2022-08-24 07:59:16 +02:00

162 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

/* Pins - you must review these and configure ! */
#ifndef keyer_pin_settings_h
#define keyer_pin_settings_h
#define paddle_left 5
#define paddle_right 4
#define tx_key_line_1 8 // (high = key down/tx on)
#define tx_key_line_2 9
#define tx_key_line_3 0
#define tx_key_line_4 0
#define tx_key_line_5 0
#define tx_key_line_6 0
#define sidetone_line 31 // connect a speaker for sidetone Set to "12" if not using Twin T oscillator
#define potentiometer A0 // Speed potentiometer (0 to 5 V) Use pot from 1k to 10k
#define ptt_tx_1 10 // PTT ("push to talk") lines
#define ptt_tx_2 11 // Can be used for keying fox transmitter, T/R switch, or keying slow boatanchors
#define ptt_tx_3 0 // These are optional - set to 0 if unused
#define ptt_tx_4 0
#define ptt_tx_5 0
#define ptt_tx_6 0
#define tx_key_dit 0 // if defined, goes active for dit (any transmitter) - customized with tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_active_state and tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state
#define tx_key_dah 0 // if defined, goes active for dah (any transmitter) - customized with tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_active_state and tx_key_dit_and_dah_pins_inactive_state
#define potentiometer_enable_pin 0 // if defined, the potentiometer will be enabled only when this pin is held low; set to 0 to ignore this pin
#define analog_buttons_pin A1
#define command_mode_active_led 29
Enabling this feature and an external toggle switch adds switch control for playing cw sidetone.
ST Switch status is displayed in the status command. This feature will override the software control of the sidetone (\o).
Arduino pin is assigned by SIDETONE_SWITCH
//lcd pins
#if defined(FEATURE_LCD_4BIT) || defined(FEATURE_LCD_8BIT)
#define lcd_rs 38
#define lcd_enable 32 // pin 10 is used by Ethernet shield and will conflict with that
#define lcd_d4 33
#define lcd_d5 35
#define lcd_d6 37
#define lcd_d7 39
#endif //FEATURE_LCD_4BIT || defined(FEATURE_LCD_8BIT)
#if defined(FEATURE_LCD_8BIT) // addition four data lines for 8 bit LCD control
#define lcd_d0 20
#define lcd_d1 21
#define lcd_d2 22
#define lcd_d3 23
#endif //FEATURE_LCD_4BIT || defined(FEATURE_LCD_8BIT)
#ifdef FEATURE_LCD1602_N07DH
#define lcd_rs 8
#define lcd_enable 9
#define lcd_d4 4
#define lcd_d5 5
#define lcd_d6 6
#define lcd_d7 7
#endif //FEATURE_LCD1602_N07DH
//ps2 keyboard pins
#define ps2_keyboard_data A3
#define ps2_keyboard_clock 3 // this must be on an interrupt capable pin!
// rotary encoder pins and options - rotary encoder code from Jim Balls M0CKE
#define OPTION_ENCODER_HALF_STEP_MODE // Half-step mode?
#define rotary_pin1 6 // CW Encoder Pin
#define rotary_pin2 7 // CCW Encoder Pin
#define OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups.
#define led_ring_sdi A10 //2 //Data
#define led_ring_clk A9 //3 //Clock
#define led_ring_le A8 //4 //Latch
#define correct_answer_led 27
#define wrong_answer_led 25
#define ptt_interlock 0 // this pin disables PTT and TX KEY
#define pin_straight_key 52
// See https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki/385-Feature:-CW-Decoder for details
#define cw_decoder_pin A3 // This is for use with external decoding hardware
#define cw_decoder_audio_input_pin A0 // This is for audio detection decoding using OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR; this must be an analog pin!
#define cw_decoder_indicator 23 // Output - goes HIGH when cw tone is detected by OPTION_CW_DECODER_GOERTZEL_AUDIO_DETECTOR
#define compression_detection_pin 13
#if defined(FEATURE_SLEEP)
#define keyer_awake 0
#define keyer_power_led 0 // must be a PWM-capable pin
#define capactive_paddle_pin_inhibit_pin 0 // if this pin is defined and is set high, the capacitive paddle pins will switch to normal (non-capacitive) sensing mode
#define Row3 43
#define Row2 42
#define Row1 41
#define Row0 40
#define Col3 51
#define Col2 50
#define Col1 49
#define Col0 48
#define Row3 43
#define Row2 42
#define Row1 41
#define Row0 40
#define Col2 50
#define Col1 49
#define Col0 48
#define sequencer_1_pin 0
#define sequencer_2_pin 0
#define sequencer_3_pin 0
#define sequencer_4_pin 0
#define sequencer_5_pin 0
#define ptt_input_pin 0
#define tx_inhibit_pin 0
#define tx_pause_pin 0
#error "Multiple pin_settings.h files included somehow..."
#endif //keyer_pin_settings_h