#include "features.h" #include "version.h" #include "axp20x.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include "soc/rtc_wdt.h" #include "src/SX1278FSK.h" #include "src/Sonde.h" #include "src/Display.h" #include "src/Scanner.h" #include "src/geteph.h" #include "src/rs92gps.h" #include "src/aprs.h" #include "src/ShFreqImport.h" #include "src/RS41.h" #include "src/json.h" #if FEATURE_CHASEMAPPER #include "src/Chasemapper.h" #endif #if FEATURE_MQTT #include "src/mqtt.h" #endif //#define ESP_MEM_DEBUG 1 //int e; enum MainState { ST_DECODER, ST_SPECTRUM, ST_WIFISCAN, ST_UPDATE, ST_TOUCHCALIB }; static MainState mainState = ST_WIFISCAN; // ST_WIFISCAN; const char *mainStateStr[5] = {"DECODER", "SPECTRUM", "WIFISCAN", "UPDATE", "TOUCHCALIB" }; AsyncWebServer server(80); AsyncWebSocket ws("/ws"); AXP20X_Class axp; #define PMU_IRQ 35 SemaphoreHandle_t axpSemaphore; // 0: cleared; 1: set; 2: do not check, also query state of axp via i2c on each loop uint8_t pmu_irq = 0; String updateHost = "xavier.debert.free.fr"; int updatePort = 80; String updateBinM = "/RS/radiosonde/update.ino.bin"; String updateBinD = "/RS/radiosondedevel/update.ino.bin"; String *updateBin = &updateBinM; String updateDataWeb = "/RS/dataweb/data.tar"; #define LOCALUDPPORT 14580 //Get real UTC time from NTP server const char* ntpServer = "pool.ntp.org"; const long gmtOffset_sec = 0; //UTC const int daylightOffset_sec = 0; //UTC boolean connected = false; WiFiUDP udp; WiFiClient client; /* Sonde.h: enum SondeType { STYPE_DFM,, STYPE_RS41, STYPE_RS92, STYPE_M10M20, STYPE_M10, STYPE_M20, STYPE_MP3H }; */ const char *sondeTypeStrSH[NSondeTypes] = { "DFM", "RS41", "RS92", "Mxx"/*never sent*/, "M10", "M20", "MRZ" }; const char *dfmSubtypeStrSH[16] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "DFM06", // 0x06 "PS15", // 0x07 NULL, NULL, "DFM09", // 0x0A "DFM17", // 0x0B "DFM09P", // 0x0C "DFM17", // 0x0D NULL, NULL }; // Times in ms, i.e. station: 10 minutes, mobile: 20 seconds #define APRS_STATION_UPDATE_TIME (10*60*1000) #define APRS_MOBILE_STATION_UPDATE_TIME (20*1000) unsigned long time_last_aprs_update = -APRS_STATION_UPDATE_TIME; #if FEATURE_SONDEHUB #define SONDEHUB_STATION_UPDATE_TIME (60*60*1000) // 60 min #define SONDEHUB_MOBILE_STATION_UPDATE_TIME (30*1000) // 30 sec WiFiClient shclient; // Sondehub v2 int shImportInterval = 0; char shImport = 0; unsigned long time_last_update = 0; #endif /* SH_LOC_OFF: never send position information to SondeHub SH_LOC_FIXED: send fixed position (if specified in config) to sondehub SH_LOC_CHASE: always activate chase mode and send GPS position (if available) SH_LOC_AUTO: if there is no valid GPS position, or GPS position < MIN_LOC_AUTO_DIST away from known fixed position: use FIXED mode otherwise, i.e. if there is a valid GPS position and (either no fixed position in config, or GPS position is far away from fixed position), use CHASE mode. */ // same constants used for SondeHub and APRS enum { SH_LOC_OFF, SH_LOC_FIXED, SH_LOC_CHASE, SH_LOC_AUTO }; /* auto mode is chase if valid GPS position and (no fixed location entered OR valid GPS position and distance in lat/lon deg to fixed location > threshold) */ #define MIN_LOC_AUTO_DIST 200 /* meter */ #define