CTRL-H #ifdef FEATURE_HELL if (char_send_mode == CW) { char_send_mode = HELL; beep(); } else { char_send_mode = CW; beep(); } #endif //FEATURE_HELL break; case 0x0c : // CTRL-I if (key_tx && keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) { //Added check that keyer is NOT in command mode or keyer might be enabled for paddle commands (WD9DMP-1) key_tx = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } else if (!key_tx && keyer_machine_mode != KEYER_COMMAND_MODE) { //Added check that keyer is NOT in command mode or keyer might be enabled for paddle commands (WD9DMP) key_tx = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case 0x10: // CTRL-M #ifdef FEATURE_FARNSWORTH #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Frns WPM", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Farnsworth WPM", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_FARNS_WPM_ADJUST; user_num_input_places = 3; user_num_input_lower_limit = -1; user_num_input_upper_limit = 1000; usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time = millis(); #endif break; case 0x11 : // CTRL-N if (configuration.paddle_mode == PADDLE_NORMAL) { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_REVERSE; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pdl Rev", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Reverse", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { configuration.paddle_mode = PADDLE_NORMAL; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("Pdl Norm", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Normal", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } config_dirty = 1; break; case 0x12 : // CTRL-O - cycle through sidetone modes on, paddle only and off - enhanced by Marc-Andre, VE2EVN if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_OFF; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif boop(); } else if (configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON) { configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY; beep(); delay(200); beep(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST Pdl O", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_COLUMNS > 19){ lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone Paddle Only", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone", 0, default_display_msg_delay); lcd_center_print_timed("Paddle Only", 1, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("ST On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Sidetone On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif configuration.sidetone_mode = SIDETONE_ON; beep(); } config_dirty = 1; break; #if defined(FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING) case 0x16 : // CTRL-S if (configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on){ configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("CMOS Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_COLUMNS > 18){ lcd_center_print_timed("CMOS Superkeyer Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("CMOS SK Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("CMOS On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } if (LCD_COLUMNS > 17){ lcd_center_print_timed("CMOS Superkeyer On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("CMOS SK On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on = 1; } config_dirty = 1; break; #endif //FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING case 0x17 : // CTRL-T #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif if (keyboard_tune_on) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); keyboard_tune_on = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Tune", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); keyboard_tune_on = 1; } break; case 0x18 : // CTRL-U if (ptt_line_activated) { manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_status = LCD_REVERT; #endif // FEATURE_DISPLAY } else { #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("PTTInvke", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("PTT Invoke", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif manual_ptt_invoke = 1; ptt_key(); } break; case 0x1a : // CTRL-W #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("WPM Adj", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("WPM Adjust", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #else boop_beep(); #endif usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_WPM_ADJUST; user_num_input_places = 3; user_num_input_lower_limit = 0; user_num_input_upper_limit = 1000; usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time = millis(); break; case 0x3a : // CTRL-F1 switch_to_tx_silent(1); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 1", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif break; case 0x3b : // CTRL-F2 if ((ptt_tx_2) || (tx_key_line_2)) { switch_to_tx_silent(2); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 2", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case 0x3c : // CTRL-F3 if ((ptt_tx_3) || (tx_key_line_3)) { switch_to_tx_silent(3); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 3", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case 0x3d : // CTRL-F4 if ((ptt_tx_4) || (tx_key_line_4)) { switch_to_tx_silent(4); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 4", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case 0x3e : // CTRL-F5 if ((ptt_tx_5) || (tx_key_line_5)) { switch_to_tx_silent(5); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 5", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; case 0x3f : // CTRL-F6 if ((ptt_tx_6) || (tx_key_line_6)) { switch_to_tx_silent(6); #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("TX 6", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } break; #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOSPACE case 0x1d: // CTRL-Z if (configuration.autospace_active) { configuration.autospace_active = 0; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AutoSOff", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Autospace Off", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } else { configuration.autospace_active = 1; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("AutoS On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Autospace On", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } #endif } break; #endif } //switch(keystroke) return; } //if ((modifier.bmLeftCtrl) || (modifier.bmRightCtrl)) // special keys with no modifiers switch(key){ case 0x4b: case 0x61: sidetone_adj(20); return; break; case 0x4e: case 0x5b: sidetone_adj(-20); return; break; case 0x4f: case 0x5e: adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(int(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/10)); return; break; case 0x50: case 0x5c: adjust_dah_to_dit_ratio(-1*int(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/10)); return; break; case 0x52: case 0x60: speed_set(configuration.wpm+1); return; break; case 0x51: case 0x5a: speed_set(configuration.wpm-1); return; break; case 0x4a: case 0x5f: //HOME configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = initial_dah_to_dit_ratio; key_tx = 1; config_dirty = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("DfltRtio", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("Default ratio", 0, default_display_msg_delay); } service_display(); #endif #endif return; break; case 0x2b: case 0x48: // TAB, PAUSE if (pause_sending_buffer) { pause_sending_buffer = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS lcd_center_print_timed("Resume", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #endif } else { pause_sending_buffer = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Pause", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif } return; break; // pause case 0x47: // SCROLL - Prosign next two characters usb_keyboard_prosign_flag = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY #ifdef OPTION_MORE_DISPLAY_MSGS lcd_center_print_timed("Prosign", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif #endif return; break; case 0x46: if (send_buffer_bytes) { send_buffer_bytes--; } return; break; // DEL case 0x29 : // ESC - clear the serial send buffer and a bunch of other stuff if (manual_ptt_invoke) { manual_ptt_invoke = 0; ptt_unkey(); } if (keyboard_tune_on) { sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); keyboard_tune_on = 0; } if (pause_sending_buffer) { pause_sending_buffer = 0; } clear_send_buffer(); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES //clear_memory_button_buffer(); play_memory_prempt = 1; repeat_memory = 255; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY lcd_center_print_timed("Abort", 0, default_display_msg_delay); #endif return; break; case 0x49: case 0x62: // INSERT - send serial number and increment put_serial_number_in_send_buffer(); serial_number++; return; break; case 0x4d: case 0x59: // END - send serial number no increment put_serial_number_in_send_buffer(); return; break; #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES case 0x3a: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(0); return; break; // F1 case 0x3b: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(1); return; break; case 0x3c: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(2); return; break; case 0x3d: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(3); return; break; case 0x3e: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(4); return; break; case 0x3f: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(5); return; break; case 0x40: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(6); return; break; case 0x41: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(7); return; break; case 0x42: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(8); return; break; case 0x43: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(9); return; break; case 0x44: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(10); return; break; case 0x45: ps2_usb_keyboard_play_memory(11); return; break; #endif } // switch(key) // regular keys if (keystroke) { if ((keystroke > 31) && (keystroke < 123)) { if (usb_keyboard_prosign_flag) { add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_PROSIGN); usb_keyboard_prosign_flag = 0; } keystroke = uppercase(keystroke); add_to_send_buffer(keystroke); #ifdef FEATURE_MEMORIES repeat_memory = 255; #endif } } //if (keystroke) // have we been in a special mode too long? if ((usb_keyboard_mode != USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL) && ((millis() - usb_keyboard_special_mode_start_time) > USB_KEYBOARD_SPECIAL_MODE_TIMEOUT)) { usb_keyboard_mode = USB_KEYBOARD_NORMAL; user_input_index = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD debug_serial_port->println(F("KbdRptParser::OnKeyDown: usb_keyboard_mode timeout")); #endif //DEBUG_USB_KEYBOARD return; } } #endif //FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD void KbdRptParser::OnKeyUp(uint8_t mod, uint8_t key) { // grab the keypad / and * for dit and dah paddling if (key == 0x54) {usb_dit = 0; return;} if (key == 0x55) {usb_dah = 0; return;} if (key == 0x58) {sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING;tx_and_sidetone_key(0);return;} } #endif //FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_usb() { #if defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) if (Usb.Init() == -1) { #ifdef DEBUG_USB debug_serial_port->println(F("\rinitialize_usb: OSC did not start.")); #endif //DEBUG_USB return; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_USB debug_serial_port->println(F("\rinitialize_usb: initializing")); #endif //DEBUG_USB } delay(200); next_time = millis() + 5000; #endif // (FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) #ifdef FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD HidKeyboard.SetReportParser(0, (HIDReportParser*)&KeyboardPrs); #endif //FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD #ifdef FEATURE_USB_MOUSE HidMouse.SetReportParser(0,(HIDReportParser*)&MousePrs); #endif //FEATURE_USB_MOUSE #if defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) unsigned long start_init = millis(); while ((millis() - start_init) < 2000){ Usb.Task(); } #ifdef DEBUG_USB debug_serial_port->println(F("intialize_usb: initialized")); #endif //DEBUG_USB #endif // (FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD) || defined(FEATURE_USB_MOUSE) void service_usb(){ Usb.Task(); } #endif //FEATURE_USB_KEYBOARD || FEATURE_USB_MOUSE //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_USB_MOUSE void MouseRptParser::OnMouseMove(MOUSEINFO *mi){ /* debug_serial_port->print("dx="); debug_serial_port->print(mi->dX, DEC); debug_serial_port->print(" dy="); debug_serial_port->println(mi->dY, DEC); */ /* this is just me fooling around */ #ifdef OPTION_MOUSE_MOVEMENT_PADDLE static int last_dX = 0; static int last_dY = 0; int current_dX = (mi->dX); int current_dY = (mi->dY); /* X/Y method - doesn't work too well if ((current_dX != last_dX) && (abs(current_dX) > abs(current_dY)) && (abs(current_dX) > 3)){ dit_buffer = 1; } if ((current_dY != last_dY) && (abs(current_dY) > abs(current_dX)) && (abs(current_dY) > 3)){ dah_buffer = 1; } */ /* X only method */ if ((current_dX != last_dX) && (abs(current_dX) > 8)){ if (current_dX < 0) { dit_buffer = 1; } else { dah_buffer = 1; } } last_dX = current_dX; last_dY = current_dY; #endif //OPTION_MOUSE_MOVEMENT_PADDLE }; void MouseRptParser::OnLeftButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi){ usb_dit = 0; }; void MouseRptParser::OnLeftButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi){ usb_dit = 1; }; void MouseRptParser::OnRightButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi){ usb_dah = 0; }; void MouseRptParser::OnRightButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi){ usb_dah = 1; }; void MouseRptParser::OnMiddleButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi){ sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); }; void MouseRptParser::OnMiddleButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi){ sending_mode = MANUAL_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(1); }; #endif //FEATURE_USB_MOUSE //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS uint8_t read_capacitive_pin(int pinToMeasure) { /* This code is from http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/CapacitiveSensor Original code by Mario Becker, Fraunhofer IGD, 2007 http://www.igd.fhg.de/igd-a4 Updated by: Alan Chatham http://unojoy.tumblr.com Updated by Paul Stoffregen: Replaced '328 specific code with portOutputRegister, etc for compatibility with Arduino Mega, Teensy, Sanguino and other boards Gratuitous optimization to improve sensitivity by Casey Rodarmor. */ // Variables used to translate from Arduino to AVR pin naming volatile uint8_t* port; volatile uint8_t* ddr; volatile uint8_t* pin; // Here we translate the input pin number from // Arduino pin number to the AVR PORT, PIN, DDR, // and which bit of those registers we care about. byte bitmask; port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinToMeasure)); ddr = portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinToMeasure)); bitmask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinToMeasure); pin = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinToMeasure)); // Discharge the pin first by setting