import struct import sys class octaveRecord: def __init__(self): self.rname = "" self.rtype = "" self.rrows = 0 self.rcols = 0 self.record = [] def dumpCell(self,cell,of): if (self.rtype == "complex"): of.write(" ({:f},{:f})".format(cell.real,cell.imag)) elif (self.rtype == "float"): of.write(" {:f}".format(cell)) elif (self.rtype == "int"): of.write(" {}".format(cell)) elif (self.rtype == "matrix"): of.write(" {}".format(cell)) def dumpData(self,of): for row in self.record: for cell in row: self.dumpCell(cell,of) of.write("\n") def dump(self,of): of.write("# name: " + self.rname+ "\n") of.write("# type: " + self.rtype+ "\n") of.write("# rows: " + str(self.rrows) + "\n") of.write("# columns: " + str(self.rcols)+ "\n") self.dumpData(of) of.write("\n") of.flush() def get_dev(self,a,b): if (self.rtype == "complex"): iD = 10000.0 rD = 10000.0 if abs(a.real - b.real) > 0.000001: rD = abs(a.real / (a.real - b.real)) if abs(a.imag - b.imag) > 0.0: iD = abs(a.imag / (a.imag - b.imag)) return max(rD,iD) else: return abs(a / (a - b)) def compare(self,rec2,of): of.write(self.rname + ": ") if ( self.rrows == rec2.rrows): if (self.rcols == rec2.rcols): #iterate over both arrays and compare the values for rowA,rowB in zip(self.record,rec2.record): for cellA,cellB in zip(rowA,rowB): res = '' if (cellA == cellB): res = '' # 'o' elif self.get_dev(cellA,cellB) > 100.0: res = '' # '#' else: of.write(str(self.get_dev(cellA,cellB)) +":") self.dumpCell(cellA,of) of.write(" /") self.dumpCell(cellB,of) of.write(" ") of.write(res) of.write("\n") else: of.write("col numbers differ\n") else: print of.write("row numbers differ") of.flush() def intStr2float(hexValStr): return struct.unpack('f',struct.pack('L',int(hexValStr,16))) def get_complex(word,FloatAsHexString): real = 0.0 imag = 0.0 if FloatAsHexString: real = intStr2float(word.split(",")[0].split("(")[1])[0] imag = intStr2float(word.split(",")[1].split(")")[0])[0] else: real = float(word.split(",")[0].split("(")[1]) imag = float(word.split(",")[1].split(")")[0]) return complex(real,imag) def get_float(word,FloatAsHexString): if FloatAsHexString: return intStr2float(word)[0] else: return float(word) def get_int(word): return int(word) def readFromDump(fileName, FloatAsHexString = True): rname="" rhex=False rtype="" rvalues= {} rcols=0 rrows=0 rheaderWrite=True outOfSync = True f = open(fileName, 'r') recArray = [] record = octaveRecord() records = [] for line in f: if outOfSync == False: words = line.split() if words: if (words[0] == "#"): if (words[1] == "name:"): rname=words[2] elif (words[1] == "type:"): rtype=words[2] elif (words[1] == "rows:"): rrows=int(words[2]) elif (words[1] == "columns:"): rcols=int(words[2]) rheaderWrite = True elif (words[1] == "hex:"): rhex = words[2] == "true" else: if (rheaderWrite): recArray = [] rheaderWrite = False record.rname = rname record.rtype = rtype record.rrows = rrows record.rcols = rcols if (rtype == "complex"): compArray = [] for word in words: compArray.append(get_complex(word,FloatAsHexString)) recArray.append(compArray) elif (rtype == "float"): compArray = [] for word in words: compArray.append(get_float(word,FloatAsHexString)) recArray.append(compArray) elif (rtype == "int"): compArray = [] for word in words: compArray.append(get_int(word)) recArray.append(compArray) elif (rtype == "matrix"): compArray = [] for word in words: compArray.append(get_float(word,rhex)) recArray.append(compArray) if (len(recArray) == rrows): record.record = recArray records.append(record) record = octaveRecord() rhex = False else: outOfSync = line.startswith("# Created by tfdmdv.c") == False f.close() return records records = readFromDump('tfdmdv_out_reference.txt') records2 = readFromDump('tfdmdv_out.txt') outputFile = open('log2.out', 'wt') for rA,rB in zip(records,records2):,outputFile) #for record in records2: # record.dump(outputFile) outputFile.flush() outputFile.close()