2022-08-24 08:39:13 +02:00

1038 lines
42 KiB
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/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*- */
** **
** UHSDR **
** a powerful firmware for STM32 based SDR transceivers **
** **
** **
** Description: Code for fast convolution filtering, DD4WH 2018_08_19 **
** Licence: GNU GPLv3 **
#include "audio_convolution.h"
#include "audio_driver.h"
#include "arm_const_structs.h"
#include "filters.h"
// we cannot use a shared buffer structure with FreeDV,
// because we need to filter with convolution and simultaneously
// use FreeDV buffers, if we switch on digital voice mode FreeDV
// user code
__IO int32_t Sample_in_head = 0;
__IO int32_t Sample_in_tail = 0;
__IO int32_t Sample_out_head = 0;
__IO int32_t Sample_out_tail = 0;
Sample_Buffer* Sample_in_buffers[SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE];
Sample_Buffer* Sample_out_buffers[SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE];
int Sample_in_buffer_peek(Sample_Buffer** c_ptr)
int ret = 0;
if (Sample_in_head != Sample_in_tail)
Sample_Buffer* c = Sample_in_buffers[Sample_in_tail];
*c_ptr = c;
return ret;
int Sample_in_buffer_remove(Sample_Buffer** c_ptr)
int ret = 0;
if (Sample_in_head != Sample_in_tail)
Sample_Buffer* c = Sample_in_buffers[Sample_in_tail];
Sample_in_tail = (Sample_in_tail + 1) % SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE;
*c_ptr = c;
return ret;
/* no room left in the buffer returns 0 */
int Sample_in_buffer_add(NR_Buffer* c)
int ret = 0;
int32_t next_head = (Sample_in_head + 1) % SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE;
if (next_head != Sample_in_tail)
/* there is room */
Sample_in_buffers[Sample_in_head] = c;
Sample_in_head = next_head;
ret ++;
return ret;
void Sample_in_buffer_reset()
Sample_in_tail = Sample_in_head;
int8_t Sample_in_has_data()
int32_t len = Sample_in_head - Sample_in_tail;
return len < 0?len+SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE:len;
int32_t Sample_in_has_room()
// FIXME: Since we cannot completely fill the buffer
// we need to say full 1 element earlier
return SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE - 1 - Sample_in_has_data();
//*********Out Buffer handling
int Sample_out_buffer_peek(Sample_Buffer** c_ptr)
int ret = 0;
if (Sample_out_head != Sample_out_tail)
Sample_Buffer* c = Sample_out_buffers[Sample_out_tail];
*c_ptr = c;
return ret;
int Sample_out_buffer_remove(NR_Buffer** c_ptr)
int ret = 0;
if (Sample_out_head != Sample_out_tail)
Sample_Buffer* c = Sample_out_buffers[Sample_out_tail];
Sample_out_tail = (Sample_out_tail + 1) % SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE;
*c_ptr = c;
return ret;
/* no room left in the buffer returns 0 */
int Sample_out_buffer_add(Sample_Buffer* c)
int ret = 0;
int32_t next_head = (Sample_out_head + 1) % SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE;
if (next_head != Sample_out_tail)
/* there is room */
Sample_out_buffers[Sample_out_head] = c;
Sample_out_head = next_head;
ret ++;
return ret;
void Sample_out_buffer_reset()
Sample_out_tail = Sample_out_head;
int8_t Sample_out_has_data()
int32_t len = Sample_out_head - Sample_out_tail;
return len < 0?len+SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE:len;
int32_t Sample_out_has_room()
// FIXME: Since we cannot completely fill the buffer
// we need to say full 1 element earlier
return SAMPLE_BUFFER_FIFO_SIZE - 1 - Sample_out_has_data();
static ConvolutionBuffers cob;
ConvolutionBuffersShared cbs;
void AudioDriver_CalcConvolutionFilterCoeffs (int N, float32_t f_low, float32_t f_high, float32_t samplerate, int wintype, int rtype, float32_t scale)
* Partitioned Convolution code adapted from wdsp library
* (c) by Warren Pratt under GNU GPLv3
// TODO: how can I define an array with a function ???
