/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ FILE........: comp_prim.h AUTHOR......: David Rowe DATE CREATED: Marh 2015 Complex number maths primitives. \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (C) 2015 David Rowe All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, see . */ #ifndef __COMP_PRIM__ #define __COMP_PRIM__ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ FUNCTIONS \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ inline static COMP cneg(COMP a) { COMP res; res.real = -a.real; res.imag = -a.imag; return res; } inline static COMP cconj(COMP a) { COMP res; res.real = a.real; res.imag = -a.imag; return res; } inline static COMP cmult(COMP a, COMP b) { COMP res; res.real = a.real*b.real - a.imag*b.imag; res.imag = a.real*b.imag + a.imag*b.real; return res; } inline static COMP fcmult(float a, COMP b) { COMP res; res.real = a*b.real; res.imag = a*b.imag; return res; } inline static COMP cadd(COMP a, COMP b) { COMP res; res.real = a.real + b.real; res.imag = a.imag + b.imag; return res; } inline static float cabsolute(COMP a) { return sqrtf((a.real * a.real) + (a.imag * a.imag) ); } /* * Euler's formula in a new convenient function */ inline static COMP comp_exp_j(float phi){ COMP res; res.real = cosf(phi); res.imag = sinf(phi); return res; } /* * Quick and easy complex 0 */ inline static COMP comp0(void){ COMP res; res.real = 0; res.imag = 0; return res; } /* * Quick and easy complex subtract */ inline static COMP csub(COMP a, COMP b){ COMP res; res.real = a.real-b.real; res.imag = a.imag-b.imag; return res; } /* * Compare the magnitude of a and b. if |a|>|b|, return true, otw false. * This needs no square roots */ inline static int comp_mag_gt(COMP a,COMP b){ return ((a.real*a.real)+(a.imag*a.imag)) > ((b.real*b.real)+(b.imag*b.imag)); } /* * Normalize a complex number's magnitude to 1 */ inline static COMP comp_normalize(COMP a){ COMP b; float av = cabsolute(a); b.real = a.real/av; b.imag = a.imag/av; return b; } #endif