/** ****************************************************************************** * @file : usbd_desc.c * @version : v1.0_Cube * @brief : This file implements the USB Device descriptors ****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics International N.V. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted, provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of other * contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific written permission. * 4. This software, including modifications and/or derivative works of this * software, must execute solely and exclusively on microcontroller or * microprocessor devices manufactured by or for STMicroelectronics. * 5. Redistribution and use of this software other than as permitted under * this license is void and will automatically terminate your rights under * this license. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY STMICROELECTRONICS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY * RIGHTS ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. IN NO EVENT * SHALL STMICROELECTRONICS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "usbd_core.h" #include "usbd_desc.h" #include "usbd_conf.h" #include "hardware/uhsdr_board.h" /** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY * @{ */ /** @defgroup USBD_DESC * @brief USBD descriptors module * @{ */ /** @defgroup USBD_DESC_Private_TypesDefinitions * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_DESC_Private_Defines * @{ */ #define USBD_VID 0x0483 #define USBD_LANGID_STRING 1033 #define USBD_MANUFACTURER_STRING (uint8_t*)"UHSDR Community (based on STM Drivers)" #define USBD_PID_FS 0x5732 #define USBD_PRODUCT_STRING_FS (uint8_t*)"USB Interface "TRX_ID #define USBD_SERIALNUMBER_STRING_FS (uint8_t*)"00000000002A" #define USBD_CONFIGURATION_STRING_FS (uint8_t*)"AUDIO/COM Config" #define USBD_INTERFACE_STRING_FS (uint8_t*)TRX_ID" Audio Com" #define USB_SIZ_BOS_DESC 0x0C /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */ /* USER CODE END 0*/ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_DESC_Private_Macros * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_DESC_Private_Variables * @{ */ uint8_t * USBD_FS_DeviceDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length); uint8_t * USBD_FS_LangIDStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length); uint8_t * USBD_FS_ManufacturerStrDescriptor ( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length); uint8_t * USBD_FS_ProductStrDescriptor ( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length); uint8_t * USBD_FS_SerialStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length); uint8_t * USBD_FS_ConfigStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length); uint8_t * USBD_FS_InterfaceStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length); #ifdef USB_SUPPORT_USER_STRING_DESC uint8_t * USBD_FS_USRStringDesc (USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed, uint8_t idx , uint16_t *length); #endif /* USB_SUPPORT_USER_STRING_DESC */ #if (USBD_LPM_ENABLED == 1) uint8_t *USBD_FS_USR_BOSDescriptor(USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length); #endif USBD_DescriptorsTypeDef FS_Desc = { USBD_FS_DeviceDescriptor, USBD_FS_LangIDStrDescriptor, USBD_FS_ManufacturerStrDescriptor, USBD_FS_ProductStrDescriptor, USBD_FS_SerialStrDescriptor, USBD_FS_ConfigStrDescriptor, USBD_FS_InterfaceStrDescriptor, #if (USBD_LPM_ENABLED == 1) USBD_FS_USR_BOSDescriptor, #endif }; #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */ #pragma data_alignment=4 #endif /* USB Standard Device Descriptor */ __ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t USBD_FS_DeviceDesc[USB_LEN_DEV_DESC] __ALIGN_END = { 0x12, /*bLength */ USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE, /*bDescriptorType*/ #if (USBD_LPM_ENABLED == 1) 0x01, /*bcdUSB */ /* changed to USB version 2.01 in order to support LPM L1 suspend resume test of USBCV3.0*/ #else 0x00, /* bcdUSB */ #endif 0x02, /* Typically only the bDeviceClass is set at the device level. * Most class specifications choose to identify itself at the interface level * and as a result set the bDeviceClass as 0x00. * This allows for the one device to support multiple classes. */ 0x00, /*0xEF bDeviceClass*/ 0x00, /*0x02 bDeviceSubClass*/ 0x01, /*bDeviceProtocol*/ USB_MAX_EP0_SIZE, /*bMaxPacketSize*/ LOBYTE(USBD_VID), /*idVendor*/ HIBYTE(USBD_VID), /*idVendor*/ LOBYTE(USBD_PID_FS), /*idVendor*/ HIBYTE(USBD_PID_FS), /*idVendor*/ 0x00, /*bcdDevice rel. 2.00*/ 0x02, USBD_IDX_MFC_STR, /*Index of manufacturer string*/ USBD_IDX_PRODUCT_STR, /*Index of product string*/ USBD_IDX_SERIAL_STR, /*Index of serial number string*/ USBD_MAX_NUM_CONFIGURATION /*bNumConfigurations*/ } ; /* USB_DeviceDescriptor */ /* BOS descriptor */ #if (USBD_LPM_ENABLED == 1) #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */ #pragma data_alignment=4 #endif __ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t USBD_FS_BOSDesc[USB_SIZ_BOS_DESC] __ALIGN_END = { 0x5, USB_DESC_TYPE_BOS, 0xC, 0x0, 0x1, /* 1 device capability */ /* device capability*/ 0x7, USB_DEVICE_CAPABITY_TYPE, 0x2, 0x2, /*LPM capability bit set */ 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; #endif #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */ #pragma data_alignment=4 #endif /* USB Standard Device Descriptor */ __ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t USBD_LangIDDesc[USB_LEN_LANGID_STR_DESC] __ALIGN_END = { USB_LEN_LANGID_STR_DESC, USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING, LOBYTE(USBD_LANGID_STRING), HIBYTE(USBD_LANGID_STRING), }; #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */ #pragma data_alignment=4 #endif __ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t USBD_StrDesc[USBD_MAX_STR_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END; /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_DESC_Private_FunctionPrototypes * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_DESC_Private_Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief USBD_FS_DeviceDescriptor * return the device descriptor * @param speed : current device speed * @param length : pointer to data length variable * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer */ uint8_t * USBD_FS_DeviceDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length) { *length = sizeof(USBD_FS_DeviceDesc); return USBD_FS_DeviceDesc; } /** * @brief USBD_FS_LangIDStrDescriptor * return the LangID string descriptor * @param speed : current device speed * @param length : pointer to data length variable * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer */ uint8_t * USBD_FS_LangIDStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length) { *length = sizeof(USBD_LangIDDesc); return USBD_LangIDDesc; } /** * @brief USBD_FS_ProductStrDescriptor * return the product string descriptor * @param speed : current device speed * @param length : pointer to data length variable * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer */ uint8_t * USBD_FS_ProductStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length) { if(speed == 0) { USBD_GetString (USBD_PRODUCT_STRING_FS, USBD_StrDesc, length); } else { USBD_GetString (USBD_PRODUCT_STRING_FS, USBD_StrDesc, length); } return USBD_StrDesc; } /** * @brief USBD_FS_ManufacturerStrDescriptor * return the manufacturer string descriptor * @param speed : current device speed * @param length : pointer to data length variable * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer */ uint8_t * USBD_FS_ManufacturerStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length) { USBD_GetString (USBD_MANUFACTURER_STRING, USBD_StrDesc, length); return USBD_StrDesc; } /** * @brief USBD_FS_SerialStrDescriptor * return the serial number string descriptor * @param speed : current device speed * @param length : pointer to data length variable * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer */ uint8_t * USBD_FS_SerialStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length) { if(speed == USBD_SPEED_HIGH) { USBD_GetString (USBD_SERIALNUMBER_STRING_FS, USBD_StrDesc, length); } else { USBD_GetString (USBD_SERIALNUMBER_STRING_FS, USBD_StrDesc, length); } return USBD_StrDesc; } /** * @brief USBD_FS_ConfigStrDescriptor * return the configuration string descriptor * @param speed : current device speed * @param length : pointer to data length variable * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer */ uint8_t * USBD_FS_ConfigStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length) { if(speed == USBD_SPEED_HIGH) { USBD_GetString (USBD_CONFIGURATION_STRING_FS, USBD_StrDesc, length); } else { USBD_GetString (USBD_CONFIGURATION_STRING_FS, USBD_StrDesc, length); } return USBD_StrDesc; } /** * @brief USBD_HS_InterfaceStrDescriptor * return the interface string descriptor * @param speed : current device speed * @param length : pointer to data length variable * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer */ uint8_t * USBD_FS_InterfaceStrDescriptor( USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length) { if(speed == 0) { USBD_GetString (USBD_INTERFACE_STRING_FS, USBD_StrDesc, length); } else { USBD_GetString (USBD_INTERFACE_STRING_FS, USBD_StrDesc, length); } return USBD_StrDesc; } #if (USBD_LPM_ENABLED == 1) /** * @brief USBD_FS_USR_BOSDescriptor * return the BOS descriptor * @param speed : current device speed * @param length : pointer to data length variable * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer */ uint8_t *USBD_FS_USR_BOSDescriptor(USBD_SpeedTypeDef speed , uint16_t *length) { *length = sizeof(USBD_FS_BOSDesc); return (uint8_t*)USBD_FS_BOSDesc; } #endif /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/