//float32_t *c_impulse = (float32_t *) malloc0 (N * sizeof (complex));
//float32_t c_impulse[CONVOLUTION_MAX_NO_OF_COEFFS * 2];
float32_t ft = (f_high - f_low) / (2.0 * samplerate);
float32_t ft_rad = 2.0 * PI * ft;
float32_t w_osc = PI * (f_high + f_low) / samplerate;
int i, j;
float32_t m = 0.5 * (float32_t)(N - 1);
float32_t delta = PI / m;
float32_t cosphi;
float32_t posi, posj;
float32_t sinc, window, coef;
if (N & 1)
switch (rtype)
case 0:
cbs.impulse[N >> 1] = scale * 2.0 * ft;
case 1:
cbs.impulse[N - 1] = scale * 2.0 * ft;
cbs.impulse[ N ] = 0.0;
for (i = (N + 1) / 2, j = N / 2 - 1; i < N; i++, j--)
posi = (float32_t)i - m;
posj = (float32_t)j - m;
sinc = sinf (ft_rad * posi) / (PI * posi);
switch (wintype)
case 0: // Blackman-Harris 4-term
cosphi = cosf (delta * i);
window = + 0.21747
+ cosphi * ( - 0.45325
+ cosphi * ( + 0.28256
+ cosphi * ( - 0.04672 )));
case 1: // Blackman-Harris 7-term
cosphi = cosf (delta * i);
window = + 6.3964424114390378e-02
+ cosphi * ( - 2.3993864599352804e-01
+ cosphi * ( + 3.5015956323820469e-01
+ cosphi * ( - 2.4774111897080783e-01
+ cosphi * ( + 8.5438256055858031e-02
+ cosphi * ( - 1.2320203369293225e-02
+ cosphi * ( + 4.3778825791773474e-04 ))))));
coef = scale * sinc * window;
switch (rtype)
case 0:
cbs.impulse[i] = + coef * cosf (posi * w_osc);
cbs.impulse[j] = + coef * cosf (posj * w_osc);
case 1:
cbs.impulse[2 * i + 0] = + coef * cosf (posi * w_osc);
cbs.impulse[2 * i + 1] = - coef * sinf (posi * w_osc);
cbs.impulse[2 * j + 0] = + coef * cosf (posj * w_osc);
cbs.impulse[2 * j + 1] = - coef * sinf (posj * w_osc);
//return c_impulse;
void AudioDriver_SetConvolutionFilter (int nc, float32_t f_low, float32_t f_high, float32_t samplerate, int wintype, float32_t gain)
* Partitioned Convolution code adapted from wdsp library
* (c) by Warren Pratt under GNU GPLv3
int i;
// this calculates the impulse response (=coefficients) of a complex bandpass filter
// it needs to be complex in order to allow for SSB demodulation
// this writes the calculated coeffs into the adb.impulse array
AudioDriver_CalcConvolutionFilterCoeffs (nc, f_low, f_high, samplerate, wintype, 1, gain);
cbs.buffidx = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cbs.nfor; i++)
// I right-justified the impulse response => take output from left side of output buff, discard right side
// Be careful about flipping an asymmetrical impulse response.
// DD4WH: unsure how to interpret that, maybe like this:
// maskgen is of size: 2 * FFT_size * sizeof(complex)
// maskgen: left half is filled with zeros!? (starts to be filled from maskgen[2 * FFT_size], which is the centre of the array)
// right half of maskgen: is filled with the relevant part of the impulse response
// next round takes the next part of the impulse response
// ???the right half of impulse is not being used (discarded), because 2 * FFT_size * (nfor-1) is maximum of pointer
for(int idx = 0; idx < cbs.size * 2; idx++)
cbs.maskgen[idx] = 0;
cbs.maskgen[idx + cbs.size * 2] = cbs.impulse[idx + i * cbs.size * 2];
//memcpy (&(a->maskgen[2 * a->size]), &(impulse[2 * a->size * i]), a->size * sizeof(complex));
// do FFT
arm_cfft_f32(&arm_cfft_sR_f32_len256, cbs.maskgen, 0, 1);
// take input from maskgen and put output into fmask
for(int idx = 0; idx < cbs.size * 4; idx++)
cob.fmask[i][idx] = cbs.maskgen[idx];
//fftw_execute (a->maskplan[i]);
// after the loop is finished, fmask[nfor][FFT_size * 2] is filled with the FFT outputs of the partitioned filter response
void convolution_handle()
// put everything that should happen, when 128 samples are ready, into this function
* Partitioned Convolution code adapted from wdsp library
* (c) by Warren Pratt under GNU GPLv3
* thanks, Warren!