it low and output *port &= ~(bitmask); *ddr |= bitmask; delay(1); // Prevent the timer IRQ from disturbing our measurement noInterrupts(); // Make the pin an input with the internal pull-up on *ddr &= ~(bitmask); *port |= bitmask; // Now see how long the pin to get pulled up. This manual unrolling of the loop // decreases the number of hardware cycles between each read of the pin, // thus increasing sensitivity. uint8_t cycles = 17; /* if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 0;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 1;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 2;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 3;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 4;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 5;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 6;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 7;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 8;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 9;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 10;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 11;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 12;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 13;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 14;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 15;} else if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 16;}*/ if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 0; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 1; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 2; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 3; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 4; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 5; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 6; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 7; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 8; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 9; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 10; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 11; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 12; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 13; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 14; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 15; } else { if (*pin & bitmask) { cycles = 16; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } // End of timing-critical section interrupts(); // Discharge the pin again by setting it low and output // It's important to leave the pins low if you want to // be able to touch more than 1 sensor at a time - if // the sensor is left pulled high, when you touch // two sensors, your body will transfer the charge between // sensors. *port &= ~(bitmask); *ddr |= bitmask; #ifdef DEBUG_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE static unsigned long last_cap_paddle_debug = 0; if ((millis() - last_cap_paddle_debug) > 250){ debug_serial_port->flush(); debug_serial_port->print("read_capacitive_pin: pin:"); debug_serial_port->print(pinToMeasure); debug_serial_port->print(" cyc:"); debug_serial_port->println(cycles); last_cap_paddle_debug = millis(); } #endif //DEBUG_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE return cycles; } #endif //FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_LED_RING void update_led_ring(){ static int last_leds = 0; int leds = 0; leds = map(configuration.wpm,led_ring_low_limit,led_ring_high_limit,0,15); if (leds < 0){leds = 0;} if (leds > 15){leds = 15;} if (leds != last_leds){ digitalWrite(led_ring_le,LOW); digitalWrite(led_ring_sdi,LOW); digitalWrite(led_ring_clk,HIGH); digitalWrite(led_ring_clk,LOW); for (int x = 15;x > 0;x--){ if (x <= leds){ digitalWrite(led_ring_sdi,HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(led_ring_sdi,LOW); } digitalWrite(led_ring_clk,HIGH); digitalWrite(led_ring_clk,LOW); } //shiftOut(led_ring_sdi,led_ring_clk,MSBFIRST,(sequence[y][x] >> 8)); //High byte first //shiftOut(led_ring_sdi,led_ring_clk,MSBFIRST,sequence[y][x]); //Low byte second digitalWrite(led_ring_le,HIGH); last_leds = leds; digitalWrite(led_ring_sdi,LOW); } } #endif //FEATURE_LED_RING //--------------------------------------------------------------------- int paddle_pin_read(int pin_to_read){ // Updated code provided by Fred, VK2EFL // // Note on OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_MEGA, OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_UNO, OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER // For Mega2560 and Uno/Nano speed up paddle pin reads by direct read of the register // it saves about 340 bytes of code too #ifndef FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS #ifndef OPTION_INVERT_PADDLE_PIN_LOGIC #ifdef OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_MEGA // after April 2019, if this option is not defined then a direct read of the pins can never occur switch(pin_to_read) { case 2: return(bitRead(PINE, 4)); break; case 5: return(bitRead(PINE, 3)); break; } // end switch #endif // OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_READS_MEGA #ifdef OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_UNO // since with this verion, April 2019, this option is not defined then a direct read of the pins can never occur return (bitRead(PIND, pin_to_read)); // use this line on Unos and Nanos #endif // OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_UNO #ifdef OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER // switch(pin_to_read) { case 2: return(bitRead(PIND, 2)); break; case 5: return(bitRead(PIND, 5)); break; case 8: return(bitRead(PINB, 0)); break; } // end switch #endif // OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER #if !defined(OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_UNO) && !defined(OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_MEGA) && !defined(OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_NANOKEYER) return digitalRead(pin_to_read); // code using digitalRead #endif // !defined(OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_UNO) && !defined(OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_MEGA) #else // !OPTION_INVERT_PADDLE_PIN_LOGIC return !digitalRead(pin_to_read); // we do the regular digitalRead() if none of the direct register read options are valid #endif // !OPTION_INVERT_PADDLE_PIN_LOGIC #else // !FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS if (capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin) { if (digitalRead(capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin) == HIGH) { return digitalRead(pin_to_read); } // end if } // end if (capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin) if (read_capacitive_pin(pin_to_read) > capacitance_threshold) return LOW; else return HIGH; #endif // !FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS // #ifndef FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS // #ifndef OPTION_INVERT_PADDLE_PIN_LOGIC // #if defined(OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_PIN_READS_MEGA) // switch(pin_to_read){ // case 2: return(bitRead(PINE,4));break; // case 5: return(bitRead(PINE,3));break; // } // #else //OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_READS_MEGA // return digitalRead(pin_to_read); // #endif //OPTION_DIRECT_PADDLE_READS_MEGA // #else // return !digitalRead(pin_to_read); // #endif // #else // if (capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin){ // if (digitalRead(capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin) == HIGH){ // return digitalRead(pin_to_read); // } // } // if (read_capacitive_pin(pin_to_read) > capacitance_threshold) { // return LOW; // } else { // return HIGH; // } // #endif //FEATURE_CAPACITIVE_PADDLE_PINS } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ALPHABET_SEND_PRACTICE void command_alphabet_send_practice(){ // contributed by Ryan, KC2ZWM int cw_char; char letter = 'A'; do { cw_char = get_cw_input_from_user(0); if (letter == (char)(convert_cw_number_to_ascii(cw_char))){ if (correct_answer_led) { digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, HIGH); } if (wrong_answer_led) { digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, LOW); } beep(); //send_dit(); if (letter < 'Z') letter++; else letter = 'A'; } else if (cw_char != 9) { if (wrong_answer_led) { digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, HIGH); } if (correct_answer_led) { digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); } boop(); boop(); //send_dah(); } } while (cw_char != 9); if (correct_answer_led) { digitalWrite(correct_answer_led, LOW); } if (wrong_answer_led) { digitalWrite(wrong_answer_led, LOW); } } #endif //FEATURE_ALPHABET_SEND_PRACTICE //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK void service_ptt_interlock(){ static unsigned long last_ptt_interlock_check = 0; if ((millis() - last_ptt_interlock_check) > ptt_interlock_check_every_ms){ if (digitalRead(ptt_interlock) == ptt_interlock_active_state){ if (!ptt_interlock_active){ ptt_interlock_active = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_DISPLAY if (LCD_COLUMNS < 9){ lcd_center_print_timed("PTT Lock",0,2000); } else { lcd_center_print_timed("PTT Interlock",0,2000); } #endif //FEATURE_DISPLAY } } else { if (ptt_interlock_active){ ptt_interlock_active = 0; } } last_ptt_interlock_check = millis(); } } #endif //FEATURE_PTT_INTERLOCK //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) void service_winkey_breakin(){ if (send_winkey_breakin_byte_flag){ winkey_port_write(0xc2|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // 0xc2 - BREAKIN bit set high winkey_interrupted = 1; send_winkey_breakin_byte_flag = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_WINKEY debug_serial_port->println("service_winkey_breakin: winkey_interrupted = 1"); #endif } } #endif //defined(OPTION_WINKEY_SEND_BREAKIN_STATUS_BYTE) && defined(FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_ethernet_variables(){ #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) for (int x = 0;x < 4;x++){ configuration.ip[x] = default_ip[x]; configuration.gateway[x] = default_gateway[x]; configuration.subnet[x] = default_subnet[x]; for (int y = 0;y < FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS;y++){ configuration.link_send_ip[x][y] = 0; configuration.link_send_enabled[y] = 0; configuration.link_send_udp_port[y] = FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_DEFAULT_RCV_UDP_PORT; } } configuration.link_receive_udp_port = FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_DEFAULT_RCV_UDP_PORT; configuration.link_receive_enabled = 0; #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_ethernet(){ #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) Ethernet.begin(mac, configuration.ip, configuration.dns_server, configuration.gateway, configuration.subnet); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_udp(){ #if defined(FEATURE_UDP) int udpbegin_result = Udp.begin(udp_listener_port); #if defined(DEBUG_UDP) if (!udpbegin_result){ debug_serial_port->println("initialize_udp: Udp.begin error"); } #endif #endif //FEATURE_UDP } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_web_server(){ #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) server.begin(); #ifdef DEBUG_WEB_SERVER debug_serial_port->print(F("initialize_web_server: server is at ")); debug_serial_port->println(Ethernet.localIP()); #endif #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) void check_for_network_restart(){ if (restart_networking){ initialize_web_server(); restart_networking = 0; } } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void service_web_server() { if ((web_control_tx_key_time > 0) && ((millis()-web_control_tx_key_time) > (WEB_SERVER_CONTROL_TX_KEY_TIME_LIMIT_SECS*1000))){ tx_and_sidetone_key(0); web_control_tx_key_time = 0; } // Create a client connection EthernetClient client = server.available(); if (client) { valid_request = 0; while (client.connected()){ if (client.available()){ char c = client.read(); //read char by char HTTP request if (web_server_incoming_string.length() < MAX_WEB_REQUEST){ //store characters to string web_server_incoming_string += c; #if defined(DEBUG_WEB_SERVER_READS) debug_serial_port->print("service_web_server: read: "); debug_serial_port->print(c); #endif //DEBUG_WEB_SERVER_READS } else { // web_server_incoming_string = ""; } //has HTTP request ended? if (c == '\n'){ #if defined(DEBUG_WEB_SERVER_READS) debug_serial_port->println(web_server_incoming_string); //print to serial monitor for debuging #endif //DEBUG_WEB_SERVER_READS if (web_server_incoming_string.startsWith("GET / ")){ valid_request = 1; web_print_page_main_menu(client); } if (web_server_incoming_string.startsWith("GET /About")){ valid_request = 1; web_print_page_about(client); } if (web_server_incoming_string.startsWith("GET /KeyerSettings")){ valid_request = 1; // are there form results being posted? if (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?") > 0){ web_print_page_keyer_settings_process(client); } else { web_print_page_keyer_settings(client); } } if (web_server_incoming_string.startsWith("GET /NetworkSettings")){ valid_request = 1; // are there form results being posted? if (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?ip0=") > 0){ web_print_page_network_settings_process(client); } else { web_print_page_network_settings(client); } } #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) if (web_server_incoming_string.startsWith("GET /LinkSettings")){ valid_request = 1; // are there form results being posted? if (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?ip") > 0){ web_print_page_link_settings_process(client); } else { web_print_page_link_settings(client); } } #endif //FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK if (web_server_incoming_string.startsWith("GET /ctrl")){ valid_request = 1; web_print_page_control(client); } #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) if (web_server_incoming_string.startsWith("GET /mem")){ valid_request = 1; // are there form results being posted? // if (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?") > 0){ // web_print_page_memories_process(client); // } else { web_print_page_memories(client); // } } #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES if (!valid_request){ web_print_page_404(client); } delay(1); client.stop(); web_server_incoming_string = ""; } } } } } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_200OK(EthernetClient client){ web_client_print(client,F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_header(EthernetClient client){ web_print_200OK(client); web_client_println(client,F("")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_style_sheet(EthernetClient client){ web_client_print(client,F("")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_home_link(EthernetClient client){ web_client_println(client,F("
")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_footer(EthernetClient client){ web_client_println(client,F("
")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_title(EthernetClient client){ web_client_println(client,F("K3NG CW Keyer")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_network_settings(EthernetClient client){ web_print_header(client); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("

