from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension import os import sys import Adafruit_DHT.platform_detect as platform_detect BINARY_COMMANDS = [ 'build_ext', 'build_clib', 'bdist', 'bdist_dumb', 'bdist_rpm', 'bdist_wininst', 'bdist_wheel', 'install' ] def is_binary_install(): do_binary = [command for command in BINARY_COMMANDS if command in sys.argv] return len(do_binary) > 0 def read(fname): return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() # Check if an explicit platform was chosen with a command line parameter. # Kind of hacky to manipulate the argument list before calling setup, but it's # the best simple option for adding optional config to the setup. platform = platform_detect.UNKNOWN pi_version = None if '--force-pi' in sys.argv: platform = platform_detect.RASPBERRY_PI pi_version = 1 sys.argv.remove('--force-pi') elif '--force-pi2' in sys.argv: platform = platform_detect.RASPBERRY_PI pi_version = 2 sys.argv.remove('--force-pi2') elif '--force-bbb' in sys.argv: platform = platform_detect.BEAGLEBONE_BLACK sys.argv.remove('--force-bbb') elif '--force-test' in sys.argv: platform = 'TEST' sys.argv.remove('--force-test') else: # No explicit platform chosen, detect the current platform. platform = platform_detect.platform_detect() # Pick the right extension to compile based on the platform. extensions = [] if not is_binary_install(): print('Skipped loading platform-specific extensions for Adafruit_DHT (we are generating a cross-platform source distribution).') elif platform == platform_detect.RASPBERRY_PI: # Get the Pi version (1 or 2) if pi_version is None: pi_version = platform_detect.pi_version() # Build the right extension depending on the Pi version. if pi_version == 1: extensions.append(Extension("Adafruit_DHT.Raspberry_Pi_Driver", ["source/_Raspberry_Pi_Driver.c", "source/common_dht_read.c", "source/Raspberry_Pi/pi_dht_read.c", "source/Raspberry_Pi/pi_mmio.c"], libraries=['rt'], extra_compile_args=['-std=gnu99'])) elif pi_version == 2: extensions.append(Extension("Adafruit_DHT.Raspberry_Pi_2_Driver", ["source/_Raspberry_Pi_2_Driver.c", "source/common_dht_read.c", "source/Raspberry_Pi_2/pi_2_dht_read.c", "source/Raspberry_Pi_2/pi_2_mmio.c"], libraries=['rt'], extra_compile_args=['-std=gnu99'])) elif pi_version == 3: extensions.append(Extension("Adafruit_DHT.Raspberry_Pi_2_Driver", ["source/_Raspberry_Pi_2_Driver.c", "source/common_dht_read.c", "source/Raspberry_Pi_2/pi_2_dht_read.c", "source/Raspberry_Pi_2/pi_2_mmio.c"], libraries=['rt'], extra_compile_args=['-std=gnu99'])) else: raise RuntimeError('Detected Pi version that has no appropriate driver available.') elif platform == platform_detect.BEAGLEBONE_BLACK: extensions.append(Extension("Adafruit_DHT.Beaglebone_Black_Driver", ["source/_Beaglebone_Black_Driver.c", "source/common_dht_read.c", "source/Beaglebone_Black/bbb_dht_read.c", "source/Beaglebone_Black/bbb_mmio.c"], libraries=['rt'], extra_compile_args=['-std=gnu99'])) elif platform == 'TEST': extensions.append(Extension("Adafruit_DHT.Test_Driver", ["source/_Test_Driver.c", "source/Test/test_dht_read.c"], extra_compile_args=['-std=gnu99'])) else: print('Could not detect if running on the Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black. If this failure is unexpected, you can run again with --force-pi or --force-bbb parameter to force using the Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black respectively.') sys.exit(1) classifiers = ['Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: System :: Hardware'] # Call setuptools setup function to install package. setup(name = 'Adafruit_DHT', version = '1.4.0', author = 'Tony DiCola', author_email = '', description = 'Library to get readings from the DHT11, DHT22, and AM2302 humidity and temperature sensors on a Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black.', long_description = read(''), license = 'MIT', classifiers = classifiers, url = '', packages = find_packages(), ext_modules = extensions)