// input file: cob.i_buffer_convolution
// <- cbs.size ->
// input file: cob.q_buffer_convolution
// <- cbs.size ->
// NEW AUDIO SAMPLES: the two files interleaved
// <- 2 * cbs.size ->
// fill new samples into SECOND HALF of fftin
// first half is filled with the old audio samples
// | OLD | | NEW |
// <- 2 * cbs.size -><- 2 * cbs.size ->
// FFT of fftin
// output of FFT is copied into fftout[buffidx]
// <- 2 * cbs.size -><- 2 * cbs.size ->
// there are as many FFT output buffers as there are convolution blocks
// Complex multiply / accumulate with all FFT outputs of nfor last rounds, see below :-) !
// inverse FFT of the accumulated complex multiply outputs
// <- 2 * cbs.size -><- 2 * cbs.size ->
// inverse FFT result is in accum
// discard first half of inverse FFT output and separate I & Q into separate buffers
// <- 2 * cbs.size -><- 2 * cbs.size ->
// i_buffer_convolution
// <- cbs.size ->
// --> this is the filtered audio of I
// q_buffer_convolution
// <- cbs.size ->
// this is the filtered audio of Q
* partitioned block overlap-and-save algorithm
int fft_conv_size = cbs.size * 2;
int i, j, k;
// copy input buffer to right half of FFT input buffer
// left half already contains data from last round
for(int idx=0; idx < cbs.size; idx++)
cob.fftin[fft_conv_size + 2 * idx + 0] = cob.i_buffer_convolution[idx];
cob.fftin[fft_conv_size + 2 * idx + 1] = cob.q_buffer_convolution[idx];
// fftin --> one input buffer
// fftout[nfor] --> changing output buffers !
// FFT performed on fftin inplace
arm_cfft_f32(&arm_cfft_sR_f32_len256, cob.fftin, 0, 1);
// copy output from fftin into current fftout buffer
for (int idx = 0; idx < fft_conv_size * 2; idx++)
cob.fftout[cbs.buffidx][idx] = cob.fftin[idx];
//fftw_execute (a->pcfor[a->buffidx]);
k = cbs.buffidx;
// fill the array accum with zeros
for (int idx = 0; idx < fft_conv_size * 2; idx++)
cob.accum[idx] = 0;
//memset (a->accum, 0, 2 * a->size * sizeof (complex));
for (j = 0; j < cbs.nfor; j++)
for (i = 0; i < fft_conv_size; i++)
// this sums up the complex multiply results for real and imaginary components
// stored in accum
cob.accum[2 * i + 0] += cob.fftout[k][2 * i + 0] * cob.fmask[j][2 * i + 0]
- cob.fftout[k][2 * i + 1] * cob.fmask[j][2 * i + 1];
cob.accum[2 * i + 1] += cob.fftout[k][2 * i + 0] * cob.fmask[j][2 * i + 1]
+ cob.fftout[k][2 * i + 1] * cob.fmask[j][2 * i + 0];
// k points to the next relevant fftout result
// it must flip over when 0 is reached
k = k -1;
if(k < 0)
k = cbs.nfor - 1;
//k = (k + a->idxmask) & a->idxmask;
cbs.buffidx +=1;
if(cbs.buffidx >= cbs.nfor)
cbs.buffidx = 0;
// a->buffidx = (a->buffidx + 1) & a->idxmask;
// inverse FFT
// input: accum
// audio is in right half of the output buffer accum
arm_cfft_f32(&arm_cfft_sR_f32_len256, cob.accum, 1, 1);
// fftw_execute (a->crev);
// copy FFT input buffer to left half of FFT input buffer for next round
// --> overlap 50%
for(int idx=0; idx < cbs.size; idx++)
cob.fftin[2 * idx + 0] = cob.fftin[fft_conv_size + 2 * idx + 0];
cob.fftin[2 * idx + 1] = cob.fftin[fft_conv_size + 2 * idx + 1];
//memcpy (a->fftin, &(a->fftin[2 * a->size]), a->size * sizeof(complex));
// copy I & Q inverse FFT results (from second half of accum) to adb.i_buffer_convolution and adb.q_buffer_convolution
for(int idx = 0; idx < cbs.size; idx++)
cob.i_buffer_convolution[idx] = cob.accum[fft_conv_size + 2 * idx + 0];
cob.q_buffer_convolution[idx] = cob.accum[fft_conv_size + 2 * idx + 1];
// these buffers now contain the bandpass filtered audio
// which already has suppressed opposite sideband (if cutoff-frequencies have been set correctly for the BP filter)
// so no further "demodulation" is necessary for SSB / CW
/* ************************************************
* ************************************************/
// perform AGC on I and Q
// we need the stereo version of the AGC
AudioDriver_RxAgcWdsp(cbs.size, cob.i_buffer_convolution, cob.q_buffer_convolution);
* TODO: deal with Digimodes and FM
/* ************************************************
* ************************************************/
// for first test, we assume USB demodulation (hard coded filter passband +250Hz to +2700Hz in AudioDriver_SetRxAudioProcessing)
// for LSB, you would use -2700Hz to -250Hz
// very easy: in SSB, the real part of the (second half of the) iFFT output is the demodulated audio!