Network Settings

")); // input form web_client_print(client,F("

IP: ..."); web_client_print(client,F("

Gateway: ..."); web_client_print(client,F("

Subnet Mask: ...

"); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) && defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) void web_print_page_link_settings(EthernetClient client){ web_print_header(client); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("

Link Settings

Link Send Settings

")); // input form for (int x = 0;x < FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS;x++){ web_client_print(client,"

Link "); web_client_print(client,x+1); web_client_print(client,": IP: ..."); web_client_print(client," UDP Port: "); // link active/inactive radio buttons web_client_print(client,"Enabled Disabled
"); } web_client_print(client,F("

Link Receive Settings

UDP Receive Port: "); web_client_print(client,"Enabled Disabled
"); web_client_println(client,"

"); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_404(EthernetClient client){ web_client_println(client,F("HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND")); web_client_println(client,F("Content-Type: text/html\n")); web_client_println(client,F("Sorry, dude. Page not found.")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_about(EthernetClient client){ web_print_header(client); web_client_println(client,F("")); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("


")); web_client_println(client,CODE_VERSION); web_client_println(client,"
"); #if !defined(HARDWARE_GENERIC_STM32F103C) void* HP = malloc(4); if (HP){ free (HP); } unsigned long free = (unsigned long)SP - (unsigned long)HP; // web_client_print(client,"Heap = 0x"); // web_client_println(client,(unsigned long)HP,HEX); // web_client_println(client,"
"); // web_client_print(client,"Stack = 0x"); // web_client_println(client,(unsigned long)SP,HEX); // web_client_println(client,"
"); web_client_print(client,free); web_client_println(client,F(" bytes free

")); #endif unsigned long seconds = (millis() / 1000L) + ((pow(2,32)/ 1000L) * millis_rollover); int days = seconds / 86400L; seconds = seconds - (long(days) * 86400L); int hours = seconds / 3600L; seconds = seconds - (long(hours) * 3600L); int minutes = seconds / 60L; seconds = seconds - (minutes * 60); web_client_print(client,days); web_client_print(client,":"); if (hours < 10) {web_client_print(client,"0");} web_client_print(client,hours); web_client_print(client,":"); if (minutes < 10) {web_client_print(client,"0");} web_client_print(client,minutes); web_client_print(client,":"); if (seconds < 10) {web_client_print(client,"0");} web_client_print(client,seconds); web_client_println(client,F(" dd:hh:mm:ss uptime
")); web_client_println(client,F("

Anthony Good, K3NG
Radio Artisan

")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void parse_get(String str){ String workstring = ""; String parameter = ""; String value = ""; for(int x = 0;x < MAX_PARSE_RESULTS;x++){ parse_get_results[x].parameter = ""; parse_get_results[x].value_string = ""; parse_get_results[x].value_long = 0; } parse_get_results_index = 0; #if defined(DEBUG_WEB_PARSE_GET) debug_serial_port->print("parse_get: raw workstring: "); Serial.println(str); #endif workstring = str.substring(str.indexOf("?")+1); #if defined(DEBUG_WEB_PARSE_GET) debug_serial_port->print("parse_get: workstring: "); Serial.println(workstring); #endif while(workstring.indexOf("=") > 0){ parameter = workstring.substring(0,workstring.indexOf("=")); if(workstring.indexOf("&") > 0){ value = workstring.substring(workstring.indexOf("=")+1,workstring.indexOf("&")); workstring = workstring.substring(workstring.indexOf("&")+1); } else { value = workstring.substring(workstring.indexOf("=")+1,workstring.indexOf(" ")); // value = workstring.substring(workstring.indexOf("=")+1); workstring = ""; } #if defined(DEBUG_WEB_PARSE_GET) debug_serial_port->print("parse_get: parameter: "); debug_serial_port->print(parameter); debug_serial_port->print(" value: "); debug_serial_port->println(value); #endif //DEBUG_WEB_PARSE_GET if (parse_get_results_index < MAX_PARSE_RESULTS){ parse_get_results[parse_get_results_index].parameter = parameter; parse_get_results[parse_get_results_index].value_string = value; parse_get_results[parse_get_results_index].value_long = value.toInt(); // Serial.print(parse_get_results_index); // Serial.print(":"); // Serial.print(parse_get_results[parse_get_results_index].parameter); // Serial.print(":"); // Serial.print(parse_get_results[parse_get_results_index].value_string); // Serial.print(":"); // Serial.print(parse_get_results[parse_get_results_index].value_long); // Serial.println("$"); parse_get_results_index++; } } } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_main_menu(EthernetClient client){ web_print_header(client); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("

K3NG CW Keyer


")); #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) web_client_println(client,F("Memories

")); #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES web_client_println(client,F("Keyer Settings

")); #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) web_client_println(client,F("Link Settings

")); #endif //FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK web_client_println(client,F("Network Settings

")); web_print_footer(client); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_control_radio(EthernetClient client,const char *name,int value,uint8_t checked,const char *caption){ web_client_print(client,F("")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_control_checkbox(EthernetClient client,const char *name,uint8_t checked,const char *caption){ web_client_print(client,F("")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_control_textbox(EthernetClient client,const char *name,const char *textbox_class,int textbox_value,const char *front_caption,const char *back_caption){ web_client_print(client,F("")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_control_textbox(EthernetClient client,const char *name,const char *textbox_class,float textbox_value,const char *front_caption,const char *back_caption){ web_client_print(client,F("")); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_keyer_settings(EthernetClient client){ uint8_t pin_read = 0; web_print_header(client); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("

Keyer Settings

")); web_print_control_radio(client,"md",IAMBIC_A,(configuration.keyer_mode == IAMBIC_A)?1:0,"Iambic A "); web_print_control_radio(client,"md",IAMBIC_B,(configuration.keyer_mode == IAMBIC_B)?1:0,"Iambic B "); web_print_control_radio(client,"md",BUG,(configuration.keyer_mode == BUG)?1:0,"Bug "); web_print_control_radio(client,"md",STRAIGHT,(configuration.keyer_mode == STRAIGHT)?1:0,"Straight Key"); #ifndef OPTION_NO_ULTIMATIC web_print_control_radio(client,"md",ULTIMATIC,(configuration.keyer_mode == ULTIMATIC)?1:0,"Ultimatic"); #endif web_print_control_radio(client,"md",SINGLE_PADDLE,(configuration.keyer_mode == SINGLE_PADDLE)?1:0,"Single Paddle"); web_client_println(client,"
"); #ifdef FEATURE_CMOS_SUPER_KEYER_IAMBIC_B_TIMING web_print_control_checkbox(client,"cs",(configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_on)?1:0," CMOS Superkeyer Iambic B Timing "); web_print_control_textbox(client,"cp","addr",configuration.cmos_super_keyer_iambic_b_timing_percent,"","%"); web_client_println(client,"
"); #endif //web_print_control_checkbox(client,"di",(!configuration.dit_buffer_off)?1:0," Dit Buffer "); // couldn't get checkboxes working correctly 2016-12-11 web_client_print(client,"Dit Buffer"); web_print_control_radio(client,"di",0,(configuration.dit_buffer_off)?0:1,"On "); web_print_control_radio(client,"di",1,(configuration.dit_buffer_off)?1:0,"Off "); web_client_println(client,"
"); // web_print_control_checkbox(client,"da",(!configuration.dah_buffer_off)?1:0," Dah Buffer
"); web_client_print(client,"Dah Buffer"); web_print_control_radio(client,"da",0,(configuration.dah_buffer_off)?0:1,"On "); web_print_control_radio(client,"da",1,(configuration.dah_buffer_off)?1:0,"Off"); web_client_println(client,"
"); web_print_control_radio(client,"sm",SPEED_NORMAL,(speed_mode == SPEED_NORMAL)?1:0,"Normal Speed Mode "); web_print_control_textbox(client,"wp","addr",(int)configuration.wpm,""," WPM "); #if defined(FEATURE_FARNSWORTH) web_print_control_textbox(client,"fw","addr",(int)configuration.wpm_farnsworth,""," Farnsworth WPM"); #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH web_client_println(client,"
"); web_print_control_radio(client,"sm",SPEED_QRSS,(speed_mode == SPEED_QRSS)?1:0,"QRSS Mode Dit Length "); web_client_print(client,F("")); web_client_println(client,F("
")); web_client_print(client,F("Sidetone: ")); web_print_control_radio(client,"st",SIDETONE_ON,(configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_ON)?1:0,"On "); web_print_control_radio(client,"st",SIDETONE_OFF,(configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_OFF)?1:0,"Off "); web_print_control_radio(client,"st",SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY,(configuration.sidetone_mode == SIDETONE_PADDLE_ONLY)?1:0,"Paddle Only "); web_print_control_textbox(client,"hz","addr",(int)configuration.hz_sidetone,""," hz"); web_client_println(client,F("
")); web_print_control_textbox(client,"dd","addr",float(configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio/100.0),""," Dah/Dit Ratio"); web_client_println(client,F("
")); web_print_control_textbox(client,"wt","addr",(int)configuration.weighting,"Weighting ",""); web_client_println(client,F("
")); #ifdef FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE web_print_control_textbox(client,"sn","addr",(int)serial_number,"Serial # ",""); web_client_println(client,F("
"));; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER) //web_print_control_textbox(client,"po","addr",(int)pot_value_wpm(),"Potentiometer "," WPM "); //web_print_control_checkbox(client,"pa",(configuration.pot_activated)?1:0," Active"); web_client_print(client,"Potentiometer "); web_print_control_radio(client,"pa",1,(configuration.pot_activated)?1:0,"Active "); web_print_control_radio(client,"pa",0,(configuration.pot_activated)?0:1,"Inactive"); web_client_println(client,F("
")); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) //web_print_control_checkbox(client,"as",(configuration.autospace_active)?1:0," Autospace
"); web_client_print(client,"Autospace"); web_print_control_radio(client,"as",1,(configuration.autospace_active)?1:0,"On "); web_print_control_radio(client,"as",0,(configuration.autospace_active)?0:1,"Off"); web_client_println(client,"
"); #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE web_print_control_textbox(client,"ws","addr",(int)configuration.length_wordspace,"Wordspace ",""); web_client_println(client,F("
")); web_print_control_textbox(client,"tx","addr",(int)configuration.current_tx,"TX ",""); web_client_println(client,F("
")); #if defined(FEATURE_QLF) //web_print_control_checkbox(client,"ql",(qlf_active)?1:0," QLF
"); web_client_print(client,"QLF"); web_print_control_radio(client,"ql",1,(qlf_active)?1:0,"On "); web_print_control_radio(client,"ql",0,(qlf_active)?0:1,"Off"); web_client_println(client,"
"); #endif //FEATURE_QLF web_client_println(client,F("

