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2022-08-24 08:41:00 +02:00
# (c) Alexander Belchenko, 2007, 2009
Run each test 3 times and get median value.
Using 10K array as base test time.
Each other test compared with base with next formula::
Tc * Nb
q = ---------
Tb * Nc
* Tc - execution time of current test
* Tb - execution time of base
* Nb - array size of base (10K)
* Nc - array size of current test
If resulting value is ``q <= 1.0`` it's the best possible result,
i.e. time increase proportionally to array size.
from cStringIO import StringIO
import gc
import sys
import time
import intelhex
def median(values):
"""Return median value for the list of values.
@param values: list of values for processing.
@return: median value.
n = int(len(values) / 2)
return values[n]
def run_test(func, fobj):
"""Run func with argument fobj and measure execution time.
@param func: function for test
@param fobj: data for test
@return: execution time
begin = time.time()
end = time.time()
return end - begin
def run_readtest_N_times(func, hexstr, n):
"""Run each test N times.
@param func: function for test
@param hexstr: string with content of hex file to read
@param n: times to repeat.
@return: (median time, times list)
assert n > 0
times = []
for i in range(n):
sio = StringIO(hexstr)
times.append(run_test(func, sio))
t = median(times)
return t, times
def run_writetest_N_times(func, n):
"""Run each test N times.
@param func: function for test
@param n: times to repeat.
@return: (median time, times list)
assert n > 0
times = []
for i in range(n):
sio = StringIO()
times.append(run_test(func, sio))
t = median(times)
return t, times
def time_coef(tc, nc, tb, nb):
"""Return time coefficient relative to base numbers.
@param tc: current test time
@param nc: current test data size
@param tb: base test time
@param nb: base test data size
@return: time coef.
tc = float(tc)
nc = float(nc)
tb = float(tb)
nb = float(nb)
q = (tc * nb) / (tb * nc)
return q
def get_test_data(n1, offset, n2):
"""Create test data on given pattern.
@param n1: size of first part of array at base address 0.
@param offset: offset for second part of array.
@param n2: size of second part of array at given offset.
@return: (overall size, hex file, IntelHex object)
# make IntelHex object
ih = intelhex.IntelHex()
addr = 0
for i in range(n1):
ih[addr] = addr % 256
addr += 1
addr += offset
for i in range(n2):
ih[addr] = addr % 256
addr += 1
# make hex file
sio = StringIO()
hexstr = sio.getvalue()
return n1+n2, hexstr, ih
def get_base_10K():
"""Base 10K"""
return get_test_data(10000, 0, 0)
def get_100K():
return get_test_data(100000, 0, 0)
def get_100K_100K():
return get_test_data(100000, 1000000, 100000)
def get_0_100K():
return get_test_data(0, 1000000, 100000)
def get_1M():
return get_test_data(1000000, 0, 0)
class Measure(object):
"""Measure execution time helper."""
data_set = [
# (data name, getter)
('base 10K', get_base_10K), # first should be base numbers
('100K', get_100K),
('1M', get_1M),
('100K+100K', get_100K_100K),
('0+100K', get_0_100K),
def __init__(self, n=3, read=True, write=True):
self.n = n
self.read = read
self.write = write
self.results = []
def measure_one(self, data):
"""Do measuring of read and write operations.
@param data: 3-tuple from get_test_data
@return: (time readhex, time writehex)
_unused, hexstr, ih = data
tread, twrite = 0.0, 0.0
if self.read:
tread = run_readtest_N_times(intelhex.IntelHex, hexstr, self.n)[0]
if self.write:
twrite = run_writetest_N_times(ih.write_hex_file, self.n)[0]
return tread, twrite
def measure_all(self):
for name, getter in self.data_set:
data = getter()
times = self.measure_one(data)
self.results.append((name, times, data[0]))
def print_report(self, to_file=None):
if to_file is None:
to_file = sys.stdout
base_title, base_times, base_n = self.results[0]
base_read, base_write = base_times
read_report = ['%-10s\t%7.3f' % (base_title, base_read)]
write_report = ['%-10s\t%7.3f' % (base_title, base_write)]
for item in self.results[1:]:
cur_title, cur_times, cur_n = item
cur_read, cur_write = cur_times
if self.read:
qread = time_coef(cur_read, cur_n,
base_read, base_n)
read_report.append('%-10s\t%7.3f\t%7.3f' % (cur_title,
if self.write:
qwrite = time_coef(cur_write, cur_n,
base_write, base_n)
write_report.append('%-10s\t%7.3f\t%7.3f' % (cur_title,
if self.read:
to_file.write('Read operation:\n')
if self.write:
to_file.write('Write operation:\n')
HELP = """\
Usage: python _bench.py [OPTIONS]
-h this help
-n N repeat tests N times
-r run only tests for read operation
-w run only tests for write operation
If option -r or -w is not specified then all tests will be run.
def main(argv=None):
"""Main function to run benchmarks.
@param argv: command-line arguments.
@return: exit code (0 is OK).
import getopt
# default values
test_read = None
test_write = None
n = 3 # number of repeat
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hn:rw', [])
for o,a in opts:
if o == '-h':
return 0
elif o == '-n':
n = int(a)
elif o == '-r':
test_read = True
elif o == '-w':
test_write = True
if args:
raise getopt.GetoptError('Arguments are not used.')
except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
txt = str(msg)
return 1
if (test_read, test_write) == (None, None):
test_read = test_write = True
m = Measure(n, test_read, test_write)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
Some Results
21/04/2007 revno.40
Python 2.5 @ Windows XP, Intel Celeron M CPU 430 @ 1.73GHz
Read operation:
base 10K 0.031
100K 0.360 1.161
1M 3.500 1.129
100K+100K 0.719 1.160
0+100K 0.360 1.161
Write operation:
base 10K 0.031
100K 0.297 0.958
1M 2.953 0.953
100K+100K 1.328 2.142
0+100K 0.312 1.006
21/04/2007 revno.46
Python 2.5 @ Windows XP, Intel Celeron M CPU 430 @ 1.73GHz
Read operation:
base 10K 0.016
100K 0.203 1.269
1M 2.000 1.250
100K+100K 0.422 1.319
0+100K 0.203 1.269
Write operation:
base 10K 0.031
100K 0.297 0.958
1M 2.969 0.958
100K+100K 1.328 2.142
0+100K 0.312 1.006
22/04/2007 revno.48
Python 2.5 @ Windows XP, Intel Celeron M CPU 430 @ 1.73GHz
Read operation:
base 10K 0.016
100K 0.187 1.169
1M 1.891 1.182
100K+100K 0.406 1.269
0+100K 0.188 1.175
Write operation:
base 10K 0.031
100K 0.296 0.955
1M 2.969 0.958
100K+100K 1.328 2.142
0+100K 0.312 1.006
19/08/2008 revno.72
Python 2.5.2 @ Windows XP, Intel Celeron M CPU 430 @ 1.73GHz
Read operation:
base 10K 0.016
100K 0.171 1.069
1M 1.734 1.084
100K+100K 0.375 1.172
0+100K 0.172 1.075
Write operation:
base 10K 0.016
100K 0.156 0.975
1M 1.532 0.957
100K+100K 0.344 1.075
0+100K 0.156 0.975