// switching between sidebands is only done by selecting the passband cutoff frequencies (coefficients) of the bandpass filter
// that means, that the cob.i_buffer_convolution already contains the demodulated audio for SSB and CW mode!
// i_buffer_convolution
// <- cbs.size ->
// --> this is the demodulated audio of size -> cob.size)
//* Function Name : Convolution-based audio_rx_processor
//* Object :
//* Object : audio sample processor based on partitioned block convolution, DD4WH 2018_08_18
//* Input Parameters :
//* Output Parameters :
//* Functions called :
void AudioDriver_RxProcessorConvolution(AudioSample_t * const src, AudioSample_t * const dst, const uint16_t blockSize)
// this is the main RX audio function
// it is driven with 32 samples in the complex buffer scr, meaning 32 * I AND 32 * Q
// blockSize is thus 32, DD4WH 2018_02_06
// const int16_t blockSizeDecim = blockSize/(int16_t)ads.decimation_rate;
const int16_t blockSizeDecim = blockSize/(int16_t)cbs.DF;
// we copy volatile variables which are used multiple times to local consts to let the compiler to its optimization magic
// since we are in an interrupt, no one will change these anyway
// shaved off a few bytes of code
const uint8_t dmod_mode = ts.dmod_mode;
const uint8_t tx_audio_source = ts.tx_audio_source;
const uint8_t iq_freq_mode = ts.iq_freq_mode;
const uint8_t dsp_active = ts.dsp_active;
const bool use_stereo = ((dmod_mode == DEMOD_IQ || dmod_mode == DEMOD_SSBSTEREO || (dmod_mode == DEMOD_SAM && ads.sam_sideband == SAM_SIDEBAND_STEREO)) && ts.stereo_enable);
float post_agc_gain_scaling;
if (tx_audio_source == TX_AUDIO_DIGIQ)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
// 16 bit format - convert to float and increment
// we collect our I/Q samples for USB transmission if TX_AUDIO_DIGIQ
if (ads.af_disabled == 0 )
// Split stereo channels
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
if(src[i].l > ADC_CLIP_WARN_THRESHOLD/4) // This is the release threshold for the auto RF gain
ads.adc_quarter_clip = 1;
if(src[i].l > ADC_CLIP_WARN_THRESHOLD/2) // This is the trigger threshold for the auto RF gain
ads.adc_half_clip = 1;
if(src[i].l > ADC_CLIP_WARN_THRESHOLD) // This is the threshold for the red clip indicator on S-meter
ads.adc_clip = 1;
adb.i_buffer[i] = (float32_t)src[i].l;
adb.q_buffer[i] = (float32_t)src[i].r;
// artificial amplitude imbalance for testing of the automatic IQ imbalance correction
// arm_scale_f32 (adb.i_buffer, 0.6, adb.i_buffer, blockSize);
// Spectrum display sample collect for magnify == 0
if(iq_freq_mode) // is receive frequency conversion to be done?