SH_LOC_AUTO_IS_CHASE ( gpsPos.valid && ( (isnan(sonde.config.rxlat) || isnan(sonde.config.rxlon) ) || \ calcLatLonDist( gpsPos.lat, gpsPos.lon, sonde.config.rxlat, sonde.config.rxlon ) > MIN_LOC_AUTO_DIST ) ) extern float calcLatLonDist(float lat1, float lon1, float lat2, float lon2); // KISS over TCP for communicating with APRSdroid WiFiServer tncserver(14580); WiFiClient tncclient; // JSON over TCP for communicating with the rdzSonde (rdzwx-go) Android app WiFiServer rdzserver(14570); WiFiClient rdzclient; // APRS over TCP for radiosondy.info etc AsyncClient tcpclient; #if FEATURE_MQTT unsigned long lastMqttUptime = 0; boolean mqttEnabled; MQTT mqttclient; #endif boolean forceReloadScreenConfig = false; enum KeyPress { KP_NONE = 0, KP_SHORT, KP_DOUBLE, KP_MID, KP_LONG }; // "doublepress" is now also used to eliminate key glitch on TTGO T-Beam startup (SENSOR_VN/GPIO39) struct Button { uint8_t pin; uint32_t numberKeyPresses; KeyPress pressed; unsigned long keydownTime; int8_t doublepress; bool isTouched; }; Button button1 = {0, 0, KP_NONE, 0, -1, false}; Button button2 = {0, 0, KP_NONE, 0, -1, false}; static int lastDisplay = 1; static int currentDisplay = 1; // timestamp when spectrum display was activated static unsigned long specTimer; void enterMode(int mode); void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event); char buffer[85]; MicroNMEA nmea(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // Read line from file, independent of line termination (LF or CR LF) String readLine(Stream &stream) { String s = stream.readStringUntil('\n'); int len = s.length(); if (len == 0) return s; if (s.charAt(len - 1) == '\r') s.remove(len - 1); return s; } // Read line from file, without using dynamic memory allocation (String class) // returns length line. int readLine(Stream &stream, char *buffer, int maxlen) { int n = stream.readBytesUntil('\n', buffer, maxlen); buffer[n] = 0; if (n <= 0) return 0; if (buffer[n - 1] == '\r') { buffer[n - 1] = 0; n--; } return n; } // Replaces placeholder with LED state value String processor(const String& var) { Serial.println(var); if (var == "MAPCENTER") { double lat, lon; if (gpsPos.valid) { lat = gpsPos.lat; lon = gpsPos.lon; } else { lat = sonde.config.rxlat; lon = sonde.config.rxlon; } if ( !isnan(lat) && !isnan(lon) ) { char p[40]; snprintf(p, 40, "%g,%g", lat, lon); return String(p); } else { return String("48,13"); } } if (var == "VERSION_NAME") { return String(version_name); } if (var == "VERSION_ID") { return String(version_id); } if (var == "FULLNAMEID") { char tmp[128]; snprintf(tmp, 128, "%s-%c%d", version_id, SPIFFS_MAJOR + 'A' - 1, SPIFFS_MINOR); return String(tmp); } if (var == "AUTODETECT_INFO") { char tmpstr[128]; const char *fpstr; int i = 0; while (fingerprintValue[i] != sonde.fingerprint && fingerprintValue[i] != -1) i++; if (fingerprintValue[i] == -1) { fpstr = "Unknown board"; } else { fpstr = fingerprintText[i]; } snprintf(tmpstr, 128, "Fingerprint %d (%s)", sonde.fingerprint, fpstr); return String(tmpstr); } if (var == "EPHSTATE") { return String(ephtxt[ephstate]); } return String(); } const String sondeTypeSelect(int activeType) { String sts = ""; for (int i = 0; i < NSondeTypes; i++) { sts += "