")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_keyer_settings_process(EthernetClient client){ uint8_t invalid_data = 0; unsigned int ud = 0; uint8_t temp_keyer_mode = 0; uint8_t temp_dit_buffer_off = 0; uint8_t temp_dah_buffer_off = 0; uint8_t temp_speed_mode = 0; unsigned int temp_wpm = 0; unsigned int temp_qrss_dit_length = 0; uint8_t temp_sidetone_mode = 0; unsigned int temp_sidetone_hz = 0; String temp_string_dit_dah_ratio; uint8_t temp_weight = 0; unsigned int temp_serial = 0; uint8_t temp_wordspace = 0; uint8_t temp_tx = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_QLF) uint8_t temp_qlf = 0; #endif //FEATURE_QLF #if defined(FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER) uint8_t temp_pot_activated = 0; #endif //FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER #if defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) uint8_t temp_autospace_active = 0; #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE #if defined(FEATURE_FARNSWORTH) unsigned int temp_farnsworth = 0; #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH parse_get(web_server_incoming_string); if (parse_get_results_index){ for (int x = 0; x < parse_get_results_index; x++){ if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "md"){temp_keyer_mode = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "di"){temp_dit_buffer_off = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "da"){temp_dah_buffer_off = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sm"){temp_speed_mode = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "wp"){temp_wpm = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} #if defined(FEATURE_FARNSWORTH) if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "fw"){temp_farnsworth = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "qd"){temp_qrss_dit_length = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "st"){temp_sidetone_mode = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "hz"){temp_sidetone_hz = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "dd"){temp_string_dit_dah_ratio = parse_get_results[x].value_string;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "wt"){temp_weight = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sn"){temp_serial = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} // po - nothing to do for potentiometer value #if defined(FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER) if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "pa"){temp_pot_activated = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} #endif //FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER #if defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "as"){temp_autospace_active = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ws"){temp_wordspace = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "tx"){temp_tx = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} #if defined(FEATURE_QLF) if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ql"){temp_qlf = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} #endif //FEATURE_QLF } // data validation // TODO ! data validation if (invalid_data){ web_print_header(client); web_print_meta_refresh(client,configuration.ip[0],configuration.ip[1],configuration.ip[2],configuration.ip[3],2); web_client_println(client,F("\/KeyerSettings'\" />")); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("
Bad data!
")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } else { // assign to variables configuration.keyer_mode = temp_keyer_mode; configuration.dit_buffer_off = temp_dit_buffer_off; configuration.dah_buffer_off = temp_dah_buffer_off; speed_mode = temp_speed_mode; configuration.wpm = temp_wpm; qrss_dit_length = temp_qrss_dit_length; configuration.sidetone_mode = temp_sidetone_mode; configuration.hz_sidetone = temp_sidetone_hz; temp_string_dit_dah_ratio.replace(".",""); configuration.dah_to_dit_ratio = temp_string_dit_dah_ratio.toInt(); configuration.weighting = temp_weight; #if defined(FEATURE_COMMAND_MODE) serial_number = temp_serial; #endif configuration.length_wordspace = temp_wordspace; configuration.current_tx = temp_tx; #if defined(FEATURE_QLF) qlf_active = temp_qlf; #endif //FEATURE_QLF #if defined(FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER) configuration.pot_activated = temp_pot_activated; #endif //FEATURE_POTENTIOMETER #if defined(FEATURE_AUTOSPACE) configuration.autospace_active = temp_autospace_active; #endif //FEATURE_AUTOSPACE #if defined(FEATURE_FARNSWORTH) configuration.wpm_farnsworth = temp_farnsworth; #endif //FEATURE_FARNSWORTH web_print_header(client); web_print_meta_refresh(client,configuration.ip[0],configuration.ip[1],configuration.ip[2],configuration.ip[3],2); web_client_println(client,F("\/KeyerSettings'\" />")); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("
Configuration saved

")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); config_dirty = 1; } } } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) && defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) void web_print_page_memories(EthernetClient client){ int memory_number_to_send = 0; int last_memory_location; #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) byte eeprom_temp = 0; static char * prosign_temp = 0; #endif web_print_header(client); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("


")); web_client_print(client,F("

")); //if (web_server_incoming_string.length() > 14){web_server_incoming_string.remove(14);} if ((web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?m") > 0) && (web_server_incoming_string.length() > (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?m")+2))) { memory_number_to_send = ((web_server_incoming_string.charAt(web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?m")+2)-48)*10) + (web_server_incoming_string.charAt(web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?m")+3)-48); // web_client_print(client,web_server_incoming_string); // web_client_print(client,F("

")); // web_client_print(client,F("mem number: ")); // web_client_print(client,memory_number_to_send); // web_client_print(client,F("

")); // web_client_print(client,web_server_incoming_string.charAt(web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?m")+1)); // web_client_print(client,web_server_incoming_string.charAt(web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?m")+2)); // web_client_print(client,F("

")); add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(memory_number_to_send-1); } for(int i = 0;i < number_of_memories;i++){ web_client_print(client,F(""); web_client_print(client,i+1); last_memory_location = memory_end(i) + 1; if (EEPROM.read(memory_start(i)) == 255) { // web_client_print(client,F("{empty}")); web_client_print(client,F(" ")); } else { web_client_print(client,") "); for (int y = (memory_start(i)); (y < last_memory_location); y++) { if (EEPROM.read(y) < 255) { #if defined(OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT) eeprom_temp = EEPROM.read(y); if ((eeprom_temp > PROSIGN_START) && (eeprom_temp < PROSIGN_END)){ prosign_temp = convert_prosign(eeprom_temp); web_client_write(client,prosign_temp[0]); web_client_write(client,prosign_temp[1]); } else { web_client_write(client,eeprom_temp); } #else web_client_write(client,EEPROM.read(y)); #endif //OPTION_PROSIGN_SUPPORT } else { y = last_memory_location; } } } web_client_print(client,""); // web_client_print(client,"

"); if (number_of_memories > 4){ if (((i+1) % 4) == 0){web_client_print(client,"

");} } } web_client_print(client,F("
")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER && FEATURE_MEMORIES //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_control(EthernetClient client){ /* /ctrl - regular page /ctrlnd - no display /ctrlnd?st/ */ uint8_t pin_read = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) uint8_t memory_number_to_send = 0; #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES int search_string_start_position = 0; String url_sub_string; if ((web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("ctrl?") > 0) || (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("ctrlnd?") > 0)){ url_sub_string = web_server_incoming_string; if (url_sub_string.length() > 14){url_sub_string.remove(14);} if (url_sub_string.indexOf("?ky") > 0){ sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; web_control_tx_key_time = millis(); tx_and_sidetone_key(1); } if (url_sub_string.indexOf("?uk") > 0){ sending_mode = AUTOMATIC_SENDING; tx_and_sidetone_key(0); web_control_tx_key_time = 0; } if (url_sub_string.indexOf("?wn") > 0){ speed_change(-2); } if (url_sub_string.indexOf("?wp") > 0){ speed_change(2); } #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) if ((web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?m") > 0) & (web_server_incoming_string.length() > (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("?m")+2))) { memory_number_to_send = ((web_server_incoming_string.charAt(web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("m")+1)-48)*10) + (web_server_incoming_string.charAt(web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("m")+2)-48); add_to_send_buffer(SERIAL_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY_NUMBER); add_to_send_buffer(memory_number_to_send-1); } #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES if (url_sub_string.indexOf("?st") > 0){ for (int x = (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("st")+2);x < web_server_incoming_string.length();x++){ if (web_server_incoming_string.charAt(x) == '/'){ x = web_server_incoming_string.length(); } else { if (web_server_incoming_string.charAt(x) == '%'){ // do we have a http hex code? add_to_send_buffer((((uint8_t)web_server_incoming_string.charAt(x+1)-48)<<4)+((uint8_t)web_server_incoming_string.charAt(x+2)-48)); x = x + 2; } else { add_to_send_buffer(uppercase(web_server_incoming_string.charAt(x))); } } } } } if (web_server_incoming_string.indexOf("nd") > 0){ // no display option web_print_200OK(client); } else { web_print_header(client); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("