AudioDriver_FreqConversion(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, blockSize, iq_freq_mode == FREQ_IQ_CONV_P6KHZ || iq_freq_mode == FREQ_IQ_CONV_P12KHZ);
// Spectrum display sample collect for magnify != 0
// Demodulation, optimized using fast ARM math functions as much as possible
bool dvmode_signal = false;
if (ts.dvmode == true && ts.digital_mode == DigitalMode_FreeDV)
dvmode_signal = AudioDriver_RxProcessorDigital(src, adb.a_buffer[1], blockSize);
// Convolution Filtering DD4WH 2018_08_18
// 1. decimation
// 2. collect samples until we have 128 samples to deal within the convolution
// 3. Convolution Filtering
// 4. AGC working on both I & Q independently
// 5. demodulation (LSB, USB, AM, SAM)
// 6. LPC-based noise blanker
// 7. spectral noise reduction
// 8. scaling
// 9. auto-notch LMS filter
// 10. biquad filter (manual notch, peak, bass adjustment)
// 11. RTTY/BPSK/CW decoding
// 12. interpolation
// 13. biquad treble filter
// 14. mute/scale for lineout, beep etc.
// 15. account for 128 output samples
if (dvmode_signal == false)
if(cbs.DF != 1)
// 1. decimation
// I & Q are decimated in place the same buffer
arm_fir_decimate_f32(&DECIMATE_RX_I, adb.i_buffer, adb.i_buffer, blockSize);
arm_fir_decimate_f32(&DECIMATE_RX_Q, adb.q_buffer, adb.q_buffer, blockSize);
// 2. collect samples until we have 128 samples to deal within the convolution
// put those samples into a new buffer cob.i_buffer_convolution and cob.q_buffer_convolution
// when 128 samples are ready, continue HERE:
// BTW, please use cbs.size instead of hard coded 128, because that could change.
// TODO: I will set cbs.size in the function AudioDriver_SetRxAudioProcessing
const uint8_t dsp_active = ts.dsp_active;
static int trans_count_in=0;
static int outbuff_count=0;
static int Sample_fill_in_pt=0;
static Sample_Buffer* out_buffer = NULL;
// attention -> change no of samples according to decimation factor!
for (int k = 0; k < blockSizeDecim; k++) //transfer our noisy audio to our NR-input buffer
// use new buffers for I & Q, because we cannot use FreeDV buffers
cob.i_buffer_convolution[Sample_fill_in_pt][trans_count_in] = adb.i_buffer[k];
cob.q_buffer_convolution[Sample_fill_in_pt][trans_count_in] = adb.q_buffer[k];
trans_count_in++; // count the samples towards FFT-size
if (trans_count_in >= (cbs.size * 2)) // FFT size is always (input block size * 2)
//FFT_SIZE has to be an integer mult. of blockSizeDecim!!!
// I do not understand the next line? Where is that saved?
// makes no sense to me to call a function with a return value, where the return value is not used
//Sample_in_buffer_add(&mmb.nr_audio_buff[Sample_fill_in_pt]); // save pointer to full buffer
Sample_in_buffer_add(&mmb.nr_audio_buff[Sample_fill_in_pt]); // save pointer to full buffer
trans_count_in=0; // set counter to 0
Sample_fill_in_pt++; // increase pointer index
Sample_fill_in_pt %= SAMPLE_BUFFER_NUM; // make sure, that index stays in range
//at this point we have transfered one complete block of 128 (?) samples to one buffer
//don't worry! in the mean time the noise reduction routine is (hopefully) doing it's job within ui
//as soon as "fdv_audio_has_data" we can start harvesting the output
if (out_buffer == NULL && SAMPLE_out_has_data() > 1)
float32_t Sample_dec_buffer[blockSizeDecim];
if (out_buffer != NULL) // Convolution-routine has finished it's job
for (int j=0; j < blockSizeDecim; j=j+2) // transfer filtered data back to our buffer
// NR_dec_buffer[j] = out_buffer->samples[outbuff_count+NR_FFT_SIZE].real; //here add the offset in the buffer
// NR_dec_buffer[j+1] = out_buffer->samples[outbuff_count+NR_FFT_SIZE].imag; //here add the offset in the buffer
// totally unclear to me, what ->samples means . . .
// why offset?
Sample_dec_buffer[j] = out_buffer->samples[outbuff_count+NR_FFT_SIZE].real; //here add the offset in the buffer
Sample_dec_buffer[j+1] = out_buffer->samples[outbuff_count+NR_FFT_SIZE].imag; //here add the offset in the buffer
if (outbuff_count >= (cbs.size * 2)) // we reached the end of the buffer coming from NR
outbuff_count = 0;
out_buffer = NULL;
arm_copy_f32(NR_dec_buffer, inout_buffer, blockSizeDecim);
* TODO: work on this
#if 0
arm_sub_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ); // difference of I and Q - LSB
case DEMOD_CW:
if(!ts.cw_lsb) // is this USB RX mode? (LSB of mode byte was zero)
arm_add_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ); // sum of I and Q - USB
else // No, it is LSB RX mode
arm_sub_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ); // difference of I and Q - LSB
case DEMOD_AM:
AudioDriver_DemodSAM(blockSize); // lowpass filtering, decimation, and SAM demodulation
// TODO: the above is "real" SAM, old SAM mode (below) could be renamed and implemented as DSB (double sideband mode)
// if anybody needs that
// arm_sub_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.f_buffer, blockSize); // difference of I and Q - LSB
// arm_add_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.e_buffer, blockSize); // sum of I and Q - USB
// arm_add_f32(adb.e_buffer, adb.f_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSize); // sum of LSB & USB = DSB
case DEMOD_FM:
// if we are here, the digital codec (e.g. because of no signal) asked to decode
// using analog demodulation in the respective sideband
if (ts.digi_lsb)
arm_sub_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ); // difference of I and Q - LSB
arm_add_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ); // sum of I and Q - USB
case DEMOD_IQ: // leave I & Q as they are!
arm_copy_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ);
arm_copy_f32(adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[1], blockSizeIQ);
case DEMOD_SSBSTEREO: // LSB-left, USB-right
arm_add_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ); // sum of I and Q - USB
arm_sub_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[1], blockSizeIQ); // difference of I and Q - LSB
arm_add_f32(adb.i_buffer, adb.q_buffer, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ); // sum of I and Q - USB
if(dmod_mode != DEMOD_FM) // are we NOT in FM mode? If we are not, do decimation, filtering, DSP notch/noise reduction, etc.
// Do decimation down to lower rate to reduce processor load
if ( DECIMATE_RX_I.numTaps > 0
&& use_decimatedIQ == false // we did not already decimate the input earlier
&& dmod_mode != DEMOD_SAM
&& dmod_mode != DEMOD_AM) // in AM/SAM mode, the decimation has been done in both I & Q path --> AudioDriver_Demod_SAM
arm_fir_decimate_f32(&DECIMATE_RX_I, adb.a_buffer[0], adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeIQ); // LPF built into decimation (Yes, you can decimate-in-place!)
arm_fir_decimate_f32(&DECIMATE_RX_Q, adb.a_buffer[1], adb.a_buffer[1], blockSizeIQ); // LPF built into decimation (Yes, you can decimate-in-place!)
if (ts.dsp_inhibit == false)
if((dsp_active & DSP_NOTCH_ENABLE) && (dmod_mode != DEMOD_CW) && !(dmod_mode == DEMOD_SAM && (FilterPathInfo[ts.filter_path].sample_rate_dec) == RX_DECIMATION_RATE_24KHZ)) // No notch in CW
//#ifdef OBSOLETE_NR
AudioDriver_NotchFilter(blockSizeDecim, adb.a_buffer[0]); // Do notch filter
// Apply audio bandpass filter
if ((IIR_PreFilter[0].numStages > 0)) // yes, we want an audio IIR filter
arm_iir_lattice_f32(&IIR_PreFilter[0], adb.a_buffer[0], adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeDecim);
if(use_stereo && !ads.af_disabled)
arm_iir_lattice_f32(&IIR_PreFilter[1], adb.a_buffer[1], adb.a_buffer[1], blockSizeDecim);
// now process the samples and perform the receiver AGC function
AudioDriver_RxAgcWdsp(blockSizeDecim, adb.a_buffer[0], adb.a_buffer[1]);
AudioDriver_RxAgcWdsp(blockSizeDecim, adb.a_buffer[0]);
if (ts.nb_setting > 0 || (dsp_active & DSP_NR_ENABLE)) //start of new nb or new noise reduction
// NR_in and _out buffers are using the same physical space than the freedv_iq_buffer in a
// shared MultiModeBuffer union.