")); // web_client_print(client,"web_server_incoming_string: "); // web_client_print(client,web_server_incoming_string); // web_client_print(client,"url_sub_string: "); // web_client_print(client,url_sub_string); // web_client_println(client,F("

")); #if defined(FEATURE_MEMORIES) web_client_print(client,F("

")); for(int i = 0;i < number_of_memories;i++){ web_client_print(client,F(""); web_client_print(client,i+1); web_client_print(client,""); if (number_of_memories > 4){ if (((i+1) % 4) == 0){web_client_print(client,"

");} } } web_client_print(client,F("
")); #endif //FEATURE_MEMORIES web_client_println(client,F("
WPM -2WPM +2

")); web_client_println(client,F("

")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_println(EthernetClient client,const __FlashStringHelper *str){ web_client_print(client,str); client.println(); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_print(EthernetClient client,const __FlashStringHelper *str){ char c; if(!str) return; char charstring[255] = ""; int charstringindex = 0; /* since str is a const we can't increment it, so do this instead */ char *p = (char *)str; /* keep going until we find the null */ while((c = pgm_read_byte(p++))){ if (charstringindex < 254){ charstring[charstringindex] = c; charstringindex++; } } charstring[charstringindex] = 0; client.print(charstring); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_print(EthernetClient client,String str){ client.print(str); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_print(EthernetClient client,const char *str){ client.print(str); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_println(EthernetClient client,const char *str){ client.println(str); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_print(EthernetClient client,int i){ client.print(i); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_print(EthernetClient client,float f){ client.print(f); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_print(EthernetClient client,unsigned long i){ client.print(i); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_print(EthernetClient client,unsigned int i){ client.print(i); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_println(EthernetClient client,unsigned long i){ client.println(i); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_println(EthernetClient client,unsigned long i,int something){ client.println(i,something); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_client_write(EthernetClient client,uint8_t i){ client.write(i); } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_link_settings_process(EthernetClient client){ uint8_t parsed_link_ip[4][FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS]; uint8_t parsed_link_enabled[FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS]; int parsed_link_send_udp_port[FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS]; int parsed_link_receive_udp_port = 0; uint8_t parsed_link_receive_enabled = 0; uint8_t invalid_data = 0; unsigned int ud = 0; parse_get(web_server_incoming_string); if (parse_get_results_index){ for (int x = 0; x < parse_get_results_index; x++){ // TODO - rewrite this to scale... if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip00"){parsed_link_ip[0][0] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip01"){parsed_link_ip[1][0] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip02"){parsed_link_ip[2][0] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip03"){parsed_link_ip[3][0] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip10"){parsed_link_ip[0][1] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip11"){parsed_link_ip[1][1] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip12"){parsed_link_ip[2][1] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip13"){parsed_link_ip[3][1] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip20"){parsed_link_ip[0][2] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip21"){parsed_link_ip[1][2] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip22"){parsed_link_ip[2][2] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip23"){parsed_link_ip[3][2] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "act0"){parsed_link_enabled[0] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "act1"){parsed_link_enabled[1] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "act2"){parsed_link_enabled[2] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "act3"){parsed_link_enabled[3] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sp0"){parsed_link_send_udp_port[0] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sp1"){parsed_link_send_udp_port[1] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sp2"){parsed_link_send_udp_port[2] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sp3"){parsed_link_send_udp_port[3] = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ud"){parsed_link_receive_udp_port = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "lr"){parsed_link_receive_enabled = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} } // data validation for (int x = 0;x < FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS;x++){ if (parsed_link_enabled[x]){ for (int y = 0;y < 4;y++){ if ((parsed_link_ip[y][x] < 0) || (parsed_link_ip[y][x] > 255)){ invalid_data = 1; } } if ((parsed_link_ip[3][x] == 0) || (parsed_link_ip[3][x] == 255) || (parsed_link_ip[0][x] == 0) || (parsed_link_ip[0][x] == 255)){ invalid_data = 1; } if ((parsed_link_send_udp_port[x] < 1) || (parsed_link_send_udp_port[x] > 65535)){ invalid_data = 1; } } } if (invalid_data){ web_print_header(client); web_print_meta_refresh(client,configuration.ip[0],configuration.ip[1],configuration.ip[2],configuration.ip[3],2); web_client_println(client,F("\/LinkSettings'\" />")); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("
Bad data!
")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } else { for (int x = 0;x < FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS;x++){ configuration.link_send_ip[0][x] = parsed_link_ip[0][x]; configuration.link_send_ip[1][x] = parsed_link_ip[1][x]; configuration.link_send_ip[2][x] = parsed_link_ip[2][x]; configuration.link_send_ip[3][x] = parsed_link_ip[3][x]; configuration.link_send_udp_port[x] = parsed_link_send_udp_port[x]; configuration.link_send_enabled[x] = parsed_link_enabled[x]; } configuration.link_receive_udp_port = parsed_link_receive_udp_port; configuration.link_receive_enabled = parsed_link_receive_enabled; web_print_header(client); web_print_meta_refresh(client,configuration.ip[0],configuration.ip[1],configuration.ip[2],configuration.ip[3],5); web_client_println(client,F("\/LinkSettings'\" />")); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("
Configuration saved

")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); config_dirty = 1; } } } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_page_network_settings_process(EthernetClient client){ uint8_t ip0 = 0; uint8_t ip1 = 0; uint8_t ip2 = 0; uint8_t ip3 = 0; uint8_t gw0 = 0; uint8_t gw1 = 0; uint8_t gw2 = 0; uint8_t gw3 = 0; uint8_t sn0 = 0; uint8_t sn1 = 0; uint8_t sn2 = 0; uint8_t sn3 = 0; uint8_t invalid_data = 0; unsigned int ud = 0; parse_get(web_server_incoming_string); if (parse_get_results_index){ for (int x = 0; x < parse_get_results_index; x++){ if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip0"){ip0 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip1"){ip1 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip2"){ip2 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "ip3"){ip3 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "gw0"){gw0 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "gw1"){gw1 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "gw2"){gw2 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "gw3"){gw3 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sn0"){sn0 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sn1"){sn1 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sn2"){sn2 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} if (parse_get_results[x].parameter == "sn3"){sn3 = parse_get_results[x].value_long;} } //invalid_data = 1; // data validation if ((ip0 == 0) || (ip3 == 255) || (ip3 == 0)) {invalid_data = 1;} if (((ip0 & sn0) != (gw0 & sn0)) || ((ip1 & sn1) != (gw1 & sn1)) || ((ip2 & sn2) != (gw2 & sn2)) || ((ip3 & sn3) != (gw3 & sn3))) {invalid_data = 1;} if ((sn0 == 0) || (sn1 > sn0) || (sn2 > sn1) || (sn3 > sn2) || (sn3 > 252)) {invalid_data = 1;} if (invalid_data){ web_print_header(client); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("
Bad data!
")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); } else { configuration.ip[0] = ip0; configuration.ip[1] = ip1; configuration.ip[2] = ip2; configuration.ip[3] = ip3; configuration.gateway[0] = gw0; configuration.gateway[1] = gw1; configuration.gateway[2] = gw2; configuration.gateway[3] = gw3; configuration.subnet[0] = sn0; configuration.subnet[1] = sn1; configuration.subnet[2] = sn2; configuration.subnet[3] = sn3; web_print_header(client); web_print_meta_refresh(client,ip0,ip1,ip2,ip3,5); web_client_println(client,F("'\" />")); web_print_style_sheet(client); web_print_title(client); web_client_println(client,F("
Configuration saved
Restarting networking