// for NR reduction we use a maximum of 256 real samples
// so we use the freedv_iq buffers in a way, that we use the first half of each array for the input
// and the second half for the output
// .real and .imag are loosing there meaning here as they represent consecutive real samples
if (ads.decimation_rate == 4) // to make sure, that we are at 12Ksamples
AudioDriver_RxProcessorNoiseReduction(blockSizeDecim, adb.a_buffer[0]);
} // end of new nb
// Calculate scaling based on decimation rate since this affects the audio gain
if ((FilterPathInfo[ts.filter_path].sample_rate_dec) == RX_DECIMATION_RATE_12KHZ)
post_agc_gain_scaling = POST_AGC_GAIN_SCALING_DECIMATE_4;
post_agc_gain_scaling = POST_AGC_GAIN_SCALING_DECIMATE_2;
// Scale audio according to AGC setting, demodulation mode and required fixed levels and scaling
float32_t scale_gain;
if(dmod_mode == DEMOD_AM || dmod_mode == DEMOD_SAM)
scale_gain = post_agc_gain_scaling * 0.5; // ignore ts.max_rf_gain --> has no meaning with WDSP AGC; and take into account AM scaling factor
else // Not AM
scale_gain = post_agc_gain_scaling * 0.333; // ignore ts.max_rf_gain --> has no meaning with WDSP AGC
arm_scale_f32(adb.a_buffer[0],scale_gain, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeDecim); // apply fixed amount of audio gain scaling to make the audio levels correct along with AGC
arm_scale_f32(adb.a_buffer[1],scale_gain, adb.a_buffer[1], blockSizeDecim); // apply fixed amount of audio gain scaling to make the audio levels correct along with AGC
// this is the biquad filter, a notch, peak, and lowshelf filter
arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32 (&IIR_biquad_1[0], adb.a_buffer[0],adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeDecim);
arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32 (&IIR_biquad_1[1], adb.a_buffer[1],adb.a_buffer[1], blockSizeDecim);
if (is_demod_rtty() && blockSizeDecim == 8) // only works when decimation rate is 4 --> sample rate == 12ksps
AudioDriver_RxProcessor_Rtty(adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeDecim);
if (is_demod_psk() && blockSizeDecim == 8) // only works when decimation rate is 4 --> sample rate == 12ksps
AudioDriver_RxProcessor_Bpsk(adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeDecim);
// if(blockSizeDecim ==8 && dmod_mode == DEMOD_CW)
// if(ts.cw_decoder_enable && blockSizeDecim ==8 && (dmod_mode == DEMOD_CW || dmod_mode == DEMOD_AM || dmod_mode == DEMOD_SAM))
if(blockSizeDecim ==8 && (dmod_mode == DEMOD_CW || dmod_mode == DEMOD_AM || dmod_mode == DEMOD_SAM))
// switch to use TUNE HELPER in AM/SAM
CwDecode_RxProcessor(adb.a_buffer[0], blockSizeDecim);
// resample back to original sample rate while doing low-pass filtering to minimize audible aliasing effects
if (INTERPOLATE_RX[0].phaseLength > 0)
float32_t temp_buffer[IQ_BLOCK_SIZE];
arm_fir_interpolate_f32(&INTERPOLATE_RX[1], adb.a_buffer[1], temp_buffer, blockSizeDecim);
arm_fir_interpolate_f32(&INTERPOLATE_RX[0], adb.a_buffer[0], adb.a_buffer[1], blockSizeDecim);
// additional antialias filter for specific bandwidths
// IIR ARMA-type lattice filter
if (IIR_AntiAlias[0].numStages > 0) // yes, we want an interpolation IIR filter
arm_iir_lattice_f32(&IIR_AntiAlias[0], adb.a_buffer[1], adb.a_buffer[1], blockSize);
arm_iir_lattice_f32(&IIR_AntiAlias[1], adb.a_buffer[0], adb.a_buffer[0], blockSize);
} // end NOT in FM mode
else if(dmod_mode == DEMOD_FM) // it is FM - we don't do any decimation, interpolation, filtering or any other processing - just rescale audio amplitude
RadioManagement_FmDevIs5khz() ? FM_RX_SCALING_5K : FM_RX_SCALING_2K5,
blockSizeDecim); // apply fixed amount of audio gain scaling to make the audio levels correct along with AGC
AudioDriver_RxAgcWdsp(blockSizeDecim, adb.a_buffer[0], adb.a_buffer[1]);
AudioDriver_RxAgcWdsp(blockSizeDecim, adb.a_buffer[0]);
// this is the biquad filter, a highshelf filter
arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32 (&IIR_biquad_2[0], adb.a_buffer[1],adb.a_buffer[1], blockSize);
arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32 (&IIR_biquad_2[1], adb.a_buffer[0],adb.a_buffer[0], blockSize);
#endif // of temporary #if 0
} // end of if (dvmode_signal == false)
} // end of if (ads.af_disabled == 0 )
// interpolation
// TODO: at this point we have 128 real audio samples filtered and AGC<47>ed in the variable (for mono modes)
// for stereo modes (not yet implemented), the other channel is in cob.q_buffer_convolution
// now we have to make blocks of 32 samples out of that for further processing
// and put these into adb.a_buffer[0] and adb.a_buffer[1]
// (the latter is only different from adb.a_buffer[0] for stereo modes, not yet implemented)
bool do_mute_output =
|| ts.audio_dac_muting_buffer_count > 0
|| (ads.af_disabled)
|| ((dmod_mode == DEMOD_FM) && ads.fm_squelched);
// this flag is set during rx tx transition, so once this is active we mute our output to the I2S Codec
if (do_mute_output)
// fill audio buffers with zeroes if we are to mute the receiver completely while still processing data OR it is in FM and squelched
// or when filters are switched
arm_fill_f32(0, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSize);
arm_fill_f32(0, adb.a_buffer[1], blockSize);
if (ts.audio_dac_muting_buffer_count > 0)
// BOTH CHANNELS "FIXED" GAIN as input for audio amp and headphones/lineout
// each output path has its own gain control.
// Do fixed scaling of audio for LINE OUT
arm_scale_f32(adb.a_buffer[1], LINE_OUT_SCALING_FACTOR, adb.a_buffer[1], blockSize);
if (use_stereo)
arm_scale_f32(adb.a_buffer[0], LINE_OUT_SCALING_FACTOR, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSize);
// we simply copy the data from the other channel
arm_copy_f32(adb.a_buffer[1], adb.a_buffer[0], blockSize);
// LINE OUT (constant level)
arm_scale_f32(adb.a_buffer[1], LINE_OUT_SCALING_FACTOR, adb.a_buffer[0], blockSize); // Do fixed scaling of audio for LINE OUT and copy to "a" buffer in one operation
// AF gain in "ts.audio_gain-active"
// 0 - 16: via codec command
// 17 - 20: soft gain after decoder
#ifdef UI_BRD_MCHF
if(ts.rx_gain[RX_AUDIO_SPKR].value > CODEC_SPEAKER_MAX_VOLUME) // is volume control above highest hardware setting?
arm_scale_f32(adb.a_buffer[1], (float32_t)ts.rx_gain[RX_AUDIO_SPKR].active_value, adb.a_buffer[1], blockSize); // yes, do software volume control adjust on "b" buffer
float32_t usb_audio_gain = ts.rx_gain[RX_AUDIO_DIG].value/31.0;
// Transfer processed audio to DMA buffer
for(int i=0; i < blockSize; i++) // transfer to DMA buffer and do conversion to INT
// TODO: move to softdds ...
if((ts.beep_active) && (ads.beep.step)) // is beep active?
// Yes - Calculate next sample
// shift accumulator to index sine table
adb.a_buffer[1][i] += (float32_t)softdds_nextSample(&ads.beep) * ads.beep_loudness_factor; // load indexed sine wave value, adding it to audio, scaling the amplitude and putting it on "b" - speaker (ONLY)
else // beep not active - force reset of accumulator to start at zero to minimize "click" caused by an abrupt voltage transition at startup
ads.beep.acc = 0;
if (do_mute_output)
dst[i].l = 0;
dst[i].r = 0;
dst[i].l = adb.a_buffer[1][i];
dst[i].r = adb.a_buffer[0][i];
// Unless this is DIGITAL I/Q Mode, we sent processed audio
if (tx_audio_source != TX_AUDIO_DIGIQ)
int16_t vals[2];
vals[0] = adb.a_buffer[0][i] * usb_audio_gain;
vals[1] = adb.a_buffer[1][i] * usb_audio_gain;
vals[0] = vals[1] = adb.a_buffer[0][i] * usb_audio_gain;