You will be redirected to new address in 5 seconds...
")); web_print_home_link(client); web_print_footer(client); restart_networking = 1; config_dirty = 1; } } } #endif //FEATURE_WEB_SERVER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_WEB_SERVER) void web_print_meta_refresh(EthernetClient client,uint8_t ip0,uint8_t ip1,uint8_t ip2,uint8_t ip3,uint8_t refresh_time){ web_client_print(client,F("print("link_key: V"); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_SEND bytes_to_send[0] = 'V'; add_to_udp_send_buffer(bytes_to_send,1); buffered_key_down = 0; } else { #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_SEND) debug_serial_port->print("link_key: U"); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_SEND bytes_to_send[0] = 'U'; add_to_udp_send_buffer(bytes_to_send,1); } } #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_SEND) debug_serial_port->print(millis()-last_link_key_action_time); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_SEND unsigned int number_to_send = millis()-last_link_key_action_time; if ((number_to_send / 10000) > 0){ bytes_to_send[0] = (number_to_send / 10000) + 48; number_to_send = number_to_send % 10000; bytes_to_send_counter++; } if ((number_to_send / 1000) > 0){ bytes_to_send[bytes_to_send_counter] = (number_to_send / 1000) + 48; number_to_send = number_to_send % 1000; bytes_to_send_counter++; } if ((number_to_send / 100) > 0){ bytes_to_send[bytes_to_send_counter] = (number_to_send / 100) + 48; number_to_send = number_to_send % 100; bytes_to_send_counter++; } if ((number_to_send / 10) > 0){ bytes_to_send[bytes_to_send_counter] = (number_to_send / 10) + 48; number_to_send = number_to_send % 10; bytes_to_send_counter++; } bytes_to_send[bytes_to_send_counter] = number_to_send + 48; bytes_to_send_counter++; add_to_udp_send_buffer(bytes_to_send,bytes_to_send_counter); } else { buffered_key_down = 1; } #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_SEND) debug_serial_port->println(""); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_SEND current_link_key_state = link_key_state; last_link_key_action_time = millis(); } } #endif //FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) void add_to_udp_send_buffer(uint8_t bytes_to_send[8],uint8_t number_of_bytes){ for (int x = 0;x < number_of_bytes;x++){ if (udp_send_buffer_bytes < FEATURE_UDP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE){ udp_send_buffer[udp_send_buffer_bytes] = bytes_to_send[x]; udp_send_buffer_bytes++; } } } #endif //FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK) void service_udp_send_buffer(){ static uint8_t link_send_buffer[FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS][FEATURE_UDP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE]; static uint8_t link_send_buffer_bytes[FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS]; static uint8_t link_send_buffer_bytes_initialized = 0; if (!link_send_buffer_bytes_initialized){ for (int x = 0;x < FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS;x++){ link_send_buffer_bytes[x] = 0; } link_send_buffer_bytes_initialized = 1; } // load up the bytes sitting in the udp_send_buffer into the individual link buffers if (udp_send_buffer_bytes){ for (int y = 0;y < FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS;y++){ // enumerate the individual links for (int x = 0;x < udp_send_buffer_bytes;x++){ // loop through the bytes in the udp_send_buffer if (configuration.link_send_enabled[y]){ if (link_send_buffer_bytes[y] < FEATURE_UDP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE){ link_send_buffer[y][link_send_buffer_bytes[y]] = udp_send_buffer[x]; link_send_buffer_bytes[y]++; } else { #if defined(DEBUG_UDP) debug_serial_port->println("service_udp_send_buffer: link_send_buffer_overflow"); #endif } } } } udp_send_buffer_bytes = 0; return; } // send out a packet for the first link that has packets in the buffer (don't do them all at once so we don't hog up the CPU) for (int y = 0;y < FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS;y++){ if ((configuration.link_send_enabled[y]) && (link_send_buffer_bytes[y])){ IPAddress ip(configuration.link_send_ip[0][y],configuration.link_send_ip[1][y],configuration.link_send_ip[2][y],configuration.link_send_ip[3][y]); #if defined(DEBUG_UDP) debug_serial_port->print(F("service_udp_send_buffer: beginPacket ")); debug_serial_port->print(configuration.link_send_ip[0][y]); debug_serial_port->print(F(".")); debug_serial_port->print(configuration.link_send_ip[1][y]); debug_serial_port->print(F(".")); debug_serial_port->print(configuration.link_send_ip[2][y]); debug_serial_port->print(F(".")); debug_serial_port->print(configuration.link_send_ip[3][y]); debug_serial_port->print(F(":")); debug_serial_port->println(configuration.link_send_udp_port[y]); #endif Udp.beginPacket(ip, configuration.link_send_udp_port[y]); for (int x = 0;x < link_send_buffer_bytes[y];x++){ udp_write(link_send_buffer[y][x]); } #if defined(DEBUG_UDP) debug_serial_port->print("\n\rservice_udp_send_buffer: endPacket "); unsigned long beginPacket_start = millis(); #endif int endpacket_result = Udp.endPacket(); #if defined(DEBUG_UDP) unsigned long beginPacket_end = millis(); if (!endpacket_result){ debug_serial_port->print("error"); } else { debug_serial_port->print("OK"); } debug_serial_port->print(" time:"); debug_serial_port->print(beginPacket_end - beginPacket_start); debug_serial_port->println(" mS"); #endif link_send_buffer_bytes[y] = 0; y = FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_MAX_LINKS; // exit after we've process one buffer with bytes } } } #endif //FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_UDP) void udp_write(uint8_t byte_to_write){ Udp.write(byte_to_write); #if defined(DEBUG_UDP_WRITE) static char ascii_sent[17] = ""; debug_serial_port->print(" "); if (byte_to_write < 16){ debug_serial_port->print("0"); } debug_serial_port->print(byte_to_write,HEX); debug_serial_port->print(" "); debug_serial_port->write(byte_to_write); #endif //DEBUG_UDP_WRITE } #endif //FEATURE_UDP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_UDP) void service_udp_receive(){ char udp_char_receive_packet_buffer[FEATURE_UDP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE]; if (configuration.link_receive_enabled){ int packet_size = Udp.parsePacket(); if (packet_size) { Udp.read(udp_char_receive_packet_buffer, FEATURE_UDP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE); #if defined(DEBUG_UDP_PACKET_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->print(F("service_udp_receive: received packet: size ")); debug_serial_port->print(packet_size); debug_serial_port->print(" from "); IPAddress remote = Udp.remoteIP(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { debug_serial_port->print(remote[i], DEC); if (i < 3) { debug_serial_port->print("."); } } debug_serial_port->print(":"); debug_serial_port->print(Udp.remotePort()); debug_serial_port->print(" contents: "); for (int x = 0;x < packet_size;x++){ debug_serial_port->print(udp_char_receive_packet_buffer[x]); } debug_serial_port->println("$"); #endif //DEBUG_UDP if (packet_size > FEATURE_UDP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE){ packet_size = FEATURE_UDP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE;} for (int x = 0; x < packet_size; x++){ if (udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes < FEATURE_UDP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE){ udp_receive_packet_buffer[udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes] = udp_char_receive_packet_buffer[x]; udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes++; } } } } } #endif //FEATURE_UDP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_UDP) uint8_t get_udp_receive_buffer_byte(){ if (udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes){ uint8_t byte_to_return = udp_receive_packet_buffer[0]; udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes--; if (udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes){ for (int x = 0; x < udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes; x++){ udp_receive_packet_buffer[x] = udp_receive_packet_buffer[x+1]; } } #if defined(DEBUG_UDP_PACKET_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->print(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_byte: returning: ")); debug_serial_port->write(byte_to_return); debug_serial_port->print(F(" udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes: ")); debug_serial_port->println(udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes); #endif //DEBUG_UDP_PACKET_RECEIVE return byte_to_return; } else { return 0; } } #endif //FEATURE_UDP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_UDP) uint8_t get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command(uint8_t * command,unsigned int * parameter){ // this extracts received link commands from the udp_receive_packet_buffer uint8_t incoming_byte = 0; uint8_t return_value = 0; static uint8_t static_return_value = 0; static uint8_t command_value = 0; static uint8_t hit_vdu_command = 0; static unsigned int parameter_value = 0; static uint8_t digits = 0; static unsigned long last_byte_receive_time = 0; if (((millis() - last_byte_receive_time) > 500) && (hit_vdu_command)){ #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) if (static_return_value){ debug_serial_port->println(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command: expired buffer")); } #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE parameter_value = 0; hit_vdu_command = 0; digits = 0; //command_value = 0; static_return_value = 0; } if (udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes){ for (int x = 0;((x < udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes) && (static_return_value == 0)); x++){ incoming_byte = get_udp_receive_buffer_byte(); last_byte_receive_time = millis(); #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) // debug_serial_port->print(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command: incoming_byte: ")); // debug_serial_port->write(incoming_byte); // debug_serial_port->print(F(" hit_vdu_command: ")); // debug_serial_port->println(hit_vdu_command); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE if (!hit_vdu_command){ #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) // debug_serial_port->println(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command: looking for V D U")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE if ((incoming_byte == 'V') || (incoming_byte == 'D') || (incoming_byte == 'U')) { command_value = incoming_byte; hit_vdu_command = 1; parameter_value = 0; digits = 0; #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) // debug_serial_port->println(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command: hit_vdu_command")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE } } else { // we've hit a V, D, or U command #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) // debug_serial_port->println(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command: looking for a number")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE if ((incoming_byte > 47) && (incoming_byte < 58)){ parameter_value = (parameter_value * 10) + (incoming_byte - 48); digits++; #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) // debug_serial_port->print(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command: parameter_value: ")); // debug_serial_port->print(parameter_value); // debug_serial_port->print(F(" digits: ")); // debug_serial_port->println(digits); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE // peek at next byte to see if we're at the end service_udp_receive(); if (((udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes > 0) && ((udp_receive_packet_buffer[0] == 'V') || (udp_receive_packet_buffer[0] == 'D') || (udp_receive_packet_buffer[0] == 'U'))) || (udp_receive_packet_buffer_bytes == 0) || (digits > 4)) { static_return_value = 1; } } else { //something bogus came in - reset everything #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->print(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command: reset digits:")); debug_serial_port->print(digits); debug_serial_port->print(F(" incoming_byte:")); debug_serial_port->write(incoming_byte); debug_serial_port->println(); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE //parameter_value = 0; //digits = 0; //command_value = 0; hit_vdu_command = 0; } } } } #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) if (static_return_value){ debug_serial_port->print(F("get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command: exiting: cmd: ")); debug_serial_port->write(command_value); debug_serial_port->print(F(" parameter: ")); debug_serial_port->println(parameter_value); } #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE if (static_return_value){ *command = command_value; *parameter = parameter_value; //parameter_value = 0; //digits = 0; //command_value = 0; static_return_value = 0; hit_vdu_command = 0; return_value = 1; } return return_value; } #endif //FEATURE_UDP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_UDP) void service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer(){ // Vxxxxx = key down immediately, stay keyed down for xxxxx mS, then key up // Dxxxxx = key down xxxxx mS after last command // Uxxxxx = key up xxxxx mS after last command #define LINK_NO_COMMAND 0 #define LINK_V_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS 1 #define LINK_U_COMMAND_BUFFERED 2 #define LINK_D_COMMAND_BUFFERED 3 uint8_t incoming_link_command = 0; unsigned int incoming_link_command_parameter = 0; static uint8_t current_link_control_state = LINK_NO_COMMAND; static unsigned long v_command_key_down_expire_time = 0; static unsigned long last_command_completion_time = 0; static unsigned long buffered_command_execution_time = 0; static unsigned long key_down_time = 0; if ((key_down_time > 0) && ((millis()-key_down_time) > (FEATURE_INTERNET_LINK_KEY_DOWN_TIMEOUT_SECS * 1000))){ tx_and_sidetone_key(0); key_down_time = 0; } switch(current_link_control_state){ case LINK_NO_COMMAND: // is there a command in the buffer, if so read it and execute if (get_udp_receive_buffer_link_command(&incoming_link_command, &incoming_link_command_parameter)){ #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->print(F("service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer: incoming_link_command: ")); debug_serial_port->write(incoming_link_command); debug_serial_port->print(F(" incoming_link_command_parameter: ")); debug_serial_port->println(incoming_link_command_parameter); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE if (incoming_link_command == 'V'){ // key down immediately for incoming_link_parameter mS tx_and_sidetone_key(1); key_down_time = millis(); #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->println(F("service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer: LINK_V_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS tx_and_sidetone_key: 1")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE v_command_key_down_expire_time = millis() + incoming_link_command_parameter; current_link_control_state = LINK_V_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } if (incoming_link_command == 'U'){ current_link_control_state = LINK_U_COMMAND_BUFFERED; buffered_command_execution_time = last_command_completion_time + incoming_link_command_parameter; #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->println(F("service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer: LINK_U_COMMAND_BUFFERED")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE } if (incoming_link_command == 'D'){ current_link_control_state = LINK_D_COMMAND_BUFFERED; buffered_command_execution_time = last_command_completion_time + incoming_link_command_parameter; #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->println(F("service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer: LINK_D_COMMAND_BUFFERED")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE } } break; case LINK_U_COMMAND_BUFFERED: // key up after last command time has passed if (millis() >= buffered_command_execution_time){ tx_and_sidetone_key(0); key_down_time = 0; last_command_completion_time = millis(); current_link_control_state = LINK_NO_COMMAND; #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->println(F("service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer: LINK_U_COMMAND_BUFFERED->LINK_NO_COMMAND tx_and_sidetone_key: 0")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE } break; case LINK_D_COMMAND_BUFFERED: // key down after last command time has passed if (millis() >= buffered_command_execution_time){ tx_and_sidetone_key(1); key_down_time = millis(); last_command_completion_time = millis(); current_link_control_state = LINK_NO_COMMAND; #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->println(F("service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer: LINK_D_COMMAND_BUFFERED->LINK_NO_COMMAND tx_and_sidetone_key: 1")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE } break; case LINK_V_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS: // we're in key down, check if it time to key up and complete if (millis() >= v_command_key_down_expire_time){ tx_and_sidetone_key(0); key_down_time = 0; v_command_key_down_expire_time = 0; last_command_completion_time = millis(); current_link_control_state = LINK_NO_COMMAND; #if defined(DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE) debug_serial_port->println(F("service_internet_link_udp_receive_buffer: LINK_V_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS->LINK_NO_COMMAND tx_and_sidetone_key: 0")); #endif //DEBUG_INTERNET_LINKING_RECEIVE } break; } //switch(current_link_control_state) } #endif //FEATURE_UDP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void service_millis_rollover(){ static unsigned long last_millis = 0; if (millis() < last_millis){ millis_rollover++; } last_millis = millis(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef OPTION_NON_ENGLISH_EXTENSIONS byte convert_unicode_to_send_char_code(byte first_byte,byte second_byte){ if (first_byte == 195){ switch(second_byte){ case 133: return 197; // Å AA_capital (OZ, LA, SM) case 134: return 198; // Æ (OZ, LA) case 152: return 216; // Ø (OZ, LA) case 128: return 192; // À - A accent case 132: return 196; // Ä - A_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 145: return 209; // Ñ - (EA) case 150: return 214; // Ö – O_umlaut (D, SM, OH, ...) case 146: return 211; // Ò - O accent case 156: return 220; // Ü - U_umlaut (D, ...) case 135: return 199; // Ç case 144: return 208; // Ð case 136: return 200; // È case 137: return 201; // É } if (first_byte == 197){ switch(second_byte){ case 189: return 142; // Ž } } } return(0); } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_sd_card(){ #if defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) if (!SD.begin(sd_card_spi_ss_line)) { #if defined(DEBUG_SD_CARD) debug_serial_port->println(F("initialize_sd_card: initialization failed")); #endif return; } sd_card_state = SD_CARD_AVAILABLE; // This causes a problem with directory listing... // if (!SD.exists("/keyer")){ // SD.mkdir("/keyer"); // #if defined(DEBUG_SD_CARD) // debug_serial_port->println(F("initialize_sd_card: created /keyer")); // #endif // } if (SD.exists("/keyer/beacon.txt")){ sd_card_state = SD_CARD_AVAILABLE_BEACON_FILE_FOUND; } #if defined(DEBUG_SD_CARD) debug_serial_port->println(F("initialize_sd_card: initialization done")); #endif #endif //FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) void service_sd_card(){ static unsigned long last_sd_log_file_save = 0; if (sd_card_state == SD_CARD_AVAILABLE_BEACON_FILE_RUNNING){ if (dit_buffer || dah_buffer){ sd_card_state = SD_CARD_AVAILABLE; sdfile.close(); } else { if (send_buffer_bytes == 0){ if (sdfile.available()){ add_to_send_buffer(uppercase(sdfile.read())); } else { sdfile.seek(0); } } } } if (sd_card_state == SD_CARD_AVAILABLE_BEACON_FILE_FOUND){ sdfile = SD.open("/keyer/beacon.txt"); if (sdfile){ sd_card_state = SD_CARD_AVAILABLE_BEACON_FILE_RUNNING; } else { sd_card_state = SD_CARD_ERROR; } } if ((sd_card_log_state == SD_CARD_LOG_OPEN) && ((millis() - last_sd_log_file_save) > 60000)){ sdlogfile.flush(); last_sd_log_file_save = millis(); } } #endif //FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- byte is_visible_character(byte char_in){ if((char_in > 31) || (char_in == 9) || (char_in == 10) || (char_in == 13)){ return 1; } else { return 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT) void sd_card_log(String string_to_log,byte byte_to_log){ char logchar[10]; if (sd_card_log_state == SD_CARD_LOG_OPEN){ if (string_to_log.length() > 0){ string_to_log.toCharArray(logchar,9); sdlogfile.print(logchar); } else { if (is_visible_character(byte_to_log)){ sdlogfile.write(byte_to_log); } } } if ((sd_card_log_state == SD_CARD_LOG_NOT_OPEN) && (sd_card_state == SD_CARD_AVAILABLE)){ sdlogfile = SD.open("/keyer/keyer.log",FILE_WRITE); if (!sdlogfile){ sd_card_log_state = SD_CARD_LOG_ERROR; } else { sd_card_log_state = SD_CARD_LOG_OPEN; sdlogfile.println("\r\nstart of log "); if (configuration.cli_mode == CLI_MILL_MODE_PADDLE_SEND){ sdlogfile.print("TX:"); sdlogfile.flush(); } else { sdlogfile.print("RX:"); sdlogfile.flush(); } } } } #endif //FEATURE_SD_CARD_SUPPORT //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_BASE void so2r_set_tx() { if (so2r_tx == SO2R_TX_1) { if (so2r_tx_1) { digitalWrite(so2r_tx_1, HIGH); } if (so2r_tx_2) { digitalWrite(so2r_tx_2, LOW); } current_tx_ptt_line = ptt_tx_1; current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_1; } else { if (so2r_tx_1) { digitalWrite(so2r_tx_1, LOW); } if (so2r_tx_2) { digitalWrite(so2r_tx_2, HIGH); } if (ptt_tx_2) { current_tx_ptt_line = ptt_tx_2; } else { current_tx_ptt_line = ptt_tx_1; } current_tx_key_line = tx_key_line_2; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void so2r_set_rx() { uint8_t rx; if (so2r_latch && (so2r_ptt || (ptt_line_activated && (sending_mode == AUTOMATIC_SENDING)))) { if (so2r_tx == 1) { rx = 2; } else { rx = 1; } } else { rx = so2r_rx; } switch (rx) { case SO2R_RX_1: // Receive on radio 1 only if (so2r_rx_1) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_1, HIGH); } if (so2r_rx_1s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_1s, HIGH); } if (so2r_rx_2) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_2, LOW); } if (so2r_rx_2s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_2s, LOW); } if (so2r_rx_s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_s, LOW); } break; case SO2R_RX_2: // Receive on radio 2 only if (so2r_rx_1) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_1, LOW); } if (so2r_rx_1s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_1s, LOW); } if (so2r_rx_2) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_2, HIGH); } if (so2r_rx_2s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_2s, HIGH); } if (so2r_rx_s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_s, LOW); } break; case SO2R_RX_S: case SO2R_RX_R: // Receive on radio 1 and 2 (stereo) if (so2r_rx_1) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_1, LOW); } if (so2r_rx_1s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_1s, HIGH); } if (so2r_rx_2) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_2, LOW); } if (so2r_rx_2s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_2s, HIGH); } if (so2r_rx_s) { digitalWrite(so2r_rx_s, HIGH); } break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void so2r_command() { if ((incoming_serial_byte & 0xf0) == 0x90) { // 0 is RX 1 // 1 is RX 2 // 2 is RX 1 and RX2 stereo // 3 is RX 1 and RX2 stereo (reverse if possible but this box doesn't have that capability) so2r_rx = (incoming_serial_byte & 3) + 1; so2r_set_rx(); byte tx = SO2R_TX_1; if (incoming_serial_byte & 4) { tx = SO2R_TX_2; } // Don't switch transmitter while transmitting. if (tx == so2r_tx) { so2r_pending_tx = 0; } else { if (ptt_line_activated) { so2r_pending_tx = tx; #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_sending && winkey_host_open) { // Fake a paddle interrupt to stop computer sending winkey_port_write(0xc2|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // 0xc2 - BREAKIN bit set high winkey_interrupted = 1; } #endif } else { so2r_tx = tx; so2r_set_tx(); } } return; } #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_ANTENNA if ((incoming_serial_byte & 0xf0) == 0xa0) { so2r_antenna_1 = incoming_serial_byte & 0x0f; // TBD: Provide antenna information outputs return; } if ((incoming_serial_byte & 0xf0) == 0xb0) { so2r_antenna_2 = incoming_serial_byte & 0x0f; // TBD: Provide antenna information outputs return; } #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_ANTENNA switch (incoming_serial_byte) { case 0x80: // SO2R Close #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES so2r_open = 0; so2r_debounce = 0; so2r_latch = 0; #endif break; case 0x81: // SO2R Open #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES so2r_open = 1; #endif break; case 0x82: // PTT Off so2r_ptt = 0; break; case 0x83: // PTT On so2r_ptt = 1; ptt_key(); break; case 0x84: // Latch Off so2r_latch = 0; so2r_set_rx(); break; case 0x85: // Latch On so2r_latch = 1; so2r_set_rx(); break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES void so2r_switches() { if (so2r_open) { return; } if (so2r_debounce) { if ((so2r_debounce_time - millis()) < 20) { return; } so2r_debounce = 0; } if (so2r_tx_switch) { uint8_t tx = 1; if (digitalRead(so2r_tx_switch) != LOW) { tx = 2; } if (tx != so2r_tx) { if (ptt_line_activated) { #ifdef FEATURE_WINKEY_EMULATION if (winkey_sending && winkey_host_open) { // Fake a paddle interrupt to stop computer sending winkey_port_write(0xc2|winkey_sending|winkey_xoff,0); // 0xc2 - BREAKIN bit set high winkey_interrupted = 1; } #endif } else { so2r_tx = tx; so2r_set_tx(); so2r_debounce_time = millis(); so2r_debounce = 1; } } if (so2r_rx1_switch) { uint8_t rx = 1; // RX 1 if (digitalRead(so2r_rx1_switch) != LOW) { if (so2r_rx2_switch && (digitalRead(so2r_rx2_switch) != LOW)) { rx = 3; // Stereo } else { rx = 2; // RX 2 } } if (rx != so2r_rx) { so2r_rx = rx; so2r_set_rx(); so2r_debounce_time = millis(); so2r_debounce = 1; } } } } #endif // FEATURE_SO2R_SWITCHES #endif //FEATURE_SO2R_BASE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DL2DBG contributed code (adapted into code by Goody K3NG) // Based on https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=446209.15 // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE) // void compute_sinetone(int hz, int volume){ //dl2dbg // omega = 2*pi*hz ; // c1 = (8.0 - 2.0*pow(omega*T/1000000.0,2))/(4.0+pow(omega*T/1000000.0,2)); // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_1) // Timer1.detachInterrupt(); // #endif // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_3) // Timer3.detachInterrupt(); // #endif // a[0]= 0.0; // a[1]= volume*sin(omega*T/1000000.0); // a[2]= 0.0; // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_1) // Timer1.attachInterrupt(sinewave_interrupt_compute); // #endif // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_3) // Timer3.attachInterrupt(sinewave_interrupt_compute); // #endif // } // #endif //FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE) // void sinewave_interrupt_compute(){ //dl2dbg // a[2] = c1 * a[1] - a[0]; // a[0] = a[1] ; // a[1] = a[2] ; // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_1) // Timer1.setPwmDuty(sidetone_line, map( a[2],-512, 512, 0, 1000)); // #endif // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_3) // Timer3.setPwmDuty(sidetone_line, map( a[2],-512, 512, 0, 1000)); // #endif // } // #endif //FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE) // void initialize_tonsin(){ //dl2dbg // //configuration.sidetone_volume = sidetone_volume_low_limit + ((sidetone_volume_high_limit - sidetone_volume_low_limit) / 2); // compute_sinetone(configuration.hz_sidetone,configuration.sidetone_volume); // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_1) // Timer1.initialize(T); // set sample time for discrete tone signal // Timer1.pwm(sidetone_line, 0, T); // Timer1.attachInterrupt(sinewave_interrupt_compute); // Timer1.stop(); // #endif // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_3) // Timer3.initialize(T); // set sample time for discrete tone signal // Timer3.pwm(sidetone_line, 0, T); // Timer3.attachInterrupt(sinewave_interrupt_compute); // Timer3.stop(); // #endif // } // #endif //FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE) // void sinetone(uint8_t pin_dummy_variable, unsigned short freq){ //dl2dbg // static int last_freq; // static int last_volume; // if ((freq != last_freq) || (configuration.sidetone_volume != last_volume)){ // compute_sinetone(freq,configuration.sidetone_volume); // last_freq = freq; // last_volume = configuration.sidetone_volume; // } // //delay (2); compute_sinetone(freq,sidetone_volume/4); // //delay (2); compute_sinetone(freq,sidetone_volume/2); // //compute_sinetone(freq,configuration.sidetone_volume); // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_1) // Timer1.restart(); // #endif // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_3) // Timer3.restart(); // #endif // } // #endif //FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE) // void nosineTone(uint8_t pin_dummy_variable){ // disable tone on specified pin, if any dl2dbg // //delay (2); compute_sinetone(freq,sidetone_volume/2); // //delay (2); compute_sinetone(freq,sidetone_volume/4); // // compute_sinetone(configuration.hz_sidetone,0); // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_1) // Timer1.stop(); // #endif // #if defined(FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE_USING_TIMER_3) // Timer3.stop(); // #endif // //digitalWrite(sidetone_line,LOW); // } // #endif //FEATURE_SINEWAVE_SIDETONE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_blink(){ #if defined(DEBUG_STARTUP_BLINKS) digitalWrite(13,HIGH); delay(250); digitalWrite(13,LOW); delay(1000); #endif //DEBUG_STARTUP } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Congratulations. You've gotten to the end. But this is just the beginning. // // /* #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK int temp_year = 0; byte temp_month = 0; byte temp_day = 0; byte temp_minute = 0; byte temp_hour = 0; byte negative_flag = 0; #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK case 'C': // show clock update_time(); sprintf(return_string, "%s", timezone_modified_clock_string()); break; case 'O': // set clock UTC time temp_year = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 1000) + ((input_buffer[3] - 48) * 100) + ((input_buffer[4] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[5] - 48); temp_month = ((input_buffer[6] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[7] - 48); temp_day = ((input_buffer[8] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[9] - 48); temp_hour = ((input_buffer[10] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[11] - 48); temp_minute = ((input_buffer[12] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[13] - 48); if ((temp_year > 2013) && (temp_year < 2070) && (temp_month > 0) && (temp_month < 13) && (temp_day > 0) && (temp_day < 32) && (temp_hour >= 0) && (temp_hour < 24) && (temp_minute >= 0) && (temp_minute < 60) && (input_buffer_index == 14)) { clock_year_set = temp_year; clock_month_set = temp_month; clock_day_set = temp_day; clock_hour_set = temp_hour; clock_min_set = temp_minute; clock_sec_set = 0; millis_at_last_calibration = millis(); #if defined(FEATURE_RTC_DS1307) rtc.adjust(DateTime(temp_year, temp_month, temp_day, temp_hour, temp_minute, 0)); #endif // defined(FEATURE_RTC_DS1307) #if defined(FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583) rtc.year = temp_year; rtc.month = temp_month; rtc.day = temp_day; rtc.hour = temp_hour; rtc.minute = temp_minute; rtc.second = 0; rtc.set_time(); #endif // defined(FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583) #if (!defined(FEATURE_RTC_DS1307) && !defined(FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583)) strcpy(return_string, "Clock set to "); update_time(); strcat(return_string, timezone_modified_clock_string()); #else strcpy(return_string, "Internal clock and RTC set to "); update_time(); strcat(return_string, timezone_modified_clock_string()); #endif } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error. Usage: \\OYYYYMMDDHHmm"); } break; case 'V': // \Vx[xxx][.][xxxx] Set time zone offset negative_flag = 0; place_multiplier = 1; for (int x = input_buffer_index - 1; x > 1; x--) { if (char(input_buffer[x]) == '-') { negative_flag = 1; } else { if (char(input_buffer[x]) != '.') { tempfloat += (input_buffer[x] - 48) * place_multiplier; place_multiplier = place_multiplier * 10; } else { decimalplace = x; } } } if (decimalplace) { tempfloat = tempfloat / pow(10, (input_buffer_index - decimalplace - 1)); } if (negative_flag){tempfloat = tempfloat * -1.0;} if ((tempfloat >= -24.0) && (tempfloat <= 24.0)) { configuration.clock_timezone_offset = tempfloat; configuration_dirty = 1; strcpy(return_string, "Timezone offset set to "); dtostrf(tempfloat, 0, 2, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error."); } break; #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK char * timezone_modified_clock_string(){ static char return_string[32] = ""; char temp_string[16] = ""; dtostrf(local_clock_years, 0, 0, temp_string); strcpy(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, "-"); if (local_clock_months < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(local_clock_months, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, "-"); if (local_clock_days < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(local_clock_days, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, " "); if (local_clock_hours < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(local_clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, ":"); if (local_clock_minutes < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(local_clock_minutes, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, ":"); if (local_clock_seconds < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(local_clock_seconds, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); if (configuration.clock_timezone_offset == 0){ strcat(return_string,"Z"); } return return_string; } // clock_string #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK char * zulu_clock_string(){ static char return_string[32] = ""; char temp_string[16] = ""; dtostrf(clock_years, 0, 0, temp_string); strcpy(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, "-"); if (clock_months < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_months, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, "-"); if (clock_days < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_days, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, " "); if (clock_hours < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, ":"); if (clock_minutes < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_minutes, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, ":"); if (clock_seconds < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_seconds, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string,"Z"); return return_string; } // zulu_clock_string #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK void update_time(){ unsigned long runtime = millis() - millis_at_last_calibration; // calculate UTC unsigned long time = (3600L * clock_hour_set) + (60L * clock_min_set) + clock_sec_set + ((runtime + (runtime * INTERNAL_CLOCK_CORRECTION)) / 1000.0); clock_years = clock_year_set; clock_months = clock_month_set; clock_days = time / 86400L; time -= clock_days * 86400L; clock_days += clock_day_set; clock_hours = time / 3600L; switch (clock_months) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: if (clock_days > 31) { clock_days = 1; clock_months++; } break; case 2: if ((float(clock_years) / 4.0) == 0.0) { // do we have a leap year? if (clock_days > 29) { clock_days = 1; clock_months++; } } else { if (clock_days > 28) { clock_days = 1; clock_months++; } } break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: if (clock_days > 30) { clock_days = 1; clock_months++; } break; } // switch if (clock_months > 12) { clock_months = 1; clock_years++; } time -= clock_hours * 3600L; clock_minutes = time / 60L; time -= clock_minutes * 60L; clock_seconds = time; // calculate local time long local_time = (configuration.clock_timezone_offset * 60L * 60L) + (3600L * clock_hour_set) + (60L * clock_min_set) + clock_sec_set + ((runtime + (runtime * INTERNAL_CLOCK_CORRECTION)) / 1000.0); local_clock_years = clock_year_set; local_clock_months = clock_month_set; local_clock_days = clock_day_set; if (local_time < 0){ local_time = local_time + (24L * 60L * 60L) - 1; local_clock_days--; if (local_clock_days < 1){ local_clock_months--; switch (local_clock_months) { case 0: local_clock_months = 12; local_clock_days = 31; local_clock_years--; break; case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: local_clock_days = 31; break; case 2: //February if ((float(local_clock_years) / 4.0) == 0.0) { // do we have a leap year? local_clock_days = 29; } else { local_clock_days = 28; } break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: local_clock_days = 30; break; } // switch } local_clock_hours = local_time / 3600L; local_time -= local_clock_hours * 3600L; local_clock_minutes = local_time / 60L; local_time -= local_clock_minutes * 60L; local_clock_seconds = local_time; } else { //(local_time < 0) local_clock_days = local_time / 86400L; local_time -= local_clock_days * 86400L; local_clock_days += clock_day_set; local_clock_hours = local_time / 3600L; switch (local_clock_months) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: if (local_clock_days > 31) { local_clock_days = 1; local_clock_months++; } break; case 2: if ((float(local_clock_years) / 4.0) == 0.0) { // do we have a leap year? if (local_clock_days > 29) { local_clock_days = 1; local_clock_months++; } } else { if (local_clock_days > 28) { local_clock_days = 1; local_clock_months++; } } break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: if (local_clock_days > 30) { local_clock_days = 1; local_clock_months++; } break; } // switch if (local_clock_months > 12) { local_clock_months = 1; local_clock_years++; } local_time -= local_clock_hours * 3600L; local_clock_minutes = local_time / 60L; local_time -= local_clock_minutes * 60L; local_clock_seconds = local_time; } //(local_time < 0) } // update_time #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK // -------------------------------------------------------------- */